top 200 commentsshow 500

[–]ExquisitorVex 1061 points1062 points  (25 children)

  • A few torches will now light your way to Lioneye's Watch.

Thank god, I kept getting lost on the beach.

[–]Deskbot420 73 points74 points  (0 children)

Good thing we had that Twilight Strand map guide earlier this week.

[–]00zau 515 points516 points  (81 children)

Vitality is now better than prior up to 14,500 life, and reserves less mana as long as you have more than ~700 max mana. Fair to say it's a pretty strict upgrade

[–]raxurus 148 points149 points  (8 children)

Yeah vitality is now a legit form of defense and increasing aura effectiveness just makes it even better.

[–]C_Cain 40 points41 points  (15 children)

My aura bot is pretty pumped

[–]Treebranch1 383 points384 points  (26 children)

Shortest patch notes I've ever seen. Mathil won't even finish one glass of wine with this amount of content.

[–]SoulofArtoria 52 points53 points  (1 child)

G3 Iron was right after all. He predicted Heist will have the shortest patch notes after seeing how small the manifesto was.

[–]GallaptorXAssassin 545 points546 points  (34 children)

Added a Vendor Recipe for a special Support Gem. Good luck!

Time to hunt for the generic Elemental Penetration gem.

[–]santoriin 314 points315 points  (16 children)

isn't it probably just "sell replica bitterdream"?

[–]Musti_ALeague 42 points43 points  (0 children)

Bitterdream + Light Pen + Cold Pen + Fire Pen + Orb of Fusing

[–]Nickoladze 106 points107 points  (3 children)

an inventory of bitterdreams

[–]KarjalanGladiator 51 points52 points  (2 children)

A bitterdream socketed with other bitterdreams

[–]00zau 52 points53 points  (2 children)

If it's not Replica Bitterdream, make sure to try some currency along with the three regular pen gems. Fuze would be a good bet.

[–]Scarbrowfree bitching no gaming 168 points169 points  (7 children)

Fire Pen + Cold Pen + Lightning Pen + Mirror of Kalandra

[–]MrAndersson286 1024 points1025 points  (75 children)

I think there seems to be a lot less nerfs than usual.

also, the real hero:

When you use an in-area transition (such as the entrance to a boss room), a very short cooldown is now applied to the transition at the destination, to prevent accidentally bouncing back with some overzealous clicking.

[–][deleted] 247 points248 points  (35 children)

I cannot believe y'all have had to play with that for years. I've been playing for 6 months and it's been driving me crazy.

[–]KarjalanGladiator 62 points63 points  (4 children)

Yip, I do this all the time, it's much worse with map portals too.

Surprisingly massive QOL improvement

[–]EphemeralMemoryRaider 638 points639 points  (105 children)

Am I crazy or did surprisingly very few things happen outside of what's already been announced?

Only like 10-20% of the info from the patchnotes seemed like it was new.

[–]CosmoSucksSynthesis was a good league 272 points273 points  (58 children)

I was expecting some ascendancy reworks/buffs to be honest.

[–]Mountebank 237 points238 points  (12 children)

I was expecting Occultist to gain something regarding doom at least.

[–]the_ammar 15 points16 points  (4 children)

occultist just needs a better defensive node. get rid of power charge and give an ES- related keystone imo

[–]seandkiller 46 points47 points  (3 children)

and give an ES- related keystone imo

Like the ones she used to have, before they gutted both her ES nodes and put one of them on the passive tree?

[–]edubkn 96 points97 points  (20 children)

Raider rework soonTM

[–]PandaArchitectTrade Is Fine - dwi 84 points85 points  (10 children)

I feel like the raider rework has been 'in the works' for like two years now.

[–]YetiTooJaded 30 points31 points  (5 children)

At this point I expect nothing Ascendancy related until PoE 2, but I hope I'm wrong. I'll even take numerical changes.

[–]PostItToReddit 28 points29 points  (5 children)

I think Bex said there would be no re-works or buffs this patch, but there might be a few nerfs...which there were in the Necro/Ascendant/Assassin nerfs.

[–]explosivecurry13StopUsingPoeDotTrade 91 points92 points  (12 children)

same, but then again over 800 alternate gems and 90 replica uniques take a while to balance out and figure out what can be made with it. changes not a lot of but we technically have a lot of stuff added

[–]Ashuckel 124 points125 points  (4 children)

Press F for Bane, the patch.

No +curse gem levels
Several passives not affect it anymore
No longer interact with Vixen's Entrapment
Enfeeble nerf, indirectly

[–]binarysingularitiesOccultist 270 points271 points  (119 children)

No mention of Occultist, sad. Also rip Bane. Chaos Leech as ES tho, that's nice

[–]AnjinToronaga 99 points100 points  (58 children)

Yeah that secret bane nerf. Goodbye plus bane levels :(

[–]Arkillion 47 points48 points  (14 children)

I was one of the few 1% playing Bane ever as Life-based Trickster, now it's been guttered to the point of not getting +2 curse gems on tabulas for a quick boost, can't benefit from any of the Doom nodes, Hex Master node moving far away when you could usually get it around 24 when you obtain Bane, plus all the ES leeched as life and lack of interaction has just fucked it.

[–]PacmanZ3roElementalist 21 points22 points  (9 children)

I really wish they would just make an exception for bane and allow it to gain doom. I was considering doing bane as league start for once since firestorm doesn't look mechanically appealing (those visuals tho).

Now I'm sort of stuck. Not sure what I want to do.

[–]KaraKangaroo 54 points55 points  (30 children)

The re-arranging of curse nodes might actually be really good. Nerf to enfeeble is weird. They said there's a rune that gives you reduced curse mana reservation, so that might be really nice.

Depends on stuff but it could actually pan out to be a pretty strong buffs to curses and overall occultist.

[–]Nickoladze 27 points28 points  (25 children)

Temp chains nerf is pretty harsh too. level 1/20% TC used to be better than level 20/0% cause quality was so good ESPECIALLY when using enhance. The 3 ele resist curses are all still trash quality as well.

Hoping to see alt quality for all of them.

[–]Toxic_and_EdgyUsername checks out 344 points345 points  (103 children)

Firestorm numbers seem extremely dissapointing

[–]PurpleSmartHeartSaboteur 125 points126 points  (51 children)

Firestorm's entire point of "FUCK THIS AREA IN PARTICULAR" was completely gutted so they could... what? Have a meteor that's worse than a Fireball?

And when Icestorm is strictly better than before as long as you only cast it 5 times or fewer?

I mean, Icestorm was always better than Firestorm anyway, but now it's not even close.

[–]fuckyou_redditmods 74 points75 points  (37 children)

These changes killed Icestorm too. 5 storm cap murders the single target of the build.

[–]AnothernamelesacountAssassin 154 points155 points  (20 children)

It looked fun so it had to be prenerfed and DoA.

[–]lowkeyripperSC-SSF 41 points42 points  (16 children)

Same with shattering steel. And lancing steel. Im sure theres a way to build them so you do damage, but damn was I really excited to try my first champion this league or alternatively go glad.

[–]EvilPotatoKingOccultist 27 points28 points  (1 child)

And lancing steel.

idk, Lancing steel looked kinda lame (the visuals) like an invisible totem shooting small dick pewpew projectiles. Shattering steel looked way cooler.

[–]butsuonChieftain 64 points65 points  (10 children)

That's because they are. Even with the added big hit, a single unlinked fireball does more damage than the entire storm on average.

[–]thelehmanlipUnannounced 14 points15 points  (1 child)

33 damage at char level 28? Is this a joke?

[–]Navara_[🍰] 201 points202 points  (67 children)

Discharge Now has an added damage effectiveness of 450%.

[–]Bitchenmuffins 155 points156 points  (38 children)

Time for archmage discharge...

[–]Malokyte 238 points239 points  (76 children)

Firestorm just looks like a weaker Armageddon Brand in most use cases. Less base damage, less support for ignite, less scaling with cast speed, less damage effectiveness. I was hoping it would be more impressive with how much it was hyped up on being able to improve the skill's numbers by limiting the number the storms, but I'm not impressed. It looks cool, but I don't see the use case for it that isn't outclassed by existing fire spells.

[–]dmillz89Theorycraftician 151 points152 points  (50 children)

The base power of the spell has been significantly raised

5% increased damage effectiveness, 15 flat added fire damage more. This is the "significant" base damage buff? The center meteor being there doesn't come close to making up for the 3 Firestorm limit.

[–]geezlers 112 points113 points  (33 children)

Don't forget that the base duration is now 1.4 from 2 and the interval is now doubled from .1 to .2. Actually DOA. Guess it was deserved though, all those firestorm characters breaking the game.

[–]no1kopite 57 points58 points  (31 children)

Blows my mind. There's always one skill inexplicably driven into the ground and now it's firestorm?!?!?.

[–]Drasius_Rift 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Salutations Exile. Using a self damage inflicted casting loop...

Yeah, this is an OMGItsJousis nerf and nothing more. The fact that it's a kick in the nuts to the 3 people playing firestorm unironically and not to lag out their friends/partymembers for the lulz is collateral damage.

[–]xebtriaI like trains 10 points11 points  (0 children)

the center meteor does less than half the base damage of a fireball.

just putting it there

[–]Malokyte 22 points23 points  (9 children)

150% more damage for the first meteor sounds great, but it still only just barely makes it slightly better base damage than Armageddon Brand. But you don't need to recast a Brand, so it still has less mana efficiency. Maybe if you scaled added damage, but then why not just use Fireball?

Furthermore, the duration and frequency of Firestorm was reduced as well, so unless the area of effect of each smaller meteor is also substantially larger or the secondary radius is much smaller, you're getting less damage per cast on average as well.

And that's also assuming it doesn't suffer from the problem that plagues Armageddon Brand, which is the drop time of the meteor. If it drops slow enough that some enemies can avoid it, it's even more garbage since the front loading of damage becomes unreliable.

It just looks worse the more I look at it, and I'm really hoping I'm not right in my judgement because it just looks so cool and my disappointment, while not immeasurable, is still immense.

[–]TwistU2 6 points7 points  (2 children)

the lack of support for ignite was the biggest bummer for me... how the hell a meteor from sky does not have ignite properties... :(

[–]Malokyte 6 points7 points  (1 child)

I was so ready for Firestorm Ignite. Popped in numbers for the PoB and instantly reverted back to Fireball/Armageddon Brand. 4 link of either of them still has over double the ignite dps of a 6 link Firestorm. I'm not surprised since they both have good more ignite modifiers and Firestorm has none, but it's like what the fuck is Firestorm supposed to excel at then? What can it do that Blazing Salvo won't do better? Why is a level 1 skill outperforming it in almost every metric when it's a level 28 skill?

[–]00zau 43 points44 points  (20 children)

[[Cameria's Avarice]]

Now on hit (presumably against frozen enemies). Seems like it could actually be playable now. Combine with the slam reworks and use Ice Crash and effectively chain shatter mobs, then get a second attack ever half second vs. bosses. Ignoring supports, and assuming you're hitting slow enough to price Icicle Burst on every attack, that's about 50% more damage.

[–]emshumi 234 points235 points  (49 children)

Ball Lightning

Now has a base radius of 18 (from 22).

Now deals 3 to 48 lightning damage at gem level 1 (from 3 to 57), up to 22 to 426 lightning damage at gem level 20 (from 28 to 533).

Ouch that hurts.

[–]Krunchy1736 153 points154 points  (26 children)

It lost slightly more than 2 levels of damage. Wasn't expecting that to be the 'nerfed slightly' from the manifesto.

[–]connerconverseHierophant 96 points97 points  (3 children)

its around 4 levels of damage because of the radius nerf, 2 20% nerfs

[–]KaraKangaroo 55 points56 points  (20 children)

It's a pretty big nerf for mines, but honestly mines did so much damage anyway it'll probably be okay still?

The Archmage version gets most of its damage from the added damage anyway so it's probably gonna be okay.

[–]Therefrigerator"Bring back harvest" he screamed into the void 43 points44 points  (15 children)

I'm sure mines will find another skill to abuse. Blazing Salvo looks interesting.

[–]ChaosAEPath of Pathfinder 90 points91 points  (26 children)

Can Vixen's Entrapment be changed to Hex from Curse since Bane will no longer have the Curse tag?

[–]Bathtap 56 points57 points  (21 children)

And bane loses a load of AoE, looks like were going a different starter bois

[–]lurker1125Synthesis Ruled 84 points85 points  (3 children)

Bane got D E S T R O Y E D

[–]AnothernamelesacountAssassin 37 points38 points  (0 children)

Rip Bane you were too pure for this world

[–][deleted] 81 points82 points  (5 children)

This patch note is less exciting than the usual patch notes before.

[–]dj-riffConflux League Officer 195 points196 points  (83 children)

Are we going to get more information about how Doom works? While I see some skills add an amount of doom per second, what's the cap? Is there a limit on how much doom can be generated? Do multiple hexes on a target generate to a total doom count or is it individually tracked?

[–]naseigelul 231 points232 points  (11 children)

doom all over the patchnotes but they never specified how it actually functions lol

[–]DefinitelyNotATheist 27 points28 points  (8 children)

the two new skills just use it to deal more damage, but yeah, some functionality specifics would be pretty neat i guess.

[–]TheBreakfastBaronOccultist 23 points24 points  (0 children)

I was excited for the patch notes until I saw that all this info was missing D:

[–]Intolerable 71 points72 points  (23 children)

im struggling to see how the change to whispering ice doesnt essentially remove it from the game

(max 5 storms)

[–]dirtysionmain 162 points163 points  (43 children)

Someone good at math please tell me if I'm wrong but Firestorm damage is super low ? 207~311 average at around 259. 150% more on the first hit so 259 +259*1.5 = 650ish. That's like half the damage of a fireball. I want to make a build with it but isn't it DOA ?

[–]ztikkyz 63 points64 points  (0 children)

Yea i was about to use that skill too and now I have a lot of doubts

[–]czulki 50 points51 points  (6 children)

Correct. On top of that if you can't one shot with the meteor hit you have to rely on delayed hits which appear to hit randomly in an area. Looks very underwhelming.

[–]dmillz89Theorycraftician 20 points21 points  (16 children)

I've done the math very roughly with my planned PoB and so far it's looking like quite a bit less single target damage (~50% less) but will be a lot nicer for clear since it's more consistent.

We don't know the new radius of the fireballs though which could bump those numbers up a lot. Going from 40% (current) to even just 60% chance to hit a monster with the fireball bring this up to be about 30-40% less than current.

I'm extremely disappointed. That said I'm probably going to try to roll it as my starter anyways. Damage scaling is good enough these days that I'm pretty sure I can still have over 4mil consistent single target damage, and it still looks fucking amazing visually.

[–]Person454Elementalist 190 points191 points  (52 children)

Rip Ice Storm, 5 storms maximum

[–]hesh582 74 points75 points  (27 children)

Yeah wtf. I was really surprised by that. They didn't really buff it very much at all in compensation, either.

You could have a ton of storms going at once before. They gimped that and gave out a relatively minor base damage buff in return.

It's hard to tell how much the increased impact aoe will help, though. If it really does result in a lot more projectiles hitting (of which I am extremely skeptical - you could already get most to hit with enough -aoe) that might balance it out I guess.

[–]Werezompire 53 points54 points  (11 children)

The old impacts covered about 16% of the total area. The new impacts cover about 53% of the new area. So you're looking at each impact being about 3 times more likely to hit any target in the icestorm area but the impacts are half the speed.

So you're basically looking at x2.25 the damage per second as before (50% more cold damage per Int, x3 hits at 50% speed), but you get a 1/3rd less duration & you can only stack 5 icestorms max. There's also effectively a x2 multiplier on added damage due to the higher impact likeliness so using Archmage might be a good idea.

[–]maelstrom51 30 points31 points  (0 children)

So you're looking at each impact being about 3 times more likely to hit any target in the icestorm area but the impacts are half the speed.

Not true at all since monster hit boxes are an area rather than a point.

[–]Artoliciouslogoutcore best core 103 points104 points  (3 children)

"Cannibals no longer have an extended wind-up before they throw their stones."

In case some overtuned oneshots had too much visual feedback.

[–]stupiddumbidiot 20 points21 points  (0 children)

wheely boys and cannibals buffed LOL scary shit

[–]EmperorLuuk 7 points8 points  (0 children)

overtuned oneshots had too much visual feedback.

Reminds me of that RaizQT rip. And anybody who ever played any private league with multi-proj learns to fear those rippyboys instantly.

[–]Tealtyr 99 points100 points  (13 children)

Scouts from Scout Towers now have 38% more Attack Speed and deal 50% more damage.

Doubling Scout tower dps is supposed to increase diversity?

[–]JarRa_helloLOGIN 28 points29 points  (2 children)

Now you don't even need a character to clear Blight maps. SeemsGood

[–]ClockworkSalmonDefault 119 points120 points  (7 children)

did firestorm get super nerfed or am I crazy? from 2s to 1.4s base duration, from 0.1 to 0.2 interval. Went from 20 to 7 hits base level?

Idk if a 5% more effectiveness, 10 additional base damage and 150% more damage on first hit makes up for the loss of 13 impacts lol

Hopefully they forgot a 0 next to the more damage modifier, 1500% more damage would be fair

edit: as /u/hanmas_aaa stated, big meatball is closer to 5 small meatballs (2.5x the damage, then double because of the area), as the doubled radius increases the average overlap. That means currently we get the equivalent of 11 hits vs previous 20 per cast, with the benefit of having higher frontloaded damage.

Max of 3 storms is pathetic though.

[–]PorcupinesoneloveShadow 17 points18 points  (0 children)

don't forget now you can have ONLY 3 firestorms UP


[–]metfansc 29 points30 points  (0 children)

yep, here is a cool new look to the skill, also while it looks awesome we also made sure it is completely useless.

[–]SideboardSix 122 points123 points  (2 children)

"Fixed a bug where Fairgraves, Never Dying took his epithet way too literally and would become unable to be killed"

I lol'd

[–]OutrageousFile 93 points94 points  (15 children)

Blights seem like they will be a lot easier now right? Arc and chilling tower already felt pretty strong to me

[–]Xzarg_poe 45 points46 points  (4 children)

Yeah, I'm pretty surprised how all the towers I like got buffed.

[–]CyphafrostPathfinder 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Right? I thought maybe I was going crazy or just doing it wrong this whole time.

I already used arc to shut down choke points VS normal enemies

Scouts were a "fuck this area in particular" along with just helping dps for bosses

Chilling towers were just good to slap down willy nilly

[–]salvadas 14 points15 points  (1 child)

The issue is that meteor towers were just the best all around tower, so they buffed the others instead of nerfing those.

[–]kono_kun 26 points27 points  (0 children)

What the fuck. We need to get the Blight balance guy to do ascendancies. Maybe we are allowed to have fun after all.

[–]ZianexFlair Stash Tab when 89 points90 points  (10 children)

Firestorm and Icestorm seem really bad. Hopefully the numbers are misleading and they've improved mechanically by a lot.

[–]2drunk4youTrickster 84 points85 points  (9 children)

They just wanna make sure nobody touches these skills ever again to protect their servers.

[–]CoverYourSafeHand 13 points14 points  (1 child)

It's my fault, I played Cyclone cwc WI the last few leagues. It was so fun using those Stampede boots. RIP

[–]sphiralisx 64 points65 points  (1 child)

Double nerf to glancing blows as is tradition from GGG. Otherwise pretty average patch notes that seem pretty empty compared to other leagues.

Seems that a lot of skill balance may be coming from new quality gems so i'm looking forward to seeing what they have in store.

[–]fr0gurt 85 points86 points  (2 children)

"When you use an in-area transition (such as the entrance to a boss room), a very short cooldown is now applied to the transition at the destination, to prevent accidentally bouncing back with some overzealous clicking."

This is good, finally I can stop going UFFFFFF every few maps

[–]AnjinToronaga 131 points132 points  (35 children)

I'm confused to the wording of this:

Added a new Keystone - Doomsday: Causes Hexes you cast to apply to an area, applying the Hex to all enemies in it for over its duration. The Hex area gains its maximum Doom after a short secondary duration.

Do hexes not already apply to all monsters in the area? Its an area skill.

Or does like like make the curse persist in an area?

[–]Woodsie13 100 points101 points  (0 children)

Looks like it applies a ground effect, yeah.

[–]Rainbow_Plague 79 points80 points  (8 children)

It turns your curse into a ground effect, like Doedre's curse fields.

[–]00zau 18 points19 points  (7 children)

It took me a minute as well. Pretty sure it lays the curse down as a field that effects enemies that walk into the area later (and presumably drop off enemies that walk out of it).

[–]jaffringgi 12 points13 points  (0 children)

kinda like the doedre fight i think?

[–]SumireiPathfinder 906 points907 points  (72 children)

these have got to be the biggest nothing patchnotes ive ever read

[–]wormania 241 points242 points  (8 children)

I think most of the "new stuff" is the 900 gems and 90 new unique variants. Those are going to be varying levels of build changing/defining, but are not enumerated here.

[–]hesh582 128 points129 points  (49 children)

Discharge now does 908 average lightning damage per charge at level 20. The ignites will be something special.

The 30% ailment penalty is basically nothing compared to how much base damage you can get. This is seriously like 10x the base damage of any comparable ignite skill if fully leaned into.

[–]Zambashyoutube.com/imthewinningest 81 points82 points  (8 children)

A fully charged divine ire is about 2300 damage for the purposes of ignite. A discharge with 6 power charges + 6 endurance charges is more than 3 times as powerful AFTER the 30% less.

[–]Zzzzyxas 50 points51 points  (23 children)

You could probably build discharge out of the 450% added damage. That's 2250 average from dissintegrator at 0 siphon charges.

[–]RorcanHarbinger 131 points132 points  (24 children)

I'm confused with Fire Storm.

The base power of the spell has been significantly raised

Old Skill

  • 250 damage x 20 over 2 seconds = 5,000 total damage per cast
  • 2,500 dps
  • no limit to casting

New Skill

  • 259 damage x 6 = 1,554 + 647.5 over 1.4 seconds = 2,201.5 total damage per cast
  • 1,572.5 dps
  • limit to cast speed usefulness before overwriting damage
  • 5% more added damage effectiveness

on paper, the base power of the spell looks like it's been significantly lowered due to the impacts being halved. Am I missing something here?

edit: obviously not taking AoE into consideration, where the old skill would often not hit with every impact. Are the new smaller impacts a different size than the old impacts?

[–]jmoney54 108 points109 points  (58 children)

Raised Spectre versions of Redemption Sentries and Redemption Knights now have approximately 33% less Life and Damage than before.

BOTH?! Thought the Knights were safe :(

[–][deleted] 32 points33 points  (0 children)

You must remember you'll get a cat with a bow tie and monocle youve never had that before, imagine the possibilities

[–]PM_UR_BRKN_PROMISES 1187 points1188 points  (18 children)

People chatting so fast that they don't know I use Avatar of Fire with Atziri's Promise

[–]shung 127 points128 points  (5 children)

Upvoted for visibility.

[–]SuspiciousTip 46 points47 points  (0 children)

100% stealth

[–]Juzo_gaDancing Dervish Ascendant 194 points195 points  (26 children)

Gluttony got fucking gutted good GOD. "Gluttony: No longer has level 30 Poacher's Mark on hit.

No longer grants Culling Strike against enemies cursed with Poacher's Mark.

Now grants 20 to 28 Life on hit with Attacks against Cursed Enemies, 10 to 14 Mana on hit with Attacks against Cursed enemies, and Culling Strike against Cursed Enemies."

[–]Unreal_DaltonicRaider 124 points125 points  (10 children)

Gluttony got straight up obliterated and then thrown into space.

[–]Juzo_gaDancing Dervish Ascendant 39 points40 points  (8 children)

It didn't deserve this

[–]LoateIrredeemable in any world, real or virtual 61 points62 points  (7 children)

Finished eating itself

[–]Magstine 32 points33 points  (1 child)

Belt slot and two major downsides and all you get is Culling Strike.

[–]Toxic_and_EdgyUsername checks out 25 points26 points  (0 children)

which is now available on passive tree

[–]Fmhah92 104 points105 points  (14 children)

did they just casually nerf bane without realizing it?

[–]Kraineth 60 points61 points  (1 child)

They specifically targeted bane here

[–]metfansc 35 points36 points  (0 children)

if it was a mistake it was a very targeted very aggressive mistake to wipe it from existence.

[–]MolinaroK 18 points19 points  (1 child)

They killed it.

[–]yusayuTrickster 61 points62 points  (4 children)

Am I missing something or is there some mistake in the patchnotes? How has the base power of Firestorm been "significantly raised", when it now only has half the impacts, less duration (so even fewer impacts over time) and had a whole 5% flat damage and 5% damage effectiveness added to it? Doesn't halving the impact frequency mean that the damage is pretty much halved as well?

I gotta say, that's pretty much a nerf to a useless skill.

[–]BeerLeagueHoarding your EX 40 points41 points  (7 children)

Sneaky enfeeble nerf... why??

[–]AggnogPOEview-profile/Aggnog 21 points22 points  (0 children)

To make sure people keep not using it.

[–]Bargoss 8 points9 points  (0 children)

no defenses allowed

[–]Tealtyr 90 points91 points  (49 children)

Now causes cursed enemies to have a 1% chance to grant a power charge when hit per 4% gem quality (from 1% chance to grant a power charge when slain per 2% gem quality).

Ez power charge generation for bosses without assassin

And for assassin, lvl 12 Assassin's mark (from ring) just went from .7% flat crit vs shaper/sirus to 1.5% flat crit, which is actually larger than the flat crit loss from the ascendancy nerf.

[–]RokstarBizzleHalf Skeleton 65 points66 points  (19 children)

Honestly I feel like the mark skills are better now. Charge generation on hit is WAY more important than the stuff they all lost.

ETA: Oh god I forgot about marks having no reduced effect on bosses now. That is also way more important than all the stuff they lost just by itself.

[–]Reginault 40 points41 points  (11 children)

Yeah Poacher's Mark adds 30-45 flat phys dmg, keeps the life/mana on hit, and negates 20% of phys reduction, on top of the Frenzy charge on hit. I'm surprised more people aren't talking about it.

[–]GCPMAN 16 points17 points  (5 children)

Poachers mark is insane. also 50 life on hit is like 2 claws on your dual wield foil build

[–]ZGiSH 18 points19 points  (1 child)

The real patch notes are the 800 alternate skill gems google doc tbh

[–]RaizePOEJuggernaut 112 points113 points  (10 children)

ctrl+f molten strike 0 results


[–]snowlockk 183 points184 points  (1 child)

No results is still a Molten strike nerf. :)

[–]RaizePOEJuggernaut 66 points67 points  (0 children)

you know what, that's fair

[–]DocFreezer 66 points67 points  (19 children)

bane got put straight in the trash can, wtf? why did they gut this skill...it was pretty balanced imo

[–]tehzipfile 36 points37 points  (7 children)

No Spectral Throw buffs :(

[–]3h3e3 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Pretty frustrating to do a curse rework and destroy Bane. Just why.

[–]masterofdunk 50 points51 points  (19 children)

Marks giving charges on hit is actually sick

[–]HoldenXX 47 points48 points  (5 children)

Really wish they addressed some of the under used ascendancies with a few small buffs such as raider or Inq..

[–]Nitrakhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCOyz9qqtcM& 77 points78 points  (4 children)

  • The /autoreply command now persists across area transitions.

This is HUGE! :D

[–]upako 31 points32 points  (0 children)

No Bladeflurry fixes since melee rework LMAO

[–][deleted] 33 points34 points  (1 child)

Was hoping for firestorm revival, but it's doa.

[–]MeepMeep4u 15 points16 points  (5 children)

Is it just me or does Lancing Steel look like absolute garbage? 85% base damage, with an 80% AS modifier, with 60% less damage for subsequent projectiles? Even on paper that seems unusable. I hope I’m wrong.

[–]Warnora 37 points38 points  (45 children)

So, if I read this correctly, Soul Mantle got nerfed out of the blue (More specifically, the combo Soul Mantle + Self-Flagellation got nerfed)

[–]BucketBrigade 141 points142 points  (64 children)

Quick tell me what to think.

[–]LordEthano 277 points278 points  (11 children)

Probably the least eventful patch notes in a while

[–]snowlockk 42 points43 points  (5 children)

Other than the reworked skills, almost nothing else got a balance pass.

[–]LordEthano 44 points45 points  (4 children)

Yeah it's pretty shocking lmao. Like honestly basically nothing changed, just some potentially new viable skills.

[–]CyphafrostPathfinder 25 points26 points  (1 child)

It seems they're really putting their eggs in the "alternate quality" basket in regards to skill changes.

[–]DBrody6 65 points66 points  (10 children)

Probably the least destructive patch notes we've had in awhile. Predictable Spellslinger nerf, Necromancer gets off easy, Glancing Blows expectedly nerfed, everything else is the same or better.

Really disappointed a lot of weak ascendancies have had absolutely no changes, though.

[–]wOlfLisK 34 points35 points  (5 children)

everything else is the same or better

Bane seems to have been nerfed into the ground, it lost a ton of scaling due to losing the curse tag. There's a slim possibility it might now be able to trigger hexblast and impending doom due to being a hex but that's unlikely seeing as it wasn't listed as generating doom.

[–]mogjadu 40 points41 points  (7 children)

"Added a Vendor Recipe for a special Support Gem. Good luck!"

Oh dear

[–]5urface13 35 points36 points  (3 children)

Fire, Lightning plus Cold Penetration to generic Elemental Pen maybe

[–]Rain_In_Your_HeartRaider 40 points41 points  (0 children)

It's almost certainly just vendoring a replica Bitterdream.

[–]the_real_gorrikJuggernaut 11 points12 points  (1 child)

I bet it's the new replica bitterdream

[–]MERCDaWnRaider 28 points29 points  (2 children)

Watcher's Eye:

Can now grant 10 to 15% increased Energy Shield Recovery Rate while affected by Discipline (from 20 to 30%).

Can now grant 6 to 10% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield while affected by Clarity (from 12 to 18%).


[–]thedankestsoul 12 points13 points  (15 children)

So, is Crackling Lance... good? Or should I go Discharge with that juicy damage effectiveness? I'm thinking about taking a crack(ling) at it for my league starter, maybe Inquisitor with Archmage support or something. Also, honestly kind of sad to see no buffs for some of the obscure Ascendancies.

[–]enjoyluck 17 points18 points  (8 children)

Gem info tommorow. Same idea. The only question will be trickster for discharge or heropant.

[–]Clyp30 13 points14 points  (4 children)

Crackling is not the type of skills that's good with archmage, because you want fast casting. With archmage you want something that has a duration

[–]jeffreybar 24 points25 points  (1 child)

Maybe I'm missing something, but Icestorm seems way worse now? Less duration, a (fairly low) cap on the number of storms, impacts happen only half as often, and a fairly meagre 50% increased base damage? I'd have to mock up a build, but that sounds pretty terrible to me. It's not like the skill was busted before...

[–]Revolutionary_Pie_15 12 points13 points  (3 children)

Cameria's Avarice: Now triggers the Icicle skill on hit, rather than on kill. This affects all versions of the item.


[–]Sywgh 41 points42 points  (37 children)


  • Now has an added damage effectiveness of 450%.

Is this a typo???

[–]RanzearSlayer 28 points29 points  (5 children)

Blight Towers have been rebalanced to try to provide a better diversity of strategies for handling Blighted maps.


Scouts from Scout Towers now have 38% more Attack Speed and deal 50% more damage.

Are ... are you sure that's what you're doing here?

[–]Hybriis 21 points22 points  (9 children)

Shattering steel grants steel charges, but you get 4% attack projectile block chance per charge? Why only projectile attack block? I was hoping for just attack block, that's rather disappointing...

[–]GutherzigTV 22 points23 points  (2 children)

NOW its FIRM by GGG finaly after that many years...

Molten Strike got removed form the Patch Notes!

[–]itsFyndel 8 points9 points  (1 child)

The shortest patch notes ever?

[–][deleted] 65 points66 points  (21 children)

22 to 426 lightning damage at gem level 20 (from 28 to 533)

Ouch ball lightning

not surprised, but yea

RIP BL inquis i did for fun

[–]modernkennnern 28 points29 points  (0 children)

That's not the most relevant part though.

The area nerf is a lot worse

[–]gaplekshbs 16 points17 points  (1 child)

Don't forget the base radius nerf.

[–]wild_man_wizardShavronne 102 points103 points  (21 children)

TLDR version:

  • Heist: steal stuff. The stuff is broken.

  • Nerfed Jousis. This is a buff. (Fire/Ice Storm, stealth)

  • Curses are different. Most are Hexes, can linger in an area with a keystone, and doom. DOOM.

  • Marks are single-target, but they're busted good now. Projectile Weakness is now a mark, and gives split instead of pierce. Deathmark is not a mark. Hexproof doesn't effect Mark. Thanks Mark.

  • Spellslinger, Ball Lightning, and Bane are dead, you are expected to use the new hit-based chaos spells, Blazing Salvo and Crackling Lance before they're nerfed next league. Have fun leveling. That's an order.

  • Steel skills are going to need a PhD to figure out. They have ammo and strange projectile mechanics and an new skill that generates ammo that makes them sort of like mines in reverse. Good luck!

  • Flame Wall will be patched at least three times in the first week of the league as broken mechanics pop up. League start with care, nobody wants to hear you whine about nerfs.

  • New skills exist that will lure you into a playstyle that involves standing still so Sirus can remind you how bad that idea is.

  • Discharge sets things on fire real good.

  • Vitality is now visible without a Watcher's Eye.

  • Crit-based characters should take a look at Brittle with Ele Prolif for clear, since Assassin's mark is now single target only and you can scale Brittle now.

  • Vulnerability is now busted for any ailment-based DoT, especially bleed.

  • Mark on Hit rings are the only way to mark on hit. Hex on hit affixes provide Doom. Bound Fossils now give curse affixes. Budget accordingly.

  • Cameria's Avarice is usable. Whoops, no it's not.

  • Redemption Spectres are no longer OP. Dreadwheel Spectres may now be OP.

  • Buffed the towers from the tower defense league, so maybe people will use towers.

  • Fortune favors the Brave requires significantly less bravery.

[–]Sag3dRaider 32 points33 points  (4 children)

Jesus, Enfeeble. F.

[–]Realize12 19 points20 points  (1 child)

yea, they are nerfing defensive layers all across the board. I don't envy HC players

[–]AutomataBanana 16 points17 points  (1 child)

That enfeeble hit is disgusting, and already does fug all against bosses. God forbid someone who builds around one-shot mechanics. And yet, there's sources of critical immunity in the game, I don't understand.

[–]zackfordInquisitor 8 points9 points  (3 children)

Has it been answered yet... Does Flame Wall's main effect and/or secondary debuff count as a unique source of burning? i.e. does it/they stack with other sources like ignite, burning ground, Burning Arrow debuff, Herald of Fire, etc.?

[–]aradebilElementalist 8 points9 points  (1 child)

what happened to autosort?....

[–]vitus_varianChampion 29 points30 points  (8 children)

No Death's Oath :(

[–]stauddCockareel 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Theres surprisingly little surprises in this patch. Even that passive tree changes are mostly curse stuff.

[–]Dantonn 7 points8 points  (3 children)

Cannibals no longer have an extended wind-up before they throw their stones.

Wasn't this added because they were basically instantly killing everyone (read: me) at low levels? That doesn't seem like mob behaviour we need more of.

[–]KaraKangaroo 20 points21 points  (12 children)

Is it just me or is lancing steel worse in basically every way compared to before?

Edit: Okay wait how does the projectile shard thing work? It fires 3 additional projectiles, is that always and then you can buff it by having the steel shard thing? So with 4 shards consumed you're shooting like 12 projectiles by default?

Cause if you can get 24 projectiles its pretty good? (1 base + 3 additional + GMP)X3

Cause it's 85% base damage and 60% less for each hit, wait is that 60% and then 60% and so on for each hit or just every hit after the first does 60% less? I really have no clue.

I'm assuming it's just 60% less for each one, 24 projectiles, 63~% base damage, 25% per additional projectile. = 660% damage?

[–]StormoneChris, let Rory rewrite trade 15 points16 points  (0 children)

The /autoreply command now persists across area transitions.

Huge buff to lab running

[–]alexx3064Thiccest Korean Streamer 39 points40 points  (38 children)

firestorm numbers look meh but still gon give it a go

[–]NohisuTrickster 107 points108 points  (2 children)

They're not "meh", they are completely shit. The big Meteor-like impact does less damage than half a Fireball, the "storm" part is limited to 3 with halved hit rate and 30% less duration, and the base damage barely got buffed. It has more upfront damage so it's slightly better for clear, but it's SO MUCH WORSE for everything else, it's disheartening.