Posts tagged "vent"
Anonymous asked:

cw: vent, dysphoria, no negativity to nb people who comfortable with these terms. need some support : (


using terms like AMAB or AFAB feels dysphoric and uncomfortable for me. please say it's normal feeling... feel like I'm just "hiding" my """real""" sex. but my "real" sex it's third or X or null sex, and I'm transitioning to it.

and so I found out I need a label for my sex, like, not only gender. and some validation...

otherwise I feel like "yea, I'm nb, and my sex/AGAB doesn't matter" ― like no??? my sex is matter for me. I'm transitioning to bringing it back, to my true self. this is about me and my body, not only social part. and this is why I call myself "trans-"

need sex & gender being in harmony in myself. it's impossible without sex identity. idk still thinking about "third sex" thing.


for admins: I'm @nullandrogyne if it's ok to publish, just can't ask from this sideblog for some reason

Preaching to the choir, nullandrogyne. There’s a reason the ask box disclaimer shouts at people to not include their agab in their ask. It definitely become a tool used to misgender trans people and for us to psychologically self-harm giving away private information no one else was entitled to. There was a point on this blog where people were including it for EVERY ask no matter what, and while I know it had more to do with people’s own struggles accepting themselves and finding themselves valid, it got to the point where I was struggling to support my own mental health and self-acceptance being inundated with the subliminal idea that I’m not really anything more than my agab.

We’re not our agab. We’re nonbinary. That’s fucking valid. No one is obligated to information like what gender you were coercively assigned at birth.

You are nonbinary, and that’s the full story. Period.

~Mod Pluto

Anonymous asked:

I'm feeling sad today. my girlfriend cut her hair short and it looks great. she's so happy with it and I'm so happy for her. the issue is that I have alopecia so im completely bald and I never have, and probably never will, experience the joy of having a masc haircut. being bald made me feel more masc than when I had long hair but I wish incould have that euphoria of cutting it into a short style that really feels like me. she can see that I'm upset and is being supportive but I also don't want to take away her joy

I don't really have a question about this, I just needed to get it off my chest I guess

I’m sorry you’re dealing with difficult feelings. I hope today has been better, and that you can find a way to be euphoric about your own hair style!

~Mod Pluto

Anonymous asked:

I hate gender and it upsets me when ppl talk about like girl power and girl boss shit and honestly even feminism is starting to bug me as a movement. I just feel so disconnected from women and idk if that makes me nb or what, I just do not enjoy being a woman. I’m good with she/her pronouns and I look very feminine so everyone just sees me as a straight girl but I want my gender to be lesbian. Does anyone else relate to just bejnf sick of this feminism girl boss shit and just feel tired

No, I’m not sick of feminism in general (I am certainly sick of exclusionary/bigoted and ignorant feminism) because I recognize that there is a valid need for feminism.

But I’m also not forcing women-only statements to apply to myself because I’m not a woman and they just don’t.

Maybe you should start exploring what makes you feel connected and what feels enjoyable rather than stewing in what makes you feel disconnected and uncomfortable?

EDIT: Like, if you want your gender to be lesbian, maybe just… let your gender be lesbian?


Anonymous asked:
Is there a bad vibes blog? One where I can just vent about how much neither of my parents like me?
transgenderteensurvivalguide replied:

Lee says:

You could download the app Vent which is specifically for the purpose of venting! This is a good place to vent because you’re doing it in a space where everyone else is doing the same, so it can give the sense of community while also offering that anonymity.

You can also make your own private sideblog and post whatever you want there! That way you can vent to the void without having a character limit like an ask box does.

You can get a physical journal to write in too, if you don’t think your parents would snoop in your room and read it. Sometimes writing things down on paper feels better than just typing it.

And I know there are also diary and journal apps out there, like millions of em, and some can be password-protected, so that’s something you should look into as well. Those may be more discreet than something marketed as being for vents.

A long-term goal is reading the articles linked in the Getting a therapist and being in therapy post and then starting the conversation with your parents about getting a therapist. 

Therapists are the perfect people to vent to- that’s literally their job, so they’re more prepared to emotionally cope with and handle what you have to share with them than a random Tumblr blog’s teenage moderator might be.

In the meantime, we have info on coping with distress on our mental health page as well.

Other tumblr blogs that have said at some point that they accept vents:

(Other trans blogs, feel free to reblog this if you also accept these types of asks and say what kind of content you accept)

Anonymous asked:
Hi - not really looking for an answer but need to get this off my chest. I'm afab, but recently the idea of nb/trans is something I really resonate with. I identify as aro/ace, but often get the feeling that if I was amab I would be gay and very open to romantic and sexual relationships. I'm confused and frustrated with my mind and body and scared about taking any sort of plunge into nb/trans (due to family and anxiety). I see other ftm trans folk with bfs and think "I'd love for that to be me"
Anonymous asked:
So like I'm not comfortable with being called a woman and my mom said that's normal, but I'm also happier just being a person and I dont care about pronouns. But I dress pretty feminine and I'm afab. I used to have chest dysphoria but that's gone away but I keep coming back to this discomfort with being a woman. I wanna talk openly about it but my trans friends might think I'm copying them and I dont wanna deal with that. Plus my extended family is transphobic. Thanks for letting me vent.

Due to timing of the post we boosted and this ask, I’m guessing this was meant for @trans-ventspace instead of us. ^^

Sorry you’re dealing with all this!


Anonymous asked:
I don't identify as transfeminine, and I don't identify as transmasculine. I also don't disclose my AGAB. I've been invited into trans women's spaces, and declined. I've been invited into trans men's spaces, and declined. I have zero desire for anyone to know my AGAB, as I feel that pigeon holes me into a narrative that I don't identify with. I like not being in either box. Yet... I feel like I skew statistics this way. Like withholding my story from one demographic hurts them. (Cont)

(Cont)  I worry that the community might consider me a liar if my AGAB is ever found, because I will tell people I don’t identify as either.  I get it - it’s a label pushed onto me, but that doesn’t mean I have to accept it.  (Done)       

There’s absolutely a pressure for people to identify and share the extremely personal information of their agab and bodies, so much so that the terms really get heavily misused in inappropriate and unnecessary situations. It often seems people feel they have to share it in order to ask any question or in any introduction, and there are times when I’m weary and saddened by the fact that people feel they need to.

You absolutely don’t have to share this information, and you’re not hurting anyone by keeping this information private. Expecting to be told what someone’s agab is boils down to heteronormativity and identity policing, tbh. It’s invasive, and you’re absolutely valid to feel like you’re being pigeon holed.

You also don’t have to be transfeminine or transmasculine. All of these terms can be helpful - in the appropriate situation and used by people who genuinely want to use them. I’m also neither transfeminine nor transmasculine. You would not need to use either of these terms even if you did identify with one or the other.

It’s hard, and I know there’s a lot of pressure to conform in a lot of different ways, but you’re perfectly valid and you’re doing amazing.


Anonymous asked:
Hey I’m afab and I recently came out as nb to my mom and she thinks it’s a phase. When I’ve been questioning my gender identity for a long time, she doesn’t respect that I want to go by a different name and use they/them pronouns. I still haven’t had the chance to tell my dad yet because I’m still scared too. I want to tell them that I plan to have top surgery one day and I can’t go to therapy long term because it’s too much money. I still have to pay 120 for copays. I need another job.

It’s always a really difficult choice trying to balance opening up to those we love and care about (and who should feel the same!), our mental health, our physical and financial safety, and the desire to get to live as who we are. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I really hope that your mom will come around and your dad will be much more accepting, but remember that if your parents haven’t earned your trust, you don’t owe them this part of you. It’s okay to set boundaries and uphold them if you’re not being treated right.


Originally posted by erasethestigma

[gif of Tigger grabbing Eeyore up in a HUGE, smushy hug of love like you deserve]

Best of luck, anon.


Anonymous asked:
today a fic writer (who I THOUGHT had changed) told me he wouldn't normally use they/them pronouns for characters just because "comprehensibility issues" yet he made a canon nb character a he in an all-cis-male story. The utter ignorance... I've been stressed for hours bc I'm not going to get this confrontational to a stranger over (his otherwise decent) fanfiction of all things, but as an actual nb writer myself I... I needed to rant

*shudders* Ah, the “well-meaning” ignorant bigot. If he can’t make pronouns work, he sounds like a pretty poor writer. Block/avoid him and keep writing your own awesome fics!


Anonymous asked:
kinda rant??// theres this kid in my school who was a friend during freshman year, but started calling me a trap constantly even when i asked,told,then demanded he stop, tells me im not trans as if thats his decision, and threatens to use my dead name when i say something he doesnt like, and i honestly hate him and wish he'd leave me alone???? He Is Not My Friend

WOW. I hate him, too, he sounds like an absolute tool.


Originally posted by fuwaprince

[pastel pink gif that reads “Daily Reminder” at the top. The messages below cycle through these messages: “you’re valid; you’re loved; you’re cute”]


Originally posted by dailyskyfox

[dailyskyfox, a drawn fox with tiny lil wings, sitting on a building gives a look back at you. “Things will get better” reads the text in the sky]


Originally posted by little-winter-fae

[gif of BB-8, the round droid from Star Wars, giving you a robot thumbs up]

If you have any sort of support system at school or a GSA or any sort of rules on your rights in this matter, I would report him, absolutely. Good luck! I hope he gets what’s coming to him. Karma will catch up to him.


A very long rant

Hello! My name is Jamme and I realized that I wasn’t cis at age 17 because of the undertale fanbase. (Side note: that never fails to make me laugh). I have gone through my life with “phases” of being extreme with my femininity and masculinity. For example, when I was quite young I was very “girly” or what most would say is more feminine. Then as I grew older I rejected all of those feminine things because the people I was friends with were all cis boys and I wanted to be like them and fit in. Then I did a complete 180 again and became a lot more feminine (because I thought I needed to be that way to attract guys). Then back to more masculine ish and again to femme…then to now. And one day when I was 17 and perfectly happy with having chest fat and no penis (or so I thought) I had my first dose of hardcore dysphoria. And I thought it was the weirdest thing because from everything I had been through in my life for the first time I wanted something that wouldn’t please others. Then I found all these terms and different genders after playing undertale and my mind was blown. I have been feeling this way forever but I still dont have something I’m happy with. I have tried on terms and I’m not going by my birth name anymore which is “eh” but kind of nice at the same time. Ive been in relationships with people who still treated me like a woman even though I told them I wasnt comfortable with it. I have a job as a hairstylist and I’m under the small town public eye where everyone knows me and if my parents find out about me being trans I could lose my house. I’m working my ass off with two other jobs to get my own place and my dysphoria keeps getting worse every day it feels like. When I would dress femme it would be only to attract others. I knew what to do to make people want to date me and I knew that I needed to be a bit more masc to be friends with people. And I’m so confused because now I want to be more masculine but at the same time it makes me uncomfortable. I also want to be feminine and I can’t find a balance. I have reread this post so many times and I am so confused lol. I’m the only one that can define myself but I have no quacking idea what I am doing. Some days I will feel so dysphoric and want to get surgery and go on testosterone right away and other days I am dysphoric because my hair is short and I have a masc looking frame. Thanks for reading I just really needed to get that out. 


Originally posted by trapstrblog

(Gif unrelated)

Questioning is a very confusing and oft times frustrating and upsetting and hard part of our lives. It can be especially hard when it’s surprising when we think we’ve finally got it all figured out and then suddenly feel we don’t again.

I know you’re just venting, so if you don’t want any advice, please skip this next part!

You seem to be trying to separate out your feelings. You’ve listed all these phases you’ve gone through in your life… but what if all these phases, all these feelings are not separate? What if they all fit together as one gender experience? 

I know you’ll find the balance and happiness that you’re looking for! There’s a world out there where you’re not in danger living under your parent’s thumb. You’ve still got time. You’re doing great. <3


P.S. I think that gif is perfect! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous asked:
I didn't use to have any dysphoria over my tits because literally every other fat person has them too regardless of gender. Then I was sent to a gym by a physiotherapist to strenghten my muscles after an accident and now I'm losing weight too and now I'm aware of my tits as Breasts(tm) and this sucks. At least my shirts are baggy enough not to see them all the time and sports bras help a bit but I wasn't prepared for this at all.

D: Unexpected, negative side effects are no good and no fun! I’m so sorry you’re now having to deal with this new facet of your identity/experience!

[here’s where I’d insert a gif of two cute somethings hugging and one getting pat pats on the back if my internet weren’t so shoddy]


Anonymous asked:
I feel like I'm doing something bad, but I'm planning on buying a binder for the summer. My mom won't buy me a binder until graduation in a couple of years, but my dysphoria is getting worse and I won't be able to handle two more years like this-

If you need to secretly get a hold of a binder, do that! Your mental health and safety is as important as your physical health and safety. 

We just shared some advice on how to get a hold of a binder when in your type of situation here: Just do make sure to observe proper binding safety (also described in link)!

I also think it is really important to begin mentally coping with dysphoria, too, though to help ease the need to physically cope when, for whatever reason, we are unable to. So check out the advice under our coping tag.

Good luck! Stay safe! I am thinking of you. You are not doing anything bad by taking care of yourself and your health and safety.


Anonymous asked:
I'm an afab enby, and one thing I really hate is how when people see me and can't tell if I'm a man or a woman, the first thing they do is look at my chest to see if I have boobs. I frequently bind, but it still bothers me so much that random strangers first reaction upon meeting me is overtly staring at my boobs.

Yeah, people can definitely be completely inappropriate. A snappy comeback wouldn’t be out of order when you catch people doing this!


Originally posted by asking-jude

[gif of the wiggling words “Do your thing” in blue on a light blueish background]
