Know Your Rights! Get trained up with Green and Black Cross

Tuesday, 23 May 2023 — NETPOL

Our friends at Green and Black Cross are running a free Know Your Rights training on Wednesday 24 May 6pm – 9.30pm!

A new Public Order Act (for England and Wales only) became law in early May, and parts of it are already in force. But as police powers are expanded, many people are confused about where that leaves us. Join the grassroots legal support crew at Green and Black Cross for a Know Your Rights training and find out what you need to know before joining a protest. The training will take place on Zoom, and will cover:

  • Key information you need to know when going on a protest
  • Tips on interacting with police and security
  • Common laws used at protests
  • What to do if you are stop-and-searched or arrested

The training will be 2.5 hours long, with breaks and live auto capitions will be available.

Fill in this Jotform to register for the training.

Sign up for the training now

Find out more about the new Public Order Act

Open Letter to the Met

Thursday, 8 September 2022 — NetPol

Extinction Rebellion protests: we need clarity about what to expect from the Metropolitan Police

Sign the Open Letter

Actions planned in London in the coming months on the unprecedented global climate emergency, by Extinction Rebellion and other environmental campaigners, will represent the first real test of new police powers to impose aggressive protest restrictions that came into effect in June.

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Prof Judy Wajcman Trade Unionism, Work and Feminism Library Sale. 19th Aug 2022 onwards

Thursday, 18 August 2022 — Housmans Books

At this time of resurgence within the British trade union movement, with union, wildcat and even consumer strikes breaking out across the country, the timing couldn’t be better for this sale of books on trade unionism, work and feminism, as donated to Housmans by Professor Judy Wajcman.

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COMMENT: Does it matter who replaces Cressida Dick as head of a racist police force?

Thursday, February 17, 2022 — NetPol

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick with London Mayor Sadiq Khan
Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick with London Mayor Sadiq Khan

Inevitably, speculation has begun on who will take over from the outgoing Metropolitan Police Commissioner, following the recent announcement of Cressida Dick’s early departure from the most senior policing position in the country.

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London Renters Union: This is how we build the powerful movement we need

29 May 2021 — London Renters Union

What: LRU outreach training

When: 7th June 6-8pm
Via ZoomRegister here.

Over the past year, renters like you have taken action together and won crucial government protections from eviction during the pandemic and forced landlords to pay out thousands of pounds in repairs and compensation.

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London: Join our fight for a Mayor for renters

6 April 2021 — Origin: Generation Rent

We need a London Mayor that will tackle the renting crisis and ensure renters have access to safe, secure and genuinely affordable homes.

Will you join us in our call for a London Mayor for Renters? Ask the candidates if they will adopt Generation Rent’s policies to fix London’s housing crisis here.
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Renters Reform Bill: what is it and what should we be fighting for?

2 April 2021 — London Renters Union

Saturday, 1 May 11am – 1:30pm – Renters Reform Bill: what is it and what should we be fighting for?

Online event open to all LRU members – register here

As we’ve seen during the pandemic, our housing system is rigged in the interests of landlords and investors. Our campaigning has won significant protections for renters such as eviction bans, but ultimately the government has chosen to prioritise the profits of landlords over our right to housing.

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BREAKING: Activists occupy (ex) London police station

26 March 2021 — NetPol

Activists have occupied a former police station in South London, close to where Sarah Everard was last seen, to demand the withdrawal of Police, Crime and Sentencing Bill. The group have already been served eviction papers, and are calling for people to support them. You can find them on Instagram

Squat 1011x1024

The group have issued a public statement on their action:

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Housmans Books March 2021

28 February 2021 — Housmans Books

March Bookshop News

We hope you and yours are keeping well. As last month we are concentrating our energies on our online events programme. All our online events, past and future, are going up on our Youtube Channel, so do subscribe to the channel so as to be notified when new videos are posted. There’s lots up there now, ready to watch.

And as ever our online shop is open and we always welcome your orders.

London Renters Union Donate: Only 4 days left

27 February 2021 — London Renters Union

Thank you. As part of our ‘End the Rent Debt Crisis’ campaign, your financial support gave us the resource we needed to publish research which estimated that half a million private renter households relying on benefits didn’t receive enough money to cover their rent each month.

This week, there was confirmation from the Government of the scale of the problem.

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Take action now: Solidarity with Cressingham Gardens

18 December 2020 — London Renters Union

To all London Renters Union members in Lambeth,

We are writing to you today to ask you to support a tightly knit community in Lambeth that is fighting against a planning application that threatens to destroy it.

Cressingham Gardens is a council owned estate – the building has been lauded by architects as a human and community centered building and what you’ll find at Cressingham Gardens is a testament to that. You can find a wonderful film made about the community at Cressingham Gardens here.

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Meet points announced – August 24: London-wide day of action against evictions!

18 August 2020 — London Renters Union

Monday August 24 – Day of Action Against Evictions

  • Hackney action: Meet 10:30am at Gee Street Magistrates Court, EC1V 3RE
  • Newham & Leytonstone action: Meet 12:30pm at Stratford Magistrates Court, E15 4SB
  • Lewisham action: Time and meet point TBC

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Restricted access to Grenfell inquiry for survivors and bereaved

11 July 2020 — WSWS

By Alice Summers

Phase Two of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry resumed Monday after being halted in mid-March due to the coronavirus pandemic. More than three years on from the devastating fire that claimed 72 lives, the resumption of the inquiry confirms its character as a contemptible cover-up.

This week’s reopening met with widespread outrage from survivors and the bereaved over further proposed delays to proceedings and arrangements restricting their access to hearings. As of Friday, the inquiry had only met for 18 days of hearings since January.

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June 27 – #CantPayWontPay Day of Action

19 June 2020 — London Renters Union

The government has announced a 2 month extension of the eviction ban – the first victory of the Can’t Pay Won’t Pay campaign.

Research by the Resolution Foundation showed that hundreds of thousands of renters across London are in debt to their landlord. Unless the government cancels rent debt and makes the eviction ban permanent, renters will remain in huge danger.

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