
Men on reddit commenting about them not getting sex from their wives always makes me uncomfortable by pwnagekitten in TwoXChromosomes

[–]trieditalissa [score hidden]  (0 children)

I just read a thread, I can’t remember where, asking about changes in BJ frequency after marriage. Lo and behold, men were in the comments saying it plummeted because they let themselves go and returned back to pre-marriage frequency when they started working out again and taking care of themselves…

VO2 Max? by tee-jay-es in AppleWatchFitness

[–]trieditalissa 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I take a beta-blocker for migraines which has also made my VO2 max extremely low according to my apple watch despite also being listed in the health app.

How to feel confident when dating with Invisalign by IceKing827 in Invisalign

[–]trieditalissa 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I am in a relationship now and finished with my treatment but I went on several dates with several people while I had invisalign, including my current partner. I would either casually mention it then turn away to remove them or just not wear them for the duration of the date. Given that dates typically fall within the 1-3 hour range, it’s not too long to have them out. If you were worried you could always bring a toothbrush and excuse yourself to the restroom after your drink/meal!

The most common reaction I got was first a compliment to how my teeth looked and then some follow-up questions about the process and my thoughts and so on. Nobody cared beyond that. Best of luck with your invisalign treatment and dating!!

Swimming credit low? by trevor_plantaginous in AppleWatchFitness

[–]trieditalissa 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Interesting! I know this is kind of basic trouble shooting but is your weight correct in the Health app on your phone? I know the apple watch uses that for calculations! My weight is 130 and my heart rate is around 115 at that pace so those two factors I think are major contributors to my 50 calorie burn per mile.

Swimming credit low? by trevor_plantaginous in AppleWatchFitness

[–]trieditalissa 0 points1 point  (0 children)

My watch says I burn about 50 cals/mile walking at a very brisk pace of 14:30/mile. I don’t see where OP mentions their walking cals/mile though.

I hate how when you tell someone that you’re suffering from a mental health problem, people just say “go see a therapist”, as if it’s a viable option for everyone by KatazaraDream in povertyfinance

[–]trieditalissa 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Psychologists are most definitely able to diagnose! They cannot prescribe medication in most places though because they do not go to medical school

Walking about when the Triptan hits by jammyscones in migraine

[–]trieditalissa 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I also always feel like I need to crack my jaw. My tongue also feels weird in a way that’s difficult to explain lol

paranoid abt Impossible burger… does this look like real or fake meat? by luveverybody in vegetarian

[–]trieditalissa 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I understand why you find it important to discuss these issues with others but this isn’t really the place since OP did not ask & is distressed about something entirely separate from nutrition.

Veggie Burger ranking (IMO) by PhrogDick in vegetarian

[–]trieditalissa 1 point2 points  (0 children)

No I have not! I have seen them in the grocery store before though. I’ll have to give them a go!

Veggie Burger ranking (IMO) by PhrogDick in vegetarian

[–]trieditalissa 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Near san diego at all? If so, Plant B is SO good.

Edit: looks like there are multiple locations in different states! Here

Veggie Burger ranking (IMO) by PhrogDick in vegetarian

[–]trieditalissa 0 points1 point  (0 children)

They’re SO good. The beyond patties (spicy specifically) in the frozen section of the grocery store are delicious too.

Does anyone know any really effective balance exercises? by noodlesk8 in Rollerskating

[–]trieditalissa 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Jessica Richburg yoga is also amazing & has videos specifically for balance!

My sister and I going to a Ke$ha concert in 2011. Our personality differences are clear. by trieditalissa in blunderyears

[–]trieditalissa[S] 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Yes! I couldn’t remember her opener but it was definitely LMFAO! at the concert we went to also.

My sister and I going to a Ke$ha concert in 2011. Our personality differences are clear. by trieditalissa in blunderyears

[–]trieditalissa[S] 15 points16 points  (0 children)

I had an awesome time! I distinctly remember her shaking up a beer bottle and spraying it all over the pit. I thought it was an extremely hardcore thing to do.

My sister and I going to a Ke$ha concert in 2011. Our personality differences are clear. by trieditalissa in blunderyears

[–]trieditalissa[S] 651 points652 points  (0 children)

My sister’s bedazzled gun necklace really pulls everything together for me.

Ethan and Hila talk about some issues with their baby by gammal-uggla in h3h3productions

[–]trieditalissa 14 points15 points  (0 children)

You can dislike someone without insulting their appearance. Trisha has plenty of things you could legitimately list prior to insulting how she looks. It’s giving very much keemstar fan vibes to degrade everyone you dislike

EDIT: thanks for editing the comment to remove that bit

Hahahaghsajgjhhja rape! by Veers_Memes in BlatantMisogyny

[–]trieditalissa 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I reported it and reddit sent me a message saying it has been investigated and didn’t violate any rules. sigh