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[–]GGGCommentBot[M] [score hidden] stickied comment (0 children)

GGG Comments in this Thread:

[Community_Team - link, old] - You'll still be able to get Vaal Gems from corrupting gems. We've added an update to the bottom of the post.

[Community_Team - link, old] - Yep, that's correct.

[Mark_GGG - link, old] - Players have 5 maximum blood charges. Totems and other monsters have zero maximum blood charges.

[Mark_GGG - link, old] - When I worked out I was going to have to rewrite all the code related to costs and reservations *anyway, I decided I wasn't gonna not get that change in...*

[Mark_GGG - link, old] - Spell Totem Support still replaces any reservation the skill has with a cost for when you use it. If the skill had both a reservation and a cost already, these...

[Mark_GGG - link, old] - Yes and Yes.

[Mark_GGG - link, old] - Yes. If you can get the cost to zero, you only need to worry about the reservation, and reservation doesn't require spending anything in 3.14

[Mark_GGG - link, old] - Arcane Cloak has a mana cost of zero. It will gain a life cost of zero. The effect of the skill is to spend some mana, but this is not...

[Mark_GGG - link, old] - Letting the totems gain charges would literally not do anything because they don't use their own skills, they use yours. It would only mislead players.

[Mark_GGG - link, old] - It is already correctly modified by flask effect modifiers.

[Mark_GGG - link, old] - All skills have costs, they just are sometimes zero - not having a cost just means the value of that cost is zero. Since Reap's base mana cost of zero...

[Mark_GGG - link, old] - It doesn't in 3.14. Prior to 3.14, all gems had *either a mana cost or a mana reservation, and it was fundamentally impossible to have both. Thus Archmage had to...*

[Mark_GGG - link, old] - Ah, whoops, I got that wrong. The supportability on Archmage in 3.14 is actually that it can support any skill without a reservation. While the cost part could technically apply...

[Mark_GGG - link, old] - "Supports spell skills that deal damage with hits and have no reservation. Cannot support Vaal skills, triggered skills, or skills used by totems, traps or mines. Cannot modify the skills...

[Mark_GGG - link, old] - No problem. Going and looking up the current text to copy-paste it here actually got me to notice and fix a typo in it, so this conversation has contributed to...

[Mark_GGG - link, old] - I do know whether that changed, yes.

[–]LocalIdentity1Path of Building Community Fork Creator 1958 points1959 points  (21 children)

PoB update with support for the new tree and some other bug fixes will be out in the next 24 hours. Someone can reply to this comment or make a post on how to use the new tree in PoB until we push our update

[–]Falas-cz 2257 points2258 points  (121 children)

> The "Allies Cannot Die" aura has been removed.

Madmen actually did it.

[–]Consparki'd grow 3 necks in 8k hours as well 618 points619 points  (11 children)

Literally playable

[–]PlayerSaltAscendant 199 points200 points  (8 children)

i miss the days with old coc discharge when you would hit these packs and you could litterally feel the server melting as it cause like a billion casts a second

[–]zGnRz 116 points117 points  (8 children)

Dude. This is amazing fucking news holy smokes

[–]WanderingKeeper 59 points60 points  (3 children)

I'm saving my celebration until I see how the new Benevolent Guardian works in-game, but yeah, this is HUGE.

[–]Player-Won 56 points57 points  (2 children)

I know that it was a killer for lagging the client, but I wonder if it was causing load on the servers too.

[–]slimeyellow 51 points52 points  (0 children)

For sure, the damage and hits were still calculated

[–]_hibernacleTrickster 154 points155 points  (24 children)

A single item can now be unstacked from a stack of items on your cursor by pressing Shift + Left Click.

I'm ready to unstack resonators again

Also vaal ground slam looks insane if you use it in the last exerted attack

[–]Vexor44 955 points956 points  (100 children)

  • Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill, with a 8 second Cooldown (previously 4 seconds).


[–]Nchi 113 points114 points  (15 children)

Thats for crafted, so does the dropped one fair better? prayers and thoughts rip trigger wands

[–]EntropyReign 50 points51 points  (9 children)

That's what i was thinking. And if Aisling can still add veiled mods (instead of just giving the new chaos) you might still have a chance?

eddit; bad spellin'

[–]Neofalcon2 25 points26 points  (5 children)

Plus, since the unveiled mods no longer count as a crafted mod, you can craft a minion damage mod onto the weapon afterwards, too.

[–]drBatzen 45 points46 points  (3 children)

It also means you cant remove the failed aisling veil to try again (easily).

[–]rds90vertHierophant 193 points194 points  (17 children)

Yeah i mean.. it was always the first choice for any wand user, but goddamn 8 seconds is insane.. 6 seconds i'd have still used it.

[–]godlyhalo 31 points32 points  (0 children)

It's still functional for curses, which may result in Enhance seeing more use than it has in the past.

[–]ZGiSH 108 points109 points  (10 children)

Holy shit obliterated

[–]SuperNerd1337 1303 points1304 points  (154 children)

> Vendors will no longer offer any scroll fragments in exchange for Perandus Coins.

biggest nerf, rip infinite wisdom scrolls

[–]CrimsonCastor 226 points227 points  (36 children)

Rip, back to picking up transmutes and whetstones one by one.

[–]lowkeyripperSC-SSF 40 points41 points  (30 children)

Are transmutes the best way to get scrolls rn?

[–]ZGiSH 485 points486 points  (57 children)

Like... why? Were they afraid that perandus crashed the scroll economy?

[–]robotbadguy 192 points193 points  (12 children)

Literally why. Why do this. This was one of the few ways to easily get id scrolls while at the same times get rid of useless perandus coins.

[–]VultureTX 110 points111 points  (0 children)

Chris is a Perandus family member , I think it was mentioned in the Betrayal notes.

[–]brain_valve 195 points196 points  (4 children)

Feel the weight of those scrolls. DO YOU FEEL THE WEIGHT EXILE

[–]neohongkongHoarder 430 points431 points  (31 children)

Percentage reservations are now stored with more precision internally, allowing them to have up to two decimal places in the percentage value, however the total amount of resources reserved must still be a whole number. This prevents some cases where small reductions in reservation values would have no effect due to rounding. As an example, if a skill reserves 50% of Mana, a modifier granting "1% reduced reservation" will now change the reservation to 49.5% Mana, where previously it would still be 50% due to the change not affecting the percentage by a whole number. However, it is still not possible to reserve less than 1 of something, so for a player with 100 Mana, that 49.5% reservation will still reserve 50 of it. For a player with 1000 Mana, 495 would be reserved.

thanks GGG

[–]Mark_GGGGGG 1151 points1152 points  (28 children)

When I worked out I was going to have to rewrite all the code related to costs and reservations anyway, I decided I wasn't gonna not get that change in at the same time.

[–]Tonexus 26 points27 points  (9 children)

With mines, does sufficient "skills have -x to total mana cost" mean that you can use mines on empty mana as long as you have enough unreserved mana for the reservation portion of the skill?

[–]Mark_GGGGGG 94 points95 points  (8 children)

Yes. If you can get the cost to zero, you only need to worry about the reservation, and reservation doesn't require spending anything in 3.14

EDIT: Also, if you have a way to throw multiple mines in one skill use, you need to manage the reservation for each individual mine, but only pay the cost once for each time you use the skill.

[–]SpacetimeDensityModiDominus 46 points47 points  (2 children)

Does the reservation cost change affect how proxied reservations spend resources? Aura totems for example? Ancient Waystones Hiero new meta

[–]Mark_GGGGGG 96 points97 points  (1 child)

Spell Totem Support still replaces any reservation the skill has with a cost for when you use it. If the skill had both a reservation and a cost already, these costs will add together.

[–]Greaterdivinity 74 points75 points  (0 children)

A true gentleman and a scholar who thinks of the little people.

[–]SpiderCVIIIBerserker 346 points347 points  (16 children)

Vaal Ground Slam

This Attack can now be Exerted as though it was not a Vaal Skill.

Hey Google, play Space Jam.

[–]ClemPrime13Daresso 61 points62 points  (1 child)


[–]gramineousRosemary 58 points59 points  (9 children)

The real change is the lockout duration. 1 second base, but a well rolled Soul Catcher flask gets you a 0.6 second cooldown. Perma VGS builds on the menu.

[–]Qinjax 16 points17 points  (0 children)


[–]Realyn 415 points416 points  (21 children)

The Bull Thorns skill used by Lieutenant of Rage in The Labyrinth and the Crusher of Gladiators in the Racecourse Map has been visually updated and no longer has Damage Reflection.

So uhm ... what does it do then? Glow?

[–]BukLauFinancial 124 points125 points  (2 children)

You know, I've played this game for years. Since way before they introduced racecourse as a map. I've always had issues with that fucking boss and I thought it was because the bull dude does a shit load of damage with his charge. Nope, surprise, I was murdering myself with reflect... that... entire... time...


[–]LucidTA 107 points108 points  (3 children)

Maybe just regular thorns, rather than reflection?

[–]DuckWasTaken 187 points188 points  (9 children)

" Synthesis Changes

  • Fractured items no longer have a visual effect applied to them."

why tho

[–]OrdinaryPotatoAssassin 35 points36 points  (2 children)

Probably for clarity that all weapons with those kinds of effects are "Influenced" gear. Still seems like shit since it helped you tell what was fractured by a glance.

[–]RorcanHarbinger 587 points588 points  (57 children)

Increased Character Size is now capped at 100%.

All of a sudden I feel so small.

[–]SneakyBadAssThank you for visiting Yer Ol' Spooky Shope! 348 points349 points  (5 children)

How boring and small

[–]lealsk 104 points105 points  (13 children)

OMG! Rip Headhunter giant characters

[–]SirVampyr 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Sad shoe MTX noises

[–]Au5tinz 91 points92 points  (4 children)

The standard guys that stand in Oriath gonna be in shambles

[–]Exarkunn 64 points65 points  (7 children)

no more feet pov, sad.

[–]Hoffelcopter 243 points244 points  (83 children)

  • Diplomatic Escort now replaces one Harbinger with a King Harbinger instead of a group of Harbingers.

RIP Easy Ancient Orbs.

[–]seqhawk 42 points43 points  (13 children)

The real nerf is the one that isn't in the patch notes but that was on the announcement stream, that getting a headhunter with an ancient orb is going to be a lot less probable. That may tank the value of the harbinger nodes by much more than the nerf to Diplomatic Escort, as the price of ancient orbs tends to sit around the price of a headhunter divided by the chance of getting one with an ancient orb.

[–]AttackEverything 21 points22 points  (1 child)

The real HH nerf is character size capped to 100%

[–]LMN0HPDaresso 549 points550 points  (78 children)

The Death Aura skill granted by the Death's Oath unique Body Armour now deals 758 Base Chaos Damage per second (previously 563).


[–]SquippitFix Apep's Supremacy 207 points208 points  (5 children)


[–]PM_NICE_SOCKS 102 points103 points  (30 children)

Yeeeessss finally I can play lag-free RF

[–]SumireiPathfinder 249 points250 points  (11 children)

also dmg free, chromes free, def free

[–]Kepsa 30 points31 points  (0 children)

Can you though

[–][deleted] 75 points76 points  (20 children)

Fire burst buffs look really interesting

[–]Nchi 464 points465 points  (45 children)

Completing the Heart of the Grove encounter for the first time now unlocks 5 extra Horticrafting Station crafting slots, allowing you to store up to a maximum of 15 crafting options.

[–]AbbadonDespoiler584 162 points163 points  (38 children)

wtf now I WANT to do Heart of the Grove

[–]Stirfryed1Necromancer 130 points131 points  (10 children)

Just once, on the lowest difficulty possible, for the challenge and +5 cap.

[–]JustAFrank 240 points241 points  (3 children)

Fixed a bug where The Maven's button on the Map Device needed to be deactivated for certain encounters if The Maven was not interested in the Area. These encounters can now be opened without the button needing to be deactivated.

The best change

[–]Wermine 116 points117 points  (0 children)

Dunno, I'm going with this:

Reserving Mana or Life no longer involves spending anything - so you don't need any current Mana to turn on an Aura, you just need enough of your Mana orb to be unreserved that the Aura's reservation will fit.

[–]freelance_fox 128 points129 points  (9 children)

Increased Character Size is now capped at 100%.

RIP to my giant homies

[–]-Dargs 227 points228 points  (12 children)

Someday... Not today, but someday.... Breach will innately get a buff to speed at which the zone expands and have splinters drop in larger quantity stacks. We can dream.

[–]signed7Champion 117 points118 points  (2 children)

My only dream for Breach is to have all the drops in the centre like Incursion etc

[–]_Xveno_ 120 points121 points  (8 children)

"You can now use ! as a prefix to a term (such as "!unique" or "Sword !Increased Physical Damage") to filter results in a search field (such as your stash) to display results that don't contain the specified search term."

Thankyou so much, always wanted this :)

btw, are there no changes to the fragment tab for winged scarabs?

[–]Nchi 117 points118 points  (37 children)

Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill, with a 8 second Cooldown (previously 4 seconds).

Is the drop version still 4... wow what a nerf

[–]MagikarpHasNoNoseChieftain 212 points213 points  (59 children)

Holy shit vaal ice nova looking juicy.

Now deals 18 to 26 Cold Damage at gem level 1 (previously 11 to 17), and 518 to 762 Cold Damage at gem level 20 (previously 274 to 428).
Now has a Cast Time of 0.7 seconds (previously 0.8).
Now has added damage effectiveness of 120% (previously 70%).
Now stores up to 2 uses (previously 1).
Now has a Soul Gain Prevention duration of 2 seconds (previously 4).

[–]DerDirektorspells>>> 59 points60 points  (11 children)

My body is ready for double vaal ice nova legionsmy pc is not, sadge

[–]VictusBcb 55 points56 points  (7 children)

Vaal Cold Snap looking juicy too

Vaal Cold Snap
Now deals 46 to 69 Cold Damage at gem level 1 (previously 35 to 53), and 1571 to 2356 Cold Damage at gem level 20 (previously 1002 to 1502).

Now deals 34.3 base Cold Damage per second at gem level 1 (previously 29.4), and 1532.7 base Cold Damage per second at gem level 20 (previously 1495.5).

Now has added damage effectiveness of 350% (previously 200%).
The base radius of the Hit is now 32 (previously 15).
Now has a Soul Gain Prevention duration of 6 seconds (previously 8).

Some big dick damage on that now

[–]Orichlol 402 points403 points  (35 children)

Conquerors of the Atlas encounters can now be accessed through a map item. When you have a Conqueror's Citadel ready to go, speaking to Zana will open the Map Device interface with a map containing the Conqueror's Citadel already placed in the first slot. Currency can be applied to these maps in the same way as a regular map, and adding fragments or scarabs alongside the map will enhance the map further. Item Quantity will only increase the amount of rewards dropped by the Conqueror by 20% of its total value.


[–]sirgogTormented Smugler 139 points140 points  (7 children)

Oh that's cool

Incoming delirious Baran

[–]GimmeCata 43 points44 points  (6 children)

Ghosted delirious Baran!

[–]Cadiro 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Hmm is this a new secret maven invitation waiting to happen,... "the victorious"

[–]ShanKanisAssassin 52 points53 points  (5 children)

I wonder if you can Horizon orb them. Would be great to avoid bad layouts.

[–]Duncan_Blackwood 51 points52 points  (3 children)

So, of all things, CADIRO was nerfed? Really? After not being crap for once?

[–]RATTRAP666Pathfinder 31 points32 points  (1 child)

Cadiro and Talismans were nerfed. Shit, two the most broken mechanics in the game.

[–]Not_MVP 384 points385 points  (41 children)

Party members that are not the map creator are now required to be within a 250 unit radius (roughly two screens) of a captured beast in order for it to be added to their Menagerie.


[–]SneakyBadAssThank you for visiting Yer Ol' Spooky Shope! 106 points107 points  (29 children)

Is that multiboxing related?

[–]PaleoclassicalPantsWhat up, it's ya boi Xantho. 110 points111 points  (15 children)

Yes. Now multiboxers will have to explicitly break ToS and mirror actions between characters which will risk them getting permabanned. Without breaking ToS all they had to do before was enter the map and sit on the portal as the primary character cleared.

[–]firebolt_wt 194 points195 points  (6 children)

Or manually control 6 characters, which will end up revealing that the multiboxer isn't a person at all, but actually an octopus. Which I don't think breaks the ToS.

[–]3riskwitch 118 points119 points  (2 children)

This is a buff for Starcraft players.

[–]PrickBrigade 145 points146 points  (38 children)


Now deals 70-108% more Damage with Bleeding while in Blood Stance.

That's a lot higher than I was expecting

[–]killerkonnat 54 points55 points  (30 children)

It now has higher base damage for bleed than lacerate but is missing the added phys damage.

[–]ceredwynNecromancer 44 points45 points  (14 children)

Go low life with the new max life as added phys support.

[–]HollowLoch 557 points558 points  (21 children)

Ctrl+F molten strike *1 result\*

  • Tzteosh, Hungering Flame no longer uses his Ultimate Molten Strike skill.


[–]cyc10nez 679 points680 points  (9 children)

The skill was literally so bad that even Tzteosh rerolled

[–]MargraveDeChiendent 142 points143 points  (2 children)

Ironically, it was completely busted when used by Tzteosh

[–]Ahrunes 57 points58 points  (5 children)

Hey, at least they gave Ngamahu's Flame +1 proj.

This is a buff.

[–]Silver_Key 225 points226 points  (45 children)

At 10 Defiance, take Reflected Physical Damage equal to maximum Life, then lose all Defiance.

Can't wait for the rip vids.

[–]johnratchet3 93 points94 points  (14 children)

Just checking, the wording states:

  • At 10 Defiance, take Reflected Physical Damage equal to maximum Life, then lose all Defiance.

  • 25% increased Armour per Defiance.

I also confirmed on the wiki that reflected damage can be reduced by armour, along with other mitigations like fortify and arctic armour. Since this is reflected phys and you will be under 250% increased armour when you pay your dues, does it seem somewhat survivable with a bit of attention to armour and phys mitigation? You need 10x the hit value (your max life; an intimidating amount before the Defiance bonus) to halve the damage, and luckily it can't proc more than once every 3 seconds.

[–]EmmitSanAlt-o-holic 67 points68 points  (4 children)

there are also nodes that reduce reflected damage taken, and items

[–]umaro900Hardcore 35 points36 points  (2 children)

When you put that context in, the node is far more survivable than it seems at face value. Yugul pantheon, 40% reduced via essence crafted ring goes a long way. Or a sibyl's lament if you really want to run reflect maps as well.

[–]Iorcrath 73 points74 points  (1 child)

just an fyi if you dont know, shocks counter that directly. if you have 100% reduced reflected damage taken but take 50% increase because of shock, you only reduced the reflect by 50%.

i am only posting because i didnt know for a long time and i know many people still might not know.

[–]umaro900Hardcore 33 points34 points  (0 children)

Yar. Not just shocks, but any sort of increased damage taken (including vulnerability as well). Get your ailment/curse immunes and/or get some 10% reduced reflect taken jewel implicits to overcap.

[–]RynocksRaider 46 points47 points  (1 child)

Vaal Ground Slammy Wammy

[–]BurningThad 91 points92 points  (15 children)

Vaal Ground Slam league.

[–]HerroPhish 16 points17 points  (9 children)

Ground slam is fun. Vaal ground slam is also pretty satisfying. Did a berserker ground slam build 2 seasons ago.

[–]Tetsero 123 points124 points  (7 children)

Talismans had a moment of not being bad, but Chris saw it and thought they needed to be earned.

[–]Rubb3rDuckyyGuardian 259 points260 points  (13 children)

Slayer didn't get corrupted blood immunity? why not....?

[–]sortingalgorithm 33 points34 points  (0 children)

Yeah I'm hoping they just overlooked it.
Because otherwise that line doesn't do anything until you get to the point of corrupting blood immunity jewel corruptions

[–]dont_dox_me-bro 384 points385 points  (31 children)

Ctrl + F "essence" 1/29

Uh oh.

Oh wait, right.

Ctrl + F "essence drain"


[–]Velvache 740 points741 points  (107 children)

Rip people who thought there would be skills buffs not mentioned in the manifesto.

[–]GNeivaLeague 474 points475 points  (33 children)

No buffs at all for underused skills, lol.

Really disappointing.

[–]ErrorLoadingNameFileRaider 162 points163 points  (6 children)

Its the only thing I want in patchnotes, well fuck.

[–]zenollor 162 points163 points  (8 children)

Surprising so few skills were balanced... and barely any ascendancy changes :/

[–][deleted] 162 points163 points  (18 children)

Nerf popular skills, leave garbage skills alone. Repeat every league.

[–]zenollor 120 points121 points  (34 children)

Flawless Savagery

The increased Critical Strike Chance modifier now applies to both Attacks and Spells. The added Physical Damage modifier now applies to both Attacks and Spells.

Spell zerker here we go lol

[–]chPskasHalf Skeleton 122 points123 points  (13 children)

I remember one of the past zerk reworks when they removed spell interactions, to make ascendancies more "defining".

[–]godlyhalo 11 points12 points  (5 children)

That change seems useless as the rest of the ascendency has no nodes which support spell casting at all. It's like they wanted for people to play spell caster berserker (Which would be a sweet option), but forgot to look at the other parts of the ascendency.

[–]p4nda13 42 points43 points  (9 children)

I hope to see my boy spectral throw gets the buffs it deserves before I die

[–]chPskasHalf Skeleton 116 points117 points  (1 child)

My dude, I hope you're young and healthy.

[–]FreeslandInquisitor 415 points416 points  (8 children)

Rip that dude who went to sleep 25 minutes ago.

[–]DisoRDeReDD 77 points78 points  (12 children)

Previously, when an item was unveiled, the veiled modifier added to the item would be equal to the highest tier modifier available on the Crafting Bench.

Wait... is that how it worked? I thought the mod added to the item was whatever tier happened to roll for unveiling--often lower than the highest tier.

Now, the modifier being unveiled no longer counts as a crafted modifier and will be stronger than any craftable veiled modifier.


[–]HelloFever 333 points334 points  (14 children)

I don't know why I'm reading this with so much excitement I don't understand the game anyway

[–]DaydrianGuardian 194 points195 points  (10 children)

GGG: We’re buffing Vaal attacking skills! Spark: :D GGG: Not you

[–]SysiphuzHierophant 252 points253 points  (67 children)

Blade Vortex Now has a base duration of 4 seconds (previously 5 seconds). Now has a radius of +2 at gem level 20 (previously +4). Now has added damage effectiveness of 20% (previously 25%). Now deals 86 to 129 Physical Damage at gem level 20 (previously 101 to 151).

oof BV. Probably still playable but hurts to see this done to my boy.

[–]jokomulexpedogshit league 204 points205 points  (2 children)

Blade Vortex is now Feather Breeze

[–]FrostyJesus 145 points146 points  (15 children)

Duration, area, and damage. RIP

[–]modix 162 points163 points  (5 children)

They do love their triple nerfs for things they want to go away.

[–]LucidTA 66 points67 points  (6 children)

BV getting the spark treatment.

Vaal Spark has been nerfed in almost every way possible.

[–]signed7Champion 60 points61 points  (0 children)

Base duration nerf, that hits a lot

[–]schmidlidev 93 points94 points  (7 children)

A nerf like never before,

  • The skill itself
  • The items it used (Bow+Quiver)
  • The builds it sponsored(explode: self-curse, self-poison)
  • The content it played (Fractured Mapping)

[–]signed7Champion 121 points122 points  (47 children)

Added a new Strength Support Gem - Bloodthirst: Supports attack skills, causing them to deal added physical damage with weapons equal to 2% of your maximum life while on low life

Max life scaling? Oh wow

[–]IrishWillyfilthy casual 79 points80 points  (41 children)

This would be incredible if they didn't specify *with weapons* and you could use the flat phys with fb. I think it'll still be super strong though.. 160 flat phys @ 8k life??

[–]Unum13 66 points67 points  (26 children)

pillar of the caged god hype?

[–]c9q9mdyoutube/eirikeiken ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 45 points46 points  (8 children)

It's going to be my league starter for sure.

[–]FortuneCookie40GRaider 26 points27 points  (6 children)

Strength for defenses, strength for base damage and strength for scaling... Looking forward to seeing that go down.

[–]c9q9mdyoutube/eirikeiken ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 26 points27 points  (4 children)

I have some cool interactions planned that will hopefully work. Though it might end up beeing bad aswell. Must. Become. Stronk.

[–]FortuneCookie40GRaider 18 points19 points  (3 children)

Looking at it now, they didn't specify 'supports melee attack skills', 'melee weapons' or 'melee attacks'. Your 3000+ strength shrapnel ballista build might have a new toy, too. Although Replica Iron Commander probably suffers a lot less from having low base damage.

[–]Planktonboy 13 points14 points  (8 children)

Double dips strength scaling, I was thinking doomfletch but this is better

Juggernaut for the triple dip

[–]Lwe12345Half Skeleton 474 points475 points  (54 children)

GGG has a phobia of buffing underused skills

[–]mumbomination 102 points103 points  (26 children)

Why'd they have to nerf escaped experiment it was probably a meme node even but I loved it

[–]bennyr 135 points136 points  (14 children)

I especially liked the Cadiro nerf in the same region. Better watch out people might get... 3 alchemy orbs

[–]PM_ME_UR_A-CUPKaom 243 points244 points  (46 children)

Zana League Mods Available During 3.14.0
[. . .]
Harvest (costs 12 Chaos Orbs): Area contains The Sacred Grove.

This is gonna get interesting.

[–]bECimpKEKW 54 points55 points  (5 children)

Vaal Blight

  • Now has a Soul Gain Prevention duration of 7 seconds (previously 8).

Dont know what I was expecting from ctrl+F but this is a bruh buff

[–]hemanNZ 52 points53 points  (4 children)

I thought traps were getting some kind of buff! I guess they didn't get nerfed, thats a buff!

[–]George_Cycloney 118 points119 points  (4 children)

Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill, with a 8 second Cooldown (previously 4 seconds).


[–]elboyo 21 points22 points  (1 child)

Since low life has changed to 50%, does that mean that Minion Instability also triggers at 50%?

[–]Sylailene 83 points84 points  (38 children)

Elementalist totally fine.

Vaal ground slam and vaal power siphon look really good right now

[–]jzstyles 181 points182 points  (20 children)

Vendors will no longer offer any scroll fragments in exchange for Perandus Coins.

That's the biggest nerf this patch.

[–]jzstyles 139 points140 points  (31 children)

Crafts are no longer guaranteed from seeds. Now, seeds of Tiers 1, 2 and 3 each have a chance to provide a craft, with Tier 4 seeds still guaranteeing a craft. Please note that the number of Tier 2 and 3 seeds encountered in Harvest Plots has remained unchanged, so the encounters will remain as challenging as they were before.

Goodbye ever seeing speed or crit crafts when they have 1-5 seeds in a plot WHEN they show up which is rare enough as is lol.

[–]K3TtLek0Rn 54 points55 points  (10 children)

I did a lot of harvest last league and never once got an augment speed or augment crit. Guess it's not happening this time either

[–]DrSpectrumChieftain 40 points41 points  (11 children)

Vaal Ground Slam with 400% Effectiveness is pretty tempting.

[–]NA_FanBoy 86 points87 points  (3 children)

Vendors will no longer offer any scroll fragments in exchange for Perandus Coins.

Damn this was not the vendor recipe change I was hoping for :(

[–]MostlyEffort 18 points19 points  (7 children)

Dance of the Offered just gives you Agnostic now hot damn

[–]Aether_Storm 78 points79 points  (11 children)

The Molten Burst skill granted by the Ngamahu's Flame unique Axe now fires 3 additional Projectiles (previously 2).


[–]Puddlesmith 89 points90 points  (21 children)

Seems like the vast majority of Atlas Passives were just nerfed? Was 20 ghosted rares really that good that it needs to be 5 now?

[–]AdvocateOfDeath 51 points52 points  (10 children)

That one surprised me as well, there's no chance people were running that with any meaningful frequency over Harbinger, beast, or legion farming in other areas. Even if they were, nerfing it by 75% is silly.

[–]dont_dox_me-bro 66 points67 points  (24 children)

Summon Carrion Golem The Golem's Cascade skill now has a 6 second cooldown (previously 4 seconds). The skill now also travels a shorter distance and has less area of effect. Summoned Carrion Golem now deals approximately 11% less damage at all gem levels.


[–]LakADCarry 54 points55 points  (0 children)

The Cluster Jewel notable First Among Equals now grants 6% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills (previously 8%).

The Cluster Jewel notable Renewal now causes Minions to have 5% chance to deal Double Damage while they are on Full Life (previously 6%).

The Cluster Jewel notable Replenishing Presence now grants 6% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills (previously 8%).

dont forget about these and flesh and stone.

[–]Krohnos 37 points38 points  (1 child)

The Conquerors of the Atlas quest line now has expandable sections in the quest tracker, similar to The Maven quest line.

Best patch ever

[–]xtRuzzo 49 points50 points  (0 children)

The Bull Thorns skill used by Lieutenant of Rage in The Labyrinth and the Crusher of Gladiators in the Racecourse Map has been visually updated and no longer has Damage Reflection.


[–][deleted] 31 points32 points  (21 children)

/u/mark_ggg, two questions about Chainbreaker:

  1. Is the 3 rage cost affected by the cost modifiers of linked support gems?

  2. If Chainbreaker makes one of my skills cost 3 rage, and I have less than 3 rage, then am I unable to cast the skill?

[–]gorpixxHardcore 30 points31 points  (2 children)

Ctrl + f "Death's Oath"

Oh my finally!

[–]alertalerta 13 points14 points  (6 children)

"The Death Aura skill granted by the Death's Oath unique Body Armour now deals 758 Base Chaos Damage per second" OH BABY

[–]DerDirektorspells>>> 30 points31 points  (4 children)

Essence of Dread

No longer grants +x to Weapon Range to Melee Weapons.

Now grants increased Impale Effect to Melee Weapons.

I mean there don't seem to be any numbers yet, but this cold be pretty bonkers. Possibly a new round of mirror phys weapons yet again.

[–]HeladitosKaom 98 points99 points  (8 children)


I didn't believe I'd see the day, AMAZING

ALSO WTF: You can now use ! as a prefix to a term (such as "!unique" or "Sword !Increased Physical Damage") to filter results in a search field (such as your stash) to display results that don't contain the specified search term.

[–]zajobaCockareel 47 points48 points  (2 children)

BV Duration, AOE, damage effectiveness, and added phys all hit.

Probably still OK tbh.

Edit: Diplomatic Escort now replaces one Harbinger with a King Harbinger instead of a group of Harbingers. RIP

Edit Edit: Added a fifth variant of the Vessel of Vinktar BAWW GAWD THAT'S VINKTAR'S MUSIC

[–]Markleblatt 47 points48 points  (17 children)

I don't understand the Ascendancy changes for Zerker/Gladiator.

Zerker had Flawless Savagery changed but not Blitz, so there still isn't enough support there for a spell build.

Glad had the bleed damage changed to phys over time, but left the explode as bleed so you still are only going to take that for bleed builds.

What exactly changed here?

[–]HVAvenger 14 points15 points  (0 children)

I'm not 100% on this, but I think the idea is for scion's mini-glad to be able to use to use the new phy damage over time gems.

Scion mini-glad doesn't get the bleed/explode, but looks like it will get the damage over time.

Again, not 100% sure on this.

[–]runninxc09 107 points108 points  (35 children)

Essence (costs 2 Chaos Orbs): Area contains 2 additional Essences.

Breach (costs 2 Chaos Orbs): Area contains an additional Breach.

Bloodlines (costs 3 Chaos Orbs): Magic Monster Packs each have a

Bloodline mod. Area contains 3 additional Magic Monster Packs.

Ambush (costs 3 Chaos Orbs): Area contains 3 extra Strongboxes.

Harbinger (costs 4 Chaos Orbs): Area contains 2 additional Harbingers.

Heist (costs 6 Chaos Orbs): Area contains 2 additional Smuggler's Caches.

Harvest (costs 12 Chaos Orbs): Area contains The Sacred Grove.

Zana mods are kinda underwhelming? Maybe nerfed harvest will carry for 12c...

[–]Farazon94 72 points73 points  (11 children)

Essence for 2c is pretty insane. Also Heist doesn't seem too bad since you get Blueprints quite often if you're doing Lira Arthain. With a tiny bit of luck and having some revealed ones, you're in the stonks already.

[–]kryniu113rolling bear 25 points26 points  (9 children)

hmm I might play Bladestorm Bleed Glad instead of my usual Lacerate

[–]ErgoMachina 25 points26 points  (0 children)

I'm utterly in shock. No nerfs to Molten Strirke

[–]jayrodias 11 points12 points  (7 children)

So with the change to Gratuitious Violence being more damage over time will enemies affected by physical damage over time explode? Because if its just still bleeding that kinda sucks for the new skills.

[–]DabMan69420 85 points86 points  (44 children)

BV/BB got clonked, but I think VBV is...slightly better? 2 uses is a big deal if you have a -40% reduced Vaal soul cost, because it means you can store another charge.


Vaal Skill Gems can now only be obtained from a set of specific methods such as Vaal Side Areas, Divination Cards (that specifically grant Vaal Skill Gems) and the Lapidary Lens in the Temple of Atzoatl.

No more vaaling for vaal gems?????

[–]Community_TeamGGG Staff[S] 150 points151 points  (28 children)

You'll still be able to get Vaal Gems from corrupting gems. We've added an update to the bottom of the post.

[–]Ryant12Dominus 347 points348 points  (45 children)

PSA to fellow Exiles: I will be doing a "Compiled List of Streamer Starter Builds for Ultimatum League" post closer to launch, just like I did with Ritual, Heist, Harvest, Delirium, Metamorph, Blight, and Legion.