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[–]mylyfemyrulz❤️MYLY❤️[M] [score hidden] stickied commentlocked comment (0 children)

Stickying this post to front page. Anyone who spams sub with this post will be banned.

[–]VanessaIsGreatAll the snackrifices that I've made for you 2004 points2005 points  (55 children)

She's gonna have the marriage certificate she never had 💕🥺💕 TBH I'm happy for her.

[–]Rightbuthumble 942 points943 points  (33 children)

Please TLC throw her a huge wedding with a really nice dress and televise it and let there be normal dancing and no Christine singing but invite everyone from the brown family but kody…oh let the celebration begin

[–]Moon_Burg 228 points229 points  (5 children)

I've struggled through the last few seasons, fast-forwarding multiple sections, but would 100% resub to D+ for this. Just putting it out there for any of Christine's kids who might be reading this to let the producers know 👋

[–]Beneficent_Ovum 84 points85 points  (3 children)

HBOMax and D+ are merging, too!

[–]VanessaIsGreatAll the snackrifices that I've made for you 34 points35 points  (1 child)

YAAAAAAS !That means I don't have to pay extra !

[–]Acceptably_Late 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Oh thank goodness

I have too many packages. At least if it’s a combo it’s just one subscription

[–]jules13131382 4 points5 points  (0 children)


[–]BklynOR 38 points39 points  (0 children)

Letttt me calll you sweetheart!!! Ohh sorry.

[–]No-Test-6868 33 points34 points  (3 children)

Can't wait to see Kootie doing his dumb dance at her wedding with that knife hanging out of his kidney.

[–]RKA625"My bank account of love..." 6 points7 points  (0 children)

He's going to dance as hard as he can to prove he's unbothered by all of this.

[–]SMEastwoodKC 59 points60 points  (2 children)

Especially be sure to invite Robyn's kids.

[–]SailorRDpurrity thief 59 points60 points  (1 child)

Christine took annoying little HRH Ariella Mae’s advice:


[–]Boss-Not-Bossy 65 points66 points  (9 children)

And no Christine singing 💀

[–]Context_is_____ 24 points25 points  (0 children)

But how great would it be for Natasha Bedingfield sing ‘Unwritten’ live at the reception. I felt like Christine was singing that to herself as well as Ysabel when she performed it at Ysabel’s going away party. The words are like her anthem.

[–]TheAmazingMaryJane 31 points32 points  (7 children)

and for god sakes don't let kody officiate. can you imagine how cringeously delicious that would be though!!!!

[–]bestneighbourever 21 points22 points  (5 children)

And for sure don’t let Kody dance at her wedding

[–]ChickenGirl8 8 points9 points  (3 children)

That “dance” was so amazingly awful and head turning… I really hope we get an encore.

[–]Rightbuthumble 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Let’s hope she and her husband to be take really classy dance lessons and do some ass kicking, dancing with the stars waltzes and some really sexy other kinds of dances. Maybe do a line dance with the three original wives their kids and their kids significant others and David’s kids and their others. Oh my. You know kody grody and bobbin Robyn would be livid. Please.

[–]317ant 10 points11 points  (0 children)

and for sure don’t invite Kody to the wedding either 😂

[–]Atalanta8Spirit Baby 6 points7 points  (0 children)

She can just be on all their wedding shows.

[–]Prize-Fennel-2294 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Mostly no singing, please!

[–]AuntieBubba1982 83 points84 points  (1 child)

And hopefully the loving husband who believes she is the most beautiful woman on earth and isn’t interchangeable with wife#1 or wife#2!! She deserves a good stable loving marriage!!

[–]JeepLifeWife 90 points91 points  (1 child)

I hope she frames it

[–]HappyLadyHappy 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Lulz just to goes to show how weird polygamy is that Meri did that.

[–]yeahsheskrusty 39 points40 points  (0 children)

The wedding dress she wants and deserves

[–]CamillaBarkaBowles 5 points6 points  (0 children)

And match the orgasm she never had

[–]Pinacoladapolkadot 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Love that for her!!!!!! She deserves all the happiness!

[–][deleted] 1073 points1074 points  (100 children)

kody’s head must’ve exploded

[–]Lazy_Wolf_0 755 points756 points  (73 children)

Yep, and I'm hoping TLC filmed it.

Robin is going to need hospitalization due to not being the center of attention.

[–]FreudianSlipper21 436 points437 points  (46 children)

There will be a full season arc coming up where Robyn finds various ways to make Christine’s engagement about her. Examples may include: not being informed personally about the engagement (“so hurt!”), not being invited to the wedding (“I just wanted to be there to support Christine!”), and some type of riff on how Christine’s happiness is pushing Kody to a dark place and that affects Robyn.

[–]Lazy_Wolf_0 133 points134 points  (18 children)

I absolutely believe this. She won't be invited to the wedding and will have a meltdown. She will find some way to try and upstage Christine. I am sure of that.

[–]mmmmmmadeline 53 points54 points  (6 children)

She def will, she will use her youngest kids to distract everyone away from the wedding. "😥😢 I'm sorry guys I'm sorry, I'm not tryin to make this a big dill but I gotta feed aurora, I dunno why she's crying I'm sorry guys please don't pay attention to me" all while she's pinching aurora to make her cry on cue haha

[–]unik1ne 54 points55 points  (2 children)

The fact that Aurora is like 19 makes this even funnier

[–]mmmmmmadeline 19 points20 points  (0 children)

🤣 I thought the youngest girls name was aurora 😂😂😂😂😂 well it works either way. I'm certain her older kids would cry on cue for her hahaha

[–]Lazy_Wolf_0 14 points15 points  (1 child)

Hopefully she'll get lost on the way there.

[–]mmmmmmadeline 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Lol no kidding 😂

[–]FitResource2085 53 points54 points  (4 children)

Kody will upstage! He will show up and want to do some ridiculous dance at the reception! He might even wear his short kilt again for extra attention.

[–]Lampin5Insane commitment ceremony pavilion 22 points23 points  (0 children)

Kody and Robyn can come to Utah to sleep in Mykelti's closet and watch her boys while she, Tony and Avalon attend the wedding,

[–]BeautifulGloveRobyn and the Robynettes 36 points37 points  (0 children)

and then Mykelti will put on terrible eyebrows and kiss up to him and Robyn

[–]dunkle8 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Not the mini kilt!

[–]mmmmmmadeline 4 points5 points  (0 children)

He will bring over those god awful dance moves from that other wedding lol

[–]PeopleCanBeAwful 33 points34 points  (4 children)

I think TLC will film it and pay for it, so unfortunately Robyn and Kody might be there.

[–]booobsmcgeee 86 points87 points  (2 children)

Christine has been so firm in her boundaries that I don’t believe she would take TLC money for the wedding if Robyn and Kody would be there. I can’t imagine her personality inviting them either after setting the boundary with Robyn that she didn’t want a friendship. Also, that means kody would do his weird, crazy dancing at the wedding and i would hope Christine is over that. 😂

[–]TheAmazingMaryJane 25 points26 points  (1 child)

oh he'd try to grab all of the attention! and try to humiliate christine by giving toast after toast about the bride and groom! i'd get a peice of paper not letting him within 50 meters of my wedding.

[–]Greedy_Farmer_35 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Cue the dark haired spirit boy! A new baby announcement distracts attention from a wedding!

[–]mojones18Meri's Hair Arrow 79 points80 points  (15 children)

I can't decide if I were in Christine's place whether I would invite them or not. I WOULD definitely invite Janelle and even Meri and all the OG kids. There's plenty of reasons not to invite SADKRAB but a couple of compelling reasons to include them.

To be clear, whatever Christine decides is the correct answer because it's her wedding, but it's such a unique situation that I honestly don't know what I'd do myself.

[–]Fine_Gardening 107 points108 points  (2 children)

After the way Kody & Robyn acted at the good bye "party", no way would I give them the opportunity to mar my happy wedding day even a bit.

[–]mojones18Meri's Hair Arrow 40 points41 points  (1 child)

Fair enough! The risk of kody dancing---alone is enough to avoid it.

[–]ChewOnADog 26 points27 points  (0 children)

What a good point! It would be a shame for her to go to all this trouble to tear her life apart and start over, only to return to having big events overshadowed by The Chode-ster.

[–]itsbritbeeyotch 29 points30 points  (2 children)

I know some people have relationships like that but I would never invite my ex to my wedding. I think she invites Jenelle and that’s all.

[–]LizWords 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I think she’ll invite Meri too.

[–]AfterSevenYears 5 points6 points  (0 children)

My ex is not a bad person and there are no hard feelings, but it's over and they're not part of my life anymore, period. Of course, Christine's situation is a lot different — her ex is a thoroughly shitty person, but they have children and grandchildren together — but I think she knows if she invites him, he'll make her whole wedding about him.

[–]ImpossibleProcess452 17 points18 points  (2 children)

If they aren’t invited, they will claim Christine is alienating truly from their children. Guaranteed

[–]mojones18Meri's Hair Arrow 11 points12 points  (1 child)

You know it will come up. Mykelti can haul the tenders. Problem solved. .

[–]whatevertoton 12 points13 points  (0 children)

I sincerely hope she does not invite Kody and Robin or even Meri. She doesn’t need the emotional baggage staring her in the face at her new beginning.

[–]Greeneyedbandit28 35 points36 points  (0 children)

I wonder if she’ll have a private ceremony with David and maybe later have a reception where she puts out an open invitation to the entire family and whoever wants to come, comes. I’m an avoider though so that’s how I’d handle it.

[–]katzen_mutter 9 points10 points  (0 children)

A wedding is a celebration. The people you want at your wedding are close friends and family that love you. Kody told Christine he didn't love her and the way Robyn treated her definitely was not loving. They need to stay home and stew.

[–]RripurniaIndependent woman with a snowblower 🌬❄️ 21 points22 points  (0 children)

That could be solved by them eloping but I feel like they’re both very family-oriented and they’d want their kids and grandkids around for the ceremony.

Regardless of what she does, it’s her prerogative. It’ll be her day and she should be able to enjoy it to the fullest!

[–]SheMcGLove should be weaponized not divided equally. 33 points34 points  (1 child)

"I hoped we could all still be a family. I'm her sister wife, but I didn't even get to meet David before they announced this. I know social distancing would have made that impossible, but they didn't even think about me. Obviously, I haven't told my children; I don't know how they're going to take this. We don't even know how Truley feels. Does a 9 year old even understand? Kody can't risk passing David's stench on to our little kids to even see her. This whole engagement has put a strain on our home when we're still trying to process all the pain of the divorce. I'm just sitting here-- while they run my life."

[–]Murky-Court8521 28 points29 points  (1 child)

You nailed it! I would have loved being a fly on the wall when Kody and Robyn heard the news.

[–]geniologygal[🍰] 40 points41 points  (0 children)

Mykelti probably told them.

[–]Odd-Creme-6457 13 points14 points  (2 children)

But what year will we actually see it?

[–]RecommendationNo3903 19 points20 points  (0 children)


[–]FreudianSlipper21 13 points14 points  (0 children)

  1. 😂

[–]Any-Living-3924 179 points180 points  (11 children)

I'll reckon his temperature got up to 99!

[–]movedmanytimes 158 points159 points  (4 children)

Remember how he said that no man would ever want her since they knew that she gave up a good man? Hmmm. Yet another proclamation from Kody that doesn't come true....David seems like a GREAT guy! Has a business that seems to actually make money, has lived in the same house (that is big enough for all of his kids) for many years, and seems to have a good relationship with his adult children-- at least the one's we've seen. Yeah, Kody, Christine had to pick from the bottom of the barrel!!!!

[–]FreudianSlipper21 66 points67 points  (1 child)

Oh my gosh-what a perfect first question for the tell all! Replay the “good man” quote and juxtapose it with Christine’s engagement announcement. Return to Kody on the couch and simply say “Comment?” 😂 Unfortunately Suki and the producers will fumble the easiest part that Kody has already served up on a platter.

[–]TheAmazingMaryJane 24 points25 points  (0 children)

no more suki. bring back tamron hall! she's not afraid of kody.

[–]sarahcc88 50 points51 points  (1 child)

This is gonna be a death like experience for grody

[–]Any-Living-3924 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Well, it's gotta be more than a knife to the kidneys (that's never going to get old is it? LOL)

[–]TheAmazingMaryJane 12 points13 points  (3 children)


[–]Any-Living-3924 12 points13 points  (2 children)

He might need some nachos!

[–]TheAmazingMaryJane 23 points24 points  (1 child)

and christine will say 'i'm nacho wife anymore!'

[–]Separate_Farm7131 28 points29 points  (2 children)

Oh, I hope so. Filmed him propose, film the wedding planning, film the wedding and hopefully, they get at least an 11 day honeymoon in a better location than San Diego.

[–]Lazy_Wolf_0 27 points28 points  (1 child)

If they get a better honeymoon than Kody and Robyn. Robyn will flip out. Also if Kody is looking for another sister wife or [wives], Robyn is going to be in bed 24/7 with migraines, talking to her Precious Moments figs. like they are her friends/real people.

[–]zookeeperkate 50 points51 points  (6 children)

Robyn will probably be in mourning for some time.

[–]jamibuch 41 points42 points  (5 children)

Just sittin there in morning.

[–]LuxLuth0r 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Came to say, just sittin thur! 😂

[–]DiscombobulatedRain 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I’m sure her colors will be better than lavender and brown.

[–]Similar-Narwhal-231Vegas is our Plymoth rock! 160 points161 points  (0 children)

I hope that Kody is thinking that what he accused C of is coming true (you are just gonna go find another husband and come after all my money and custody) even though it isn't true.

Proof living well is the best revenge.

[–]RripurniaIndependent woman with a snowblower 🌬❄️ 71 points72 points  (11 children)

You know his rants about “his” money and poverty are only going to intensify now.

Meanwhile it appears that David is a successful businessman who must have been better at finances throughout his life to make it the way he did.

Kody can eat crow!

[–]SheMcGLove should be weaponized not divided equally. 13 points14 points  (10 children)

David acquired everything Kody did-- without a TV show. Plain ol'hard work and being smart!

[–]Goffsalot 63 points64 points  (4 children)

I'm worried about his poor kidneys 😩

[–]Apat0711 35 points36 points  (0 children)

I think she already has custody, and as far as money? I don’t think Kody has anything to come after. Congratulations Christine! You deserve the best!

[–]RripurniaIndependent woman with a snowblower 🌬❄️ 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Don’t be, he already survived a knife in one, he’s cockroach-level powerful in that regard!

[–]soaper410 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Like a knife in the kidneys….

[–]ally_esq 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I guess Kody’s “stink” wasn’t as potent as he thought to deter Christine from finding another man!

[–]Ellejaek 2673 points2674 points  (102 children)

Honestly, I get what people are saying, but I think they have been dating longer than we think. And dating and marriage in your 50’s is way different than when you are barely 20.

Christine had been ‘single’ for a long time. Just because she hadn’t left Kody yet doesn’t mean she wasn’t alone. I think she has been on a journey of self discovery for years. She has been living her life with her kids, on her own terms.

She found someone who makes her happy and feel special. I knew I loved my husband a week after meeting him. We started talking marriage a few months after we started dating. We lived together less than a year after we met and have been together over a decade. This was not our first marriages and we were not ‘young’.

I don’t think there are red flags. I don’t think she is going too fast and I think she knows exactly who she is and what she wants.

[–]recessivelyginger 487 points488 points  (0 children)

I was going to say the same—we are seeing an abbreviated timeline of what they have actually experienced, since a lot of life news is delayed for the show’s release. Also, she’s been in a loveless marriage long enough to figure out exactly what she wants and go for when she finds it. People who are a bit older tend to have a better understanding of their own wants, needs, and goals than someone in their 20s who is still figuring out who they are.

[–]coloradoblue84Sobyn's Spirit Tears 👻💦 351 points352 points  (30 children)


These aren't immature kids running off to play Romeo and Juliet. These are grown, established adults with grown children of their own. They are at ENTIRELY different places in their lives than people in their late teens/early twenties. And Christine has very obviously done a lot of work on herself during her marriage to Kody, and while that was ending. I think it's very clear that this isn't just some cutesy, infatuated fling for either of them, and I hope people can trust that Christine knows herself and her situation better than any of us. I wish them all the love and happiness with each other!

And FWIW to all the naysayers, my husband and I were talking about marriage within a couple months of meeting, and were married 11mo to the day after our first date. We've been together 13yrs now, married 12, and I love him more than I did the day I married him. So not every relationship or couple needs years and years together to "figure it out". Sometimes people just know, and that's fine too.

[–]MapleSyrupYYC 40 points41 points  (0 children)

Agreed! My partner and I started dating in October. Moved in together in February. Married in August. I can't confirm but strongly suspect my own mother was taking bets if we were pregnant (we weren't).and if we'd last (we did). This all happened 41 years ago. When it's the right one, you know.

[–]kimblebee18 27 points28 points  (2 children)

My parents got engaged after 11 days and celebrated 50 years in January.

[–]zmozina 25 points26 points  (1 child)

My grandparents got MARRIED after 2 weeks, at 19 and 23, and were married for 64 years. They were the cutest, still held hands while walking, cuddled on the couch. My grandfather passed away 15 years ago almost and my grandmother misses him horribly and hates listening to her widow friends who say they're better off now that hubby is dead.

[–]Green_Community2488 89 points90 points  (9 children)

My husband and I were planning our wedding before we ever started officially dating. We started dating and got engaged 6 weeks later. We will hit 21 years this year

[–]Siege1187 39 points40 points  (5 children)

Ok, I’m gonna need to hear the rest of that story, because that sounds wild out of context.

[–]SentimentalSaladBowl 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Same! Please tell us more!

[–]realRavenbell 34 points35 points  (4 children)

My parents met in a bar, eloped 6 months later, and will celebrate 42 years together in August. Sometimes, you just know.

[–]ariedana 12 points13 points  (0 children)

My parents met at a July 4 cookout, married six weeks later and were married 51 years.

[–]sweetest_nightmare 13 points14 points  (0 children)

My PawPaw went home from his first date with my MaMaw (which had been a blind date set up by a friend) and told his mother, my great grandmother, that he had met the woman he was going to marry. They married 2 months later and were married for 55 years when he passed away.

[–]Lirpa_the_Lurker 10 points11 points  (0 children)

ITA- Married almost 20 years. We joke that we skipped dating as we never made that part official. We started seeing each other in October 2004, engaged December 2004, and married July 2005.

When it’s right, you just know and there’s no reason to wait.

[–]FleurDeLunaLove 61 points62 points  (0 children)

100% this. She’s already put years into the important work of figuring out what she wants in a relationship and learning to be okay on her own when she isn’t getting that. Now that she’s experiencing what it’s like to have what she wants, I’m all for her embracing it! Get that marriage certificate to go along with the ring, girl!!!!

[–]Disastrous-Lynx546 131 points132 points  (16 children)

I think she should move as fast as she wants. She’s been a single wife and mother for years. I knew I would marry my husband on our first date. We’ve been married 8 years now. When you know, you know. She deserves love, happiness, and a huge wedding if that’s what she wants.

[–]Unicorns_andGlitter 31 points32 points  (2 children)

Also it’s not like they’re going to be in a covenant marriage. If down the line they decide it’s not working, they can simply divorce if that’s what they want!

[–]Due-Sherbert-7330 53 points54 points  (1 child)

And regardless it’s still longer than she courted kody before marriage but yes I very much believe they’ve been dating a bit longer than we think

[–]omnana 50 points51 points  (0 children)

YES. Once you reach a certain age and if you've been committed to your own journey of growth and self-discovery, there's a certain point that you just know what you need. Good on her for finding it!

[–]KimberBr 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Agreed. She hasn't been "with" Kody for decades. Even if they were acting otherwise. She found someone who treats her like the queen she is. Go Christine

[–]realistic_stars 28 points29 points  (0 children)

My parents (step-dad and mom) got engaged at 6 months. They were in their early-mid forties. They are soulmates and they knew it. My mom was also “single” for a long time in her marriage to my bio dad. IMO, Christine is a sensible, grown adult and she can make her own decisions. I also believe they’ve been together much longer than social media would lead us to believe.

[–]Lilrooster91 24 points25 points  (1 child)

OMG I am so happy for her. I know people are concerned but life is short and she is happy and I am onboard for that. Frankly, all I can think of is will the show televise the wedding. It will be amazing to see Christine as an actual bride in a dress that makes her feel beautiful.

[–]SentimentalSaladBowl 16 points17 points  (1 child)

I had a very similar experience! We met, we dated for a few months, but we knew within weeks we wanted forever.

We dated, got engaged…we never lived together, but that was a product of our upbringing…and were married within a 2 year span. We celebrate our 25th anniversary next month.

We are also 26 years into a week long celebration of Valentines Day he calls The Seven Days of Valentines…7 days of poems and gifts ending on Valentines Day. He writes a poem- and he does it the day of, spontaneously, never pre-written. The poem is a clue as to what the gift is. He gives me the poem and I guess the gift. I’ve been right, I think, less than 10 times. Hahaha! The gifts get more elaborate each day. (And he did it BEFORE The Simpsons episode featuring the same concept!).

Nothing has ever made me feel as special as the year I realized he was going to do this every day until one of us died.

Honestly that has nothing to do with any of this I just wanted to brag because I’m terrible. 🥲

[–]Leeleeflyhi 330 points331 points  (16 children)

I hope she has a gorgeous wedding dress and an extended honeymoon, everything she has ever dreamed of for her wedding. If she’s happy and her kids like him I think it’s wonderful.

I also hope TLC films it’s so Kody can can watch it and realize he ran off the wrong one. You know he’s having a bitch fit and Robyn is rubbing onions on her eyes so tears will flow for her polygamy dream being flushed down the toilet

[–]UnicornPrincess68 141 points142 points  (3 children)

I hope her honeymoon is 11 days + more!!!

[–]wandernwade“Just as I thought. Trash!” 79 points80 points  (0 children)

Imagine finally having an actual wedding!! Where she’s allowed to be the center of attention, without another woman being upset about it!! It’s crazy to think she’s had to live with Kody for over 1/4 of a century, in order to get that.

[–]soihavetosay 26 points27 points  (0 children)

I hope the rest of her life is a honeymoon, she deserves it

[–]GoodyScandalbrothI am great at business. 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I hope she gets to have a wedding dress she feels gorgeous in. I know she hated the wedding dress her mom made her for her first wedding (and that Kody couldn't have cared less about what she wore).

[–]veryberry131 42 points43 points  (0 children)

Yes I need a wedding special FOR SURE for this woman! I want to see her try on dresses that make her feel like a queen!

[–]Apat0711 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Maybe Kody can help pick out her dress!

[–]Dramatic_Mix_8755 11 points12 points  (4 children)

Truely should stay with Kody and Robyn while Christine goes on a two week honeymoon.

[–][deleted] 30 points31 points  (0 children)

Except that would be tortuous for Truely. She'll probably stay with Aspyn.

[–]just_flying_bi 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Was just thinking the same thing. That would be the chef’s kiss!

[–]jamiekynnminer 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I would never leave Truley with that family.

[–]bellabookgirl 287 points288 points  (5 children)

"David treats me like a queen and tells me I'm beautiful everyday," Christine tells PEOPLE exclusively. "I've never been in love like this before and the world seems like a brighter place with him in it."

Ahhhhhh. I love that she feels this way, but I also love that these words will repeatedly stab Kody in the kidneys.

[–][deleted] 442 points443 points  (8 children)

This woman has been divorced from her “husband” for nearly two years now, after years of nearly zero intimacy or anything that resembled an actual marriage, and has been dating him now for over 6 months. She’s also in her 50’s. He’s in his 60’s. This isn’t really “rushing it.” I’m happy for her and think this is awesome. If she was 19, I’d agree. But how much longer does Christine have to wait to be happy to just appease everyone else? She’s done plenty. Let her have her man.

[–]meganramos1 301 points302 points  (4 children)

I mean her daughter did it and is fine 😂. Who cares really. She has been trapped in a hell for decades now so… 🤷🏼‍♀️.

[–]byrdicusmax 67 points68 points  (2 children)

Exactly, let her live her life--if it doesn't work out it doesn't work out, if it does then we bask in the heat of kodys kidney rage (99°!)

[–]Moon_Burg 14 points15 points  (1 child)

Exactly X2.

We have no way of knowing more than they put out there.

Imo she did a metric fuckton of work on herself and people with that insight seem to have fewer waffling issues. If you spend ~30 years in a miserable relationship, that is a lot of time to contemplate all the ways it could be non-miserable as you pluck tiny ramen noodles out of pillowcase seams.

The question that's left is if she is so excited about th good things that she is ignoring the bad things. And again, I don't think we have a way of making an informed guess off social media and peripheral drama.

But even if she is, her youngest child is more mature than many adults and the older ones seem to have sensible heads on their shoulders - Paydon isn't my cup of tea, but he doesn't seem dependent on her. She is not making a rash move with a dozen toddlers in tow and a baby in the oven like her ex sperm donor. If they get divorced in 3 years, who cares?

Tangentially related, who do y'all think has better odds of staying married long term - Robyn and Kody without a TV show gravy train and 3 wives to take the blame for all the things, or Christine and David rushing to marriage? 😂

[–]erinemillerKody’s stabbed kidney 180 points181 points  (15 children)

Perhaps a Season 19 wedding special?! I wonder if Kody will officiate 🤔

[–]thecupisblueandwhite 75 points76 points  (3 children)

He’s too busy working on new dance moves.

[–]firetailring 32 points33 points  (0 children)

In his mini-kilt.

[–]Apat0711 20 points21 points  (1 child)

He’ll be hiding in the bushes with that deep frown and cold eyes guarding what is left of his money and pride!

[–]RripurniaIndependent woman with a snowblower 🌬❄️ 29 points30 points  (0 children)

I think they’ll do something low-key and involve all their kids and grandkids, they both have big families and seem to be very involved with them.

It would be adorable to see and I would absolutely LOVE Christine getting that special money ALL to herself, safe from Kody and Robyn’s sticky fingers!

[–]HappyLadyHappy 7 points8 points  (0 children)

The series finale is a three part wedding and honeymoon special of Christine. Beautiful way to end the series!

[–]movedmanytimes 21 points22 points  (3 children)

Oh gosh, I hope they televise her wedding! And that she gets to pick out a dress at Kleinfelds, with TLC footing the bill!!!

[–]GoalieMom53 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I would love that!!!

[–]theimperfexionist 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Oooh, I second this!!

[–]Nicolerenee2945 17 points18 points  (3 children)

I would love a wedding special. I also feel like Christine being the classy lady she is, would invite Kody and Robyn.

[–]geniologygal[🍰] 22 points23 points  (0 children)

Who wants that negative energy around on their wedding day.

[–]Rovember_Baby 4 points5 points  (0 children)

OMG. Dead.

[–]adams361 96 points97 points  (3 children)

I keep thinking of Billy Crystal’s line from When Harry Met Sally, “when you find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. “

[–][deleted] 143 points144 points  (7 children)

Y’all are such weirdos

They’re older and older people tend to move a little faster because they’re experienced and know what they want. They’re also just engaged, who knows how long they’ll be engaged for?

[–]MrsAnteater 25 points26 points  (3 children)

Exactly. Christine knew what she wanted and happened to find it quickly.

[–]Intelligent_Tea_3508 5 points6 points  (0 children)

She found someone who gives the appearance of being that person. I hope he really is and not that she is seeing what she wants to see and ignoring the rest

[–]wandernwade“Just as I thought. Trash!” 8 points9 points  (1 child)

She deserves everything in the world after putting up with Kody!! 👏👏

[–]freakersballll 148 points149 points  (2 children)

People have literally been together 10 years before getting married and get divorced. Some people are together 2 weeks and stay married. Let people take joy where they can.

Half the people in here get divorced and are projecting their own traumas onto other people.

And if they get divorced, who cares?

Y'all think you never should have experienced your first kiss because you aren't with Kevin from the 8th grade and it took away from something because you aren't legally bound for eternity? Let people have their moments, it's really not hard.

People get married in Vegas for jokes, it's not that serious. Maybe she wants to experience a wedding and a dress and a man just for her very own with support around her and dance the night away. It's going to be ok.

[–]GoalieMom53 28 points29 points  (1 child)

This is true. I was engaged to my first husband for years before we got married. The marriage didn’t last.

I met my now husband shortly after. We dated a few times, and he called my work one day and asked for his wife. He was, of course, horrified because it just slipped out! He said he just knew we’d be married the first time we went out - which is surprising because the date was a disaster! I had no interest in a serious relationship, and definitely not looking to get married! But…

We met, got pregnant, got married, bought a house, and moved twice - all in four months. We hadn’t even met at Thanksgiving, and were married in March. The family was shocked that he hadn’t mentioned a girlfriend at Thanksgiving dinner. They were more shocked when they found out we didn’t know each other!

We just had our 23rd anniversary. When you know, you know.

[–]Specialist_Lie8699 39 points40 points  (0 children)

I'm so happy for Christine! She'll finally have a real legal wedding, with a man whom truly loves her! Congratulations, you deserve it!

[–]TaskMonkey_87 63 points64 points  (7 children)

Good for them! We have no idea how long they've been together, and besides, who cares? When you know, you know. How many people have said "I knew within XYZ days/weeks I was going to marry this person"?

[–]AnneElliotWentworth 49 points50 points  (4 children)

Very true - my parents dated 12 days and their 53rd anniversary is this year. 🤷🏻‍♀️

[–]Warm_Ad3776 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Yes! My dad asked my mom within 3 weeks. She said yes then dumped him 8 months later. He waited and she came back after a few months. Married 69 years before she passed. He is devoted to her/. Visits her gravesite every single day !! I knew I would marry my husband after our 3rd date. Married 37 years

[–]Lazy_Wolf_0 12 points13 points  (0 children)

I know a couple that dated 48 hours eloped in Vegas, and are celebrating their 40th this year. They still act like newlyweds.

[–]Southern-Plenty-1324 70 points71 points  (7 children)

So she just recently went public y’all. They could have been dating for over a year.

[–]RripurniaIndependent woman with a snowblower 🌬❄️ 49 points50 points  (0 children)

They’ve been definitely dating for a while now, the show’s timeline is seriously behind.

Plus, they’re older, they come from similar backgrounds, both have big families, and they know what they want out of life and a partner.

It doesn’t feel rushed at all!

[–]ionlyjoined4thecats 6 points7 points  (0 children)

They said their first date was to see the play of the Little Mermaid, which was touring Utah in fall/winter 2022, so no, they’ve been dating ~6 months.

[–]Unicorn_Sparkles23 27 points28 points  (0 children)

She finally gets to be a wife on paper! I know that was a sore spot for her before. I'm really happy for her.

[–]rkeys72148 36 points37 points  (9 children)

What’s the timeline real life vs show? Is this like two seasons from now? There has to be some serious concern from TLC that all these “spoilers” are leaking. They may need to speed Christine’s spin off to market or the show just may get cancelled if all their storylines are being worked real time.

[–]awkward__penguin 58 points59 points  (4 children)

They really just need to skip ahead, I’m honestly not even too excited for the following season bc of how far behind it is.

[–]darksoulsgreatclub 20 points21 points  (3 children)

Why are they always so behind? Do they just not prioritize the editing?

[–]__Quill__ 28 points29 points  (2 children)

There was a period of time where they were almost canceled. Like the seasons were like 2 small seasons a year in the first part of the year and then again in the Autumn. Then in 2013 the show started July 21st, then the next new season was June 8th, nearly a year later. After that they just never caught up again.

It's awful because other shows on TLC are sometimes like 2-3 months behind. And what the last thing we saw was Janelle talking about the holidays for 2021? So like 18 months behind. I don't know why they haven't thrown in an extra season and bridged that gap.

[–]geniologygal[🍰] 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Especially now that there’s so much interest in the show, they should have a longer season to get caught up closer to real time.

[–]ap132143 7 points8 points  (1 child)

I saw it announced by TLC first so I’m sure they were aware. They don’t just do People Magazine exclusives without TLC allowing it

[–]Starky_420_ 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Her fiancé and her honestly look so happy in every photo

[–]JavaBeanQueen64 31 points32 points  (0 children)

And she received a legit engagement ring in prep for a legit marriage certificate 🥳🎉🍾 Ha Kody!! 🖕They look so happy, best of luck 🥰

[–]Mysterious_Pen3915 23 points24 points  (1 child)

For those saying she needs to slow down.. how long should she wait? 2 years? 5 years? When truly is 18?

[–]KittensWithChickens 25 points26 points  (0 children)

Kody has no kidneys left to stab

[–]SurvivingPodLEEEEEEEHIIIIIII 24 points25 points  (3 children)

Can't wait to watch Kody peel logs on Coyote Pass while Christine and their kids are enjoying a lemonade-free wedding.

[–]Brianas-Living-RoomCap In Hand 6 points7 points  (1 child)

Kody shouldn’t even be invited but Christine is so indoctrinated and such a ppl pleaser she’ll end up inviting her cousins anyway

[–]Scolema7 62 points63 points  (2 children)

I think it’s quick but I also think it’s normal in their culture. I also think sometimes it’s more normal when people get older, they see what they want and go for it. Either way I have no skin in the game and I wish them luck and happiness!

[–]Sumraeglar 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Don't know much about him, but if she's happy then go for it. Congrats to her. If it doesn't work out then she can experience a legal divorce lol 🤣. Once you get to the second half of your life you just say fuck let's do this, you could both be dead tomorrow so why the hell not. If she were younger I would agree way too fast, but she's lived a full crazy life and now she's just doing whatever the fuck she wants I support that. Hopefully she's smart enough to get a prenup.

[–]soprettyvacant 16 points17 points  (0 children)

I hope they celebrated with a plate of nachos!

[–]RaccoonRelay 54 points55 points  (7 children)

I’m pro choice and it includes this. Good luck to the couple!

[–]Creative-Aerie71 19 points20 points  (2 children)

If they are happy, more power to them. While we were together almost 2 years and 1 child before we married, I moved in with my now husband 4 weeks after we met because my lease was up. I knew it was right and went for it, even though I heard all the comments. Tomorrow is our 23rd anniversary.

I still say when you know it's right, you know.

[–]TRLK9802 12 points13 points  (1 child)

I wonder what the two of them will do with Kody's money!?


[–]belindabellagiselle 3 points4 points  (0 children)

What money lol

(/s but not really)

[–]AccentFiend 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Janelle just commented on the post!


SO happy they’re all finding their way

[–]awkward__penguin 40 points41 points  (16 children)

How are y’all seeing red flags? Y’all don’t even know him lol

[–]Brianas-Living-RoomCap In Hand 8 points9 points  (6 children)

I don’t see red flags but I heard he’s a q anon Dont Tread on My Rights All Lives Matter and I have no respect for those types. I don’t care how nice you are or appear.

[–]Intelligent_Tea_3508 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Neither do the posters who don't seered flags

[–]Fancie57 12 points13 points  (0 children)

How many of you that divorced your partner, invited them to your next wedding. I know I did not, and I don’t think she should either. So happy for her

[–]paperandlace 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Congratulations to Christine & David and their blended family!

Remember when Kody insinuated/ said something along the lines of “who would want her?” We got our answer in pretty short order now didn’t we?! In fact, with Kody losing 3 wives it appears he is the unwanted/undesirable one.

[–]extac4 14 points15 points  (0 children)

She is 50 and life/relationship wisdom comes with age. Who wants to date forever. Either you know they are the one or you leave. Death is too close to waste time on having what you want and deserve. Go Christine!!!

[–]brittafiltaperry[S] 63 points64 points  (13 children)

I'm happy for her and she deserves a proper wedding where she feels beautiful and loved but this is so fast! 😳

[–]ToddlerTots 32 points33 points  (0 children)

I don’t feel like this is fast for a woman in her 50s that knows herself and what she’s looking for.

[–]MrsAnteater 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Hmm I don’t think it’s fast when you’re in your 50s. You’re more experienced in life so I think making decisions is easier. She knew what she wanted and just happened to find it quickly.

[–]Physical-Boat3808 37 points38 points  (0 children)

Not really - when you’re older you know more what you want. And she was “done” for so long, I bet she grieved the loss of her last relationship a long time ago.

[–]nope0000001 20 points21 points  (1 child)

Good for her .. I think people forget the show is aired long after it’s filmed so the public is behind . I married 7 months after I divorced my abusive ex and 20 yrs later it’s the best decision I ever made 🥰

Christine was single for more time she was “ married “ in reality given she had maybe one or two days a week as a wife and in the last several years she was pretty much a single mother .

[–]collegegirl1973 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I’m happy she will have an opportunity for a real marriage.

[–]michelleyness 7 points8 points  (0 children)


[–]Old_Understanding585 47 points48 points  (1 child)

Jesus women live a little bit

[–]Lazy_Wolf_0 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Yay! A Sister Wives wedding Kody has no say so in. There will be dramatics. Kody and Robyn are attention whores. Congrats Christine and David.

[–]Ok_List_9649 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Good on her! I’m a little concerned based on her saying 2-3 episodes ago any confrontation made her physically ill and she’d stay in her room all day. I hope she’s worked through those issues and her passive aggressive method of communication and resolution she was forced to use in polygamy.

Coming from a quasi cult into the real world can be brutal based on any number of memoirs and documentaries even if at first everything seems happy and dream like. She deserves happiness so if he’s understanding I think they can work through anything.