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[–]JordanNBA_MOD[M] [score hidden] stickied comment (12 children)

Replays/alternate angles

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[–][deleted] 5541 points5542 points  (73 children)

That was the most unexpected game winner I’ve seen wow

Happened so fast

[–]RaptorsProfessorBeast55 1373 points1374 points  (21 children)

Unexpected, yet so very smooth and fluid. It looks like something JT has been doing his entire life

[–][deleted] 482 points483 points  (7 children)

It was like he did it on instinct

beautiful on replay

[–]Celticssutroheights 41 points42 points  (2 children)

He said he thought smart was going to shoot, so he was going in for a rebound and then got the pass. Sick finish

[–]Celticsgoldfish_11 1350 points1351 points  (28 children)

Love the decision by Ime Udoka to let the last possession unfold without a timeout to let the Nets set up their halfcourt defense.

[–]This_Cable_5849 342 points343 points  (2 children)

Nets have a defense ?

[–]Celticsjoef_3 92 points93 points  (7 children)

Udoka made a lot of decisions that a rookie first time coach usually wouldn’t have the confidence to make.

[–]Celticsthehenrylong 346 points347 points  (4 children)

Which is funny. Tatum game winners are usually slow, methodical 12 second set ups into a sidestep fadeaway.

[–]greyisgone 9612 points9613 points  (82 children)

Marcus Smart spent 8 years baiting people to pass up that final shot.

[–]CelticsLOTRcrr 2395 points2396 points  (11 children)

The long con

[–]Celticsprison_mic 2168 points2169 points  (40 children)

People talking about Tatum but the real Easter miracle is Marcus not pulling the trigger on that lmao. He has grown this year

[–]CelticsB4nn4b0y 1003 points1004 points  (33 children)

Tatum wouldn’t have cut to the basket like that a couple years ago either

[–]CelticsIceraptor17 877 points878 points  (27 children)

How I summarized the celtics turn around to someone who didn't follow the NBA much:

"So basically everything celtics fans wanted for player development all of a sudden started happening all at once and no one saw it coming"

A year or two ago that is either Tatum playing iso until time ticks down and he takes a contested shot while everyone stands around. Or MAYBE you get the kick out to smart who takes a contested 3 while everyone stands around.

[–]tb23tb23tb23 47 points48 points  (12 children)

What’s the difference now — Coaching change?

[–]CelticsIceraptor17 134 points135 points  (7 children)

No one is sure because it resulted in multiple players improving and coalescing. I mean it would seem that whatever Udoka is doing and saying clicked at some point this season. Like early season celtics were painful to watch. Not even the below .500 ball part. They played an aggravating and just aesthetically awful style of basketball. They would routinely get leads and blow them. I know that happened tonight, but what was different is they never spiraled after blowing the lead and stayed right in it.

I'd say the trades helped but the improvements started happening before then.

All we know is that Brown told us the energy had shifted.

[–]danger_bad 116 points117 points  (1 child)

That!….was the true Easter miracle

[–]LakersWilt69 1631 points1632 points  (14 children)

That entire possession by Boston was incredible instinct under pressure

[–][HOU] Luis Scolawillymoose8 536 points537 points  (9 children)

beautiful basketball. Game winning isos or stepbacks are beautiful too but this is a whole different thing entirely

[–]CelticsKhruangbin13 166 points167 points  (7 children)

Feels like a championship squad

[–][NYK] Frank NtilikinaTreSeven 9162 points9163 points  (324 children)

That was the craziest final possession, I thought they were gonna run out of time. What a play and what a game by Smart

[–][deleted] 2402 points2403 points  (204 children)

Me too shit happened so fast

[–][OKC] Steven AdamsDeadDay 2361 points2362 points  (118 children)

Who thinks to fucking spin there. Holy hell

[–]RocketsSwmpySouthpw 1204 points1205 points  (27 children)

It's a good trick!

[–]Kirk_likes_this 602 points603 points  (15 children)

The nets were surprised, to be sure

[–]HawksYoureGonnaHearMeRoar 345 points346 points  (1 child)

Now THIS is buzzerbeating

[–]76ersNotsozander 507 points508 points  (11 children)

The pass was behind him a bit, probably helped the decision

[–]44cksSake 481 points482 points  (9 children)

Yep Smart had to pass behind Tatum to avoid Nets defender deflecting ball. At that point, Tatum was turning and used that momentum. Incredible bang bang play.

[–]Cavaliersgregosaurusrex 285 points286 points  (1 child)

Goddamn, what a fucking play. The selflessness of the Celtics players, the decision-making, and Tatum's athleticism were just divine.

[–]NBApingpong_playa 140 points141 points  (2 children)

That was an insanely high skill play that Tatum made look so easy

[–]Trail BlazersMeatThatTalks 391 points392 points  (25 children)

Right? No doubt a crazy bold decision by Smart to pass it there but the fact that Tatum instantly spun around is even crazier to me.

Those two tapped into a fucking hivemind.

[–]76ersLocalParanoiac 240 points241 points  (7 children)

Absolute hive mind, plus the way Smart and Horford mirrored every one of Kyrie’s steps on the play before, moving totally in sync to lock up the hottest guy on the floor. Incredible team chemistry. Insane credit to the players, plus Udoka for building this system.

[–][deleted] 151 points152 points  (5 children)

Literally felt like all 5 Celtics were sharing the same brain in that last play

[–]Celticsseeker135 45 points46 points  (0 children)

That's coaching, and "band of brothers", in that order.

[–]CavaliersGarfield-1-23-23 40 points41 points  (1 child)

It helped that two Nets closed out aggressively on Smart (of all people), two more Nets (Durant and Kyrie) stood there ball-watching, and the last Net decided to stop Horford. All 5 Nets were sharing the same brain and unfortunately it was Andre Drummond's brain.

[–]CelticsBrinner 93 points94 points  (3 children)

Best Ubuntu we've had since '08

[–]CelticsLordHussyPants 48 points49 points  (1 child)

you can see derrick white hovering and moving around the outside but not actually doing anything. he was controlling them and looking for better spec angles

[–]RaptorsCheesegrater74 41 points42 points  (2 children)

Direct drive zone

[–]HeatTristanW99 157 points158 points  (0 children)

incredible awareness by all the celtics. gg.

[–]Nuggets Bandwagonfuckkkofff 58 points59 points  (1 child)

You're right, but the spin made the buzzer beater 10 times better,

[–]yuore-mom 36 points37 points  (2 children)

he literally didnt have any other option since he already had to do a 180 to catch the ball

[–]76ersSwainDMT 416 points417 points  (54 children)

Can’t believe Smart didn’t put up a shot

[–]Celticscrashbandicoochy 234 points235 points  (12 children)

We put the ball in Smart hands this year and his shot selection almost completely flipped lmao

All of a sudden he's a measured and composed motherfucker.

[–]Celticsmdmcnally1213 157 points158 points  (6 children)

He’s secure in his role, and not fighting to prove anything. Amazing what that does to a players psyche

[–]NetsSageModeKyrie 434 points435 points  (18 children)

yeah thats what i was telling my buddies, 99% of the time players would just take the 3 there, INCREDIBLE awareness from him to realize there was still a little time to setup his teammate for a higher chance shot. great work from jaylen as well

[–][BOS] Marcus SmartDiseaseRidden 441 points442 points  (6 children)

And the fact that it's Smart, the king of taking stupid 3s, makes it all the greater. He's grown so much as a player in the past year

[–]Warriorsoh_what_a_shot 89 points90 points  (3 children)

The entire team for that matter even since the start of the season

[–]POPAccount 38 points39 points  (1 child)

Seriously. Earlier in the season it would have been 10 seconds of Tatum dribbling before launching a step back 3. Incredible improvement

[–]NBAWalrus-- 134 points135 points  (16 children)

Smart is a really high IQ player, that's why he's in the league

[–]CelticsVLHACS 67 points68 points  (5 children)

I sometimes forget he's been in the league for 8 years already. He's a true veteran.

[–]TimathanDuncan 563 points564 points  (14 children)

3 seconds in the NBA is like 10 seconds , seriously the amount of shit that happens so fast is just unbelievable

There were three seconds left before there was a pass to Smart who pump faked dribbled passed and Tatum spun and made a basket

[–]Pistonsboi1da1296 326 points327 points  (9 children)

That’s one thing that blows my mind about professional sports. Everything happens so ridiculously fast and it’s done so well.

[–]RaptorsWingerSupreme 146 points147 points  (0 children)

It's sports in general, especially basketball. I used to coach high school ball and spent a lot of time explaining to guys that 5 seconds isn't "one dribble and hoist" but you actually have enough time to make a play.

[–][PHI] Dario ŠarićEaglesPvM 456 points457 points  (12 children)

When Smart started dribbling I said “Smart’s gotta shoot!”

He proved me a fool, great pass

[–][SEA] Kevin DurantWestleyThe 145 points146 points  (2 children)

Also when Breen said “they have a timeout but decide not to use it here” I was having curry flashbacks and was sure the Celtics would hit a crazy shot


[–]Celticsmikeyfreshh 42 points43 points  (3 children)

I have watched Marcus Smart jack up so many bad shots from that exact part of the floor that I thought for sure he was about to throw the game away. Never been happier to be wrong.

[–]RaptorsCheechers23 309 points310 points  (4 children)

They executed that possession to perfection. Broke down the defence twice, great passing, excellent cut by Tatum, and a perfect pass and spin for the finish. WOW

[–][BOS] Marcus Smartberniemax 53 points54 points  (2 children)

They always say don't call timeout as it doesn't let the defense get set. And 2 defenders went to Smart leaving a guy open.

[–]NBAtries-toohard 276 points277 points  (9 children)

Add that defense to the Kyrie Boston Highlights

[–]Trail BlazersBilbo-Baggins77 119 points120 points  (1 child)

Tatum gave Kyrie the finger...roll

[–]jak_d_ripr 107 points108 points  (8 children)

Yeah I was screaming time out because the possession looked lost.

[–]TimberwolvesHisoka_Brando 78 points79 points  (1 child)

Smart’s poise to not rush the shot but penetrate the lane to give Tatum the opening was great

[–]PacersTheBoilerCat 4719 points4720 points  (74 children)

My god what a spin move past Kyrie

[–]Tap-In-Merchant 1676 points1677 points  (23 children)

Amazing composure from Smart as well

[–]BucksThe_R3medy 572 points573 points  (16 children)

The presence of mind.

[–]MavericksFlipSocksAndFlops 251 points252 points  (11 children)

The presence of mind

[–]SunsBrazySmalls 232 points233 points  (10 children)

The presence of mind

[–][SEA] Kevin DurantWestleyThe 73 points74 points  (0 children)

I was yelling at the tv I didn’t think there was enough time to get that pass off… holy shit

[–]Tampa Bay RaptorsRottenSmegmaMan 141 points142 points  (4 children)

It's called spin to win for a reason!

[–][deleted] 320 points321 points  (10 children)

Tatum went around Kyrie

[–]PistonsNetflixAndNikah[🍰] 472 points473 points  (6 children)

The only thing Kyrie has to fear is sphere itself

[–][deleted] 120 points121 points  (6 children)

Reached as well

[–]76ersNeoDedalus 52 points53 points  (4 children)

For such a great 4th quarter, that really seemed like a mistake.

[–]JazzXsy 2085 points2086 points  (49 children)

One of the coolest fucking game winners I've ever seen. So rare to see a game winner come from beautiful ball movement like this.

[–]Pistonstherealwalrus1 286 points287 points  (1 child)

Totally agree, I love it

[–]CelticsDrDilatory 305 points306 points  (11 children)

Honestly I'm just happy to watch a basketball game that didn't end with about a billion fouls and whistles to milk every second out of the clock

[–]Mr_Unbiased 726 points727 points  (17 children)

Such incredible awareness by Tatum

[–]smartkid9999 245 points246 points  (11 children)

Coupled with terrible awareness by KD.

[–]dropdatdurkadurk 5358 points5359 points  (59 children)

Smart aint pump faking and making that pass even 6 months ago lol maturity baby

[–]NBADistractumSlacktus 1070 points1071 points  (6 children)

That's exactly why two defenders bit on the fake so decisively. Galaxy brain Smart

[–][NYK] Nate RobinsonJetsLag 305 points306 points  (2 children)

75D backgammon right there

[–]NBAFerociousGiraffe 251 points252 points  (1 child)

Chucking his whole career just to capitalize on this moment. The long con.

[–]Celticsbillcosbyinspace 1590 points1591 points  (22 children)

2021 smart launches the ball the moment he touches it lol

[–]CelticsHAETMACHENE 383 points384 points  (10 children)

Maybe he has been playing us the entire time...

What if he was playing the long game and we are all the dumb ones?

[–]Celtics28lobster 156 points157 points  (4 children)

Tatum scoring over Kyrie is so much more satisfying than playing hero ball

[–]CelticsfredinNH 41 points42 points  (2 children)

Kyrie, as amazing as he played today, fucked up the nets last possession by trying to play hero ball.

[–][PHO] Joe Johnsondestructive_optimism 354 points355 points  (7 children)

I was legitimately shocked he didn’t shoot the 3 in double coverage

[–]shane_m_souther 251 points252 points  (5 children)

Only to be doubly shocked that Tatum drove to the basket for the game-winner. They’ve come so far 😭

[–]BucksDaDragster 113 points114 points  (2 children)

God i thought he fucked up not taking the middy there

[–][CHA] Cody Martinlewiscbe 43 points44 points  (1 child)

Me too, his composure was unbelievable. Clock ticking towards zero, you’re down 1 point… no way I’m not rushing up a shot or making some dumb pass. Perfect patience and made the right play.

[–]Kings BandwagonMithridates12 54 points55 points  (0 children)

That and Tatum going for the spin to cancel out Kyrie's 4th heroics...crazy game

[–]CelticsLafilduPoseidon 2479 points2480 points  (59 children)

Holy shit but that D right before to set this up


[–]ThunderStarlord_who 454 points455 points  (12 children)

Bro he fucking shut down KD scored 30+ and made the game winner

[–][deleted] 383 points384 points  (8 children)

and hes only 17 years old

[–]Bucksmadisonaldrugs 714 points715 points  (18 children)

That double team following Kyrie was incredible

[–]WarriorsMC-Jdf 462 points463 points  (13 children)

Also Tatum managing to stay in front of Durant to force a tough shot that possession was great individual defense.

[–]Celticsnorth_canadian_ice 171 points172 points  (4 children)

And Big Al had amazing D on KD the possession before Tatums great D.

[–][NYK] Nate RobinsonJetsLag 60 points61 points  (1 child)

I was mentally preparing myself for KD to still make that shot even though he was having an off night

[–]ATG915 131 points132 points  (0 children)

That was such beautiful D. The double team to timing of breaking it off perfectly was awesome. Sick game

[–]WarriorsAlley-Oub 100 points101 points  (9 children)

and even before that, the 2 for 1 executed by Brown was critical

[–][BOS] Chauncey Billupspowerelite 59 points60 points  (2 children)

Celtics executed every step perfectly post that Kyrie 3

[–]shanmustafa 36 points37 points  (0 children)

great double, i was worried cause it's KD this bastard was gonna make that fadeaway three

[–][LAL] Kobe BryantSeoulofSoraka 856 points857 points  (9 children)

That spin move was so smooth

[–][SEA] Kevin DurantWestleyThe 192 points193 points  (4 children)

It was perfect. If he didn’t do that he wouldn’t have made the shot. Holy shit lol

[–]WarriorsGOAT-of-a-Nerd 2250 points2251 points  (55 children)

this series is so exciting for nba fans dude

[–]Bullsvish4l 529 points530 points  (12 children)

havnt been following the regular season much but coming back to this game was insane

[–]sidighjd 239 points240 points  (9 children)

This absolutely shouldn’t be a 1st round series

Way too entertaining

[–]Celticskittysue804 278 points279 points  (26 children)

7 games of this and I'm gonna be in the market for a pacemaker

[–]76ersNotsozander 70 points71 points  (0 children)

Seriously. Epic game

[–]_SSJeffo_ 2013 points2014 points  (149 children)

That defending

[–]Warriorss__v__p 1646 points1647 points  (50 children)

Kyrie and KD both just watching the ball

[–]Any_Week5924 1269 points1270 points  (11 children)

1st team no defence

[–]KnicksRandomUserName316 585 points586 points  (16 children)

There’s a reason they didn’t call timeout. Kyrie would get subbed out for a real defender

[–]BlackHand86 104 points105 points  (0 children)

Great point , and their transition defense was ass anyway lol

[–]WarriorsGladness2Sadness 94 points95 points  (1 child)

KD and Kyrie stopped moving with 3 seconds left

[–]DERBY_OWNERS_CLUB 142 points143 points  (29 children)

KD completely caught watching.

[–]TimathanDuncan 258 points259 points  (53 children)

Nets rim protection is like children defending it, just stupid bad

That will be the end of them, Kevin Durant is their best rim protector that just is not good enough

[–][MIL] Giannis AntetokounmpoWIN011 708 points709 points  (8 children)


[–][SEA] Kevin DurantWestleyThe 123 points124 points  (0 children)

That was a crazy fucking game, and that was an amazing ending


[–]CelticsGoBlankYourself 783 points784 points  (11 children)

When the Celtics didn’t call a timeout I was losing it. When Marcus smart had the ball with 5 seconds left, I was losing it. When Tatum hit that layup, I lost it. GG

[–]naked_guy_says 329 points330 points  (3 children)

When I realized kyrie had the best seat in the house for the game winner? Double lost it

[–]PelicansPinky1337 1039 points1040 points  (16 children)

KD just out there ball watching lol

[–]CA_Mini 810 points811 points  (5 children)

It was a good game to watch, can't blame him

[–]Im_ready_hbu 259 points260 points  (4 children)

Watching Celtics basketball evolve throughout the season from iso heavy 3pt bricks to unselfish basketball is a sight to behold.

[–]KnicksM0rtal_Wombat 63 points64 points  (3 children)

Seriously impressive. I can’t think off the top of my head of another team that changed its offensive philosophy so hard within a season

[–]LakersPalifaith 3010 points3011 points  (154 children)

As a neutral fan 7 games of this would be pretty juicy.

[–]WarriorsSrikkk 921 points922 points  (23 children)

Watching 7 games of utter chaos like that last possession? Absolutely

[–]Rocketsnostbp1 392 points393 points  (16 children)

i literally turned it on as a break and there was 1:10 left

holy fuck nothing else like the engame chaos of the NBA

[–]NuggetsPoverty_Shoes 100 points101 points  (1 child)

Seeing a buzzer beater layup down 1 feels so much better than a 28 footer too. The Celtics really worked for that look.

[–]WarriorsMC-Jdf 125 points126 points  (9 children)

Woke up at 6am in the morning to watch this.

Zero regrets.

[–]Celticsgoofygoober2 75 points76 points  (2 children)

I cant take another game of this

[–]Celticsmikey19xx 132 points133 points  (1 child)

Nope uh uh, 4 games is perfectly acceptable for me. I can’t afford the medical bills a 7 game series would give me.

[–]Lakerscumfucksourboy 328 points329 points  (52 children)

How you a laker fan and neutral lol

[–]76ersLeading-Evidence-668 215 points216 points  (18 children)

Sixers fans may be the only true neutral fans this series.

[–][OKC] Steven AdamsDeadDay 168 points169 points  (5 children)

Absolutely incredible basketball

[–]KnicksOuchYouPokedMyHeart 45 points46 points  (1 child)

On hold to your seats homies, this series is gonna be a wild ride

[–]Spursjeewantha 151 points152 points  (5 children)

LMAO. The game thread was 95% Boston fans mad at Kyrie. Now they've won. This is awesome!!!

[–]ScreenSlave 88 points89 points  (2 children)

I fucking hate how good Kyrie is. Hate it.

[–]Celticssi4ci7 45 points46 points  (0 children)

I hate how good he is for other teams. If he actually tried in that series vs the Bucks for us the animosity wouldn’t be nearly this much.

[–]guccinho 412 points413 points  (18 children)

KD fell asleep?

[–][NYK] Nate RobinsonJetsLag 135 points136 points  (2 children)



[–]Rocketswhospepesilvia 810 points811 points  (16 children)

Holy shit

[–]KnicksThatInception 196 points197 points  (1 child)

This game was amazing start to finish

[–][OKC] Steven AdamsDeadDay 123 points124 points  (5 children)

Holy shit

[–]Celticsleranvy 700 points701 points  (14 children)


[–]CelticsBlueJays007 424 points425 points  (11 children)


Edit: Wow thank you to whoever actually gave me gold!

[–]CelticsSeaBag7480 122 points123 points  (5 children)


[–]Heatsurgeyou123 239 points240 points  (8 children)

This series going to be crazy

[–]SunsHayasaka-Fan 54 points55 points  (1 child)

This is gonna be an all time great series for sure

[–]HeatNumber333 1082 points1083 points  (42 children)


[–]NBAJordanwolf98 319 points320 points  (5 children)

My heart doesn’t need 7 games

[–][deleted] 52 points53 points  (0 children)

I could barely do 1 man im not built for this

[–]WarriorsBalls_of_Adamanthium 270 points271 points  (7 children)

Silver just creamed.

[–]Netsughwhateverman 489 points490 points  (31 children)

What a great possession by Boston. Good call by Ime not to call a time out. Good game. Can’t even be mad

[–]HotspurJr 391 points392 points  (13 children)

It's honestly one of the most disciplined final plays I've ever seen. Jaylen had two moments when most players would have forced it up. Marcus smart had two moments when most players would have forced it up. And Tatum was patient and didn't rush because of the clock.

[–][CLE] LeBron Jamessilkkthechakakhan 206 points207 points  (6 children)

Worth repeating. Incredible incredible discipline and composure from all three

[–][deleted] 71 points72 points  (2 children)

Udoka is fucking elite

[–]Celticssiva115 37 points38 points  (2 children)

I have no conviction that either Jaylen or Marcus wouldn't have shot in previous years. That kind of composure is a new development.

[–][deleted] 98 points99 points  (0 children)

Marcus Smart holding onto that ball with 3 seconds left is something I wouldn’t have the willpower to do even in a video game. Unbelievable vision. Smart was the hero of the game.

[–]mijabbub 88 points89 points  (2 children)

Earth do be looking kinda round today

[–]WarriorsAlley-Oub 530 points531 points  (18 children)

Legendary - one of the most thriller endings to a playoff games in my 25 years watching this game

[–]Fluffy-Composer-2619 141 points142 points  (1 child)

And it's game 1 of the first round baby!! Man I love the playoffs...

[–]danloree 142 points143 points  (0 children)

That Tatum did it on Kyrie makes it even sweeter. Go Celtics!

[–]CelticsBrady331 262 points263 points  (9 children)


[–]RaptorsOk_Dog_1 31 points32 points  (0 children)

😳 I’m thankful that I turned on my tv on a minute before this play happened

[–]AK-11 196 points197 points  (3 children)

Kyrie may be fasting but Tatum just fed him that L.

[–]chowda12345 58 points59 points  (0 children)

Gotta feel good for Tatum putting the game winning bucket in over Kyrie

[–][BOS] Jayson Tatumjpaxlux 166 points167 points  (1 child)


[–][BOS] Nate Robinsonxiao_ao 54 points55 points  (1 child)

why didn't kyrie block that shot? isn't that his specialty??? 🤔🤔🤔💉💉💉

[–]Netszachzx 52 points53 points  (1 child)

What a fucking finish. Never a boring game between these teams

[–]Celticswilsonh915 145 points146 points  (2 children)

1-0 in games where Kyrie does a crybaby face

[–]Mavstooeasyforkevin 90 points91 points  (1 child)

What a fucking game

[–]ThunderFluuuki 439 points440 points  (4 children)


[–]Trail Blazersmmohammed28 90 points91 points  (6 children)

The way the match was going, we all knew it was gonna end this way…

[–]HeatLow-Presentation-437 83 points84 points  (2 children)

Kyrie and Tatum played so good this game man it was insane

[–]ThePhattestOne 39 points40 points  (0 children)

He's so good x 4

[–][GSW] Klay Thompsonkiidlocs 83 points84 points  (0 children)

that fucking spin was gorgeous

[–][deleted] 30 points31 points  (0 children)

I feel dirty saying this but I love this C's team.

[–]shxhhsahhz 70 points71 points  (4 children)

I can't believe that I, a lifelong born and raised LAKER fan am rooting for the BOSTON CELTICS to get to the NBA Finals

PHENOMENAL final defensive to offensive sequence by the Celtics

[–]throwaway284918 32 points33 points  (0 children)

i dont have the character to be a professional athlete. you do something like this to me and im retiring

[–][NYK] Walt Frazieriorlei 91 points92 points  (0 children)


[–]CelticsBigBallerBrad 31 points32 points  (0 children)

Smart not taking that shot was the best play of the year

[–]LakersInitial_Welcome9052 31 points32 points  (1 child)

The last possession was perfect offense and the possession before was perfect defense. I was talking shit on Boston pre playoffs (unconditionally as a Lake fan) but that end game composure shows they real. They’re a threat in the east 😰