top 200 commentsshow 500

[–]Inevitable_Fee_749 5153 points5154 points  (99 children)

Why not just end the show after season 3 at that point?

[–]FromDwight 2409 points2410 points  (52 children)

Or take series in a different direction with a new main character. Definitely won't be able to see anyone else as Geralt

[–]Ultimafatum 1144 points1145 points  (27 children)

The writers seem to do anything but follow the source material anyway, so might as well?

[–]Ospov 495 points496 points  (18 children)

This just in: Liam is playing Gerald of Rivia.

[–]VexonCross 1258 points1259 points  (12 children)

"Netflix, you don't have to cancel everything after 3 seasons!"


[–]rosarosi 568 points569 points  (4 children)

As much as I love this show I’d rather have it cancelled than have Geralt recast.

[–]The__J__man 186 points187 points  (2 children)

Oh don't worry, we likely won't see the show after season 4 as the ratings will take a hit.

For me, Cavill made this show the success it is. When I look at his Geralt, I see the game character I'm familiar with.

With him gone, there goes that connection.

[–]LoretiTV 11.1k points11.1k points  (720 children)

WOW this is huge news. Recasting a main character is always pretty crazy.

[–]Stonewalled89 7434 points7435 points  (486 children)

Recasting the main character surely kills the show? I'd be stunned if there was a 5th Season

[–]DefinitelyNotMasterS 4917 points4918 points  (111 children)

Good thing Cavill is so strong to carry the series on his back. He's like 90% of what makes the show good imo. Recasting him will actually kill the series, too bad.

[–]MisterDutch93 1152 points1153 points  (32 children)

Cavill carried the show for me. All the other actors paled in comparison. The Witcher show felt like very generic fantasy to me and Cavill’s performance was what brought me back each time. Having him not in it will bring it down significantly. I don’t think another actor will have the same drive and background as he does (he read the books and was a fan iirc).

[–]sloowhand 599 points600 points  (14 children)

Joey Batey is a brilliant Jaskier in my opinion.

[–]Timo425 1545 points1546 points  (50 children)

Right, he also seems to know and respect the source material more than the writers.

[–]CaptainSk0r 867 points868 points  (41 children)

Not even mad at him for leaving if this is the reason. Didn’t want to be a part of it for a damn good reason imo

[–]Count_Bloodcount_ 570 points571 points  (30 children)

My money is on his reason for leaving being returning to Superman and getting involved with that new DCEU.

[–]CaptainSk0r 300 points301 points  (10 children)

Well yeah on top of that for sure. I’m not a fan of the DCEU but his Superman will bring me to the theater

[–]robdiqulous 305 points306 points  (9 children)

Dude just oozes superman it's fucking ridiculous.

[–]Airsay58259 509 points510 points  (60 children)

Spartacus managed two more seasons with a new lead (also called Liam, funny)… but the circumstances were obviously different since the first lead passed away. The show was never the same though.

[–]Ninjalo1 335 points336 points  (22 children)

Both Vengence and War of the Damned were great. Even without Andy Whitfield who was missed. Liam Mcyntire did a great job as a replacement.

I dunno if I'd use that as an example. Thats one of the few shows that pulled it off, even with the tragedy.

[–]Gytarius626 223 points224 points  (11 children)

Side-stepping to do a thoroughly enjoyable prequel season was a fantastic decision. The protagonist of which eventually joining up with the main cast

That show knew what it was and never strayed from it, pure fun.

[–]Flying_FoxDK 39 points40 points  (0 children)

That prequel season helped me forget what the original actor looked like. So I hardly even noticed the replacement until later. Also in my defense I was down with some sort of mystery bug for like a month and bedridden when I watched it so im sure that also helped making stuff fuzzy.

[–]ramnaught 15 points16 points  (0 children)


[–]Timo425 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Also the whole cast was pretty solid iirc.

[–]_We_Are_DooMeD 50 points51 points  (0 children)

Oh yeah I forgot him. Too young. rip

[–]FutureBondVillain 123 points124 points  (3 children)

That was especially sad. Whitfield had that once in a generation charisma, and was - by all accounts - a really solid guy.

[–]SinisterDexter83 51 points52 points  (1 child)

I honestly reckon he was destined for huge stardom, he was a great leading man. Liam Macintyre did an incredible job stepping into his shoes, much better than anyone had any right to expect. But still, it was never the same.

[–]Dapper-Citron-4694 1060 points1061 points  (181 children)

Agreed. They did it to Altered Carbon (show thats basically about transferring the consciousness into different bodies) and it did ruin it as the new cast wasnt as good of a fit imo.

[–]MadMonksJunk 587 points588 points  (49 children)

Significantly cutting the budget and leaning even farther away from the source material killed Altered Carbon

[–]matike 418 points419 points  (39 children)

And they tamed it down SIGNIFICANTLY compared to the first season. First season really embraced cyberpunk as a whole, and season 2 in a way felt like the new show-runner just morally disagreed with everything season 1 did. It’s just a completely different change in tone and aesthetic.

tl;dr: how you gonna go from all the futuristic titties to no titties at all. And the mindfuckery and slight body horror. But sure, let’s give the AI bartender a love interest instead (or something, I don’t remember).

Also, Anthony Mackie IS a good actor sometimes, but he was just beyond awful in it.

[–]mcnabb100 92 points93 points  (2 children)

Yeah it felt like a totally different show. Super disappointing.

[–]Efficient_Jaguar699 86 points87 points  (10 children)

Anthony Mackie has like two types of characters he can play really well, and gritty disillusioned depressed ex-super soldier turned detective takeshi kovacs is not one of them.

Edit: Personally, I loved Poe in season 2 and thought the actor crushed it both seasons, especially considering he was a show invented character and not in the books, but mackie sucked almost all enjoyment out of s2 combined with the bastardized awful plot they went with. It was very jarring seeing him act circles around Juilliard trained Mackie in every scene they were in together.

[–]Hexcraft-nyc 109 points110 points  (5 children)

The first season is a 8/10 but one of the few prime examples of cyberpunk media in the 2010s. S2 was a CW show. I know that's a hacky low effort dunk but honestly, they even copied the "random forest" atmosphere that every cw show had because Vancouver.

[–]Karffs 46 points47 points  (2 children)

they even copied the "random forest" atmosphere that every cw show had because Vancouver.

The Goa’uld just really love planting trees okay.

[–]oppernaR 171 points172 points  (15 children)

1st season of Altered Carbon was about ethical dilemmas that rise from the ability to resleeve. What does it do with a person to live centuries, is your spouse in a different gender body still the same person to you, religion, fetishising true death, what defines a person when consciousness can be digitized and what does that mean for AIs..

2nd season of Altered Carbon was about.. ancient aliens? Boning Angelica from Hamilton? The Japanese mob?

[–]MicMustard 684 points685 points  (72 children)

I think the main issue wasn’t the casting but the horrendous writing

[–]joonieh 66 points67 points  (2 children)

The writing was bad for sure, but my issue was with the casting. Nothing against Anthony Mackie, but man was he a bad fit for the character. I wish I could forget that show had a second season

[–]WellDammitBobby 216 points217 points  (12 children)

Man I love Anthony Mackie, but it felt like I was watching a character with a totally different personality than season one.

Later, I saw an interview with him trying to explain Altered Carbon on the Daily Show to Trevor Noah. It made realize the writers taking creative risks and, in his words, “him putting his own funk” on the character, was what really broke continuity and tone for the series. It’s a shame bc dude has got some reach as an actor and the source material is so great.

[–]mjkjg2 187 points188 points  (3 children)

he should have known better than to put his own funk onto a character that’s supposed to remain exactly the same throughout 3 different bodies…

[–]Feyzi 105 points106 points  (7 children)

Season 1 was fantastic. I didn't mind switching the main actor (given that there was a solid explanation for it within the show's story) before I watched S2 but the way Mackie played the role felt like a completely different character to me. Writing didn't help either. Shout out to Poe tho. His subplot was the only thing I enjoyed.

[–]mourninglark 59 points60 points  (1 child)

I'm with you. The dude's body changes, but he's still the same exact person. If they had leaned into that more instead of, you know, just letting Mackie be the exact same character he always is I could have bought in more.

[–]Last_Lorien 283 points284 points  (34 children)

The only thing I’ve seen everyone agree on about the show is how great Geralt’s casting was - both in terms of looks and acting, and in terms of Cavill being a longtime fan of the games etc.

As usual, sometimes it went too far with the worshipping (fans expecting Cavill to weigh in in the writers’ creative choices that have been the bane of the adaptation), but he did seem very attached to the project. I wonder what could possibly have made him leave - maybe he’s the next James Bond or something? I hope it’s not a scandal

Edit: even now, the main opinion in the show-related subs on why he quit seems to be that the artistic divergence with the writers was just too great, rather than conflicting schedules and/or preferring, presumably, the DC projects/cachet to Netflix.

[–]hanna1214 244 points245 points  (42 children)

The show is secretly renewed already for S4 and 5, with Liam in mind...

Both seasons will be filmed back to back, though I imagine S5 is the final one.

[–]Ashmizen 289 points290 points  (8 children)

This has to be the most terrible idea I’ve heard. Cavill single handly made the show worth watching - despite the poor writing, poor adaptation of the other characters, the butchered plot lines and poor casting of everyone else.

Liam Hemsworth is cool, but doesn’t really sound like a Witcher, much less the Witcher.

[–]SinisterDexter83 72 points73 points  (0 children)

His role is utterly central to the series. It'd be like recasting Tony Soprano or Walter White.

Henry Caville is an irreplaceable part of the series.

(full disclosure: I'm a fan of the games, haven't read the books, thought the TV series was pretty unimpressive, but always thought Caville was perfect for the role.)

[–]Kholdie 433 points434 points  (16 children)

It's so weird for me. Cavill was really In love with the job and seeing him on s03 and them Geralt changing completely on s04 will be hard to see.

[–]Stupidstuff1001 338 points339 points  (11 children)

To me I think it means s3 is going to be really bad and do some crazy deviations from the original story.

[–]Kholdie 214 points215 points  (9 children)

So, like s02 then.

[–]mug3n 43 points44 points  (4 children)

Lol the showrunners really shot 2x01 and said yep, that's all we're adapting from the books, let's do our own thing for the next 7.5 episodes.

[–]Doc__Bo 24 points25 points  (0 children)

and 2x1 was 1000times better than the other shit lmaooo

[–]voidox 20 points21 points  (1 child)

iirc, the showrunner was not involved (or had very little involvement) with s02e01... hence why it was actually good and stuck to the source material

[–]thetarm 16 points17 points  (0 children)

And the writer responsible for that episode (and arguably the most faithful one from season 1, too), Beau DeMayo, has also left the show. It's all downhill from here boys...

[–]imageWS 1326 points1327 points  (143 children)

What's especially interesting is that Cavill's gone on record that playing Geralt of Rivia is his absolute dream role that he'd always wanted to play. Maybe they offered him a fuckton of money to be Superman again, maybe he's had enough of the poor writing on the show, maybe it was too physically demanding, who knows.

[–]theguyfrom340 1219 points1220 points  (55 children)

He started having differences with the show runners after season 2 and was quite open about wanting production rights because he wasn't happy with the direction the show was going in. I guess now that Superman is back on the table he decided to say good bye to Witcher and honestly I can't blame him given the recent news coming about how much the writers on witcher hate the original show material.

[–]quantummufasa 262 points263 points  (19 children)

The fact that James Gunn is now basically in charge of the dceu is probably a huge factor in Cavill wanting to be Supes again

[–]Czsixteen 36 points37 points  (16 children)

Wait what is James Gunn doing? He just made Suicide Squad right?

[–]quantummufasa 75 points76 points  (4 children)

He made the guardians of the Galaxy movies, peacemaker and the good suicide squad movie. All of which were very well received

[–]neon_sin 57 points58 points  (0 children)

His dream role being written terribly would be enough for him to leave I guess.

[–]NoNefariousness2144 564 points565 points  (48 children)

Cavill is a superfan of the series (he played the third game multiple times on the hardest difficulty) so maybe he clashed with the writers.

[–]LuckyPlaze 543 points544 points  (41 children)

Based off of what has been said recently about the writers not caring for the source material - this is a valid theory.

Makes me think season 3 is a coming train wreck.

[–]TheSumOfAllFeels 514 points515 points  (7 children)

He was openly saying in interviews that he was campaigning for the show to adhere more closely to the source material. It was pretty clear he was dissatisfied with the show's story arc and even the character portrayal of Geralt.

[–]ICumCoffee 191 points192 points  (3 children)

Henry Cavill is pretty much what brought most people to the show in the first place. And he LOVED Geralt.

[–]AthasDuneWalker 7201 points7202 points  (347 children)

Damn. If Henry "Biggest Witcher Fan Ever" Cavill quit...

[–]SummerGoal 5752 points5753 points  (328 children)

Guarantee part of this reason he left was differences with the show runner over respecting the source material. This show is now dead

[–]funkhero 3827 points3828 points  (264 children)

Absolutely. This is more likely after the recent quote from an ex-writer on the show saying several on the team had an active distaste for the books and games.

Henry loved the source material. He would simply not leave unless he didn't feel apart of the direction of the show.

This is like if Ryan Reynolds left Deadpool - his love for the character is too great, and would be a sign that he is not in control of the path of the IP and does not like said path

[–]EquivalentSnap 195 points196 points  (16 children)

Why would they write a tv series if they hated the source material? I don’t get it. Should’ve fired those writers and hired ones who liked the Witcher

[–]Pleasant-Article8131 200 points201 points  (12 children)

Kinda like how Netflix turned Resident Evil into a teenage drama.

[–]EquivalentSnap 70 points71 points  (9 children)

I don’t get it 😢 why use the resident evil name if you’re not gonna base it on the games. The games have enough material to base it on. They could base it on the mansion or baker house or the village

[–]DebsDef1917 228 points229 points  (4 children)

I'm not watching it without Cavill. He was the only thing holding it together. No hope left now.

[–]atjones111 367 points368 points  (18 children)

Henry can’t catch a break with shit directors messing up projects he is perfect for and cares, I just want to see him succeed

[–]TheGDubsMan 17.4k points17.5k points 4232& 4 more (318 children)


[–]JackieMortes 8667 points8668 points  (229 children)

Fuck indeed. Cavill as Geralt was the brightest point of this series. I'm sad

[–]MisterB78 3248 points3249 points  (53 children)

The lead actors are the reason the show worked - and none more so than Henry Cavill as Geralt. I honestly see no way the show doesn’t tank without him from and center.

[–]YourMajesty90 997 points998 points  (23 children)

Well my interest in this show probably won’t last past season 3.

[–]OceanDevotion 217 points218 points  (11 children)

Agreed lol at first I thought this was a joke. Just end the show! Anytime an actor is replaced as a character, especially a lead actor, it’s just really jarring. This is so ridiculous lolol

[–]G8kpr 1834 points1835 points  (158 children)

They should have just delayed it. This is stupid.

[–]keving87 1510 points1511 points  (130 children)

They wait like 10 years between Stranger Things for the kids to do other things and they weirdly age out of the roles, they could've waited for Henry to be free again.

[–]succulentmeoff 1243 points1244 points  (122 children)

I don't think it was a matter of waiting as the show is straying far from the source material. There was even a point in the previous season where Henry didn't like how a scene was written and the show runner basically told him to go write it himself.

[–]BlazerStoner 1174 points1175 points  (90 children)

Most impressively, he did and it was one of the most liked scenes. And still it did not ring a bell in the writers room…

[–]Thresh_Keller 577 points578 points  (71 children)

Oh I’ve read articles citing the fact that the Netflix series show runners and writers specifically have stated that the do not like the source material, neither the books nor the games. Here’s one of many.

[–]manimal28 352 points353 points  (9 children)

They really couldn’t find a group of writers that were fans of at least one of the two wells of source material?

[–]derpeddit 219 points220 points  (0 children)

It's the fans who are wrong!

[–]BoomaMastaChuck 92 points93 points  (2 children)

Halo fans are asking the same thing.

This pains me, though. As a fan of the Witcher games, I've been really enjoying the show.

[–]lipservus 394 points395 points  (47 children)

...then why tf are they writing the show?!

[–]usernameistakendood 103 points104 points  (11 children)

Which scene was it?

[–]boomitslulu 611 points612 points  (10 children)

The one where Roach died. They wanted him to make a jokey comment and Henry wasn't having it so he did a little monologue from the end of sword of destiny.

[–]usernameistakendood 218 points219 points  (5 children)

Oh wow. Yeah ok. Why would they do that?

[–]milk4all 218 points219 points  (1 child)

Because it’s a nod to how Roach is the name for a bunch of his horses that all die, not a single horse

[–]keving691 31 points32 points  (0 children)

I’ve been saying that since episode 1

[–]HelloItsMeYourFriend 464 points465 points  (14 children)

Yeah I’m more worried that Cavil is leaving because he doesn’t like where the show is headed. He is pretty passionate about the story and if he doesn’t like it I wouldn’t be surprised to see him quit over it.

[–]Kianna9 372 points373 points  (8 children)

Why don't the showrunners realize that it's Cavil's passion for the material, his star power plus the Witcher story/brand that are the winning combination.

[–]Violent_Milk 57 points58 points  (0 children)

No, no, don't you see? It's the genius of the show writers! Are you blind?! Didn't you see how the writers made the last few seasons of GOT better than they ever were? We should worship at their feet.

[–]MostJudgment3212 39 points40 points  (0 children)

It’s definitely that. He’s a fan of source material. He would’ve never quit had the show was properly ran and produced.

[–]whatwhyisthisating 144 points145 points  (0 children)

well that’s quite a turn off

[–]ReservoirDog316 351 points352 points  (13 children)

He probably didn’t enjoy the overall direction since fans of the books/games were irritated by the choices in the show. And he’s a huge fan of the books/games.

So it was probably a good way to jump ship.

[–]Hakuraze 51 points52 points  (3 children)

Yeah this is the first thing I thought. It was probably less about the conflicting schedules, and more that the writers are directors don't give a shit about the source material.

[–]redditornot6648 228 points229 points  (6 children)

Honesty they should fire the entire writing team because they are hot garbage and make Henry Cavill executive producer over the entire damn project.

Henry knows what’s up.

[–]Regula96 76 points77 points  (5 children)

I won't watch the show after Cavill leaves. I didn't like a lot of things they did, but Cavill just outweighed all the bad parts.

When he's gone I'll drop the show, hope it does badly, gets cancelled etc. Then maybe at least someone will entertain the thought that maybe it would have gone better if adapted faithfully. You know, like critically acclaimed shows like Sandman, HotD, early GoT, Reacher. All of which coincidentally does a monumentally better job of adapting.

[–]ElectraUnderTheSea 895 points896 points  (41 children)

It will never be the same "Fuck"

[–]TheGDubsMan 329 points330 points  (38 children)

I agree, and I've got nothing against Liam.

[–]Slammybutt 416 points417 points  (4 children)

Legit had to make sure this wasn't some April fools joke. I couldn't believe the title so much I thought it was fucking April...in October.

[–]triangulumnova 431 points432 points  (6 children)

Yep. Love the show, but Cavill is the draw for me. I have no interest in watching it with Liam.

[–]foxyfoo 125 points126 points  (1 child)

For me, Cavill is the show. That and the guy singing the “toss a coin to your Witcher” was all I was getting out of it. Plot isn’t great, dialogue sucks, and when Henry isn’t on screen, I get bored.

[–]quitpayload 1648 points1649 points  (18 children)

I genuinely have zero interest in watching without Cavill. They're shooting themselves in the foot

[–]GatorRage 431 points432 points  (5 children)

And just like that, the Witcher is dead.

[–]We_The_Raptors 1038 points1039 points  (5 children)

Wait, what?! The only thing The Witcher really had going for it was Cavill...

[–]treetorpedo 99 points100 points  (1 child)

I really don’t have a lot of interest in watching it without him…

[–]HersheyBarAbsThe Leftovers 655 points656 points  (12 children)

Wtf is this real?? Bigass surprise. Feels extremely sudden to drop a replacement like this.

[–]Rysler 23 points24 points  (1 child)

For real, I thought it was a joke or satire or something

[–]jokerzwilde 2060 points2061 points  (22 children)

That is damning, Cavill was one of the only good things about the series.

[–]Hormone_Monster69 296 points297 points  (3 children)

Yeah there is a 0% chance I watch after Henry is done.

[–]taviow 551 points552 points  (4 children)

As far as I'm concerned, he was an essential part of why the show even worked at all.

[–]stunts002 373 points374 points  (2 children)

Cavills passion for it was the only reason it was watchable

[–]O_Nikolakis 3990 points3991 points  (96 children)

Lmao, don't mean to be rude to Liam but what a downgrade imo.

[–]WickedDeviled 1167 points1168 points  (13 children)

This headline reads like Variety's idea of a bad Aprils Fool joke, LOL.

[–]helm_hammer_hand 338 points339 points  (3 children)

I had to double take to make sure this wasn’t an Onion article. Then I realized that this isn’t even Onion-y.

[–]GeekdomCentral 115 points116 points  (0 children)

Not to mention that Cavill was pretty much the main reason I was interested in the first place. This just ensures that I won’t finish it

[–]FlubzRevenge 706 points707 points  (47 children)

It's just true. Watch anything with Liam in it, he is a mediocre actor (not bad, not good), and Cavill is a tier or two higher. The Witcher just lost one of the few great things it had.

[–]T4Gx 549 points550 points  (18 children)

Honestly the ‘only’ great thing they had. Yen’s actress seems talented but the writers aren’t really doing her any favors.

[–]Chadolf 120 points121 points  (0 children)

I enjoy her acting as well. hopes she moves on to greater things!

[–]MovieGuyMike 293 points294 points  (0 children)

I want to see Geralt!

We have Geralt at home!

Geralt at home:

[–]Umbre-Mon 74 points75 points  (0 children)

Damn. Henry was the perfect Witcher and had such a passion for the role, this is a huge disappointment.

[–]thigor 2628 points2629 points  (84 children)

I'm guessing Cavill is going to be too busy with other projects to continue but..this just feels like a very weird decision overall. Would make more sense to just call it after 3 seasons.

[–]Worthyness 1180 points1181 points  (24 children)

Or indefinite postpone like Mindhunter

[–]oJUXo 871 points872 points  (10 children)

Don't remind me of Mindhunter. Still upset about that lmao. They need to get that thing going again. Fucking hell.

[–]iamamonsterprobably 194 points195 points  (5 children)

I'm the same way, i forget about it and then someone reminds me and i get sad again. Fucking fincher needs to get his act together and finish it properly.

[–]Poeticyst 26 points27 points  (3 children)

I did the unthinkable a rewatched it. It was even better than I remembered it.

[–]theonecalledjinx 386 points387 points  (1 child)

Inside sources claim that Cavill sustained multiple back injuries while on the set of The Witcher, when asked he said that they were due to him carrying the entire fucking series for 2 seasons.

[–]iny0urend0 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Cavill is a huge fan of the Witcher world, I'm not completely discounted creative differences here.

[–]ckalmond 68 points69 points  (0 children)

I know he’s getting a fat bag to go back to DC, but I can’t help but feel bad for Cavill. Finally gets to play his dream role but the show runners just had to make it about themselves, trying to leave their own imprint on an already great story. I don’t blame him for leaving.

[–]ArtemisFei 613 points614 points  (9 children)

I mean - probably didn’t help that it seemed Cavill was the only one who appreciated the source material.

[–]Balls_of_Adamanthium 254 points255 points  (2 children)

What bad writing does to a mf.

[–]Dnashotgun 3414 points3415 points  (237 children)

Wow, considering not only he's the lead but also this was a passion project for him. WB must be VERY serious about him as Superman if he's leaving the show

[–]kcompto2 3558 points3559 points  (170 children)

He was also bothered that the writers didn’t follow the source material closer.

[–]killingjoke96 2021 points2022 points  (77 children)

When Graham Norton is asking your lead star about how said lead star had to correct and lead you multiple times into trying to keep to the source lore. You know you've fucked up big time.

Honestly don't blame Henry here. Superman is probably as up there as you can get with famous characters, and while The Witcher was a passion project for him, I can imagine there's only so much shite you can put up with before you have to cut your losses.

[–]kingofthelostboys 977 points978 points  (48 children)

It was said the other day that the writers (some of them) didn't enjoy the books or the game.

Like damn, read the room.

[–]BigfootsBestBud 729 points730 points  (35 children)

As shitty of a job as they did, and as much as I dislike them, it's really more Netflix's fault for hiring people who don't care for or like the source material.

Why the fuck would you hire people who won't do what the fans like and expect?

[–]Ghostbuster_119 242 points243 points  (21 children)

I was told recently that with the insane influx of new shows and streaming services all trying to compete that good writers (and writers in general) are apparently a rare commodity.

Not too sure of that but it would explain some of the more...awful... shows that have come out as of late.

[–]ogresaregoodpeople 160 points161 points  (6 children)

Getting screenwriting jobs is extremely competitive. Writing rooms are smaller than ever, and there are many people without work for long periods of time. There are many more screenwriters than jobs.

On reddit I see people talking about screenwriters as if they have all the power over creative decisions and scripts. I don’t know what the dynamic is with this particular show, but in most case you are actually receiving notes from many people (networks, producers etc) most of whom will not be writers, but businesspeople. Good ones will back down on a note if the writers say it’s a bad idea. Great ones will give notes that add to a script’s quality. But there are those who just want their way no matter what and you are forced to make something godawful work. Add to that that once we hand off the script we don’t really have a say in how it’s directed, edited, cast, or shot (any of these could affect how clear, funny, sad, confusing a script is). I’ve seen broadcasts of episodes from amazing scripts where somewhere along the way someone missed the point of the original script, tried to force a style onto it that didn’t work, cut important scenes, or hired an actor that couldn’t pull off the dialogue (probably because someone wanted the most attractive person or someone related to a producer etc). Everyone jumps to blaming the writer.

If you want to judge a writer, read scripts they’ve handed off. An amazing script can become a bad episode of tv and occasionally the opposite too.

This is why we don’t actually watch produced shows when we’re hiring, we read the actual scripts and make a decision based on that.

[–]HailToTheKingslayer 72 points73 points  (15 children)

Cavill is into Warhammer as well right? In order to make it up to him, someone needs to make a really good Warhammer series with Cavill starring.

[–]Scoobz1961 289 points290 points  (35 children)

I never understood why people who dont like or often even know the source material are allowed to work on related projects. How can anyone think that changing anything in a beloved IP will be met with praise? Almost any change or deviation will always be met with nothing but anger. So why does it keep happening?

[–]kcompto2 125 points126 points  (12 children)

Sometimes it doesn’t translate to the screen but in this case I think it’s just laziness or ignorance.

[–]Ninjalo1 143 points144 points  (9 children)

Everyone wants to make Stanley Kubricks The Shining.

Everyone isn't Stanley Kubrick. But ego is a motherfucker. So, we will continue to get things like this. An adaptation doesn't have to be 1-1. But it better not veer off completely.

I think Hollywood(writers) underestimates the power of the internet at this point. You can try to gain all the casual viewers you want, but even those viewers will be bombarded with 1,000 twitter/reddit posts. Or Youtube videos detailing how much its different/sucks.

Cavill and Freya were carrying this show in spite of the writers. I don't see it lasting without Cavill.

[–]slayerje1 42 points43 points  (0 children)

Jackson's LotR wasn't 1-1, but he didn't completely change direction...he took different paths to the same place. Same with Denis' Dune adaptation. It can work even if it isn't 100% copied. The Witcher series were heading east, then all of a sudden they're going south, then west...totally going a different direction to anything resembling the original story.

[–]LoganGyre 186 points187 points  (10 children)

So apparently it was an all or nothing deal with him, they either had to agree to a laundry list of demands or he wouldn’t even talk with them. At one point the rock had to hire an arbitrator to get cavils manager to even sit in the same room as the exec from wb. Apparently they have been very unhappy with a previous contract and wanted it amended before they would even discuss a return.

[–]gypsydreams101Breaking Bad 113 points114 points  (4 children)

Don’t The Rock and Henry Cavill share an agent/manager? I think it’s The Rock’s ex-wife who handles them both, if I’m not mistaken.

[–]King_Tamino 58 points59 points  (2 children)

I think it’s The Rock’s ex-wife who handles them both

intresting formulation

[–]i-Rational 112 points113 points  (0 children)

Honestly with the way WB fucked up all previous Superman outings, I’d be demanding too. Cavills probably right on this one.

[–]Virtual_Activity_582 32 points33 points  (0 children)

I mean the whole extensive justice league reshoots thing in the middle of him filming one of the mission impossible movies probably was a gigantic pain in the ass.

[–]dohvan[🍰] 357 points358 points  (27 children)

Netflix was also very serious about ruining the Witcher for everyone

[–]shadowdra126Community 325 points326 points  (3 children)

What a massive downgrade

[–]ICumCoffee 1117 points1118 points  (16 children)

Holy fucking shit. They replaced Henry Cavill. The man who fought for this role himself. He surely doesn’t like what they’re doing with the story, that he’s leaving. Imagine losing Henry Cavill as lead. What a trainwreck.

[–]FEAR_LORD_DUCK 737 points738 points  (53 children)

Had to do a double take. The less famous Hemsworth brother????

[–]DawesfanCommunity 826 points827 points  (9 children)

The least famous Hemsworth brother is actually a doctor and only has an 8 pack. What a loser

[–]imaginesomethinwitty 207 points208 points  (0 children)

Poor Larry

[–]skidstud 86 points87 points  (1 child)

Just a dumb pediatric surgeon who barely has an 8 pack

[–]carlgorn 250 points251 points  (16 children)

Oh boy, let me tell you about Luke Hemsworth, who you may know from Westworld or the actor playing Thor in the stage play in Thor 4.

[–]Spoonacus 167 points168 points  (6 children)

Luke is actually good, though. Stubbs was great. He doesn't get enough attention.

[–]Dreezy12k 53 points54 points  (3 children)

Stubbs is one of my favorites for Westworld. He's always refreshing to see. Disappointed that he has nothing to do except be the muscle and the comic relief, but he's consistently likable.

[–]DMike82Lost 22 points23 points  (0 children)

Yeah, but Luke actually has talent (arguably the most talented actor of the brothers). Also would look age-appropriate for the part.

[–]BigfootsBestBud 110 points111 points  (3 children)

He'd actually be a better choice for Geralt than Liam

[–]MarvelsGrantMan136The League[S] 1473 points1474 points  (107 children)

Crazy news, but understandable that Cavill wants to move on since he's coming back as Superman.


“My journey as Geralt of Rivia has been filled with both monsters and adventures, and alas, I will be laying down my medallion and my swords for Season 4. In my stead, the fantastic Mr. Liam Hemsworth will be taking up the mantle of the White Wolf. As with the greatest of literary characters, I pass the torch with reverence for the time spent embodying Geralt and enthusiasm to see Liam's take on this most fascinating and nuanced of men. Liam, good sir, this character has such a wonderful depth to him, enjoy diving in and seeing what you can find.”

[–]Stupidstuff1001 439 points440 points  (21 children)

I think this is him trying to find a diplomatic way to leave the property. It’s well-known that he’s a huge fan of the series but also he wasn’t a fan of the writing/director. The show really has been getting worse and worse as it progresses other than season two episode one. Why stick with a sinking ship when you can literally be Superman

[–]SonofNamek 152 points153 points  (24 children)

Superman pays better and there's some direction now that Gunn is hired. Also, Witcher writers probably pissed Cavill off.

That said....I recall Cavill reading a Mass Effect script not too long ago. Wonder if that will ever take off?

[–]King-Krown 102 points103 points  (18 children)

Mass Effect sounds like it'd be expensive but easy to write on paper,but then Hollywood half asses it. Damn,they been missing so hard with the space sci-fis.

[–]Gladiatornoah 1150 points1151 points  (51 children)

Another more important direct quote:

“Dawg y’all will never believe how much fucking money DC just gave me for another shot at Superman”

Like I’m sure he loves Geralt, but Superman is Superman lol.

[–]Barthez_Battalion 873 points874 points  (36 children)

He also a while back very diplomatically implied he wasn't thrilled with the show's writing.

[–]Gladiatornoah 191 points192 points  (11 children)

And even if he gets frustrated with Superman’s writing again (which I don’t think happen now that Gunn is in charge), he’ll be getting huge box office checks worst case.

[–]MurdockandWayne 236 points237 points  (13 children)

After season 2 who can blame him.

[–]TheGentlemanBeast 165 points166 points  (3 children)

He loves Geralt, but not Netflix geralt.

[–]AnimegamingnerdJojo's Bizarre Adventures 430 points431 points  (16 children)

First you have that one writer confirming what a lot of fans speculated, that most of the writers hate the games and books. Now the best part of the show is being recast.

Very rough week for Netlix's Witcher.

[–]JupitersClock 32 points33 points  (1 child)

And I'm done with the series.

[–]keithjp123 123 points124 points  (16 children)

Hard pass. Just end the show. Recasting a main character never works.

[–]simfoe 80 points81 points  (0 children)



[–]Ironbird207 23 points24 points  (0 children)

So effectively canceled?

[–]crystal_powers 23 points24 points  (0 children)

jesus, what a downgrade. isn’t he the only reason anyone watches that show? it’s certainly not because of the writing, the visuals or any of the other actors.

[–]jrizzle86 73 points74 points  (0 children)

This is really disappointing, Cavill really made the show what it is

[–]TheCarrier89 22 points23 points  (0 children)

Ooof that’s going to be a tough sell. Show was already just ok but now one of the main draws is leaving? I can see a lot of people backing out after season 3.

[–]EmpiresErased 62 points63 points  (0 children)

not surprised cavill is yeeting the fuck out considering how he's had to fight tooth and nail to keep the show at least somewhat faithful..

[–][deleted] 163 points164 points  (30 children)

Wonder if future Superman movies is the cause, or he just doesn't like the direction of the show.

[–]Bell_PC 63 points64 points  (3 children)

I had to make sure it wasn't April 1st. I'm genuinely upset by this news. I would honestly prefer if they just cancelled the show outright than to recast HENRY FUCKING CAVIL as Geralt. That was THE perfect casting, and it's all fucked now. Fuck this show, I'm out.

[–]Nebula153The Legend of Korra 201 points202 points  (10 children)

I know speculation on these things is kinda frowned upon but it does feel fair to say the obvious in this case

He was clearly frustrated with how WB was handling Superman, left to do The Witcher to show he can do his own thing, got progressively more and more frustrated with how the show was handled, and took the chance to run away and come back as Superman with WB's new management

[–]2rio2 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Time is a flat circle.

That said I can see why he held his cards close to chest until he knew competent people were back in charge at DC.

[–]SaintNeptune 147 points148 points  (5 children)

"Breaking: Witcher Season 3 so bad Henry Cavil QUITS!" is the real headline here.

[–]hesitationz 75 points76 points  (0 children)

Don’t hate Liam, but they should just cancel after the third season ends. Cavill is Geralt