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[–]Celtics [BOS] Marcus SmartItsN0tTheB0at[M] [score hidden] stickied comment (40 children)


[–]RaptorsAdmirablePersimmon26 8610 points8611 points  (187 children)

Insane to think Jimmy butler's been to the conference finals 3 times since he left the 76ers.

[–]LookAtMeNow247 982 points983 points  (3 children)

Jrue Holiday won a championship too.

[–]Raptorsintecknicolour 629 points630 points  (19 children)

jimmy might be abrasive, but he was 1000% right about the sixers.

can't win with these cats.

[–]macalendanoneraserio 820 points821 points  (38 children)

Well i Guess he stole the recipe of the process and replaced with a fake One. No One in Philadelphia Is aware yet.

[–]GrizzliesStasisTelestoUser 234 points235 points  (32 children)

As if there was a process lol

[–]Bullscooly329 206 points207 points  (24 children)

It’s funny to me how the only solid predictors we have for winning a title over the past decade are “Have LeBron James” or “be the Warriors”

Other than that we have a sample size of like 3 in the entire 3pt era (say post 2012). Yet people act like they know how to build a title contender because they did it in 2K

[–]HeatAndresgeo 1925 points1926 points  (66 children)

And every analyst paraded around ESPN and twitter saying he’d lead an 8th seed forever and basically came here to retire. God I love Jimmy and that he proved all those dumbasses wrong

[–]CelticsBigBallerBrad 731 points732 points  (25 children)

Wel Tbf he is on a 8 seed rn, hardest road indeed

[–]Pistonsnoveler7 176 points177 points  (0 children)

Meanwhile, the 6ers haven't been since 2001. They haven't made one in Anthony Edwards' lifetime, lol.

[–]Pistonsairmcnair06 70 points71 points  (3 children)


[–]Hawkstraebucketsfor3 1914 points1915 points  (62 children)

And the era of Doc is finally over

[–]NBAMacarioPro 828 points829 points  (48 children)

Which team will give him another 1 overperforming year with a weak squad then 5 undeserved years because he won a title more than a decade ago?

[–]Knicksucannotbeserious 4940 points4941 points  (138 children)

The Process is over.

[–]Celticsbillcosbyinspace 3901 points3902 points  (73 children)

Someone in the sixers sub compared the process to the bills losing 4 super bowls in a row but that requires making it out of the second round lol

[–]Timberwolveswhiterice_343 1356 points1357 points  (56 children)

4 super bowls in a row!? 😭😭

[–]76ers_nmtb_ 794 points795 points  (26 children)

all to the nfc east

[–]PM_Me_Beezbo_Quotes 887 points888 points  (22 children)

But not all of the NFC east

[–]76ers_nmtb_ 620 points621 points  (15 children)

even more philly tears are being shed

[–]CelticsTnYamaneko 79 points80 points  (9 children)

Funny how it surprises new fans.

No other team did go to 4 SB straight yet they managed to lose them all.

[–]Celticshasps 33 points34 points  (3 children)

Those teams were a beast, too. Boggling that they didn't win at least one.

[–]CelticsMan0nTheMoon915 7186 points7187 points  (232 children)

Absolutely criminal that the Sixers offense was essentially Harden and Embiid driving and kicking out for a shot. In game 7. Embiid and Harden were in Cancun by the 3rd quarter.

[–]Germanynutelamitbutter 3940 points3941 points  (130 children)

Tatum really survived going 5-21 3 days ago

[–]:gfl-1: Grand FloridianPopularParrot 2457 points2458 points  (80 children)

IN PHILADELPHIA. That’s how you know the Sixers would choke this.

[–]Thunderwestzod 773 points774 points  (66 children)

Doc has to go lmao

[–]BullsReapYerSoul 586 points587 points  (33 children)

If Monty was fired, Doc has to be right?

[–]Thunderwestzod 219 points220 points  (24 children)

100% lol I think they should consider Bud maybe.

[–]Celticsigonnawrecku_VGC 449 points450 points  (12 children)

Bro went from 1-13 to scoring 67 points in 5 quarters

[–]Raptors1729_SR 61 points62 points  (0 children)


[–]AzureAhai 193 points194 points  (3 children)

Best 5/21 game of all time though

[–]NuggetsCommon_Crane 74 points75 points  (0 children)

5/21 > 5/18

Math might lie, but ball don't!

[–]RaptorsCheechers23 1960 points1961 points  (25 children)

Absolutely pathetic effort from Embiid and Harden

[–]MagicChannelNeo 709 points710 points  (12 children)

Pathetic, but even more disappointingly, expected.

[–]Patrick BeverleyKiryuXGoro 2437 points2438 points  (44 children)

He blamed Chris Paul.

He blamed Blake Griffin.

He blamed Kawhi Leonard.

He blamed Paul George.

He blamed Joel Embiid.

He blamed Ben Simmons.

He blamed James Harden.

He blamed everyone but himself.

[–][LAL] Kobe BryantPYJX 784 points785 points  (18 children)

How is this guy still employed

[–]Heatsnakebite654 1045 points1046 points  (7 children)

He's not even a real doctor!!

[–]CelticsThe_Pip 62 points63 points  (0 children)


[–][deleted] 261 points262 points  (3 children)

Didn’t he also blame the Boston media before this??

[–]NBA69millionyeartrip 95 points96 points  (2 children)

He blamed the Boston media for “making up a fake narrative” that he was leaving after the KG/Pierce trade and then he left

[–]NBAwristcontrol 3183 points3184 points  (50 children)

The thing I'm looking forward to the most in the upcoming days, is RDCworld clowning on Doc Rivers for the 3rd time.

[–]Timberwolveswhiterice_343 975 points976 points  (13 children)

“I know I’m fired, I already know cause I don’t know who else to blame but y’all sorry asses. All I gotta say before I am fired is that shit wasn’t my fault, y’all weren’t doin shit, oh Tobias Harris??? You trash”

[–]NuggetsP0intcenter 422 points423 points  (7 children)

Tobias Harris had more points than Embiid in 5 less shots in the elimination game.

[–]NBASecret_Attention_422 31 points32 points  (2 children)

Warriors lockerroom was another banger, cant wait

[–]LakersRuben625 82 points83 points  (0 children)

You think this is only the 3rd? Lol

[–]Lakersahr3410 7029 points7030 points  (211 children)

Doc Rivers YOU are a Shanghai Shark!

[–]KnicksBiggestDinky 2814 points2815 points  (94 children)

A Doc Rivers masterclass, I can’t believe he’s done it again

[–][LAL] Kobe Bryantfrodounchained 830 points831 points  (10 children)

It’s art

[–]Tampa Bay RaptorsBee_lrl 174 points175 points  (4 children)

I want to know what he said during the 3rd Q collapse

Mf called 3 timeouts for WHAT 😂

[–]star_nerdy 115 points116 points  (3 children)

“If you guys don’t start playing better, you’ll be in Cancun tomorrow!”

But with a horsed voice.

[–]LakersTallanoGoldDigger 399 points400 points  (24 children)

Give Doc a break, he only had 1 HOF candidate in that team, he needs 3 minimum to win anything

[–]doctorhypoxia 202 points203 points  (19 children)

Can’t figure out if this is a shot at embiid or harden. Either that or it’s a shot at both and the HOFer is Harris lmao

[–][NYK] Nate RobinsonJetsLag 42 points43 points  (0 children)

Obviously the HOFer is B-Ball Paul

[–]Lakerslovo17 845 points846 points  (65 children)

Can't just blame Doc, Harden and Embiid were dreadful.

Sixers need to blow it up in the offseason. The process failed.

[–]PelicansBarathruss 358 points359 points  (19 children)

I dunno, when you have EMBIID getting ABUSED on defense I feel like something is wrong with your defensive scheme

[–]BullsmonoDK13 1767 points1768 points  (49 children)

Choosing Tobias Harris and Brett Brown over Jimmy Butler has to be one of the most influential decisions in the last decade in the NBA. Sixers don’t have anyone with that killer instinct to push them over the hump.

[–]Bulls91-92-93--96-97-98 387 points388 points  (13 children)

I just imagine this the kinda game Jimmy Buckets drags them to competency. Maybe not win but this was a joke.

[–]76ersGreasefangEnjoyer 140 points141 points  (10 children)

If we had Jimmy there wouldn't have been a game 7. Doesn't matter because we don't. But he absolutely closes out game 6 by himself if he has to.

This series was an absolute telltale sign to blow it up. There were excuses to be made in every other loss we had. But not a single time this series did embiid play like the best player on the court.

If he's not injured, he still doesn't dominate in the playoffs so there's no point to keep him around or continue to build around him. He just won't get it done.

[–]WarriorsCoronabandkaro 127 points128 points  (10 children)

I saw the series with the raptors. Only Jimmy was willing to take the fight to the raps. I cant believe they let him go. He's a top 5 16-game player in this league.

[–]macalendanoneraserio 239 points240 points  (1 child)

A user pointed out that Jimmy got 3 times in the ECF since leaving the process.

[–]LakersJayymeister 8690 points8691 points  (458 children)

Idk how the MVP doesn’t show up in a game 7

[–]entropy328 2775 points2776 points  (42 children)

Ben Simmons holding him back

[–]montrezlh 1030 points1031 points  (3 children)

God I'm praying that someone asks doc the "championship point guard" question this year too

[–][LAC] Michael Phelpsdeepwebteddy 687 points688 points  (27 children)

everyone go check ben simmons ig story rn for a quick laugh

[–]NetsOdd_Total_5549 219 points220 points  (0 children)

That’s amazing, thank you for point me to that

[–]Bullsdrugaddict6969 356 points357 points  (11 children)

that is a horrible set up, my god. TV is 50 feet away and you’re staring at 2 chairs. and i thought it couldn’t get worse than his nba career

[–]NicoRosbergBurner 152 points153 points  (3 children)

He doesn’t even want to watch tv, what does he want to do?

[–]Trail Blazersspicydak 1496 points1497 points  (20 children)

Real MVP is enjoying horses right now

[–]LakersAljoGOAT 438 points439 points  (1 child)

Joel is beside himself, driving through Serbia begging (through texts) for Jokic's jockey.

[–]Lakersvard24 410 points411 points  (11 children)

Jokic hasn't shown up in a game 7 at ALL these playoffs. smh

[–]SobigX 101 points102 points  (4 children)

Yeah man averages 0/0/0 in game 7s this year :<

[–]Nuggetsnarendasan 81 points82 points  (0 children)

Scrub. Can were revoke his fraudulent mvps?

[–]DogeSadaharu 239 points240 points  (1 child)

They literally gave Embiid MVP because the NBA voters knew he was never going to play 65+ games again lmao.

[–]Celticsnrj6490 566 points567 points  (5 children)

Embiid: “I’m the MVP”

Tatum: “my sub has bacon”

[–]Tampa Bay RaptorsBee_lrl 55 points56 points  (1 child)

”Chuck comes back for my ruffles”

[–]ledgemann-67 432 points433 points  (24 children)

Al Horford clamped him the whole series

[–]Minneapolis Lakersrawchess 258 points259 points  (3 children)

Just a father and son celebrating Mother's Day together ❤️

[–]RaptorsOguguasVeryOwn 68 points69 points  (4 children)

Soon to be 37 year old Al Horford no less

[–]RaptorscurryisforGs 58 points59 points  (2 children)

Embiid and getting clamped by centres two years away from retirement, name a better duo

[–]Sloveniashag_vonnie_vomer 318 points319 points  (6 children)

He's currently in Colorado, enjoying his swimming pool and watching his friend race horses.

[–]SupersonicsWhatEvery1sThinking 851 points852 points  (39 children)

When you're only the MVP because Kendrick Perkins started shit it hits different

[–]RaptorsProfessorBeast55 4790 points4791 points  (50 children)

[–]Celticssstphnn 659 points660 points  (2 children)

Crazy how that plane edit stays relevant.

[–]cactus_jack_1 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Don’t see it stopping anytime soon

[–]LakersRuben625 475 points476 points  (8 children)

Process got stuck at 95% and then said

Error (the doc file has corrupted the process. Exiting program)

[–]Cavalierskrabbypattykrabs 323 points324 points  (0 children)

Nah this is wild lmao

[–]76ersdishwasher_mayhem 1171 points1172 points  (30 children)

Hey at least Joel won MVP. That's what this season was really about right? Fucking joke of a franchise.

[–]macalendanoneraserio 88 points89 points  (0 children)

Doc under the Bus and let's restart the processo again.

[–][deleted] 888 points889 points  (8 children)

RDCWorld1 vid should be dropping any minute now, they had about 30 min of garbage time to get it ready

[–]LakersMrAdelphi03 228 points229 points  (4 children)

That Draymond podcast episode cracked me up!

[–]KingsPrimaryAccording9162 820 points821 points  (17 children)


[–]Heattnerrot 1795 points1796 points  (25 children)

Quite an underwhelming performance by Embiid. But then again, I understand it. He's the MVP. He's gotta get ready for those matchups against Orlando next season, so he can show us what he's really made of.

[–]Magicmjbel23 916 points917 points  (10 children)


[–]LakersKungFuChicken1990 265 points266 points  (3 children)

The Magic catching strays outta nowhere

[–]egirldestroyer69 159 points160 points  (2 children)

Who cares about playoffs when its easier to get wins in regular season when teams are playing at 70% and refs whistle everything.

[–][CHI] Cameron PayneSim888 2825 points2826 points  (28 children)

[–][BOS] Marcus SmartDiseaseRidden 365 points366 points  (2 children)


[–]Nuggetstheseabeast 121 points122 points  (0 children)

SIM shooting like Tatum

[–]TimberwolvesSp_Gamer_Live 192 points193 points  (0 children)

Hey man you didn’t even photoshop this, you’re getting lazy

[–]Celtics800CapsulesOfMolly 395 points396 points  (2 children)

10 points in the 3rd quarter of a game 7 is inexcusable

[–]KnicksRonnie2kDropCode 1573 points1574 points  (18 children)

Sixers fans talked about Jokic defense all season just for Embiid to get hunted and cooked in a Game 7 lmao

[–]BigLorry 541 points542 points  (7 children)

The commentators just absolutely stunned that not only was Tatum hunting him but it was working so well lol

[–]SerbiaSpeC_992 85 points86 points  (1 child)

Looking forward to Zhuggo's Embiid lowlights video... oh wait...

[–]LakersApollo611 4330 points4331 points  (169 children)

Embiid got that “here bro damn” MVP

[–]Bullsmilkmypepperoni 610 points611 points  (0 children)

Lmao. Doc rivers gon throw embiid under the bus, and embiid will complain some more

[–]KnicksTigerBasket 662 points663 points  (55 children)

That Karl Malone mvp

[–]Warriorsfatkamp 1527 points1528 points  (100 children)

It’s gonna age horrifically

Jokic should have won MVP, it truly was a pity mvp, regardless of playoffs this year

[–]CelticsLafilduPoseidon 637 points638 points  (42 children)

b-but Jokic no defend good

[–]Warriorsfatkamp 796 points797 points  (24 children)

Yup Jokic’s liability on defensive pick and roll was why Tatum hit 8 threes over him

Oh wait

[–]NBATheEliteCalhoun 112 points113 points  (0 children)

Tatum was just pulling up in Joe Ember’s face all game like it wasn’t nothing but a thang

[–]CelticsGeraltpoonslayer 286 points287 points  (5 children)

Suns will exploit him in the pick n roll any second

[–]NuggetsTheThingsIdoatNight 34 points35 points  (0 children)

The dragons are coming

[–]Timberwolvescommand-H 262 points263 points  (1 child)

Vintage Doc Rivers elimination game

[–]KnicksTheoMoneyG 458 points459 points  (11 children)


[–][NYK] Frank NtilikinaAnimalRomano 221 points222 points  (3 children)

Jokic slandered because he was carrying a gleague team vs the eventual champions in back to back years.

[–]NuggetsTheBatman0816 81 points82 points  (0 children)


[–]WarriorsKeyExplanation 484 points485 points  (23 children)

We can now officially say that the process failed

[–]NBApizzastone7 92 points93 points  (0 children)

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

[–]Heat [MIA] Jimmy ButlerTuaTouchdownsallova 897 points898 points  (9 children)


[–]Celticsthat_one_guy91 355 points356 points  (2 children)

Hey that’s Tobias “Sixers leading scorer in game 7” Harris to you 🤣

[–]BullsYeezyYeezyUp2NoGood 4232 points4233 points  (64 children)


Doc Rivers also adds to his playoff legacy. Who is he throwing under the bus this time?

[–]Nuggetsn3sta 1323 points1324 points  (17 children)

It’s tough when you have an mvp who can’t shoot even 50% in the second round

[–]BullsYeezyYeezyUp2NoGood 686 points687 points  (10 children)

Joker could never.

[–]Nuggetsn3sta 437 points438 points  (7 children)

Almost literally. He did have one game 9-22 (but I think his ending line was 30-17-17 despite the L)

[–]Minneapolis Lakersrawchess 144 points145 points  (1 child)

Had a bad shooting game against the Clippers G7 but still put up a monstrous 16/22/13 and 5 stocks

[–][WAS] Wes UnseldTurbo2x 270 points271 points  (1 child)

Embiid won his championship. He got the MVP and bounced.

[–]RocketsSc0rch1ngDr4g0n 329 points330 points  (10 children)

MVPEED his pants

[–]Tampa Bay Raptorsmyrapties 114 points115 points  (6 children)

Someone should ask Doc if Embiid can be the center on a championship team

[–]NuggetsPaytonPeytonPaton 2843 points2844 points  (122 children)

Said this earlier but

Embiid hasn't attempted a single low post move other than his fade away. This is what Hakeem was actually talking about. Not 3 pointers but he's just overly fell in love with the jump shot. No low post footwork, no hooks, baby hooks, spins. Just extremely one dimensional. When the jumper is falling it's unstoppable but it's very high variance. Hakeem moves were very low variance and repeatable.

That's why Hakeem said Jokic "is the one".

Joel needs some new moves, it will.be hard for him to succeed in the playoffs otherwise

[–]Lakerscaptain_ahabb 940 points941 points  (20 children)

I had no idea what Philly's offensive plan was in this game. It was clear that Embiid was struggling to beat the double big lineup and they just... didn't do anything about it.

[–]76erscampppp 329 points330 points  (6 children)

Yeah thats what pissed me off the most. Looked like a bunch of guys playing pickup together for the first time up against.. well a professional team. Didn't look like they played at the same level. Embarassing

[–]SorooshMCP1 362 points363 points  (7 children)

Embiid tried to be KD tonight, and Boston absolutely embarassed him.

[–]hangliger 162 points163 points  (2 children)

I mean, Boston absolutely embarrassed KD in a sweep the last time.

[–]NuggetsRatLord445 165 points166 points  (1 child)

Yeah, there is a reason hakeem didn’t mention jokic’s jumpshot when he has an equally efficient if not more efficient jumpshot than embiid; it’s because his offense is more versatile, hell hakeem himself had a great jumpshot too, just that embiid is an absolute dickhead when it comes to anyone criticizing him and his play

Fuck him for that tho hakeem is one of my three favorite players of all tiem

[–]TimberwolvesThatHotAsian 150 points151 points  (4 children)

There's a reason he relies so much on foul baiting. He literally cannot score if his jumpshot isn't falling

[–][BKN] Mikal BridgesPadulsky21 388 points389 points  (13 children)

Kyrie missed playoffs

KD 2nd round exit

Harden 2nd round exit


[–]Nuggetschizzmaster 60 points61 points  (3 children)

Jokic dominating playoffs while showing that, despite not caring about MVP (only cares about family and horses), he clearly deserved it

[–][BKN] Mikal BridgesPadulsky21 41 points42 points  (2 children)

Jokic this playoffs is by far the best fucking story and I am eating everything about it up. Jokic got all the redemption in the world simply by balling out and not giving a single fuck besides winning.

Embiid who went on a PR rampage for so long about MVP getting buttfucked. Karma is real

[–]KnicksSiphenPrax 548 points549 points  (23 children)

Philadelphia 76ers 🤝 Dallas Cowboys

Never getting past the second round

[–]MavericksHispanicAtTehDisco 336 points337 points  (2 children)

“why he say fuck me for?”

[–]KnicksSiphenPrax 39 points40 points  (1 child)

If it makes you feel better, I’m a Jets fan so I don’t hate the Cowboys at all (outside of the media blowhards that are not in the Dallas-Fort Worth area). I like memeing them at times though because it’s fun.

[–]MavericksVictorAkwaowo1 62 points63 points  (3 children)

Alright that’s just disrespectful

[–]SpursGGezpzMuppy 874 points875 points  (93 children)

Lol the second round curse is REAL!

Please stay safe out there Sixers fans, please call help if you need it.

[–]NuggetsSyndana23 643 points644 points  (36 children)

Ben Simmons currently has up a IG story of him watching the game with alcohol

I wonder what his thoughts are on this lol

[–]LakersConflict_NZ 333 points334 points  (12 children)

He needs to post RIP BOZO immediately.

[–]Lakersthepolesreport 132 points133 points  (0 children)

Just young socialite things

[–]BullsZloggt 229 points230 points  (12 children)

Swept by Boston (in first round!) in 2020

Atlanta in 2021

Miami in 2022

And now, back to Boston in 2023

The process is stuck…

[–][deleted] 29 points30 points  (5 children)

5 second round exits in 6 years:

2018 - Celtics, 4-1

2019 - Raptors, 4-3

2020 - Celtics, 4-0 in the first

2021 - Hawks, 4-3

2022 - Heat, 4-2

2023 - Celtics, 4-3

In a sense, the last successful playoff season was the year before the process, when they upset the first seed Bulls... to go onto to lose in the second round to the Celtics in 7 games.

[–]PhilippinesToobie4564 354 points355 points  (14 children)

Doc Rivers, you are a Phoenix Sun

[–]JazzXsy 352 points353 points  (2 children)

Embiid got his MVP, idk what else y'all are expecting from him.

[–]Rocketsbrowndude10 245 points246 points  (3 children)

The mvp disappeared

Harden on his way to Houston

Bye doc lol

[–]KnicksVegetableBet4509 422 points423 points  (0 children)

Embiid is a 82 58 game player. He's not built for 16.

[–]Timberwolvescommand-H 222 points223 points  (6 children)

Don’t let the box score fool you, it wasn’t that close

[–]BigRonJohnsonRI 40 points41 points  (5 children)

Bro props to the Wolves too atleast they put up a fight the whole way

[–]Jamal2207 258 points259 points  (5 children)

Trust the process

[–]Nuggets-unique-rabbit- 829 points830 points  (23 children)


3-4 pounds of chicken skin- on cut up into desired pieces
1 ¼ teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 ½ tablespoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon white pepper
½ teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon bouillon powder you may replace with salt
2 fresh tomatoes
½ cup water or more as needed
Chicken bouillon to taste


Trim chicken of excess fat and pat dry with a cloth or paper napkin.
In a small bowl combine the spices, onions, pepper, garlic, and Maggie.
Season chicken with spice rub.
Preheat a hot barbecue, grill, griddle or frying pan.
Place chicken on the grill coated with cooking spray; grill for about 20~30 minutes, rotating sides or until browned and almost cooked.
Blend tomatoes and set aside.
Heat up a large saucepan over medium heat –add palm oil to the pan and tomatoes puree. Sauté for about 4-5 minutes, stirring occasionally
Transfer the chicken to the saucepan and bring to a simmer over low heat, spooning the sauce over the chicken to coat.
Add about 1/2-1cup of water cover and cook until the chicken is well flavored by the sauce 4 to 5 minutes and thoroughly cooked through. Adjust for seasonings and oil
Remove from the heat and serve warm with fufu and njama njama.

[–]AustraliaNotorious-Tomato 83 points84 points  (0 children)

Let him cook 😋

[–]CavaliersButWhatIsADog 149 points150 points  (3 children)

As a huge fan of comedy, elimination game Harden is my favorite player.

[–]76ersRoggiKnotBeard_ 413 points414 points  (15 children)

Trade Choker #1

Let Choker #2 walk

Fire Choker # 3

[–]Celticscoacoanutbenjamn 148 points149 points  (7 children)

God damn this comments get so spicy after a team’s elimination. Philly fans calling to trade Embiid is wild

[–]Nuggetsmariohoops 49 points50 points  (0 children)

can’t believe this is who stopped jokic from going back to back to back

[–][NYK] Carmelo AnthonyRIP_Pistol_Pete 1161 points1162 points  (74 children)

Embiid was crying in his MVP speech because it dawned on him that he’s the only MVP in NBA history to never make it past the second round.

[–]Raptorsrealsomalipirate 428 points429 points  (66 children)

Damn is that actually true? Fucking hell.

The embiid slander is going to wild this offseason

Edit: lol we're talking about in their careers folks. C'mon lol.

[–][TOR] Kyle LowryN3rdMan 637 points638 points  (36 children)

Sixers fans will blame Doc for this but Harden and Embiid being passive and leaning on their role players for game 7 is wild.

Doc will get blamed this year and harden will get the blame next year (if he re signs). Embiid will fly flawlessly under the radar as they keep making delusional cases for MVP awards.

Fade them

[–]76ersNickl444 267 points268 points  (4 children)

All three of them were fucking awful.

Awful mentality.

Awful effort.

Zero adjustments.

[–]Affectionate-Read875 54 points55 points  (0 children)

The fuck do you mean embiid is off the radar? Bro became Casper the friendly ghost. Harden got us to game seven but he was a no-show today. The only one I even want to potentially keep is Tyrese.

[–]LakersBoros-Reckoner 108 points109 points  (1 child)

Hey Joel, if you could send the MVP to Denver tonight with one day shipping it would be really cool for Jokic to have it awarded to him before game 1 of the WCF.

[–]NuggetsCommon_Crane 231 points232 points  (3 children)

This guy might not even be better than Nikola Jović.

[–][BOS] Bill Russellthehippykid 181 points182 points  (2 children)

"Embiid over me?!"

  • Jokic

[–]BullsRyan_Poles_Burner 168 points169 points  (2 children)


[–]Spursyungsantaclaus 92 points93 points  (3 children)

This is your MVP? A guy who scores less than Tobias and Maxey in an elimination game and has 1 assist v. 4 turnovers? 15 points in a playoff game 7?

[–]NuggetsLogDogan4 232 points233 points  (0 children)

MVPity with yet another stellar playoff showing and 2nd round exit.

[–]Jr9065 55 points56 points  (3 children)

Doc is definitely fired

[–]mo2704 84 points85 points  (0 children)

Not my MVP

[–]MavericksHispanicAtTehDisco 75 points76 points  (6 children)

the best argument against tanking is the fact that the 76ers didn’t even get to the ECF despite all that tanking they did