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[–]ashdog0408 4608 points4609 points  (288 children)

Always the conference finalist, never the finalist

[–]Tampa Bay Raptorsmikeydale007 2843 points2844 points  (76 children)

Like a better version of the Clippers.

[–]ashdog0408 2260 points2261 points  (50 children)

As much as I hate them, that comparison is downright disrespectful to the Celtics

[–][UTA] Adam Keefesoapy_goatherd 33 points34 points  (0 children)

But we’ll allow it

[–][deleted] 50 points51 points  (2 children)

The Clippers:

”Always the choker, never the champion.”

[–]odinlubumeta 461 points462 points  (119 children)

This is like someone who has been married 17 times saying “always a bridesmaid never a bride”.

[–][BOS] Marcus Smartkrimzy 279 points280 points  (118 children)

Well we did win like 1 title in last 30ish years.

I'm not saying other 16 don't matter, but in a few years that may start to be true.

[–]odinlubumeta 112 points113 points  (51 children)

How many teams have championships? Isn’t it like 10? How many have more than 1 title in the last 30 years? How many teams have like 10 year+ rebuilds in the last 30 years? I get Celtics fans wanting to win the title. But Celtics and Lakers fans should never complain about only getting to the conference finals. It’s like Bezos and Bill Gates complaining about not have a billion dollar profit year and having to always settle for $900,000,000.

Now if you were a Kings fan I would be like come off the ledge, it will get better. Celtics aren’t even an old team where this is their only shot. They are built around a bunch of not in the prime players and one vet star and one bad contract. Plus you have the Memphis pick. Just silently be mad. Or complain on the Celtics page.

[–]ShrekThePrequel 30 points31 points  (2 children)

Yeah I'm a Celtics fan and I'm devastated that we lost but our core is young guys and we have nothing to complain about. The key of being a long term fan of a franchise is being a big fan of their management, and the Celtics have some of the best management in the league. #Simp4Ainge

[–]Knicksviking_machina 271 points272 points  (54 children)

Championships pre-merger are like awards you win in high school, you’ll keep them on the shelf but at some point you’ve got to take it off your resume

[–]Trail BlazersEPIC_Deer 185 points186 points  (5 children)

Nah. I hate the Cs, but Bill Russell's teams walked so the NBA could run.

[–]San Francisco WarriorsWestFast 92 points93 points  (11 children)

The Los Angeles Lakers flex their 5 Minneapolis titles still. Pre merger, pre La, pre purple and gold...

[–]Bigfish150 71 points72 points  (0 children)

Sure but at least the Lakers have more than 1 in the last 30 years.

[–]skyfuckrex 62 points63 points  (12 children)

Y think you guys too young to be on the finals, your best player is 22, it would be a handicap in terms of experience.

Soon Tatum is going to become a true superstar a give you a chip, but not this year.

[–][BOS] Kevin GarnettBetteroni 14 points15 points  (9 children)

Def see it happening someday but Kemba really needs to step up too. Helluva player but he did not play up to his max contract this postseason and from an admittedly outsider perspective did not seem to provide championship level leadership to our younger guys. I definitely don’t think it’s impossible for him to fill that role but it’s gonna take some work on his end and I hope he can take that leap.

[–]youred23 9 points10 points  (5 children)

Kemba stinks but the Celtics also didn’t run much of an offense. The heat reminds me of the 2014 spurs, 2012 heat, 94-95 rockets and even the warriors with how well they pass around and play team ball

[–]CelticsBladespectre 1387 points1388 points  (40 children)

That's 3 of the last 4 ECF that we've made... and then lost.

Now I know how Stevens' Butler teams felt.

[–]bradyisking 405 points406 points  (28 children)

Wonder what the common denominator is between them

[–]SupersonicsPomfAndCircvmstance 840 points841 points  (12 children)

Gordon Hayward?

[–]Trail BlazersBirdSoHard 29 points30 points  (3 children)

wasn't on the 2011 squad, by I like to forget that championship game never happened!

[–]HeatCudizonedefense 141 points142 points  (5 children)

Hayward only played minutes on 1 of those ECF teams anyway so this meme answer doesn’t really work

[–][PHI] Moses Malonethundercock88 160 points161 points  (6 children)



Bt is the common denominator. Brad tevens

[–]CelticsLleaff 101 points102 points  (5 children)

So if he renames him self to Rad Sevens then we should win... it's so simple.

[–]fredvanvleetsr 47 points48 points  (1 child)

I’ve never been more confused, but Rad Sevens sounds cool. I’m ready to roll with it

[–][deleted] 58 points59 points  (4 children)

Two of those we'd never dream we'd even be there. This is the only one that truly felt we missed.

[–]Warriorswisetex 1977 points1978 points  (42 children)

Jimmy Butler got kicked out of his house at 13. Now he’s in the NBA Finals as his team’s star. Major respect.

[–]BucksWhisak 252 points253 points  (19 children)

His mom prolly tryna live with him now😂

[–][deleted] 395 points396 points  (10 children)

That’s the main reason why he won’t play for any team in Texas. Doesn’t want his biological family mooching off of him.

[–]Pistonsmegavictini04 187 points188 points  (5 children)

Spurs kicking the sky rn

[–]Trail BlazersMartel1234 58 points59 points  (3 children)

And Mavs. With Jimmy they could go deep

[–]BullsSlamminCleonSalmon 49 points50 points  (0 children)

Good for him, probably not an easy decision to actually cut your family out. He doesn’t owe anyone anything, just because he made it despite his family doesn’t mean he owes them a god damn thing.

[–]Bullschitownbulls92 102 points103 points  (1 child)

apparently he has a cordial relationship with both his birth parents. Jimmy is a bigger man than I am...thats for sure

[–]mr-dude-man-uhhhhh 99 points100 points  (0 children)

Yeah lmao mans is like 6’7

[–]Buckshouseofmops 142 points143 points  (5 children)

lmao I’d send that bitch a single rose with a post card Spotify code leading to “how bout now” by Drake

[–]RaptorsActualTeemoMain 43 points44 points  (0 children)

That is cold. I like it

[–]RaptorsAprilsMostAmazing 424 points425 points  (11 children)

NBA2k14 represent

[–][SAS] Patty Millssurprised-duncan 83 points84 points  (9 children)

The best one

[–]Spurslastrice 15 points16 points  (0 children)

I still play it on Xbox 360 and I adjust the rosters to make it similar to today’s game... yeah I’m addicted

[–][deleted] 2344 points2345 points  (31 children)

Jimmy Butler making the finals makes me so happy

[–]Bullsrumham22 715 points716 points  (6 children)

For sure, dude deserves it.

[–]BucksDeuce_GM 432 points433 points  (2 children)

Jimmy: I'm doing this for the 3rd stringers. Y'all the real MVPs

[–]Suns Bandwagontowels_equal_happy 107 points108 points  (0 children)

"the g leaguers here are the real mvps, don't bother worryin bout me" -jimmy 'go get u sum' buckets

[–]Poshitical 188 points189 points  (10 children)

Can I get a FUCK GARPAX?

[–]BullsDr_Disaster 65 points66 points  (0 children)

Fuck Garpax always

[–][deleted] 27 points28 points  (1 child)


In Karni we trust

[–]BullsPapa_Boat17 10 points11 points  (0 children)


[–]HeatMugiwara_JTres3 116 points117 points  (3 children)

Honestly love all the Bulls fans in the Heat sub almost all season. We appreciate the support and FUCK GARPAX. Beep Beep!

[–]Thunderclassofpeace 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Jimmy deserves it

[–]lcoup 1731 points1732 points  (140 children)

celtics late 4th quarter shot selection was truly some of the worst i've seen lmao. and when jaylen drove twice near the end he got FTs and a lay up

[–][BOS] Luigi DatomeLightzPT 851 points852 points  (122 children)

I was livid when they started trying to go for the three to kill the game, while Miami was getting everything they wanted.

This team was so bad in the clutch, have no clue why.

[–]CelticsMichelanvalo 483 points484 points  (47 children)

They get antsy and launch up quick shots without settling down. Smart is probably the worst at this but they all do it.

[–][BOS] Luigi DatomeLightzPT 309 points310 points  (20 children)

When Smart started hitting threes in the first half, I knew I was going to have issues with his shot selection in the 2nd, it’s always like that.

They try to go for the home run and ended up losing their composure

[–]HeatJRclarity123 86 points87 points  (5 children)

As a heat fan, I was very happy to see him hit his first few. Seems like every time that happened he would start bricking in the second half. And those long rebounds were great for starting fast breaks and giving us open looks in transition.

[–][BOS] Luigi DatomeLightzPT 54 points55 points  (2 children)

Yeah, that’s the Marcus Smart Experience! ©

[–]Suns Bandwagontowels_equal_happy 10 points11 points  (0 children)

fuck stop reminding me of russ

[–]Pissypoopoo 157 points158 points  (23 children)

I'd say Tatum is worse for it honestly. He's trying to be a hero instead of just playing smart basketball.

[–]CelticsMichelanvalo 84 points85 points  (14 children)

Well hopefully that fades out with age but with Kobe being his idol.....yeah who knows.

[–][BOS] Luigi DatomeLightzPT 76 points77 points  (10 children)

Tatum learns super quickly stuff, he made a huge stride this season, he’ll probably improve that too, but I want the ball on Tatum’s hands.

[–]Bullsrockytheboxer 64 points65 points  (7 children)

Jordan got spanked by the Pistons before winning his first championship.

Tatum rn: So it became personal for me.

[–]Spurskawhi_tho 27 points28 points  (5 children)

Damn all of these Michael and Kobe comparisons for Tatum, are we sure he's really driven like that? Those two were so intense that they were on the verge of being actual psychopaths, I don't know if I get the same vibe from Tatum. Maybe we should pump the brakes a little bit before we start comparing him to the two greatest shooting guards of all time.

[–][BOS] Jaylen Brownistandwhenipeee 21 points22 points  (1 child)

Yeah honestly it just feels like he falls back into old habits and starts playing like it’s last season. Probably forcing it because he feels the pressure to be star. He acknowledged he was having some trouble with that trying to become an all star like he was expected to be and now he’s in a similar position but instead of all star it’s more like super star. Hopefully that’ll fade as he becomes more ready for that role.

[–]CelticsHorsNoises 76 points77 points  (21 children)

Bro remember when Brad was drawin up bangers for dudes like Evan Turner and Tyler fucking Zeller? Whatever happened to that?

[–][BOS] Luigi DatomeLightzPT 71 points72 points  (20 children)

It’s different when the pressure is on us, but while I have my problems with Brad, almost all of them due to his big rotation, it’s tough to put this loss on him, when he always preaches the whole singles, not homers. And he wasn’t instructing guys to miss open layups.

[–]Celticsbkervick 51 points52 points  (13 children)

Hard to put the bigs rotation on him when in the conference finals against Bam Adebayo his options are Theis who forgot how to shoot and fouls on every possession, Timelord who is unplayable against a zone on offense, Grant Williams who is 6'6", and Kanter who couldn't guard a pick and roll to save his life.

[–]HeatMintyFresh48 43 points44 points  (3 children)

Felt like Williams definitely did the best for you guys but Bam was always gonna find ways to just go over him.

[–]Celticsbkervick 19 points20 points  (1 child)

Yeah he had a few good minutes, but it's not like Spo wasn't going to just hunt him with Bam down the stretch like they've done in previous games.

[–]Celticsjackstraw97 67 points68 points  (16 children)

We have basically no veteran presence, and our bigs are consistently a non-factor on offense and defense. Bunch of young dudes who like to lob ill-advised threes instead of driving to the hoop.

[–][BOS] Luigi DatomeLightzPT 35 points36 points  (3 children)

That’s not true, our guys love to attack the basket every other game, where we look incredible, they decided to revert back to shooting threes only at the worst time.

[–]Celticsavelak 36 points37 points  (2 children)

We also get super antsy when the other team starts hitting their shots so it just spirals

Like as soon as the heat start stringing baskets together we would get spooked and start chucking

[–][LAL] Sasha VujačićNarstyHobbitses 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Hmmm it sounds kinda like Al Horford could work some magic with this team

[–]Celticsshaes16 96 points97 points  (1 child)

Jaylen is the only one who looks to drive late in games and they ice him out it's infurating.

[–]HeatCudizonedefense 40 points41 points  (0 children)

As a JB fan, I hate it. As a heat fan, I thanked his teammates for that

[–][deleted] 134 points135 points  (3 children)

Marcus Smart thinks he's steph curry but the problem is he shoots like Marcus Smart

[–]Warriorspoptimus_rhyme 60 points61 points  (1 child)

It looked more like Boston Rockets in the 4th quarter

[–]SpursAaronCasanova 9 points10 points  (0 children)

They seemed to all think they’re lights out shooters and just jacked up threes, forgetting about basic percentages in the clutch

[–]24tunahonda 1185 points1186 points  (28 children)

Rachel is rude af for keep asking about LBJ while they are trying to celebrate their win tonight

[–]erickchoiii 563 points564 points  (16 children)

Props to Spo with the timely answer

[–][deleted] 456 points457 points  (6 children)

I want to blame ESPN producers, because Doris had to ask Kawhi about free agency right after they won too

[–]RaptorsOrimori24 120 points121 points  (3 children)

Still such an awfully timed question.

[–][deleted] 124 points125 points  (2 children)

Terrible, it borderlines unprofessional too. I understand it’s what the company wants but there’s a time and place and right before a huge celebration is not the time

[–]WizardsRPDota 72 points73 points  (0 children)

Then Bam got asked about LBJ 3 minutes later.

[–]23Jace_Mace 18 points19 points  (5 children)

What did he say?

[–][deleted] 51 points52 points  (1 child)

Exactly. Totally killing the mood. I still can’t believe she brought him up AGAIN after Spo

[–]SunsKaderaide 48 points49 points  (0 children)

Seriously. He basically said “I’m not gonna answer that” and then she went and asked bam right after.

Not surprising after seeing how she handled the draft lottery a couple years ago tbh, her interviews are always about the greater narrative. I get it’s whats she gets paid for, but damn it’s annoying

[–]Nuggetsgardza 833 points834 points  (27 children)

Who saw Iggy hitting 4 threes? And the Heat shooting 55% from the field. Wow.

[–]Warriorsmanliestdino 356 points357 points  (12 children)

Me, Iggy in the past couple of game 6s has been incredible

[–][GSW] Klay ThompsonGuiltyCarpet 146 points147 points  (10 children)

God I miss Iggy on the Warriors.

[–]Warriorsmanliestdino 47 points48 points  (9 children)

I have a feeling he'll be back

[–]Warriorsoh_what_a_shot 68 points69 points  (8 children)

If we clap hard enough I think we can wish it into existence.

[–]76ersTrillMentality 30 points31 points  (3 children)

I don’t think he missed a shot

[–]Nuggetsgardza 33 points34 points  (2 children)

You are correct on field goals (just a free throw)

[–][deleted] 55 points56 points  (2 children)


[–]HeatSeref15 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Had to make up for the absolutely terrible shooting percentage in game 5.

[–]WarriorsBalls_of_Adamanthium[S] 580 points581 points  (15 children)

We must be living in some Lakers fan simulation

[–]HawksStereoSpacey 481 points482 points  (4 children)

In a Lakers fan's simulation the Celtics would have come back from a 3-1 deficit and beat the Heat only to get swept by the Lakers in the finals.

[–]Lakers Bandwagonlalo1398 148 points149 points  (3 children)

Nah, Lakers fans never root for the Celtics. We hope they go 0-82 every single year

[–][deleted] 58 points59 points  (1 child)

I personally love playing the Celtics in the Finals, and I'm disappointed that won't happen this year. Every great Laker has their Celtics series. I was definitely rooting for them to make it, so they could get their asses handed to them by the Lakers. This would have been a great one for Bron to match them at 17.

[–]Celticssolarscopez 127 points128 points  (2 children)

Knew it, Lakers fans were responsible for Coronavirus.

[–]LakersZoulogist 66 points67 points  (0 children)

I don’t know how, but it was James Dolan’s fault

[–]Lakersjamesdakrn 51 points52 points  (3 children)

Help, my erection has not subsided after 24 hours

[–]veto402 28 points29 points  (2 children)

I just think about the Clippers when that happens, goes limp instantly.

[–]Suns Bandwagontowels_equal_happy 8 points9 points  (0 children)

but now im thinking about their 3-1 choke job and my dick is getting sore

[–]Bullshowser343[M] [score hidden] stickied comment (18 children)


[–][BOS] Marcus SmartIdEgoLeBron 138 points139 points  (5 children)

Post up.


Bank shot.




Free throw.


Pass out.


Sub in.






[–]Toronto HuskiesLimber9 66 points67 points  (5 children)

I wait for the faded comment every time... it never gets old

[–]KnicksThatInception 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Now we await the last team to get faded.

[–]Celticssolodolo1397 11 points12 points  (1 child)

It’s so official

[–]LakersLAKERSfanTV 9 points10 points  (0 children)

All it needs is a whistle

[–]GrizzliesProjinator 21 points22 points  (1 child)


[–][GSW] Andre IguodalaOperation_Ivysaur 10 points11 points  (0 children)


[–]Heatrapelbaum 8 points9 points  (0 children)


[–][MIA] Udonis Haslemelbenji 8 points9 points  (0 children)


[–]Warriorst0ny510 7 points8 points  (0 children)


[–][TOR] Kyle LowryThe_Unknown98 1024 points1025 points  (116 children)

[–]Raptorshst21 240 points241 points  (61 children)

Winter is Coming

[–]alepher 21 points22 points  (0 children)


[–][deleted] 226 points227 points  (11 children)

8/22 FG 4/13 3PA.

So many dumb early shot clock 3s. HE TOOK THE SECOND MOST SHOTS ON THE FUCKEN TEAM.

[–]Celticscaptaing1 44 points45 points  (0 children)

marcus has stupid shot selection. he needs to play to his strengths but nope, he rather chuck contested 3s

[–][deleted] 35 points36 points  (2 children)

all those shots away from Kemba.

[–][deleted] 42 points43 points  (1 child)

You mean Brown

[–][deleted] 15 points16 points  (0 children)

facts still

[–]LakersGuerrillaApe 46 points47 points  (1 child)

"Checkout is at 11AM"

The bubble continues to add to NBA memes' depth.

[–]RaptorsCanuckleball 13 points14 points  (0 children)

When people ask what happened here, tell them the North remembers. Tell them elimination came for House Celtics.

[–]RaptorsZeroMomentum 76 points77 points  (2 children)

Classic Marcus

[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhisuzukigun4life 20 points21 points  (0 children)


[–]CelticsImJustARandomDude 275 points276 points  (7 children)


Congrats to the Heat. Happy for them and their fans.

[–]Warriorsfutureslave 51 points52 points  (2 children)

Yeah you know something I like about this year's playoffs is that the dirty players got bounced early. There's been lots of wholesomeness and solid play in the last series or two. Nobody's getting injured and nobody's starting fights. I hope that continues in the Finals.

[–]HeatGoosemilky 37 points38 points  (0 children)

Thanks man. Straight euphoria for us right now!

[–]Heatroflmeh 146 points147 points  (5 children)


*til next seaon

[–]Celticsnot_RyanG 54 points55 points  (2 children)

So you’re saying there’s a chance?!?!

[–]WizardsRosencats 982 points983 points  (21 children)


[–]RaptorsAdvisesPTTs 471 points472 points  (8 children)

Kid's first words are going to be 'Bam Bam'!

[–]KnicksMATH137IsJustHSCalc 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Instead of seeing his son, he got sonned

[–][deleted] 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Gotta do it like fred man.

[–]CelticsIsaythree 347 points348 points  (116 children)

[–]Heatredsox1804 160 points161 points  (6 children)

I love how much the Celtics fans hate the Lakers. Not many teams would be chant something like that when they know they’re going to lose. Respect

[–]HeatCudizonedefense 39 points40 points  (2 children)

Tbf that was during a time when they were playing each other in the finals like every other year

[–][BOS] Jaylen BrownOrangeKookie 221 points222 points  (3 children)

all 29 fanbases need to gather for the Miami prayer circle


[–]HeatSeref15 55 points56 points  (0 children)

In the wise words of Chuck, "If Alabama the Lakers was playing Afghanistan, I'd root for Afghanistan."

[–]SupersonicsSkratt79 46 points47 points  (79 children)

You guys better hope, the Lakers with a chance to tie the C's. And did the 76'ers go on to Lose the finals?

[–][LAL] Kobe BryantRasalghul92 226 points227 points  (12 children)


But for real, this team will go far as it's only up from here for Tatum and Brown.

[–]NameNumber7 47 points48 points  (0 children)

This is when a "Fuck the celtics" is fine. When you can recognize how the other team is great lol. Lebron and AD are scary. It is crazy Robdo is a calming veteran presence and Caruso has had some great chemistry with Lebron. His closeout of the nuggets is why he is the best. I'm looking forward to the Bam and AD match up. Go heat 😁

[–]CelticsPlayBall4 82 points83 points  (5 children)

Lmao weird seeing a lakers fan say something positive about us

[–]LakersBrianReveles 57 points58 points  (0 children)

Y’all are worthy foes. Would’ve been cool to see a classic matchup between two old rivals. Keep your head up man y’all will be back next year.

[–][LAL] Sasha VujačićNarstyHobbitses 28 points29 points  (0 children)

FWIW, outside of Smart, there's nobody on your roster that I dislike these days.

And Jayson is probably a bigger Kobe fan than I am.

[–]CelticsHanaichichickencurry 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Thanks for the kind words. Best of luck in the finals.

Fuck you and fuck the lakers.

[–][PHI] James HardenTatersTot 110 points111 points  (0 children)

Thank you Jimmy

One last gift 😢

[–][MIA] Udonis Haslemelbenji 26 points27 points  (1 child)


[–][LAL] D'Angelo Russellpentefino978 187 points188 points  (13 children)

Fade them already, maybe next year

[–]Warriorsoh_what_a_shot 296 points297 points  (12 children)

Brad Stephens is going to spend the entire summer teaching the team that it is in fact possible to drive the ball to the hoop in the forth quarter.

[–]Celticsjohnnybarbs92 106 points107 points  (4 children)

I really hope so. And let Jaylen loose

[–]Celticsbillcosbyinspace 75 points76 points  (3 children)

Jaylen should have taken all those shots smart bricked

[–]Celticsjohnnybarbs92 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Yeah, and probably drive to the hoop. I want to see a game where we don't shoot a three unless there has been one drive and kick on the possession.

[–]Nuggetsloplopplop 40 points41 points  (2 children)

"Hey Marcus, I'm sorry to inconvenience you, but could you maybe shoot a little less next year?"

[–]HeatCudizonedefense 20 points21 points  (0 children)

“Hey guys could you maybe pass it to Jaylen brown?”

[–]CelticsZavehi 38 points39 points  (1 child)

I love and hate this team.

[–]HeatMisterOminous 69 points70 points  (5 children)

Props to the Celtics. I gained a lot of respect for this team.

[–][BOS] Terry RozierKing_Of_Pants 32 points33 points  (1 child)


As a fan there's always going to be a sense we could have won it, but I can't deny your guys just extecuted better down the stretch all series.

Herro and Bam are going to be nightmares for years to come.

[–][BOS] Jayson Tatumpaewashere 76 points77 points  (3 children)

fade me into spain with a silent s

[–]Celticsgadrell 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Everyone remember to vote!

[–]Artemaris 10 points11 points  (0 children)

What a playoff series Miami had, I’m so excited for the finals man

[–]San Francisco Warriorsmsgs 42 points43 points  (0 children)

Celtics have done a fantastic job rebuilding from their championship team.

However, it shows health and luck are a vital component to a title or even the finals.

[–]HeatCudizonedefense 18 points19 points  (4 children)

Losers in 3 out of the last 4 ECFs. As a Jay2 lover, I feel bad

[–]Heatrhgking 9 points10 points  (0 children)

It was an awesome series, Boston. Always is against you guys. Till next time. GGs

[–]Celticsiambgriffs 19 points20 points  (2 children)

Miami closed that game hard as hell. Y'all need to BEAT LA.

[–]TimberwolvesJacob_toasted 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Great series though