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-----====== MUFON ANNOUNCMENT ======-----

The best time to be a UFO/UAP researcher is NOW.
MUFON’s long awaited Project Aquarius Library is now open!

Watch the video below for a brief introduction about what the Library contains, then you can copy the address below and enter our library!


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At the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), we’re deeply involved in unraveling the enigmas of the cosmos, from UFO sightings to alien abductions and the formation of crop circles. Unlike Enigma Labs and the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) who also take reports, MUFON actually investigates into Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP). We provide a platform for experiencers and UFO abductees to report a UFO or report an alien abduction. Our UFO database is a comprehensive collection of information, encompassing reports of flying saucers, UFO crashes, and even cattle mutilations linked to UFO activities. We also run a popular UFO podcast and an annual UFO conference. At MUFON, we’re not just bystanders; we’re active contributors in the realm of UFO investigation and UFO reverse engineering. So, whether you’re a pilot who’s had a UFO encounter or someone intrigued by the unidentified aerial phenomena, MUFON is your ultimate guide. 

*The Last 20 Reports and all media attachments to cases are temporarily unavailable as we are overhauling our database, thank you!

MUFON is an International Organization that investigates UFO reports from around the globe and not just The United States. If you are in Canada, Japan, Germany, Brazil, Australia or any other country, please submit your report and an investigator will get back to you! We value your anonymity and your name will never be used without your permission! Simply click on the “Report A UFO” button to report your UFO sighting.

The MUFON Experiencer Resource Team is a group of compassionate MUFON field investigators who specialize in abductions and non-human entity contact. If you have had an experience like this and would like to speak to an ERT member, click on the Report an abduction or non-human contact box at the top of the page. This will get you to the ERT experiencer questionnaire. Once you have completed that an ERT member will contact you. 

A 1947 Ghost Rocket Retrieval Attempt Code Named Operation Arctic Seals By Ole Jonny Braenne, MUFON National Director for Norway

A 1947 Ghost Rocket Retrieval Attempt Code Named Operation Arctic Seals By Ole Jonny Braenne, MUFON National Director for Norway Welcome to Operation Arctic Seals! Among all the 2000 reports of ghost rockets from 1946, there were some that crashed into lakes, both in Norway and Sweden. And this very phenomenon continues up to our time; Several witnesses see an object that makes speed, height, and course changes before it either crashes or lands in a body of water (usually a lake). We are currently aware of at least 16 such reports that extend from 1946 to 2012 (Finland, Norway,...

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The Iraqi Jellyfish UAP – A MUFON Analysis By Bob Spearing, Director of International Investigations

The week of January 7, 2024 was a very strange, telling, and bewildering week in Ufology. On the 12th, there was a closed-door Congressional hearing with Intelligence Inspector General Thomas Monheim with members of The House Oversight & Advisory Committee. Members exiting the 90-minute hearing seemed to be underwhelmed and felt they we no closer to the Pentagon’s secrecy veil being lifted than before concerning what UAP may be and why they are here. During the very same week, we get a report of intelligence whistleblower David Grusch being flown in to a private New York Penthouse party hosted by...

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Congressional Hearings and David Grusch resurfaces- A Peculiar Week in Ufology

During a very strange Ufology week of January 7th, there was a closed-door Congressional hearing with Intelligence Inspector General Thomas Monheim meeting with members of The House Oversight & Advisory Committee UAP. The January 12th hearing had members exiting the 90-minute hearing underwhelmed. They felt they we no closer to the Pentagon’s secrecy veil being lifted than before concerning what UAP may be and why they are here. Intelligence Inspector General Thomas Monheim Tennessee Republican Representative Tim Burchett, long critical of the Pentagon’s obfuscation of the UAP issue, gave the hearing a bland four out of 10 stars. Concerning the...

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Eleventh Hour Opposition to Disclosure Legislation Emerges in Congress

Eleventh Hour Opposition to Disclosure Legislation Emerges in Congress By Maureen Richmond Analysis and Opinion by Maureen Richmond, Ph.D., F.I. As those who follow the UFO topic know, the year 2023 has proven a turning point like few others. A dramatic departure from a past in which neither Congress nor the media indulged in significant discussion of the UFO topic, 2023 has been a year of breathtaking advances toward the disclosure of long-concealed information. The glaring shift in atmosphere stunned and encouraged the UFO community, itself eager to share mountains of information on UFO sightings and encounters painstakingly gathered for...

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Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick Departs AARO

On November 8th, the anticipated departure of Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick as head of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) was announced in a statement by The Department of Defense. The DOD praised Dr. Kirkpatrick for investigating over 800 UAP reports during his tenure. By contrast, MUFON has investigated 135,000 cases since 1969. Kirkpatrick will end a distinguished 27-year career in December. The DOD has not yet announced his replacement. Kirkpatrick, a physicist, headed AARO for 18 months and it was marked by controversy. Retired intelligence community whistle blower Major David Grusch testified under oath to Congress that the United States...

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Were MUFON Cases # 130602 & 130105 a Stealth B-21 Raider?

MUFON Case # 130602 occurred on April 26, 2023 at 9 AM over the city of Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada. It was closed as “Insufficient Data” by Canadian Chief Investigator Linda Rafuse when the witness did not respond for an interview. The witness did draw a pencil sketch of what they saw and provided a short narrative as follows: “Travelling east on Killam Drive in Moncton NB, I was near the overpass for Wheeler Blvd in my car. I am not exactly sure what I spotted in the sky above the coliseum, cloud cover was low. Object was all white...

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MUFON® is an all-volunteer, non-profit 501(c)3 charitable corporation and the world’s oldest and largest civilian UFO investigation & research organization. Our goal is to be the inquisitive minds’ refuge seeking answers to that most ancient question, “Are we alone in the universe?” The answer very simply, is NO. Whether you have UFO reports to share, armchair UFO investigator aspirations, or want to train and join our investigation team, MUFON is here for you. Won’t you please join us in our quest to discover the truth?

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