Posts tagged "boyflux"
apollothegaybitch asked:

Hi. I know im boyflux and agender but its kinda confusing and my identities co-exist. But i cant really tell what im feeling gender-wise at certain times and it kinda feels like there's no gender there at all but i like being called boyflux, it feels like its the right label and i identify as a dude most of the time. but its really confusing and it just feels like a void. Gendervoid could be an option but it feels like more then just that (p.s i stumbled upon one of your posts and i really dont know if this is what you do on your blog, so if it isnt just tell me)

but i like being called boyflux, it feels like its the right label and i identify as a dude most of the time

This is 100% what labelling is all about. If boyflux makes you feel good, then identify as boyflux! You don’t need to prove anything to anyone about you picking this term. There is no Gender God or Omniscient Identity Being that is going to storm down from the heavens to declare that you’re doing it wrong. Our labels are absolutely human-made for the purpose of humaning. Which means you get to identify off of gut feelings or happiness or absolutely whatever reasoning you have for identifying whatever way.

i really dont know if this is what you do on your blog

We do whatever we want and whatever is needed on this blog. :)


Anonymous asked:
When I was younger I thought I was a trans boy but then as I got older I figured I was just agender but now I'm thinking I'm somewhere in between nonbinary and trans boy?? everything's so confusing.. I guess I need validation?? Idk really... Is that okay for me to be confused about? Like I know Im not cis but idk what to label myself as...

“Everything’s so confusing” should be my life slogan, friend.  You are not alone in this feeling, I can promise you that.  I’m still confused about my own gender, and here I am as a mod for a blog about gender!  If that’s not enough to tell you that it’s okay to be confused, I don’t know what is.  You’re okay, friend.  What you’re describing sounds a bit like demiboy, boyflux, demiboyflux, or proxvir to me, so I would start with those and go from there.  Take as much time as you need, friend.  It’s okay to be confused.
