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S3xyTrap commented on
Posted by
4 points · 1 year ago

that's not how bundles work

S3xyTrap commented on
Posted by
3 points · 1 year ago

keep up the good work yo

S3xyTrap commented on
Posted by
41 points · 1 year ago

Ah I remember when you actually had to put in effort for the cool armor, and not just your wallet. The vidmaster challenges were brutal.

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1 point · 1 year ago

recon was pay walled.

S3xyTrap commented on
Posted by
2 points · 1 year ago

biggest slap in the face

post nullified

S3xyTrap commented on
Posted by
84 points · 1 year ago

kudos to ske7ch here, he put his foot down against this community

this sub for the past couple weeks has been absolutely unbearable

Comment removed by moderator1 year ago
-14 points · 1 year ago

grow up.

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Posted by1 year ago
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Helpful (Pro)HelpfulSilverParty Train
1.3k points · 1 year ago
PlatinumGold4Brighten My DayHelpful (Pro)

I can't reply to every person yelling at me/343 here so want to just share a few final things to take or leave as you see fit. When we have some updates to share I'll be back.

First, I'm going to stress again that I 100% understand and generally agree with the frustrations most are expressing even if I don't agree with the attacks and ways in which some choose to express those feelings. Call me a shill, a liar, corp speak, etc. as you want, but I've never lied to this community and never will. And I'm not saying myself are 343 are a 'victim' in any way - that's yet another narrative some folks here have chosen to apply. It's my job to come in here, listen, franky take it on the chin, and despite personally being very put off by the way in which many are expressing themselves, still ensure that we are advocating for players internally. We do that regardless of it being positive or negative and always will.

As for Slayer itself - we're still having discussions around feasibility. Yes this is absolutely a hot topic and something the team is aware of. We would love to have modes and experiences that meet player expectations vs. the backlash situation we're in today. I don't believe anyone at 343 thought not having Slayer was a 'good idea.'

I don't personally agree we 'owe' folks a detailed dissertation on 'what 343 has been doing the last 6 years' or 'who ever thought this was a good idea', etc.. We have had people working their asses off for years to try and deliver the best Halo game they can amidst very challenging circumstances. But, I will try to at least provide some context for those who are interested.

The launch playlists were setup as they were to take a measured approach. We have UI limitations with the game right now in the way and number of playlists that are exposed. We have complex and not-ideal progression and challenge systems intertwined in playlists and modes that are not necessarily trivial to de-couple and change. (yes the entire challenge/progression system needs a lot of work - something the team is acutely aware of and prioritizing).

The team's plans for a Slayer playlist, I think, are more robust than what might 'suffice' for an interim solution. I love the ideas and some of the variants they're working on - those all require tuning and most importantly - testing. QA is a huge dependency and it's a critical part of the development pipeline that has been running nonstop for months to launch this game.

We are re-evaluating what it would take to potentially just start with a 'vanilla Slayer' playlist as a shorter term addition until the more robust offering is ready. I think the main hurdle that needs to be addressed and may require more time than is feasible before the holiday break is the knock on effect to challenges and needing to also re-assess 'quick play' and what that becomes. Historically, a Slayer only playlist and an Objective only playlist has always resulted in the Obj playlist quickly becoming unhealthy - but maybe we inevitably have no choice but to go down that route until more robust systems are available (note I am not a MP or systems designer).

It's just not quite as trivial as 'pushing a button.' And at the scale and complexity of this game - any and every change could have monumental impact in a negative way without extensive testing. Triaging these feedback issues and finding 'what CAN we do now' is what the team is already doing and will continue doing. Everything has to be tested. Everything has downstream dependencies and knock on effects. And, we're 4 days from a global launch with holidays right after.

As far as the notion of this all being a ploy to force challenge swaps - it just isn't. I don't expect everyone to believe that, but while we may not agree with the playlist selections and approach, I'm just going to say again "making players have no control and have to use swaps" has never once been a thing I've heard. Ever. And again, we know this entire challenge system is not ideal and while I'm glad they've been able to make some interim tweaks to progression pace and remove some of the more frustrating RNG challenges, there is absolutely more work to be done and this is not the ideal vision the Live team has in mind. (though, more challenge tweaks are coming with the playlist update, details to come soon) I did not really enjoy having to grind through 20+ games of Quick Play to hopefully get Oddball so I could hopefully win 3 times to complete a challenge. Or, <shudder>, having to get 10 Ravager kills. Is this week's Ultimate Reward of just an emblem really worth the grind? There's a lot of work to do - we are all in agreement there. A few more changes are coming this month and I hope we can start to lay out more robust plans after the break.

Not everyone likes that Infinite is a F2P game and thus has a new business model based on monetization of customization. I understand where you're coming from, especially with a 20 year established franchise with a longstanding legacy. F2P has been a huge boost to growing the player base and we've seen a huge amount of new players entering the franchise for the first time ever. But this is a business - the servers you play on cost money to operate. The studio that develops and maintains the game costs money. Battlepass and premium customization is the model for this game today. Is there room to continue assessing the overall economy and value for players? Absolutely and that's also an area the team is constantly monitoring and learning. The creation of cosmetics and the battlepass have absolutely nothing to do with something like a playlist. That content was created ages ago, is static, and wasn't done 'instead of playlists.' Was it a priority to make sure that this game could in fact generate revenue? Of course.

I'm starting to ramble here but the main TLDR is, for what it's worth, we're going to do what we can as soon as we can. If things today do not meet your expectations then I'm sorry you've been disappointed. I'm confident this game will continue to get better and better and all of these issues are fixable. I also realize that some players are just going to not play anymore - maybe they come back, maybe they don't. I also know - and want to be very up front and honest - that the pace at which bigger changes are brought to bear will absolutely not be as fast as many want. We have some problems, for sure, but I'm really proud of the foundation the team was able to deliver.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion. It's your prerogative to play or not play. I'd rather have people who are so passionate they're yelling at us than nobody caring at all. But I just ask that people please take a breath here, understand there are human beings behind this who put years of their lives into just trying to make the best experiences they can, and do not rush to judge or assume you've got it all figured out.

And with that, I fully expect to be blasted from here out, but hopefully for some, this post helps provide a bit more context. Have a great weekend everyone.

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Op42 points · 1 year ago

holy shit this is a fantastic write up

7 points · 1 year ago

So you just voluntarily get fucked because it’s the standard, got it I guess lol

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Op-4 points · 1 year ago

never said i liked the prices, but these prices aren't exactly surprising

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S3xyTrap commented on
Posted byu/[deleted]
362 points · 1 year ago
GoldheheheheDoomStonks Falling

What else can be said? We’ve attempted to explain the situation, folks are understandably upset and have all sorts of their own takes and narratives spinning around. Any attempt at dialog is met with outrage and attacks.

At this point we’ll just need to continue working and moving forward and I understand that’s not good enough or fast enough, etc for many - but this is the situation we are in.

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-10 points · 1 year ago

rooting for y'all, this sub is horrid

S3xyTrap commented on
Posted by
2 points · 1 year ago

this was fucking awesome

23 points · 1 year ago

and mkb players bitching about controller aim assist lol

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33 points · 1 year ago

wow a very niche scenario where kbm has an advantage is apparently the equivalent of controller having the advantage in 80% of the game

you really got them.

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