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Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)

RAWA is the oldest political/social organization of Afghan women struggling for peace, freedom, democracy and women's rights in fundamentalism-blighted Afghanistan since 1977.
جمعیت انقلابی زنان افغانستان (راوا) قدیمی ترین سازمان سیاسی - اجتماعی زنان افغان است كه از سال ۱۳۵۶ بدینسو بخاطر آزادی، دموكراسی و احقاق حقوق زنان در افغانستان بنیادگرا زده می‌رزمد.

If you are freedom-loving and anti-fundamentalist, you are with RAWA. Support and help us.

Our martyred leader Meena
Meena (1956-1987)
RAWA's martyred founder

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The Afghan Women's Mission - Working to improve the lives of forgotten Afghan women.  Click here
SAWA: RAWA supporters group in Australia
RAWA in Media
Ceremony of Commemorating the Thirty-sixth Anniversary of Meena’s Martyrdom

محفل یادبود از سی و ششمین سالروز شهادت مینا
RAWA marks 36th anniversary of Meena

RAWA commemorates the 35th anniversary of Meena

Solidarity Messages on the 35th anniversary of Meena

محفل گرامی‌داشت از سی‌وپنجمین سالروز جان باختن مینا
RAWA marks 35th anniversary of Meena

RAWA Protest on Human Rights Day Under the Savage Rule of the Taliban (Photos)
December 10, 2021

RAWA Statement on the International Human Rights Day
در نبود آزادی و دموکراسی، حقوق بشر مفهومی ندارد!
RAWA Protest on Human Rights Day

RAWA's gathering on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
November 25, 2021

تجمع «راوا» به مناسب روز جهانی محو خشونت علیه زنان
RAWA's gathering on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

RAWA statement on the 20th anniversary of occupation of Afghanistan by US/NATO
October 7, 2021

مبارزه زنان افغان برای آزادی و دموکراسی
هرگز شکست نخواهد خورد!
Click here to Download in Persian

RAWA Responds to the Taliban Takeover
August 20, 2021

RAWA Responds to the Taliban Takeover

یادبود از سی و سومین سالروز شهادت مینا در کابل

RAWA commemorates Meena's 33rd martyrdom anniversary in a function in Kabul
February 4, 2020

RAWA function in Kabul

RAWA member attends ‘Women in Black’ conference in India
December 1, 2015

RAWA member attends ‘Women in Black’ conference in India

هفت و هشت ثوری‌های جانی عوامل سیهروزی مردم ما!

The murderous criminals of 27th and 28th April are responsible for our people’s suffering!
April 27, 2015

The murderous criminals of 27th and 28th April are responsible for our people’s suffering!

RAWA member attends the First Middle East Democratic Youth Conference in Turkey
March 28, 2015

RAWA member attends the First Middle East Democratic Youth Conference in Turkey

با وحدت سرتاسری، اشغالگران امریکایی و ناتو را بروبیم!

سرتاسري یووالي سره امریکایي او ناټو نیواکګر دمنځه یوسو!

Let us drive away the US and NATO occupiers with our unity!
13th anniversary of US invasion - October 7, 2014

Let us drive away the US and NATO occupiers with our unity
... more RAWA Statements and Past Events

برای مقالات بیشتر به بخش فارسی سایت وارد شوید

The Reality of life in AfghanistanDownload our updates and news through RSS readers
Taliban decrees on clothing and male guardians leave Afghan women scared to go out alone, says UN February 26, 2024, Indian Express News: Afghan women feel scared or unsafe leaving their homes alone because of Taliban decrees and enforcement campaigns on clothing and male guardians, according to a report from the UN mission in Afghanistan.The report, issued Friday, comes days before a UN-convened meeting in the Qatari capital is set to start, with member states and special envoys to Afghanistan to discuss engagement with the Taliban and the country’s crises, including the human rights situation.

Italian funds to Fawzia Koofi, corrupt former vice-president of the Afghan parliament February 26, 2024, RAWA NEWS: On 19th November 2023 the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, with this title, proudly presents on its website funds of 4.5 million euros for 2022 specifically aimed for supporting Afghan women.In particular, they said the support is in favor of “Fawzia Koofi, the first vice-president of the Afghan Parliament, as well as former President of the Commission for women’s issues and human rights, who after the fall of Kabul into the hands of Taliban, continued to fight to promote the rights of Afghan women and girls. In June 2022, thanks to the support of the Women’s Peace Humanitarian Fund (WPHF), Fawzia Koofi traveled to Geneva to ask the United Nations Human Rights Council to hold a debate on the women’s and girls’ rights crisis in Afghanistan. ...Fawzia Koofi’s denunciation activity would probably not have been possible without the contribution of the United Nations WPHF...”

Afghan Taliban official says taking pictures “a major sin” February 21, 2024, The Hindu News:A Taliban official said journalists were committing “a major sin” by taking pictures, Afghan media reported on Wednesday. Television and pictures of living things were banned under the previous Taliban rule from 1996 to 2001, but a similar edict has so far not been imposed since authorities took back power in Afghanistan in 2021. “Taking pictures is a major sin,” Mohammad Hashem Shaheed Wror, a senior official in the justice ministry, told a seminar for department staff in the capital Kabul on Tuesday, according to footage broadcast by several media.

Unidentified Armed Individuals Gun Down a Woman in Balkh Province February 20, 2024, Afghan Women News: Local sources in Balkh province report the shooting of a young woman by unidentified armed individuals in the province. According to the sources, the body of a woman who had been shot was discovered in the village of Kol Ambu in the Balkh district of Balkh province on the morning of Monday, February 5. According to an informed source, this woman was shot by unidentified armed individuals around 4 a.m. Her identity and the motive behind her murder are not yet clear.

RAWA: We take courage from our Kurdish sisters February 18, 2024, ANF News: The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) sent a message to the internationalist women struggling in Rojava on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the international conspiracy that led to Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan’s abduction from Kenya and handover to Turkey on 15 February 1999.We, the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, advocate united struggle and solidarity for the release of Abdullah Öcalan and all political prisoners.For more than half a century, Afghan women have been living under the heavy burden of imperialism and oppressive fundamentalist regimes. Recently, the Taliban regime has further oppressed women and ignored everything related to them. It has usurped women's rights and dignity, confined them to their homes and imposed compulsory head covering, arresting those who do not comply.


Books on RAWA and Afghan women:

Meena: Heroine of Afghanistan, click here to order it

Meena - Heroine
of Afghanistan

The Martyr
who founded RAWA

Melody Ermachild Chavis

Italian version published

Bleeding Afghanistan, click here to order it

Bleeding Afghanistan:
Washington, Warlords,
and the Propaganda of Silence

By Sonali Kolhatkar
James Ingalls

Zoya's Story, click here to order it

Zoya's Story:
An Afghan Woman's
Battle for Freedom

by Zoya with
John Follain
and Rita Cristofari

With All Our Strength, click here to order it

With All Our
The Revolutionary
Association of the
Women of

By Anne Brodsky

more on these books...

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© Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) 1997-