dog does something uncharacterisitc and wacky
Extended list of rules and definitions here
1: No politics
Poking fun at people who happen to be political figures without including their political agenda is fine, since they're people just like us.
2: Series posts must contain at minimum 4 panels per part/2 lines for most panels.
Each post of your series has to be at minimum 4 panels long as well as linking your previous parts of the series in the comment section of your post. Posts with more than 5 panels must have at least 2-3 lines of dialogue in at least half of the panels.
3: No reposts/only OC
Reposting from within/outside the sub/sites, overlaying only text over someone else's edit, Making a video compilation of doge memes etc.
Any watermarked post that isn't the OP's username will be removed unless explicitly stated in the comments by OP.
4: No discrimination.
Do not discriminate against other people, specifically do not to demonize them or use racial/homophobic/or any other prejudiced slurs towards them.
5: No Spam
Only 3 posts are allowed daily per user. Any promotion of dogecoin will be removed. Any form of gold is not allowed: Memes, Begging, Meta Posts. Posting a Classic Dogelore Saturday post outside of Saturday counts as spam.
6: No posts relating to banned/quarantined subs
Posts that relate to banned/quarantined subs will be removed to prevent r/dogelore itself from getting banned.
7: No side characters on their own.
All posts must contain doge in a meaningful capacity (no lazy doge watermarks) except on Side Character Sundays. Template posts are excluded from this rule; see rule 10.
Characters that are an edited version of doge (Big Bro, Karen, Stuff) do not fall under this rule.
8: No harassment of any kind
No harassment of any kind. This can range from making a cruel post/comment targeting a specific twitter user, reddit user, YouTuber, etc. to just being an jerk to someone in the comments.
9: No low quality/effort posts.
Low quality/effort includes, but is not limited to, random dogs, bad mobile rips/corrupted files, illegible text, unedited/barely edited pics of doge against a tame background, etc.
10: Templates must be a transparent PNG.
If you are going to make a "template post", you must make it as a transparent PNG (no black/white backgrounds)
11: No overdone/overused meme formats/punchlines/jokes
Prohibits any low quality, repetitive meme format/joke/punchline. Some meme trends will fall under rule 11. When a meme trend is rule 11, it is required that the posts are high quality/high effort. This is defined as, but not limited to: sharp PNGs, high quality background, well-defined text, etc. Memes that a subversion of the original joke/format/punchline are not banned by rule 11
12: No extremely personal/vent posts.
This includes posts that cannot be understood without context exclusive to your experiences or family members' experiences, posts featuring self-harm, sexual abuse, and the likes and posts that vent about recent things that happened to you (i.e. Some idiot bullied me at school, etc). Relatable posts are not covered by this rule, unless they are extremely niche.
Icon by u/salboot
Banner by u/liteflip
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