top 200 commentsshow 500

[–]NBAdadadayy 6277 points6278 points  (191 children)

The OKC big 3 keep on shuffling between teams with each other

[–]Psychological_Fix864 3638 points3639 points  (105 children)

We have literally seen every combination of the three. All 3 of them together, Durant and Westbrook, Westbrook and Harden, Durant and Harden, and all 3 of them alone.

[–]LMAO_try_again 1888 points1889 points  (88 children)

I can’t wait to be in my 60s arguing in the barbershop about which combo would have been the best if “insert excuse here” didn’t happen.

[–]fantasnick 1018 points1019 points  (61 children)

Now imagine if they all just stayed on OKC and reached the heights they did individually.

[–]Spursemoney_gotnomoney 1205 points1206 points  (50 children)

I can’t even imagine how toxic that would be. Russ trying to average triple-doubles and Harden is trying to go iso for 20 seconds of the shot clock, all while KD is just sitting there knowing he is by far the better player but never getting the ball.

[–]fantasnick 227 points228 points  (28 children)

Yeah, the egos of the players would either never let them get to those potential all-time highs or it would just never work like how it did originally.

I think KD staying on in 17-18 has to be the best actual timeline.

But could you imagine if we saw all 3 of them at their prime actually work? We might see Curry and Bron with 2 less rings each and all 3 of them in the top 15-20 all-time.

[–]BullShitting-24-7 586 points587 points  (55 children)

They shoulda all just committed and stayed there.

[–]Middle-Welder3931[🍰] 474 points475 points  (44 children)

If OKC didn't trade away Harden (reminder - the summer after they made the finals and none of them were older than 23) the three of them are probably still there to this day, 11 years later.

[–]KoreanSamgyupsal 267 points268 points  (13 children)

We could have had a totally different dynasty if they all stayed. That team had 3 future MVP's...

[–]ajm1197 288 points289 points  (2 children)

They would have needed to all get personality transplants to stay together that long and win.

[–]Raptorsmc3hunna 19 points20 points  (0 children)

I think harden being there would’ve eased up a lot of the tension between wb and kd, some1 who they both got along with/respected

[–]SpursDestanio9357 158 points159 points  (6 children)

Missed out on an amazing 2010s OKC-GSW rivalry. Insane to imagine an alternate universe where 2022 was Golden State's first title.

[–]Netslxkandel06 118 points119 points  (1 child)

If 22 was GSW's first title we'd all think about it the same way we think about the 2011 Mavs

[–]Trail Blazersajmcgill 8075 points8076 points  (366 children)

Westbrook/Harden/Paul George/Kawhi would've been a goddamn super team in 2017-2019

[–]Minneapolis Lakersrawchess 3129 points3130 points  (211 children)

Holy shit I just realized they're all Los Angeles boys. Or greater LA area at least

[–]LakersPal__Pacino 2406 points2407 points  (65 children)

Harden embraced Houston so thoroughly that a lot of people forget he's from LA.

[–]Minneapolis Lakersrawchess 1280 points1281 points  (48 children)

Kawhi would choose San Diego over us if they still had a team 😂

[–]LakersPal__Pacino 787 points788 points  (38 children)

Yeah seems like he really took a liking to SD during college. Can't blame him, it's a hell of a lot nicer than Riverside.

[–]LTSpiceIsNice 353 points354 points  (18 children)

he’s from moval so even worse than riverside lol

[–]True_Scorpio23 280 points281 points  (14 children)

Glad to see someone actually post this, he’s from Moreno Valley and if I recall he takes some exception to people claiming he’s from Riverside lol

[–]San Diego Clippersbutt_fun 84 points85 points  (12 children)

I get it, but I also get why people mess it up

Moval is greater riverside, and I think he also went to King HS, right?

[–]LakersKind-Masterpiece-310 11 points12 points  (0 children)

He went to Canyon Springs in Moreno Valley and then transferred to King in Riverside.

[–]San Diego Clippersantwan_benjamin 112 points113 points  (6 children)

Kawhi isn't from Riverside...he's from MoVal. Which is worse 😂😂 And this is coming from someone thats also from Riverside County

[–]Fidel_Chadstro 48 points49 points  (1 child)

Just fell to my knees at Whataburger reading this

[–]KingsKirbin2 499 points500 points  (120 children)

Paul George is from Palmdale... Same city as me, do not let him get away with saying he's from LA if you ever hear him say that.

[–]Lakersprettyboylee 270 points271 points  (13 children)

California boys works then

[–]LakersThePevster 226 points227 points  (7 children)

SoCal boys

[–]SunsDennisfromhawaii 165 points166 points  (4 children)

Daisy dukes bikinis on top

[–]Kingsreal_but_incognito 58 points59 points  (3 children)

sunkissed skin so hot they'll melt your popsicle

[–]Final-Ambition-2428 211 points212 points  (48 children)

Tbf as someone from southern California no longer living in California I stopped saying exactly where Im from long ago when I realized all of southern California is just LA and San Diego to outsiders so it's just easier to say I'm from LA even though I was an hour away most of my life.

[–]San Francisco WarriorsAwHellNaw 37 points38 points  (4 children)

Nobody outside of SoCal has ever heard of Ontario they think you're talking about Canada

[–]omgjk31 153 points154 points  (27 children)

Same with Chicago. I live an hour outside of it. But when I’m in other cities I say I’m from Chicago because nobody knows Aurora, IL. Unless you like the movie Wayne’s World

[–]Reasonable-Put6503 28 points29 points  (0 children)

I have to respond twice. When I meet someone from Chicago and they tell me they're from the suburbs I always ask if it's Aurora, just because of Wayne's World.

[–]CelticsshotcaIler 26 points27 points  (1 child)

Kim and Kanye’s kid goes by Chicago even though their real name is Naperville

[–]ClippersPowerfulHazard93 25 points26 points  (2 children)

Palmdaaaaaale, come back toooo meee

[–]Lakerskiwiwikikiwiwikikiwi 130 points131 points  (16 children)

Yeee I’ve lived long enough to hear Palmdale and Riverside folks say “born and bred in LA”

I say the more the merrier 😤🙏

[–]LakersGhoti76 78 points79 points  (0 children)

incidentally the 2 places that pg and kawhi are from 💀

[–]ChapinLakersFan 92 points93 points  (13 children)

Palmdale is in LA county tho. It's still a shit hole and 70 mil s away from the City Of LA but not technically as wrong as someone from Riverside saying the same thing.

[–]WizardsBayTerp 39 points40 points  (6 children)

Wait. They’re in the same county but 70 miles away from the city? Jfc. That’s a big ass county. Pretty sure DC to Pennsylvannia is like 70 miles.

[–]donutgut 21 points22 points  (0 children)

La county has a massive mountain range in between Palmdale and la

[–]Tall_Succotash 51 points52 points  (6 children)

Steve ballmer is an evil genius if u think abt it

[–][HOU] Luis Scolawillymoose8 73 points74 points  (2 children)

I mean it is a good way to get locals to care about your team. Nothing gets people interested like hometown heroes

[–]Australiarevisioncloud 18 points19 points  (0 children)


[–]ClippersDroidvoid 355 points356 points  (9 children)

Clippers taking the retirement home title from Lakers

[–]Knicksmedievalmachine 92 points93 points  (3 children)

Senior Tour forming in the West. Warriors Lakers Clips.

[–]WrongMomo 129 points130 points  (1 child)

Forget super team that is looking like the olympic team

[–][LAC] DeAndre JordanStephenlucky7 473 points474 points  (85 children)

This is still an absolutely terrifying team in 2023, because likely clippers still have some bench depth. Also Harden and Russ aren’t fragile which takes the pressure off George and Kawhi.

[–]Lakerskiwiwikikiwiwikikiwi 219 points220 points  (27 children)

They got playmaking galore in Harden and Russ.

And Harden can still go on bursts of offense. Scoring anywhere from 20-30 points a game

[–]KaiserKaiba 74 points75 points  (12 children)

For sure. Their biggest issue is health. And as you mentioned, that isn’t too big of a concern for Russ especially. Absolutely crazy team having Kawhi-PG-Harden.

[–]RocketsSc0rch1ngDr4g0n 115 points116 points  (14 children)

The Clippers need some love after all the pain they’ve suffered these past years. But I feel like this’ll just end in a deep playoff run that ends tragically, with injuries causing the wheels to fall off in the WCF or Finals.

[–]Clippersnopenopenope246810 38 points39 points  (2 children)


[–]Clippershoopdog7 42 points43 points  (1 child)

Why is this so accurate 😭

[–]Trail Blazersajmcgill 42 points43 points  (0 children)


[–]Educational-Duck 26 points27 points  (1 child)

Could still be. Could also just be very funny

[–][LAL] Sasha Vujacicnysraved 5401 points5402 points  (78 children)

Bruh I’m trying to sleep Woj…

[–]RaptorsmMounirM 1355 points1356 points  (52 children)

I just took a shit and saw this

[–]LakersT_025 1121 points1122 points  (25 children)

Just fell to my knees in my bed

[–]RocketsSaltyLonghorn 545 points546 points  (15 children)

Better than falling to your knees while shitting.

[–]76erscschoolmeester 346 points347 points  (9 children)

I'm literally shitting on my knees in joy

[–]CelticsBasketball_Soul 50 points51 points  (4 children)

I just saw this and took a shit

[–]WizardsBahamas_is_relevant 70 points71 points  (3 children)

Woj does not believe in sleep, only scoops

[–]NBAlazzysmalls 3903 points3904 points  (68 children)

The nba never sleeps

[–]Lakerscs_grad_2023 926 points927 points  (9 children)

24/7 Reality TV

[–]SpursGGezpzMuppy 199 points200 points  (4 children)

NBA is Worldwide baby

[–]WarriorsJazzbandrew 107 points108 points  (3 children)

Pitbull is the new NBA logo confirmed

[–]76erssensualdrywall 344 points345 points  (13 children)

doing this at 2am eastern is real sicko shit

[–]Trail Blazersfoofoononishoe 184 points185 points  (0 children)

snorts line “What if we added Harden to our team?”

[–]3c2456o78_w 38 points39 points  (6 children)


[–]Kingsbchris24 103 points104 points  (5 children)

Crazy seeing these happen knowing one of the team's fanbase are almost all asleep

[–]officerliger 103 points104 points  (4 children)

Clippers fans go to bed early

[–]WarriorsCurrymvp2 222 points223 points  (14 children)

On the day of the NFL trade deadline too lmao.

[–]BucksCupOfHotTeaa 136 points137 points  (1 child)

WTF IS A HANDEGG?!?!?!?? 🦅🏀🦅🏀🦅🏀🦅🏀

[–]Bullsinevitablescape 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Rugby? 🏉

[–]ThunderSigniference 40 points41 points  (3 children)

On Russell Westbrook Day, too!

[–]BucksCupOfHotTeaa 22 points23 points  (2 children)

Happy Russell Westbrook Day brother

[–]Moctor_of_Dedicine 25 points26 points  (0 children)

Feliz Westbrook to those who celebrate

[–]Netsburner7221 613 points614 points  (19 children)

Got his way 3 times in 3 years.

[–]Calm_Green3821 116 points117 points  (4 children)

At the expense of how many millions? 50? 100?

[–]Traveler_Constant 68 points69 points  (2 children)

Yeah, let's not act like he's "winning"

Not only has he lost money, his legacy is destroyed

[–]WizardsGoooose 3536 points3537 points  (45 children)

Maxey about to pop off all szn

[–]CelticsMatto_0 1060 points1061 points  (15 children)

Yeah this is ideal for him, and the Sixers too.

[–]76ersthatsinsaneletstryit 589 points590 points  (8 children)

really wasnt looking forward to grumpy harden coming back to pound the ball for 18 secs a possession on thursday

[–]CelticsMatto_0 213 points214 points  (4 children)

Yeah Maxey needs the #2 role. I wanna see him at like 20 FGA/G this season.

[–]Trail BlazersYouArentOwedAnything 143 points144 points  (3 children)

Morey say him cooking the first three games and it was enough for him to let harden go

[–]CelticsAirJordan6124 2642 points2643 points  (23 children)


[–]Educational-Duck 1187 points1188 points  (8 children)

That saga was so cool we need more belligerent players who hate their bosses, very relatable

[–]CelticsCoteup 291 points292 points  (4 children)

Bullying (your franchise) works

[–]ACanOfPickles[🍰] 80 points81 points  (1 child)

"Stone Cold" James Harden

[–][DEN] Nikola JokicCrimsonOffice 290 points291 points  (4 children)

I don't want to get into a word or sentence feud with Daryl Morey, but I believe he wasn't educated on the situation at hand, and he spoke, and so many people could have been harmed, not only financially, but physically. Emotionally. Spiritually.

[–]San Diego Rocketsblueberryy 86 points87 points  (2 children)

Trying to sound smart makes people sound so dumb

[–]FoxBeach 9 points10 points  (0 children)

You just described 90% of posters on Reddit

[–]NBA3rideo 102 points103 points  (0 children)

Let me repeat that,

Daryl Morey is a liar.

[–][TOR] Kyle LowrySpecialPressure9983 2561 points2562 points  (32 children)

I thought she finally responded but it was just woj😔

[–]Kingsabjr93 704 points705 points  (1 child)

Keep your head up king

[–][OKC] Russell Westbrooklegendariusss 164 points165 points  (1 child)

Turn that frown upside down

[–]scrumptiousbump 88 points89 points  (0 children)

I feel this in my bones.

[–][LAL] Sasha VujačićWolfgangBB 125 points126 points  (4 children)

Some day, you will get to the point where the girl you are with texts you at work, and you are busy with work and dont reapond for a while, and then SHE is waiting on YOU to respond and maybe gets cross about it.

Chin up.

[–]PistonsPrinceAlli 1164 points1165 points  (30 children)


Edit: Is Shams sleep lol? Where are the details?

[–]D09987766 342 points343 points  (4 children)

Spooky Halloween Woj Bomb 👻

[–]KnicksToxicyoshi7 168 points169 points  (8 children)

I’m pretty sure Tobias Harris trade to Philly was also at like 2AM. 76ers-Clippers trades are wild

[–]ThunderiCarpet 61 points62 points  (5 children)

The PG13 trade with Kawhi signing was super late too

I remember coming home from going out on EST time and the first message I saw when I plugged in my dead phone was the above

[–]floatersforalgernon 60 points61 points  (3 children)

Pacific doesn't sleep yet.

[–]KlaysToaster 1806 points1807 points  (200 children)

For who

[–]NBAreskon 615 points616 points  (39 children)

The Sixers are acquiring Marcus Morris, Nic Batum, Robert Covington, KJ Martin, multiple draft picks and a pick swap for James Harden, PJ Tucker and Filip Petrusev, sources tell ESPN.

[–]lab-gone-wrong 1393 points1394 points  (28 children)

two caterpies, a weedle, a squirtle and this pack of gum for your Charizard

[–]Middle-Welder3931[🍰] 225 points226 points  (7 children)

God help any kid that ever took that package for the Charizard.

[–]69_Beers_Later 51 points52 points  (2 children)

I traded an Aerodactyl for a Charizard when I was a kid and I still think about how badly fleeced I got

[–]76ersRadical_Ryan 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I traded a Poliwhirl card for a Charizard card and still feel bad about it to this day. I could have a super villain out there planning revenge on me right now, and they wouldn't even be in the wrong.

[–]itsmajack 64 points65 points  (2 children)

help thanks for the laugh

[–]76ersTakenakaHanbei 58 points59 points  (0 children)


[–]SpursTICKLE_PANTS 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Damn. Not even Terrence Mann.

[–]Lakerscs_grad_2023 3317 points3318 points  (36 children)

Probably players from the Clippers

[–]WarriorsCurrymvp2 83 points84 points  (0 children)

Thanks Magic

[–]RocketsSaltyLonghorn 53 points54 points  (0 children)


[–]Raptorsking_lloyd11 239 points240 points  (6 children)

I’m sorry to break this to you, KlaysToaster. Pack your things.

[–]Trail Blazersbeatrailblazer 91 points92 points  (3 children)

Woj fell asleep before he could send the full deets

[–]Lakerserizzluh 34 points35 points  (2 children)

imagine he's just blackout drunk at a halloween party and drunk tweeting.

[–]Lakersrol9nd 228 points229 points  (34 children)

Let it be Russ so I can see posts from MITWestbrook slandering Embiid and Harris.

[–]Nuggetsabris33 58 points59 points  (1 child)

Bones Hyland. 1 for 1

[–]Mavericks6FootMidget93 50 points51 points  (7 children)

Watch it be PG lol

[–]Australiarevisioncloud 61 points62 points  (3 children)

This was Westbrook's long con to take revenge on PG requesting a trade from OKC /s

[–]NuggetsShenanigans80h 759 points760 points  (5 children)

Stays up til 2am

Breaks massive trade news

Refuses to elaborate


[–]BullsYeezyYeezyUp2NoGood 1883 points1884 points  (35 children)


[–]LakersNotGonnaGetCaught 317 points318 points  (6 children)

Especially in City of Industry

[–]NotMark360 106 points107 points  (0 children)

Imma see James Harden on Valley

[–]ClippersCrapcicle6190 57 points58 points  (1 child)

Spearmint Rhino bout to get a sizable donation from an anonymous donor

[–]Bucksundermon 177 points178 points  (4 children)

LA strip club owners popping champagne rn. Dancers from Houston and Atlanta are already booking their flights to move

source: insider info

[–]CaliforniaHurricane_ 98 points99 points  (3 children)

Source: mother is a stripper

[–]Bucksundermon 42 points43 points  (1 child)

Nahh fuck outta here, my wife is

[–][DEN] Nikola JokicCrimsonOffice 38 points39 points  (1 child)

Incoming 200% increase in strip club activity in LA.

[–][MIA] Glen RiceBoogs_the_magician 220 points221 points  (3 children)

Kinda works out for the Clippers as Kawhi doesn't play during the regular season and Harden doesn't play during the playoffs.

[–]Knicks_Kofiko 84 points85 points  (8 children)

The Sixers are acquiring Marcus Morris, Nic Batum, Robert Covington, KJ Martin, multiple draft picks and a pick swap for James Harden, PJ Tucker and Filip Petrusev, sources tell ESPN.


[–]LakersEl_E_Jandr0 165 points166 points  (3 children)

Gonna be a lot more tuitions being paid at Cal States and UC’s

[–]Netsim____new____here 969 points970 points  (46 children)

all these superteams forming in the west now only to lose to a slow overweight Serbian guy

[–]Lakersrjaysenior 90 points91 points  (0 children)

He can’t keep getting away with this

[–]NBAYouTellMeBeavis 194 points195 points  (0 children)

Jokic will win. That's for sure.

[–]LakersNotGonnaGetCaught 848 points849 points  (51 children)

Fuckin finally

[–]LakersJilJungJukk 73 points74 points  (5 children)

We getting Russ-Harden-PG-Kawhi, lmao imagine this team 5 years ago

[–]D09987766 764 points765 points  (33 children)

LA strippers celebrating as we speak

[–]Final-Luck-4222 330 points331 points  (14 children)

It's a sad day for strippers in Philadelphia.

[–]Pelicanstwodollarscholar 547 points548 points  (6 children)

They’ll be pole dancing at half mast tonight 😥

[–]Lakersboyharsher- 724 points725 points  (17 children)

He’s going to debut against us 💀

[–]Lakerskiwiwikikiwiwikikiwi 82 points83 points  (4 children)

And he’s going to raise his shirt, revealing it was the fat suit this whole time!!

[–]RaptorsStalkingDwarf 262 points263 points  (12 children)

2am Woj bomb involving the Clippers. Is it 2019 again?

[–][GSW] JaVale McGeeashwinr136 489 points490 points  (16 children)


[–]HeatRansomGoddard 190 points191 points  (8 children)

Hey some of us East Coast insomniacs are feasting as well

[–]76ersxXTheRacerXx 34 points35 points  (2 children)

I am feasting VERY well

[–]76erskellzone 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Gorging myself.

[–]NuggetsAP16__ 231 points232 points  (24 children)

Did Woj fall asleep, what did Philly get back??

[–]Lakersmatticans7pointO 105 points106 points  (12 children)

From what I saw Roco, Batum, KJ, and Morris for Harden and Tucker. Either Tucker gonna play 40 mins because he's the only PF left on the roster or Kawhi gonna get more time at the 4?

[–]BullsNCBaddict 166 points167 points  (4 children)

Getting rid of Morris is the biggest W for the Clippers org. Saving Lue from himself—the man refuses to bench Marcus’ washed ass.

[–]Raptorshyperd0uche 33 points34 points  (1 child)

Roco and Embiid, 2 of the Original Process boyz reunited damn it feels good to be a gangster

[–]HeatDame2Miami 367 points368 points  (8 children)


[–]Lakerskiwiwikikiwiwikikiwi 218 points219 points  (3 children)


[–]Clipperspm_me_your_last_pics 50 points51 points  (1 child)

Omg he's the reason it's been on backorder for months. He's been hoarding in anticipation

[–][MIL] Kareem Abdul-JabbarA808Ag 169 points170 points  (0 children)

based on what happened with the Nets, he's going to instantly shed all of his fat like snake skin and become the best player on the team

[–]Lakersjuhstin_ 57 points58 points  (0 children)

Perfect timing for the SKIMS partnership 😈

[–][LAL] Kobe BryantJayDee62 247 points248 points  (13 children)

Oh (East coast and shams lost)

[–]Bee__Soup 79 points80 points  (6 children)

Philly fans gonna wake up to this

[–]76ersNotsozander 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Just woke up randomly to this lol

[–]Trail Blazersbeatrailblazer 89 points90 points  (8 children)


Also why do Clippers make all their big trades at 2am lol, Kawhi/PG was at this time too

[–]BullsSwarleyJr 67 points68 points  (0 children)

Drunk and making trades just like the homies in fantasy.

[–]RogerLopezComic 13 points14 points  (0 children)

It just hit 11pm on the west coast, and the strip clubs still open for another 3 hours. meme of that dude rubbing his hands together by the tree

[–]Toronto HuskiesNo-Gift-2350 73 points74 points  (0 children)

It is wild we still dont have trade details and it has been 20 minutes

[–]LakersnateXruiz 86 points87 points  (1 child)

Everyone get in here they did the thing they said they wouldn’t dooooooooo

[–]MavericksLightsSoundAction 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Daryl Morey IS a liar!

[–]Spursradicalcamel 111 points112 points  (6 children)

Australian fans eating rn, literally

[–]NetsGuessTraining 32 points33 points  (1 child)

Now they know how it feels to wake up to a blockbuster trade

[–]WarriorsThe_Alloy 24 points25 points  (1 child)

Anyone fall to their knees at a Chemist Warehouse?

Might as well say it before someone else does.

[–]JazzBe-Nice-To-Redditors 70 points71 points  (1 child)

How do you do, everybody scrolling instead of sleeping

[–]LakersNo-Equipment-20 172 points173 points  (47 children)

All memes aside Kawhi, PG, Harden, Westbrook is actually an insane grouping

[–]ClippersDroidvoid 188 points189 points  (30 children)

4 ball dominant guards and no real centers. Clippers what is you doing

[–][GSW] Adonal FoyleHarryLundt 76 points77 points  (3 children)

Zubac is a real center. Kawhi and PG are wings. Russ and Harden are big guards.

[–]SpursDimaaaa[🍰] 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Not just Zubac, Plumdog as well... The Clippers have one of the nicer C rotations lol.

[–]BlindfoldChess 78 points79 points  (7 children)

Just need Dwight Howard

[–]WarriorsEyrien 117 points118 points  (1 child)

Yeah he loves playing with ball dominate guys!

[–]someroastedbeef 165 points166 points  (7 children)

Terrance Mann "out" with a sprained ankle.

he gone

[–]ClippersWolfeman0101 27 points28 points  (0 children)

I love Mann.

[–]JimmyKanine 19 points20 points  (0 children)

He stay

[–]KnicksHokageEzio 21 points22 points  (1 child)


[–]LakersG1Spectrum 35 points36 points  (0 children)


[–]pures1lence 37 points38 points  (4 children)

damn lol (from https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1719244482309206233)

The Clippers are sending the Sixers a 2028 unprotected first-round pick, two second-round picks and a pick swap, sources tell ESPN. The Clippers are also routing the 76ers an additional future first-round pick from a third team.

[–]advancedmatt 21 points22 points  (0 children)

All that for one year of Eric Cartman?

[–]RaptorsJaminjams 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Devil works hard but Woj works harder for the scoop

[–][MIN] Ricky Rubioazallday 43 points44 points  (8 children)

Can't remember the last time we had a late night Woj bomb. This is fun

[–]76ersferry254235 12 points13 points  (1 child)

Late night Woj bomb sheesh

[–]Mavericksbagfka 23 points24 points  (1 child)

Damn working those phones late

[–]76ersPeeNutButtHerFuckHer 10 points11 points  (0 children)