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1,783 (1,786)1711,543 (3.75)70
An Intimate History of Humanity 909 copies, 10 reviews
The French 251 copies, 1 review
Ambition, Love, and Politics 61 copies, 1 review
Taste and Corruption 32 copies, 1 review
Happiness 18 copies, 1 review
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Theodore Zeldin's works focus on the role of the individual and of the emotions in every aspect of life. His 2000 page, 5-volume History of French Passions made him "the most popular Englishman in France" (Le Point). He appears frequently on French radio and television. His writings have been translated into 24 languages.  Zeldin is a Patron of the National Academy of Writing, on the Management Committee of the Society of Authors, and a Trustee of the Wytham Hall Medical Charity for the Homeless. He has been a visiting professor at Harvard and the University of Southern California, and has lectured in 15 countries.
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