Tales or Tactical Transitions?

Friday, 10 March 2023 — The van says…

Has hot air been adding fuel to the fire as rumors regarding the Ukraine are used to aid Washington as it changes tack in global affairs?


Whilst the world was focused on happenings in the Ukraine last year, September saw both of the Nord Stream pipelines systems supplying liquified natural gas to Germany being destroyed. After the multitude of headlines and accusations, the last week has seen a barrage of allegations placing the blame at Kiev’s door. This article will look at the pipeline and its importance to Germany, the new accusations concerning the Ukraine and how this may all fit together.
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Ukraine News Links 8-9 March 2023

Thursday, 9 March 2023 — The New Dark Age

Eight Contradictions of the Imperialist “Rules-Based Order”

Georgia Is Targeted For Regime Change Over Its Refusal To Open A “Second Front” Against Russia

Hugo Chávez: Ten Years Presente!

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‘Truth, No Matter What’: Why Watering Down Palestinian Reality is a Crime

Thursday, 9 March 2023 — MintPress News

Pal art

On February 20, the United Nations Security Council approved a statement, described in the media as a ‘watered-down’ version of an earlier draft resolution which would have demanded that Israel “immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory.”

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Arguments Against Despair

Thursday, 9 March 2023 — Media Lens

Eliot Jacobson is a retired professor of mathematics and computer science who regularly appears on our Twitter feed discussing the climate crisis. He sends tweets under the grim title, ‘Your “moment of doom” for the day’. These channel the latest news on rapidly rising carbon emissions and temperatures, catastrophic examples of extreme weather, and so on. It’s depressing fare, and Jacobson is candid about the level of anguish he feels:
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Eight Contradictions of the Imperialist ‘Rules-Based Order’: The Tenth Newsletter (2023)

Thursday, 9 March 2023 — The Tricontinental

Boris Mikhailov Ukraine SSR Red 1968 1975Boris Mikhailov (Ukraine SSR), Red, 1968–1975.

Dear friends,

Greetings from the desk of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research.

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has now moved the Doomsday Clock to 90 seconds to midnight, the closest it has been to the symbolic time of the annihilation of humanity and the Earth since 1947. This is alarming, which is why leaders in the Global South have been making the case to halt the warmongering over Ukraine and against China. As Namibia’s Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila said, ‘We are promoting a peaceful resolution of that conflict so that the entire world and all the resources of the world can be focused on improving the conditions of people around the world instead of being spent on acquiring weapons, killing people, and actually creating hostilities’.

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Ukraine News Links 7-8 March 2023

Wednesday, 8 March 2023 — The New Dark Age

Us Officials Point The Finger At Pro-ukrainian Group For Nord Stream Attack

It Is Zugzwang For Biden In Ukraine

February 19 Rage Against War Rally: A Historic Success

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It is Zugzwang for Biden in Ukraine

Wednesday, 8 March 2023 — Indian Punchline


New York Times reported Tuesday that a ‘pro-Ukrainian group’ sabotaged Nord Stream pipeline in the Baltic on Sept. 27, 2023

There is a cardinal difference between the Washington Post report of June 18, 1972 by Alfred Lewis breaking the news of the Watergate burglary and the sensational claim by the New York Times on Tuesday — per a CNN report — that “intelligence suggests that a pro-Ukrainian group” sabotaged the Nord Stream gas pipelines.

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Nord Stream Attack – ‘Officials’ Throw More Chaff To Hide The Real Perpetrators

Wednesday, 8 March 2023 — Moon of Alabama

Right at the same moment the New York Times publishes a shoddy ‘officials say’ story about alleged intelligence about the Nord Stream terror attack the Germany weekly Die Zeit, which has strong U.S. secret services ties, comes up with an equally unbelievable tale of a ‘Ukrainian owned’ sailing boat playing the major role in the attack:
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Digging For Victory

6 March 2023 — The van says…

Are we supposed to believe that the modern Russian soldier is still wearing the same uniform as his grandfather did at Stalingrad?


Both the Ukraine and its backers are in need of some good news as Artemovsk falls and the billions doled out to Kiev appear to be for naught. This shorter article will look at the latest ‘news’ from London and see how it stacks up against real world happenings.
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Attack Of The “Pro-Ukrainian Group”: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

Wednesday, 8 March 2023 — Caitlin Johnson

Listen to a reading of this article:

The latest New York Times report on the Nord Stream pipeline bombing is something else. According to NYT’s anonymous US government sources, the pipelines were blown up by a “pro-Ukrainian group” who had no known connections to any military or intelligence agency, but somehow had all the information, skills, diving equipment and military explosives necessary to carry out such an attack.

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‘Lockdown Files’: U.K. Health Officials Used ‘Guilt’ and ‘Fear’ — Not Science — to Control Public Behavior

Wednesday, 8 March 2023 — The Defender

Private WhatsApp messages shared with The Telegraph reveal how U.K. health officials, including former health secretary Matt Hancock, made COVID-19 policy decisions based on political expediency rather than science, as health officials claimed publicly.

March To Iraq War, 20 Years Later

Wednesday, 8 March 2023 — The Dissenter

Former President Jimmy Carter, who had won the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize, shakes hands with President George W. Bush (Bush Archives)

March 8, 2003: In an op-ed for the New York Times, former President Jimmy Carter opposes going to war in Iraq.

“As a Christian and as a president who was severely provoked by international crises, I became thoroughly familiar with the principles of a just war, and it is clear that a substantially unilateral attack on Iraq does not meet these standards,” Carter declares. “This is an almost universal conviction of religious leaders, with the most notable exception of a few spokesmen of the Southern Baptist Convention who are greatly influenced by their commitment to Israel based on eschatological, or final days, theology.”

“[W]ith our own national security not directly threatened and despite the overwhelming opposition of most people and governments in the world, the United States seems determined to carry out military and diplomatic action that is almost unprecedented in the history of civilized nations.”

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Ukraine News Links 5-7 March 2023

Tuesday, 7 March 2023 — The New Dark Age

Ah, That’s What It Is.

Standing Together: Resisting the New Normal

Three Women Discover the Americas’ Best Kept Secret: Nicaragua!

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Nord Stream Attack – White House Counters Hersh’s Reputation With Weak ‘Intelligence’

Tuesday, 7 March, 2023 — Moon of Alabama

On September 28 2022, a day after the Nord Stream pipelines were blown up, I published the available open source evidence which strongly suggested that the U.S. had done it:

Whodunnit? – Facts Related to The Sabotage Attack On The Nord Stream Pipelines

On February 8 the legendary investigative reporter Seymour Hersh published a remarkable similar tale of the story based on insider witnesses.
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A Conversation With Daniel Ellsberg: ‘Guilty Of Journalism’ Book Launch

Tuesday, 7 March 2023 — The Dissenter

By Kevin Gosztola Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg

Shadowproof and Project Censored present a conversation between Kevin Gosztola and Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg to mark the release of Kevin’s book, “Guilty of Journalism: The Political Case Against Julian Assange.”

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Senseless Stubborn Slaughter

Monday, 6 March 2023 — The van says…

When even ‘Jihadi’ Julian Röpcke begins to doubt Zelenskiy, it becomes obvious that the Ukrainian leader is losing international support as fast as his troops are giving up ground.


As covered in this article, the fall of Artemovsk (Bakhmut) is imminent, Russian forces now closing in on the center of the town. Notwithstanding the blatantly obvious, Ukrainian president Zelenskiy is demanding that his troops not retreat, this causing amazement and the shaking heads from observers around the globe. This piece will examine how obstinacy on the part of Kiev will lead to further suffering.

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US occupation of Syria will continue

Monday, 6 March2023 — Indian Punchline


US Joint Chiefs Chair, General Mark Milley (L) paid an unannounced visit to a US military base in Northeast Syria, March 3, 2023

The sudden unannounced arrival of the top US military officer General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, at a dusty American base in Syria’s remote northeast on Friday may call to mind a famous quote by Dick Cheney, vice-president in the George W Bush presidency: “The good Lord didn’t see fit to put oil and gas only where there are democratically elected regimes friendly to the United States. Occasionally we have to operate in places where, all considered, one would not normally choose to go. But we go where the business is.”

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No, Australia Does Not Actually Need To Prepare For War With China

Tuesday, 7 March 2023 — Caitlin Johnson

Caitlin Johnstone

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In the latest instance of the Australian media’s deluge of propaganda geared toward manufacturing consent for war with China, Nine Entertainment-owned newspapers The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age have brought together a panel of “experts” to assess how well-prepared Australia is for a hot war with its primary trading partner. The question of if that war is necessary or should be prepared for is left completely unexamined.

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