top 200 commentsshow 500

[–]Dotctori 131 points132 points  (3 children)

So when I succesfully do a grand heist my companions do not lose any progress / levels / items and are exactly as good after the heist (with more exp), unlike syndicates do after a mastermind mission?

[–]Bex_GGGFormer Community Lead[S] 148 points149 points  (2 children)


[–]Dotctori 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Instant reply, amazing. Thank you very much!

[–]ncsbertElementalist 306 points307 points  (6 children)

The alternate quality gems further highlights the need for the bonus added by quality to be itself, highlighted in some way.

[–]Joo_Unit 51 points52 points  (3 children)

Agreed. I honestly expected it in the preview. Pretty much has to be a week 1/2 QoL addition, right?!?

[–]hugglesthemerciless 52 points53 points  (2 children)

It's probably one of the "in case of rough launch break glass" QoL improvements they're gonna save for a midleague patch yea

[–]Stealthrider 605 points606 points  (43 children)

"All Sockets Linked"

Guess I know which enchantment I'll never see.

[–]wU8glrGuprh34wNmg3nc 297 points298 points  (21 children)

Yeah, same as the 6 link seed this league. It's hype bait

[–]kumgongkia 40 points41 points  (9 children)

Funny enough i got one in a few thousand seeds but i never had the 6s one...

[–]DisposableAirman 9 points10 points  (1 child)

Got the 6link seed on day two. At ilvl 57 or something stupid. Helped get into mapping but man what a waste with the ilvl locks

[–][deleted] 16 points17 points  (3 children)

I did thousands of maps this league and saw a 6 link seed exactly 0 times.

I had some 900 ex when I quit. Not one 6 link seed. Got level 100 well before I saw a 6 link seed.

[–]jzstyles 49 points50 points  (0 children)

Still never saw one. Hundreds of hours in harvest, multiple 95+ characters, constantly doing seeds on cooldown, used flowers on em a few times even.

[–]MunduS5Assassin 139 points140 points  (8 children)

All Sockets Linked

Life modifiers have increased value

INB4 10 ex enchant

[–]large-farva 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Never forget: they teased legacy league with 997% relic facebreakers.

[–]Eleven655321 654 points655 points  (17 children)

I swear..If I have to keep one guard alive...

[–]Bex_GGGFormer Community Lead[S] 523 points524 points  (5 children)


[–]snapekillseddard 120 points121 points  (0 children)

Genocide is back on the menu, boys!

[–]Grarr_Dexxduelist 9 points10 points  (0 children)

oh boy here I go killin again

[–]MessirNoob 59 points60 points  (2 children)

Vorichi chest flashback

[–]marko9207 347 points348 points  (74 children)

So you do a small heist every map?

[–]Bex_GGGFormer Community Lead[S] 282 points283 points  (68 children)

Roughly, yes.

[–]PacmanNZ100 41 points42 points  (24 children)

Any comments on how party play will interact with the league?

[–]normie1990 52 points53 points  (0 children)

From the Chris interview with Ziggy - contracts (mini heists) drop from regular monsters and you choose when to run them. So you won't be losing your HH buffs while waiting for the NPC to pick the lock in each map.

[–]Roobtheloob 263 points264 points  (6 children)

Alert Level (--|__________ )

....while being chased by a flame monster. lol

[–]snapekillseddard 112 points113 points  (3 children)

"Oh fuck, the flame monster is on the move! I think we have an intruder!"

"Nah, it just does that sometimes, rookie. Don't worry too much about it."

[–]prospectre(Hacksaw) I have no idea what I'm doing 25 points26 points  (1 child)

"Sir, what about all the corpses? I think that's the lieutenant with lava burns over there..."

"Listen, if you're just gonna nitpick every little thing, you might be demoted to shit shoveler. Speaking of, grab a shovel and clean this up... Rookie?"

Rookie, gurgling and covered in magma.

[–]Gayeren 634 points635 points  (41 children)

Betrayal but wet

[–]Protuhj 284 points285 points  (22 children)

Syndicate but Specialists

[–]xDaveedx 214 points215 points  (19 children)

Incursion but with lockpicking

[–]and_i_mean_it 113 points114 points  (16 children)

Sacrifice of the Vaal with friends

[–]mr-_-khanPathfinder 132 points133 points  (15 children)

Delve but the mine is a bank

[–]starklife 130 points131 points  (14 children)

Invasion, but you're the invader!

[–]IcyRespawnLoves all things deerly (ign: IcySucksOrgans) 130 points131 points  (11 children)

Perandus but poor

[–]Ashygaru666 138 points139 points  (9 children)

Ambush, but you're the box

[–]PurpleKiwiNecromancer 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Breach, but we're breaching

[–]canadian_warlord 41 points42 points  (0 children)

They heard our pleas for automatic doors, but answered our prayers by locking them.

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (1 child)

can't wait for these fuckers to betray us too

[–][deleted] 66 points67 points  (3 children)

Wet bandits

[–]LordborgmanDeadeye 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Sticky bandits

[–]opaquekumquat 59 points60 points  (1 child)

Wet ass path of exile

[–]datlanta 21 points22 points  (0 children)


[–]Nevzat666Unannounced 43 points44 points  (11 children)

Bex - When you asked everyone their favourite thing about the league, what was the one thing they all had in common?

[–]Bex_GGGFormer Community Lead[S] 81 points82 points  (10 children)

The rush of the escape.

[–]explosivecurry13StopUsingPoeDotTrade 10 points11 points  (9 children)

what determines the escape timer? i saw 16 seconds pop up after opening something and i wonder if that will be enough time

[–]Bex_GGGFormer Community Lead[S] 43 points44 points  (8 children)

There's no escape timer. If you trigger the alarm, either through capping your alert level or by grabbing the Artifact, you'll have a brief window of time to continue looting before everything gets locked down. The timer only indicates that window. You can escape in as much time as you like, the pressure comes from the combat.

[–]explosivecurry13StopUsingPoeDotTrade 24 points25 points  (6 children)

oh so the only fail condition is by dying, like intervention encounters in Betrayal

[–]Bex_GGGFormer Community Lead[S] 40 points41 points  (5 children)

That's right.

[–]trashywashy 5 points6 points  (2 children)

What happens if you disconnect? Will you fail the heist?

[–]vironlawck<*LGCY*>SG/MY Guild -- recruiting newbies 8 points9 points  (0 children)

should works like delve, anti-logout macro

[–]Enger111 6 points7 points  (0 children)

That comment made me like this league 10x more, I thought The Escape is timed.

[–]OutrageousFile 754 points755 points  (28 children)

Got to love the URL: heist?boat=true

[–]GCPMAN 347 points348 points  (22 children)

Lol she manually edited it in for the reddit post. You are able to add whatever arguments to the URL you want even if they are never used by the page. Maximum troll.

[–]CaptainReginald 136 points137 points  (2 children)

Bex is really a master of her craft isn't she.

[–]vvav 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Bex stole the boat, now you'll just have to walk out of the heist on foot.

[–]KimanoAscendant 35 points36 points  (1 child)

So to make sure I have this all right, Heists are the "verb"/opened map form of "contracts", which are the noun; the itemized, roll-able thing you pick up from monsters.

Markers are a currency item that we pick up that lets us to go to, and buy things in, the rogue harbor.

Blueprints are the 'uber fragment' version of contracts, which open grand heists instead of normal ones, but are otherwise the same rollable map-type item? You have to "upgrade" these by interacting with the harbor npcs and make them runnable?

[–]Bex_GGGFormer Community Lead[S] 25 points26 points  (0 children)

That's right, yep!

[–]ShanwerdTrickster 361 points362 points  (25 children)

I am devastated that it's not sea-themed

[–]HospiceTime 139 points140 points  (4 children)

Oceans 13,

Wet bandits, etc.

[–]daxtep 5 points6 points  (3 children)

What about Ocean's 11?

[–]seandkiller 18 points19 points  (0 children)

One of these days we'll have our pirate league.

One of these days.

[–]dalaio 30 points31 points  (0 children)

There's a harbor?

[–]mr-_-khanPathfinder 92 points93 points  (13 children)

We’ll be swimmin’ in a sea of currency my friend

[–]Kryptex 102 points103 points  (10 children)

In a sea of wisdom scrolls

[–]the_ammar 65 points66 points  (5 children)

predicting the first week of launch reddit is going to be filled with



[–]HumanJackieDaytona 51 points52 points  (1 child)

A month later:

We fixed a bug in the loot tables

[–]HINDBRAINBerserker 22 points23 points  (0 children)

Also 30 threads on game breaking bugs and 80 threads on cantseeshit bossfights.

[–]sentimentalwhoreUnannounced 298 points299 points  (30 children)

It's me or are we getting less stuff on the supporter packs? Kinda hard to justify 60usd or 120usd like I usually do for less stuff...

[–]Aldoro69765 22 points23 points  (2 children)

Yeah, I'm not too impressed either.

The big Harvest packs included armour/wings/weapon effect (or armour/cloak/weapon/weapon effect). Here we get that kill-scaling character effect that looks really distracting at its highest stage (0:32 in the Master Spellblade Armour video) and moderate armour sets that have really bad clipping issues just from standing around.

[–]Dramatic_______Pause 827 points828 points  (23 children)

Chris Wilson you son of a bitch, I'm in.

[–]watghedeal 44 points45 points  (2 children)

Pickle league soon

[–]Dramatic_______Pause 36 points37 points  (1 child)

Funniest shit I've ever played

[–]TakaimLys 100 points101 points  (24 children)

If you can't trigger the alarm, I'm wondering about minions builds. How will they work with this league?

[–]Sekai___ 124 points125 points  (7 children)

That's for the beta testers to find out

[–]tommyk1210 191 points192 points  (6 children)

Wait.... that’s us isn’t it...?

[–]muzzling 56 points57 points  (1 child)

Can't wait for my minions to run off and attack mobs whilst I'm trying to be all stealthy.

[–]Bushido_Plan 19 points20 points  (0 children)

That's how they'll nerf Necromancers this league!

[–]darklypure52 216 points217 points  (16 children)

Blight: Tower Defense

Harvest: Factorio

Heist: Payday 2

[–]entireplant 104 points105 points  (0 children)

I wish harvest was factorio.

[–]Zindae 44 points45 points  (2 children)

Harvest: Factorio

What an absolute insult to Factorio tbh

[–]angry_wombat 29 points30 points  (1 child)

What's next?

Hats: TF2

[–]neonharvest 10 points11 points  (1 child)

Don't forget Bestiary: Pokemon

[–]GatitusHierophant 75 points76 points  (58 children)

Is that a Firewall spell?

[–]Bex_GGGFormer Community Lead[S] 192 points193 points  (56 children)

Flame Wall, yes. If you send projectiles through it, they'll catch fire for added damage.

[–]Kay9911 31 points32 points  (0 children)

Guild wars 2 projectile effects through elemental zones?! Hot damn.

[–]VictusBcb 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Oh my, that sounds dope. Looking forward to trying that out.

[–]german39Statue 393 points394 points  (78 children)

Only a character effect for $30 USD and only adds an armour for $60? Worse supporter pack value EVER, wtf happened here GGG?

[–]j05h187 97 points98 points  (2 children)

yea i don't get that either, had to look at the packs twice and was thinking.. "where's the portal or weapon effect?"

[–]_RrezZ_ 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Lmao I can't even remember the last time we didn't get a weapon effect.

[–]hugglesthemerciless 19 points20 points  (0 children)

wtf happened here GGG?


[–]cXs808 76 points77 points  (10 children)

I thought your comment was going to be typical whiny reddit so I went to look at the supporter packs and holy fuck.

It's actually the worst supporter pack I've ever seen.

Basically nothing for $30/$60.

[–]HuaojozuWe D4 Aspect Skills now 78 points79 points  (9 children)

But you get the warm feeling of supporting a Chinese multi-billion corporate giant.

[–]bballjosh11Trickster 94 points95 points  (27 children)

Having no competition happened.

[–]Just_made_this_nowPuitotem 16 points17 points  (0 children)

$30 for only a character effect is utterly ridiculous.

[–]ArtisticBad1 421 points422 points  (75 children)

This looks like it's either going to be amazing or complete shit. On first glance it seems to fall into the "too much league mechanic not enough killing" trap. That mob density looks pitiful and planning seems like betrayal but with even more steps.

[–]the_ammar 184 points185 points  (30 children)

"too much league mechanic not enough killing" trap

it risks falling flat on its face for one of the following reasons:

  • not enough killing
  • not enough rewards if you just do it blindly
  • requires a fucking degree for it to be rewarding

the league will either be launched with lackluster rewards at the start and the sub blow up/people leaving, or it will be really rewarding and quickly nerfed to the ground

[–]SpecialEndrey 47 points48 points  (18 children)

How many smaller heists do you have to do for a big one (roughly)? I spent a lot time in harvest and seeing oshabi 3 times after countless of days playing was feeling quite unrewarding

[–]Bex_GGGFormer Community Lead[S] 91 points92 points  (17 children)

Heist's lay the groundwork for Grand Heists by providing more markers, intel and rogue experience to help you get prepared. There's not a set number to do before a Grand Heist as long as you have a Blueprint and enough markers to unveil it and hire your Rogues. Blueprints drop from monsters in the regular game world and from Heists. They're itemised like maps so you can roll new mods on them and trade them with other players.

[–]tufffffffHalf Skeleton 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Jesus take the wheel

[–]stauddCockareel 354 points355 points  (33 children)

please be less of a spreadsheet insanity than betrayal

edit: oh no

[–]IRefuseToGiveAName 113 points114 points  (0 children)

edit: oh no

I'm so sorry you had to find out this way.

[–]VictusBcb 121 points122 points  (38 children)

I do have a question. While I'm certainly a big fan of heist hi-jinks, does this mean that we're basically doing a league where you basically cannot kill mobs lest you blow your whole operation? In a game all about killing lots of stuff, that sounds potentially awful. I really hope we have some stuff we are allowed to kill without being punished for it.

[–]Bex_GGGFormer Community Lead[S] 172 points173 points  (37 children)

You're definitely encouraged to kill, it has a relatively minimal effect on the alert level. It largely increases your alert level from opening chests.

[–]ugh-people 421 points422 points  (76 children)

Looks innovative, but I REALLY hope that you'll be able to play this thing without having to bother with a bunch of micromanagement for plans and crew. This is an ARPG, not Medieval Hitman or Assassin's Creed.

This seems like Betrayal on steroids, and that can get extremely tiresome extremely quickly.

[–]MystiaRaider 279 points280 points  (24 children)

We don't know the full details, but seems like you just gain the contracts and coins passively, similar to how Silver Coins work. Meaning you can ignore the mechanic and keep to your own business, and when you feel like Heisting you can binge them all.

It's not like Incursion, Breach, Delirium, etc. Where you are forced to run it the second you find it or miss on it, that already makes this a potentially very good league.

[–]Bex_GGGFormer Community Lead[S] 282 points283 points  (15 children)

That's exactly right.

[–]caw81 11 points12 points  (2 children)

It looks like Contracts have fixed levels, so its not as bad as "do it now or lose it" but I don't think you would wan to hold them forever and still be useful (e.g. do a level 23 Contract at character level 50)

[–]MystiaRaider 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Yeah, that'll be true for leveling, but when things slow down in maps it becomes a lot more manageable, and other than stash limits, it doesn't have a hard wait cap, like Sulphite, or Atzoatl does.

[–]Cyrotek 68 points69 points  (7 children)

As long as you aren't forced to micromanage something in the middle of a map it should be fine.

[–]20characterusername1 22 points23 points  (0 children)

Like trying to get the right syndicate members into the right job while also dealing with their emo mood swings and cliquey infighting?

[–]ThorTheGrayInquisitor 48 points49 points  (3 children)

I'm on the fence too....but I am keeping an open mind.

[–]IRefuseToGiveAName 27 points28 points  (2 children)

but I am keeping an open mind.

This is where I'm at. I'm 100% going to play this league, but the question remains whether or not I'll stick around after the first two weeks.

[–]GGGCommentBot[M] [score hidden] stickied comment (8 children)

GGG Comments in this Thread:

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - They don't lose progress if you fail a Grand Heist they just don't gain...

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - Each Rogue has one main skill and two sub skills. There are around 13...

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - Flame Wall, yes. If you send projectiles through it, they'll catch fire for added...

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - They'll gain experience in their skills and you'll get the rewards from the end-vaults...

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - Roughly, yes.

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - Heists come from contracts which are itemised world areas like maps but you can...

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - Your alert level is increased by killing monsters, opening secure lockers and when your...

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - Heist's lay the groundwork for Grand Heists by providing more markers, intel and rogue...

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - Nope

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - More fire!

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - You're definitely encouraged to kill, it has a relatively minimal effect on the alert...

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - If you're close to the Artifact already you can still grab it. You have...

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - Yes

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - When you grab the Artifact you'll automatically trigger the alarm causing the facility to...

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - Markers, Contracts and Blueprints drop from regular monsters throughout the game.

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - It has the potential to be an alternative to mapping if you gather enough...

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - It was actually Harvest. Every type I've written Harvest publicly in the last few...

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - Yes they also drop from Heist monsters. You can buy contracts from one of...

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - Most likely the first news day of the week leading up to launch.

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - You only take one Rogue with you per Heist and up to three Rogues...

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - That's exactly right.

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - It's pretty similar to how frequently you would run Temples in Incursion before it...

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - They don't reset and your progress is shared between characters per league. They do...

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - I'm pretty sure it's any of your projectiles (allies too!)

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - They do. Whichever skill they used on the Heist will gain experience if you're...

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - In Heists it's a huge ruckus of guards to get out. The more doors...

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - I can't reveal this right now but you should definitely pay attention to the...

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - Grand Heists are self contained. They're items like maps that you can craft and...

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - The rush of the escape.

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - Yes

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - Also you don't have to reveal everything in a Grand Heist. You reveal as...

[Bex_GGG - link, old] - I'm not sure of the exact specifics there but you'll likely want at least...

Beep Boop. This comment has become too long to fit! Please check the GGG reddit user account that is replying so much via their reddit comment history

[–]NzLawless 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Poor bot. Bex overloaded it.

[–]cXs808 38 points39 points  (4 children)

The league itself could be good could be bad, we'll see. I'd much rather someone from GGG address why the supporter packs this time are so barren? The price stays the same yet, for the $60 pack, we're getting 7 line-items:

1) points

2) forum title

3) armour pack

4) $60 portrait

5) $30 portrait

6) character effect

7) soundtrack

Literally the only thing that is in-game visually when you're playing is the armour pack and the character effect....

Every single previous $60 supporter pack had 9 line-items. We're missing two of the following choices: back attachment, weapon skin, weapon effect, portal.

What happened here exactly? If there was less manpower to do the supporter packs, I get it. Doesn't mean you can't lower the price to something reasonable considering what is being offered. This straight up feels like we're getting ripped off.

[–][deleted] 150 points151 points  (12 children)

"There's enough in that bunker for all of us to live comfortably."

Reality: A few scrolls, some frags and maybe a few worthless rares.

[–]telendria 86 points87 points  (4 children)

the feeling when you get an amazing new base or new enchant base only to realize it's not harvest anymore and you won't be able to make anything even half-decent out of it

[–]BernardoOrel 594 points595 points  (78 children)

Yes, I play poe for two reasons: to avoid being detected while I watch npcs do their lockpicking animation

[–]Evermist 366 points367 points  (37 children)

I'm sure my group of 20 minions that I only have vague control over will be down with the whole stealth thing.

[–]EIiteJTElementalist 103 points104 points  (6 children)

Just tell them to play dead

[–]Evermist 46 points47 points  (5 children)

It's ok the guards won't notice the sudden increases in corpses in the interior design.

[–]czartaylor 36 points37 points  (3 children)

so it's authentic to every stealth game out there?

'ah I notice that my friends and fellow guards are forming a pile of bodies over in that corner, it's probably nothing to worry about, back to patrolling'.

[–]rusalka9Elementalist 49 points50 points  (1 child)

frantically trying to shush your horde of moaning zombies

[–]WalkFreeeee 270 points271 points  (14 children)

There are plenty of solutions to this that I'm sure will be implemented one or two months after release

[–]__Hello_my_name_is__ 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Fix: Minions will no longer attack enemies to prevent triggering alarms.

[–]jleonraOccultist 17 points18 points  (2 children)

Anyone remember Elron mission of kill enemies within the relic radius? summoners had to wait on the other room bc minions sucked hard lmao

[–]IllegalFishermanHarold of Agony 9 points10 points  (0 children)

You can't be detected by guards when everyone is dead.

[–]AustereSpoonPathfinder 176 points177 points  (6 children)

Cries in old Vorici open the chest missions, amirite?

[–]Hongo-BlackrockPathfinder 38 points39 points  (0 children)

how dare you remind me of this

[–]The_2nd_Law 43 points44 points  (1 child)

Fuck those master missions.

[–]benDammit 31 points32 points  (0 children)

It was time to do Vorici missions again!

[–]Sekai___ 100 points101 points  (9 children)

Stealth in an ARPG lmao

[–]Prace_Ace 18 points19 points  (28 children)

Will this work as an alternative to mapping?

[–]Bex_GGGFormer Community Lead[S] 69 points70 points  (27 children)

It has the potential to be an alternative to mapping if you gather enough contracts.

[–]TehAntiPopeThe Dread Thicket is now always 50%. 16 points17 points  (1 child)

Delve was the first mechanic we saw that was a legitimate alternate to mapping and that was extremely exciting. The fact that we're getting another option is fantastic and has me very optimistic about this league. I think some of us old players are getting really burnt out on the Atlas.

[–]Timeswap 31 points32 points  (0 children)

We are now the new Syndicate.

[–]AustereSpoonPathfinder 45 points46 points  (1 child)

Aside from the league mechanic which I will wait until we have more info, let me just say those are the LEAST hype supporter packs I have ever seen. I am usually good for at least one 60 dollar one per league and in the past have made it as high as the Phoenix pack... I have zero desire for basic armor I can never see and awkward character effects that slowly circle you. I was really hoping the red pack from last league would start a "at least one pack gets a cool weapon skin / weapon effect" but nah.

[–]SoreThumbsSlayer 163 points164 points  (11 children)

Really hope theyve learned from past leagues and dont have a ton of tedious micro-managing you have to do. Trailer is pretty underwhelming, but heres hoping the league itself is fun.

[–]czartaylor 109 points110 points  (0 children)

dont have a ton of tedious micro-managing

These elaborate jobs require masterful planning, purchasing additional intel about the facility, and hiring multiple Rogues to assist with their many obstacles.

outcome not likely.

[–]PunkS7yle 55 points56 points  (0 children)

First time ?

[–]xlxlxlxl 105 points106 points  (3 children)

Sounds like Vorici Mission league. IDK about this one...

[–]tufffffffHalf Skeleton 35 points36 points  (0 children)

oh god i'm having PTSD flashbacks now about vorici missions

[–]Brumak4eva 23 points24 points  (1 child)

I think a 3-minute trailer isn't nearly enough to go off of, like for an actual opinion, so this is just my dumb knee-jerk reaction. It does look like a lot of micromanaging, which is a negative, but maybe it won't be that bad. Perhaps if the loot is rewarding enough, it'll be worth it. Can't say I'm particularly hyped but I'm certainly looking forward to getting more information on it.

[–]SUPEROUMANFacebreaker Enthusiast 31 points32 points  (1 child)

You can't tell us Discharge is reworked without showing it. We need to see it!

[–]Velvache 126 points127 points  (6 children)


[–]sporicleAssassin 59 points60 points  (0 children)

theres literally a laser room LMAO

[–]JNordish 20 points21 points  (1 child)

Which actually means, that it is sea-themed Kappa

[–]Sebfrede 36 points37 points  (0 children)

Path of Exile: Payday 2

Sneaking was never an option!

[–]ScienceFictionGuy 83 points84 points  (15 children)

Launching another complex, experimental minigame league right after Harvest is going to be a controversial choice. I have no idea how to feel about the league mechanic because it's so out there for an ARPG game.

New spells look really cool though.

[–]hisuphi 530 points531 points  (124 children)

Looks fun, Reddit will hate it.

[–]Awisp_Gaming 16 points17 points  (4 children)

Everyone gonna be running CWDT Void sphere...

Also, Blazing Salvo mines could be nuts

[–]Yasuchika 211 points212 points  (47 children)

First impressions not too great, looks like a lot of micromanagement akin to Betrayal board + being stealthy in an arpg is not something I'm too interested in.

[–]LateNightCartunesUnannounced 143 points144 points  (28 children)

So much to manage. I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade but...this isn’t really why I like to play the game.

[–]PrickBrigade 36 points37 points  (1 child)

"Stealth" is pretty much #1 on the list of things that nobody ever asked for in an ARPG.