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"All in the "Family." Global Drug Trade Fueled by Capitalist Elites"


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Blogger TonyForesta said...

Outstanding work. Ten Thousand Thanks.

July 21, 2010 at 1:38 PM

Blogger Kanomi said...

Thank you for this important article drawing all these disparate sources of information together, even if it does leave one feeling kind of numb and hopeless. I was going to comment on DV, but their comment formatting system leaves much to be desired.

One reason the mainstream media blacklists these type stories, of course, is because the same billionaires who collude to profit off debt peonage, financial fraud, and the other hobbies of the psychopathic elite use that same dirty money to buy up the politicians and the media and frame the debate.

Here's an example directly tied to your article. Former Golden West CEO Herb Sandler - as you wrote - was a huge beneficiary of the national housing bustout, earning billions peddling disgusting loans and selling out at the top of the bubble.

What's his racket now? He owns ProPublica, a Left gatekeeper of investigative journalism that goes after easy targets like racist cops, and even produces real stories - you cited one in your previous article - but which will not examine Sandler's wing of the power elite. Michael Barker wrote a great series on this outfit and its Establishment handlers called "Investigating the Investigators - A Critical Look at Pro Publica" (Part II) (Part III)

Not surprisingly, Sandler's band of house pet journalists are relentless shills for the "loan modification" program that aims to keep debt slaves enthralled to the banking cartel.

These "loan modifications" are another financial scam designed to chain people to their mortgages while taking toxic loans off the books of the banking mafia and dump it on the taxpayers, as Mike Whitney has been writing:

"The administration's program was concocted by the Treasury and heavily influenced by Wall Street's favorite son, Timothy Geithner." Left gatekeeping at its finest.

Amusingly, Sandler was also featured in a now-banned Saturday Night Live skit along with his wife, under the caption "People who should be shot." The same skit called Soros, the "Owner of the Democratic Party."

At any rate, there's a concrete example of dirty money coming back around to control the very terms of the debate and telling us what to believe. Continuing criminal enterprise, indeed.

July 22, 2010 at 11:31 AM

Blogger Kanomi said...

Thank you for this great article. I had intended a longer comment originally, but it bloated into its own blog post of its own, following the Golden West money into a Left gatekeeping role.

July 22, 2010 at 1:14 PM

Blogger Antifascist said...

Thanks, Kanomi. Your info on Sandler, and ProPublica, certainly casts new light on one aspect of the media's bottomless memory hole. Thanks for pointing it out, as well a pointer to Michael Barker's expose.

July 22, 2010 at 1:39 PM

Blogger Greg said...

Thank you for an informative addendum, Kanomi. Interestingly enough, Golden West was sold to Wachovia for $24 billion in 2006. Looks like ProPublica won't be reporting on this story either.

Anyway, I can't thank you enough, antifascist, for what must be the most in-depth look at the post-Cold War CIA drug trade I've seen in quite a long time. This is some very dangerous information. We're starting to come full circle from researching the CIA's drug activities to its orchestration of 9/11.

July 22, 2010 at 3:11 PM

Blogger Antifascist said...

Thanks, Greg. I hope to have a new chapter soon...

July 25, 2010 at 10:59 AM

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