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[–]chefboyarduone (1) Benefit of the Doubt Token 🪙 200 points201 points  (2 children)

Not this Kandy-Marlo retrospective!! Producers are PRODUCING tonight 🔥🔥🔥

[–]throwawaygremlins 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Omg I want Bravo editors to do this every time before a beef between cast members is introduced!

Proof right there, I was dying! 🤣

[–]messyundone 201 points202 points  (1 child)

"The only reason I'm crying right now is cuz I can't choke yo ass, bitch" - Kandi

[–]lilly_1005_2007Not a white refrigerator! 175 points176 points  (0 children)

Marlo only views support in terms of gifts and money. Kandi giving you sincere words IS SUPPORT even if it’s doesn’t cost a thing. Catering your funeral is insane.

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you![🍰] 168 points169 points  (2 children)

wait a minute, drew is from chicago? i never would’ve guessed. she never brings it up at all.

[–]jaybirdbullWere you there, beloved? 171 points172 points  (2 children)

Sheree cannot pick the right side of a fight, the right man, the right website domain…

[–]marrrina831Not the splits. Just Kyle. 150 points151 points  (0 children)

The more they say "cousin" the less I believe it

[–]milotic615 148 points149 points  (0 children)

"You cannot attack your friends because of your unresolved trauma." Get her again, Drew!!!

[–]la_58 132 points133 points  (0 children)

Bless whoever remembered that they had this unseen footage. 😂

[–]pinkbeary 121 points122 points  (2 children)

Ngl I feel like I am always gonna be team Kandi and/or Kenya

[–]Effective-Bus 56 points57 points  (0 children)

I always side with Kandi even when I'm siding with someone else.

[–]picard17My bootyhole is retired 119 points120 points  (2 children)

I'm so confused as to what point Marlo is even trying to make.

[–]ZealousidealClass826 53 points54 points  (0 children)

Because there is no point

[–]BusybodiiRule#3: Check YOURself 17 points18 points  (0 children)

The point is that she doesn’t have anything else going on, so she has to grasp for straws to try to create a moment. It’s so unsubstantial.

[–]caabr1 110 points111 points  (3 children)

Ralph even lies about surgeries.

[–]chefboyarduone (1) Benefit of the Doubt Token 🪙 222 points223 points  (6 children)

If Kandi would've catered the repast, Marlo would've wanted her to pay for the funeral. If she would've paid for the funeral, Marlo would've wanted her to dig the grave herself. It's never enough. Kandi is smart to maintain a boundary with her.

[–]ZealousidealClass826 95 points96 points  (0 children)

…Wanted Xscape to sing at the funeral

[–]Ok-Cartoonist-1868 91 points92 points  (1 child)

Kandi donated beautiful and gently used clothes to young women in need last season and Marlo called her cheap for not buying new

[–]MotherOfCatses 53 points54 points  (0 children)

If you give a mouse a cookie...

[–]httpsierraKENMORA IS ACROSS DA STREET 101 points102 points  (3 children)

Marlo has some weird, almost romantic-adjacent obsession with having proximity and a relationship with Kandi. She doesnt know if she wants to be her or if she wants to be with her. Its like she would skin Kandi and wear her if it was possible.

[–]TheNuttyLookoutthats why her forehead is so big, its full of lies 39 points40 points  (1 child)

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you![🍰] 99 points100 points  (0 children)


[–]Kay312010 95 points96 points  (1 child)

Marlo is so desperate to be relevant at the expense of a sad tragedy.

[–]milotic615 94 points95 points  (1 child)

Aww...the way she fell asleep on Shereé... Mecca is too cute!

[–]lilly_1005_2007Not a white refrigerator! 91 points92 points  (2 children)

Do y’all send flowers to every funeral you hear about from your acquaintances and colleagues? Because I know I dont. So it makes sense that Kandi just sent a sad text and didn’t do more.

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you![🍰] 90 points91 points  (2 children)

kandi may be small (🎵 OOOOOOOOH 🎵) but she will fight marlo. that’s so fucking funny. she was absolutely not threatened. what so fucking ever.

[–]caabr1 179 points180 points  (0 children)

Kairo only inheritong Bob's height is Sheree's happy ending.

[–]caabr1 82 points83 points  (0 children)

The montage highlighted what most people know. Marlo's jealousy is her real enemy.

[–]la_58 87 points88 points  (4 children)

Marlo needs to decide what she’s upset about. Is she upset about the shooting that happened AT OLG or is she upset about Kandi not being concerned enough about her nephews death? She’s trying to grasp for straws at this point and make the two things connect when they aren’t connected.

[–]MotherOfCatses 27 points28 points  (0 children)

One min shes mad ka di didn't acknowledge the shooting. Then she's mad Kandi didn't get grilled like she has. Then she's mad Drew didn't use the word shooting specifically. Bffr

[–]picard17My bootyhole is retired 85 points86 points  (1 child)

You know there's not much drama going on this season when Sanya's family members are getting their own confessionals.

[–]lilly_1005_2007Not a white refrigerator! 80 points81 points  (2 children)

That cameo recruitment text 😂

[–]dull_shimmer 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Sounds like when the huns hit you up on social media.

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you![🍰] 73 points74 points  (0 children)

may kairo always be the dad that little mecca deserves. ❤️

[–]caabr1 75 points76 points  (1 child)

I agree that they ALL need to stop mentioning her past. But Marlo brings up people's past CONSTANTLY. She's been calling Kandi a sugar mama for over a decade.

Lol! At least Kandi kept it real that she didn't feel threatened by Marlo.

[–]superficialwishesYou'll kill people with your nasty tequila 72 points73 points  (0 children)

Oh Kandi is PISSED pissed

[–]ZealousidealClass826 132 points133 points  (4 children)

Marlo’s knock-off versions of Don Juan and Carmen

[–]Dday515Acient African Proverb 32 points33 points  (0 children)

They could never.

[–]MCStarlight 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Is this the Marlo Mafia?

[–]Dday515Acient African Proverb 63 points64 points  (0 children)

We getting a big flashback. Some shit better happen tonight.

[–]bobarowlett96GUERDYFIED!!! 62 points63 points  (3 children)

Bravo, give Kenya a "Bob the Builder"-esque interior design limited series. I would like to see it.

[–]Due_Tower_4787go read a book to a child 12 points13 points  (0 children)

[–]aggieemily2013for you to die. 64 points65 points  (1 child)

Hahahaha Sonya said not now Courtney.

[–]Effective-Bus 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Cracked me up

[–]lilly_1005_2007Not a white refrigerator! 61 points62 points  (0 children)

Kandi was about to throw Kenya out the way

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you![🍰] 64 points65 points  (0 children)



[–]aggieemily2013for you to die. 117 points118 points  (2 children)

Marlo is coming off as a real trauma vulture. You know those Midwest moms who are like remember that person you met one time two decades ago and you're like no and then they give you like five more minutes of context and they seem vaguely familiar so you say yes to avoid more context and then they tell you that person is dead so you can be sad together? Like that.

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you![🍰] 54 points55 points  (1 child)

kandi acknowledged the shooting multiple times, acknowledging how horrible it was (thank you, producers). what more does marlo want, for her to pay for the fucking funeral?

[–]MotherOfCatses 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Of a shooting that didn't happen at her restaurant of all things....

[–]MCStarlight 55 points56 points  (0 children)

So when is the baby getting a confessional?

[–]advocatecarey 59 points60 points  (1 child)

Courtney’s voice is grating on my nerves…stop being so damn loud.

[–]GreigebabyKentucky Fried Titties 26 points27 points  (0 children)

That vocal fry is so grating

[–]Dday515Acient African Proverb 53 points54 points  (0 children)

Marlo's not even being sneaky with creating smoke over one thing while "secretly" beefing over something else (aka housewives 101).

She thinks kandi needs to be more open. I could get behind her there. But this BS storyline ain't it.

[–]milotic615 109 points110 points  (1 child)

Kandi is Marlo's storyline, and that's that.

[–]Lanky_Chemist_3773Call the ambulance! Check her pulse! 50 points51 points  (0 children)

She got tired of exploiting her living nephews’ pain and needed a new target.

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you![🍰] 102 points103 points  (4 children)

kandi: “your nephew no longer worked with us at the time of his death.”

marlo: “so what does that say about your character?”

marlo WHAT


[–]Effective-Bus 21 points22 points  (1 child)

Hahahaha the Scheana reunion shots. Love it.

[–]Loud-Contribution227 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Yeah is she moving the goalpost or?? I know grief is a difficult thing and sometimes we feel better by placing blame, but I’m so confused.

[–]caabr1 51 points52 points  (0 children)

Appreciate the retrospective, but they missed Marlo's first season when she was calling Kandi Todd's sugar mama.

[–]Effective-Bus 55 points56 points  (0 children)

Bravo... stop normalizing life coaches (in lieu of therapy).

[–]chefboyarduone (1) Benefit of the Doubt Token 🪙 50 points51 points  (0 children)

I'm loving this Grandma Sheree scene!! That baby is so precious!!

[–]milotic615 51 points52 points  (0 children)

Marlo: I feel like I have a lot of positivity coming my way.

Kandi: Not today, Satan.

Kandi cracks me up!!! 🤣

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you![🍰] 44 points45 points  (3 children)

what’s the problem with calling a shooting an incident? truly, i don’t see the problem there.

[–]goddiver 30 points31 points  (0 children)

It’s thoughtful to phrase things like this delicately, truly what is the problem.

[–]la_58 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Yeah I agree. The only problem I see is with Drew pretending she’s so traumatized by saying/hearing the word shooting. Other than that I don’t see why Marlo is so pressed by it.

[–]goddiver 44 points45 points  (1 child)

There’s no right or wrong way to grieve, but Marlo just said she didn’t even realize it bothered her until now but somehow Kandi has had to fulfill wishes Marlo didn’t even know she had?

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you![🍰] 46 points47 points  (0 children)

sanya’s MOM has a confessional?

[–]la_58 44 points45 points  (0 children)

Why are side characters getting their own confessionals?

[–]lilly_1005_2007Not a white refrigerator! 44 points45 points  (0 children)

I love squeaky Kandi

[–]lilly_1005_2007Not a white refrigerator! 45 points46 points  (0 children)

I love that Kandi wears her emotions on her sleeve.

[–]aggieemily2013for you to die. 46 points47 points  (1 child)

Because Marlo is antagonizing, Sonya.

[–]Perfect_Invitation1It's not entertaining. It's not interesting. It's wack. 38 points39 points  (0 children)

Sanya is dumb. It’s like she wants to compete with Sheree for siding with the wrong team.

[–]SufficientEmployee6 49 points50 points  (0 children)

Marlos unhealed trauma is not Kandi concern.

[–]MCStarlight 45 points46 points  (1 child)

At least Kandi pays her people

[–]PeaceGirlAlways 93 points94 points  (2 children)

Marlo needs to make sure that she has done her warmup exercises. Because this whole thing about Kandi not acknowledging her nephew’s death a gazillion years ago is a STRETCH!!!

[–]CAPSlockd224 42 points43 points  (0 children)

If only Marlo operated from a place of sincerity instead of trying to make drama moments

[–]KandisKoolAidWeave 40 points41 points  (3 children)

Did anyone else notice in the flashback when they showed the Season 4 opening credits with all the housewives holding peaches, they photoshopped Nene out? Bravo is DONE done with her.

[–]MarvelousRobNot Meredith Marks' PI 44 points45 points  (1 child)

Lying ass bitch 💀💀💀💀

[–]roseofultramarineNaymum! Naymum! Naymum! 41 points42 points  (3 children)

“I’m from Chicago; we don’t use that word.”

[–]MarvelousRobNot Meredith Marks' PI 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Like girl, since when 💀

[–]MotherOfCatses 81 points82 points  (4 children)

I'm sorry but congratulating and praising a man for doing the bare minimum parenting is tired. They're equal parents they should have equal responsibilities. ETA - I am glad he's breaking the cycle he grew up in and is being there for his daughter and his significant other. But I stand by raising the bar. This should be the standard not the exception.

[–]lilly_1005_2007Not a white refrigerator! 36 points37 points  (2 children)

100% but this is a show where mothers tend to praise both their daughters and sons for anything so if I was sheree, I’d want to make it clear how amazing my kid is 🤷‍♀️ I think you have a strong point but it doesn’t really match the scenario

[–]MotherOfCatses 15 points16 points  (1 child)

I see your point. It's a good point. She got me with the tearing up too, she's so proud.

[–]GreigebabyKentucky Fried Titties 27 points28 points  (0 children)

I understand completely, but like Sheree I didn’t have that either, so seeing it in action makes me feel things

[–]Effective-Bus 76 points77 points  (0 children)

"This bitch gon make me act stupid."

Kandi, I relate to this so much.

[–]realitytviconthe rumors, the nastiness about her 39 points40 points  (0 children)

That intro was so cunt I’m sorry😍

[–]lilly_1005_2007Not a white refrigerator! 37 points38 points  (2 children)

I’m shocked marlo has a team behind her considering how she behaves. Getting her PR trained would be my first task.

[–]caabr1 31 points32 points  (0 children)

Me and my entire Jamaican family have never discussed patties this much.

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you![🍰] 36 points37 points  (0 children)

shaky voiced kandi is coming, and i’m so ready to watch her go off.

[–]caabr1 36 points37 points  (1 child)

I hate when people are mad because you're mad. It's so manipulative.

[–]Effective-Bus 39 points40 points  (4 children)

Have we seen Kandi this angry???!

[–]SufficientEmployee6 44 points45 points  (0 children)

Not since red hair Kandi

[–]wreckingcrewemarlo support me bitch 31 points32 points  (0 children)

She was way angrier at pillow talk.

[–]advocatecarey 36 points37 points  (0 children)

Kandi is activated!

[–]marrrina831Not the splits. Just Kyle. 65 points66 points  (2 children)

I...I would watch a spinoff about Kenya's salon.

[–]jahkat23Tired Mama Joyce Wig😣 27 points28 points  (0 children)

montage???? this episode will be craY

[–]superficialwishesYou'll kill people with your nasty tequila 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Production pulling out the receipts on Marlo

[–]advocatecarey 29 points30 points  (0 children)

5 damn episodes of this BS storyline! What is this RHOBH?!?

[–]Aicari 32 points33 points  (0 children)

Marlo pls get a new storyline. Kandi doesn’t owe you sh*t

[–]lilly_1005_2007Not a white refrigerator! 31 points32 points  (1 child)

Sania wants the benefits of her family as homemakers but then wants them to dip at night once they’re done. That’s not fair

[–]PeaceGirlAlways 30 points31 points  (0 children)

Awww. I love how sweet Kairo is with precious Mecca. He is such a good dad!

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you![🍰] 36 points37 points  (2 children)

cannot believe that kenya and shamea (aka shimmy shimmy coco puffs) are hanging out now. the times, they are a-changing.

[–]caabr1 25 points26 points  (0 children)

From "Get off MY boat" to "Bring the kids".

[–]lilly_1005_2007Not a white refrigerator! 19 points20 points  (0 children)

They’ve been solid friend since season 10/11 when Kenya and Shamea were pregnant. Shamea is close w Kandi since season 8 so naturally they’re close now.

[–]lilly_1005_2007Not a white refrigerator! 30 points31 points  (0 children)

When Kandi smiles and she’s mad- ooo she’s about to win the fight

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you![🍰] 59 points60 points  (0 children)

kandi really came here READY to fight marlo. my body is ready.


[–]chefboyarduone (1) Benefit of the Doubt Token 🪙 57 points58 points  (4 children)

Courtney, Ralph, and Drew are hitting this "cousin" thing so hard it makes me think that they are not, in fact, cousins

[–]psychic_barbie 30 points31 points  (3 children)

I thought she was his mistress at first

[–]chefboyarduone (1) Benefit of the Doubt Token 🪙 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Could this be the infamous assistant from Tampa??? 🧐

[–]Effective-Bus 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Oh Marlo... always biting the Peaches that feed.

[–]helvetica_unicornMonica’s crepe 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Why are we still on this storyline?!?

[–]SufficientEmployee6 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Why is this scene with Marlo still talking about Kandi almost 10 mins long.... NEXT.

[–]la_58 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Marlo could have these beautiful, vulnerable moments about her nephew but she chooses to make the moments about Kandi. 🤦🏾‍♀️🙄

[–]milotic615 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Sanya's mom is beautiful.

[–]SufficientEmployee6 27 points28 points  (11 children)

After reading the tea on this whole family in the house situation Sanya isn't innocent in all this.

[–]fuchsiatiger 23 points24 points  (3 children)

Oh? Please tell me more !

[–]SufficientEmployee6 44 points45 points  (2 children)

Allegedly her mom and sister had their own houses in Texas and had full jobs and lives that Sanya asked them to uproot for the show promising them that being on RHOA will be $$$ for the whole family.

[–]fuchsiatiger 16 points17 points  (1 child)

Ah okay. I could see why it’s making her sister annoyed but it seems they did all agree to 1-2 years. Maybe they were expecting more money before having to head out tho.

[–]chefboyarduone (1) Benefit of the Doubt Token 🪙 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Off topic but this armpit/ deodorant commercial is so strange. They're trying to say that every armpit is beautiful but then they proceed to... only show standardly beautiful armpits? Lol if you're going to go, go all the way!

[–]aggieemily2013for you to die. 28 points29 points  (1 child)

I feel like four months is a reasonable time for Grandma to learn about grandkid.

[–]veronicagetsmehighmy job is to be Shannon Storms Beador 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Yeah what does she need to do to prepare lol

[–]picard17My bootyhole is retired 25 points26 points  (2 children)

The flashbacks of the kids always make me feel so old 😂

[–]jahkat23Tired Mama Joyce Wig😣 29 points30 points  (0 children)

kairo being a dad is so wild the time🤧

[–]MCStarlight 27 points28 points  (4 children)

Drew: “I’m from Chicago!” - her favorite thing to say

[–]RoguePhoenix89 27 points28 points  (0 children)

"I'm from Chicago bitch"

[–]dull_shimmer 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Courtney's voice is so grating, and I already have a migraine

[–]roseofultramarineNaymum! Naymum! Naymum! 23 points24 points  (0 children)

I been braiding my daughter’s hair and I’m kinda inspired by Kandi’s braids for a future style.

[–]roseofultramarineNaymum! Naymum! Naymum! 27 points28 points  (0 children)

Kandi was about to throw Kenya to the ground

[–]Aicari 27 points28 points  (0 children)

Marlo your past gets brought up cause you’re questioning someone’s character over some bs lol

[–]SufficientEmployee6 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Leave the past alone but Marlo is calling out this incident with her nephew from 3 years ago

[–]MCStarlight 28 points29 points  (2 children)

Courtney and her Valley girl voice

[–]CAPSlockd224 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Not the receipts on Marlo

[–]aggieemily2013for you to die. 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Why oh why did they give Marlo a peach for the second season in a row? Ugh.

[–]lilly_1005_2007Not a white refrigerator! 21 points22 points  (1 child)

The issue is Sanya wants her sister there and Ross doesn’t and her family is confused on where they stand and what to expect

[–]la_58 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Right. plus Sanya keeps saying “it’s convenient for me” but packaging as being convenient for “us” without thinking about whether it’s actually convenient for Ross. So yeah the family is definitely confused.

[–]caabr1 19 points20 points  (1 child)

Sanya dresses like Rudy Huxtable

[–]lilly_1005_2007Not a white refrigerator! 19 points20 points  (3 children)

Kenya pivoting into this space makes so much sense for her brand

[–]RoguePhoenix89 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Thank God she divorced him.

[–]lilly_1005_2007Not a white refrigerator! 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Kenya dressing up as Ariel for Brooklyn is so sweet

[–]roseofultramarineNaymum! Naymum! Naymum! 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Courtney’s voice is so grating.

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you![🍰] 23 points24 points  (0 children)

with all the times they say cousin, i hope that there’s a reveal at some point in the season that courtney isn’t actually ralph’s cousin.

[–]helvetica_unicornMonica’s crepe 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Bravo, please get Courtney off my tv. That is all.

[–]veronicagetsmehighmy job is to be Shannon Storms Beador 23 points24 points  (2 children)

I like kandis hair like this

[–]fuchsiatiger 22 points23 points  (0 children)

Can anyone who supports Marlo explain to me why she is upset ??

[–]MCStarlight 20 points21 points  (0 children)

“I may be small…ohhh” 🎵

[–]Aicari 23 points24 points  (0 children)

I’m mad for kandi rn lmao marlo is sooo full of it

[–]MCStarlight 18 points19 points  (0 children)

They didn’t even get to do the escape room. 😂

[–]superficialwishesYou'll kill people with your nasty tequila 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Marlo this is just not landing babe.

[–]veronicagetsmehighmy job is to be Shannon Storms Beador 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Kandis not afraid of Marlo at all lol love it

[–]Effective-Bus 19 points20 points  (1 child)

I do HARD agree with Sheree about Marlo and her past. That shit is tired.

[–]advocatecarey 18 points19 points  (0 children)

So, Marlo is full of shit…shocking 🙄

[–]advocatecarey 18 points19 points  (0 children)

This cousin crap on Bravo needs to stop. We all have cousins, we don’t constantly talk about them being our cousins.

[–]Effective-Bus 18 points19 points  (0 children)

These women are fucking stunning.

[–]PeaceGirlAlways 17 points18 points  (0 children)

I love how Kandi wears her emotions on her face. 😁

[–]Ckc1972Go to sleep! Go to sleep! 17 points18 points  (1 child)

Marlo like to antagonize people and then play the innocent

[–]Funny-Expression2657 18 points19 points  (1 child)

Wasn’t Marlo just kicking on Kenya hotel door like a donkey last week?

[–]jaybirdbullWere you there, beloved? 19 points20 points  (1 child)

Why is Courtney here? Does she even understand at all what show she’s on?

[–]PeaceGirlAlways 17 points18 points  (1 child)

Ha ha. Love Kenya talking about Marlo renegotiating her deal with the devil! 😁

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you![🍰] 17 points18 points  (1 child)


bravo don’t do this to meeeeeeee 💀


[–]EJB515 18 points19 points  (0 children)

At least Drew picked the right team. Does Sanya really think Marlo is the star of the program? Lol

[–]Electronic-Fee-4831Stovepipe legs 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Oooohhh I wish they would take Marlos rotten peach

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you![🍰] 17 points18 points  (0 children)

“previously unseen footage.” we’re so blessed.

[–]Eternalflaneuri just wanted to shift it a little bit 👩🏼🤏🏾 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Is this the first time these “managers” are meeting Marlo? They don’t know her at all lmao

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you![🍰] 15 points16 points  (0 children)

truly feeling blessed to be getting a glimpse of pillow talk kandi tonight.


[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you![🍰] 15 points16 points  (0 children)

we still have fifteen minutes. are we actually going to see the whole fight? please, bravo, don’t let me down. 🙏

[–]chefboyarduone (1) Benefit of the Doubt Token 🪙 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Whew Drew wants to laugh so bad about this confrontation

[–]wreckingcrewemarlo support me bitch 18 points19 points  (1 child)

Oh great now Sanya is gonna tell Marlo she called her a “trick” and Marlo is gonna make that her other storyline.

[–]RangerFan293The bar of soap? You might wanna help ya husband 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Did they edit out Nene from the opening?!

[–]Effective-Bus 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Todd has written multiple movies 🤦🏻‍♀️

[–]RoguePhoenix89 16 points17 points  (2 children)

Omg can you imagine being stuck with Courtney in an escape room

[–]lilly_1005_2007Not a white refrigerator! 24 points25 points  (1 child)

At least you’d have real motivation to escape

[–]jahkat23Tired Mama Joyce Wig😣 15 points16 points  (0 children)

kandi having her sneakers im crying

[–]MCStarlight 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Get her, Kandi!

[–]Perfect_Invitation1It's not entertaining. It's not interesting. It's wack. 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Somebody please pop Marlo.

[–]RoguePhoenix89 15 points16 points  (1 child)

This ep is all over the place lol

[–]Eternalflaneuri just wanted to shift it a little bit 👩🏼🤏🏾 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Shut up Marlo lol

[–]SufficientEmployee6 16 points17 points  (0 children)

They should maybe have this conversation without the kids there.

[–]RoguePhoenix89 12 points13 points  (0 children)

I know Sanya's mama cook good

[–]meowmeowmeow328Not a white refrigerator! 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Kairo 😩 he looks soooooo grown up

[–]Eternalflaneuri just wanted to shift it a little bit 👩🏼🤏🏾 13 points14 points  (0 children)

“Marlo a big one” 😩

[–]veronicagetsmehighmy job is to be Shannon Storms Beador 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Why is Courtney planning a group event?

[–]marrrina831Not the splits. Just Kyle. 13 points14 points  (3 children)

I'm too high for this whole sequence

[–]chefboyarduone (1) Benefit of the Doubt Token 🪙 14 points15 points  (1 child)

This "Todd writing a movie" scene was mercifully short 🙏🏿

[–]lilly_1005_2007Not a white refrigerator! 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Everything Marlo is saying is slanderous and ridiculous

[–]lilly_1005_2007Not a white refrigerator! 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Kairo BM is hot, they’re a good looking couple

[–]mendeliciousShe had a Sesame Street twinkle in her eye 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Whopper whopper whopper whopper… I hate this commercial! That song always gets stuck in my head.

[–]veronicagetsmehighmy job is to be Shannon Storms Beador 11 points12 points  (0 children)

How many fucking times do we have to see these same fucking texts

[–]zbornaksBEAST?!? How dare you![🍰] 12 points13 points  (1 child)

wait… i wanna do that escape room. it looks so fucking fun.

[–]RoguePhoenix89 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Damn they going all the way back

[–]MCStarlight 11 points12 points  (1 child)

Marlo is on Kandi like butter on a hot biscuit.

[–]caabr1 11 points12 points  (1 child)

Marlo is being messy, but her looks really are slept on. Stunning.

[–]MCStarlight 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Ugh Sanya and her 15 family members

[–]MCStarlight 12 points13 points  (1 child)

What happened to Martel? They used up all the sexy footage already?

[–]helvetica_unicornMonica’s crepe 15 points16 points  (0 children)

I think Sheree’s rental was up

[–]la_58 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Kairo is so fine. 😭

[–]lilly_1005_2007Not a white refrigerator! 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Okay marlo wasn’t any more aggressive than Kandi

[–]MCStarlight 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Ugh. Don’t care to hear about Marlo. I want to fast forward.