US is Trying to Drive Erdogan into a Corner – but Without Success

Saturday, 23 July 2022 — Strategic Culture Foundation

Author: Vladimir Platov

ERD934Joe Biden’s administration is currently losing on all its foreign policy fronts, but he is still hoping for success, if nowhere else, in his confrontation with the Turkish leader Recep Erdoğan, so that he can demonstrate to the world and the US public, that there is still some “gunpowder left in the barrel.” This consideration took on a special importance for Joe Biden and his team in the days leading up to the US President’s Middle East trip, which promised little chance of victory for the White House. Joe Biden’s trip to Saudi Arabia did, in fact, turn out to be a total failure – it did nothing to improve his image and yielded no positive results either in terms of oil deals or in terms of reining in Russia’s influence in the region. In view of this failure, Washington needed to find a scapegoat, and picked on Recep Erdoğan.

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WATCH: Seizing the Means of Production A Spotlight on Greece’s Occupied Worker-Run Factory

3 June 2019 — Off Guardian

Unicorn Riot, via Economic Grassroots Organizing

[CC – Greek, English] Workers have successfully self-managed the production of environmentally-friendly cleaning products for the last six years in the occupied factory Vio.Me. There are no bosses in this factory on the east side of Thessaloniki, Greece’s second largest city. Workers have been in full control since occupying the factory in 2013, two years after the workers had stopped receiving paychecks from the business due to the parent company having filed for bankruptcy.

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Forced Privatization of The Greek Port of Piraeus, One Year Later

12 December 2017 — TRNN

Dimitri Lascaris in Greece, speaks with Giogros Gogos, general Secretary of the Dockworkers Union at the Port of Piraeus. The Troika forced the privatization of 67% of Port of Piraeus, this means that the most secure and lucrative asset in Greece, that could have generated money to pay the debt, is now the hands of Chinese shipping company Cosco Continue reading

Revolutionary Greece By Andre Vltchek

10 August 2015 — Andre Vltchek

Revolutionary Greece By Andre Vltchek

A small town of Distomo is just 150 kilometers from Athens, positioned in the heart of Greece, literally squeezed between two great world heritage sites: Delphi, the cradle of the European democracy, and a stunning Byzantine monastery of Hossios Luckas.

But Distomo is much more than some picturesque village surrounded by mountains and history. Here, On June 10, 1944, according to Greek government records, but also according to Western mass media sources like the BBC, “for over two hours, Waffen-SS troops of the 4th SS Polizei Panzergrenadier Division under the command of SS-Hauptsturmführer Fritz Lautenbach went door to door and massacred Greek civilians as part of a ‘retaliation measure’ for a partisan attack upon the unit. A total of 214 men, women and children were killed in Distomo.?? According to survivors, SS forces “bayoneted babies in their cribs, stabbed pregnant women, and beheaded the village priest.”?????

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SA(S)R Syndrome Moves On By S. Artesian

26 July 2015 — The Wolf Report: Nonconfidential analysis for the anti-investor

SA(S)R Syndrome Moves On 

Short-Attention-Span-Radicalism has quickly recovered from its setback in Greece,  finding solace in  its own unique spin on Joe Hill’s supposed last words– “Don’t mourn, Don’t organize; Forget, Ignore, Repeat.” The SARs brigade made up of VIBs; SIPs; near, neo, quasi, democratic, semi, hemi, demi, erratic, mo, po, po-mo socialists is done sitting shiva for Greece and has moved on to its next challenge, its once and future failure, Britain.

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Video: Interview with Costas Lapavitsas

18 July 2015 — The Real News Network

Dimitri Lascaris of The Real News interviews Syriza MP Costas Lapavitsas –   July 17, 2015 (inc. transcript)

In the case of Greece the Eurozone is an unmitigated disaster. Greece basically doesn’t belong in the Eurozone. If you weren’t Greek and you weren’t subject to the culture and so on, the everyday life here, it would be so obvious again looking at it from the outside. This is a country that’s been thrashed by the Eurozone. It’s clinging on to the union tooth and nail, I mean, whatever the cost for its population, because of the decisions of its political and economic elite. It’s a tragedy.” – Costas Lapavitsas MP

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Video: The Trail of the Troika

6 July 2015 — Youtube

What is happening in Europe in the name of the troika? A must-see for anyone who wants to understand the situation in Greece. The European Union and International Monetary Fund have lent more than 400 billion Euros to Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Cyprus to keep these countries solvent. The lenders granted enormous power to the three institutions of the so called troika: the IMF, the European Central Bank and the European Commission. Without any public accountability, the troika is forcing the crisis states to implement policies that are tearing the social fabric of their countries apart.

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The Real News Live-Streaming From Athens, Greece

17 July 2015 — The Real News Network

The Real News Live-Streaming From Athens, Greece

Dear Real News Viewers,

Tune in to our site right now to watch an exclusive Greece livestream of a panel featuring TRNN regulars Leo Panitch and Syrian MP Costas Lapavitsas.
This panel is part of three day conference in Athens, Greece called Democracy Uprising.
Click here to watch our stream

Syriza Betrays Greece’s No Vote: Why the Left Should Form a Popular Front Against the EU By Stavros Mavroudeas

17 July 2015 — Greanville Post 

Tsipras and his party have completed betrayed the Greek people and unleashed an unpredictable hurricane.

Tsipras and his party have completely betrayed the Greek people and unleashed an unpredictable hurricane

On the 5th of July 2015 the huge majority of the Greek people (61%) rejected the insolent demands of the EU for the extension and deepening of the austerity and pro-capital restructuring policies in Greece. These demands were codified in the so-called Juncker Plan for Greece that set barbaric terms for the extension of the previous austerity program (the 2nd Economic Adjustment Program for Greece) in exchange for releasing much delayed tranches of the troika loans to Greece.

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What a Difference a Year Makes By S. Artesian

16 July 2015 — The Wolf Report: Nonconfidential analysis for the anti-investor

What a Difference a Year Makes

Mix and Match


 “This is not our Europe. This is only the Europe we want to change.  In place of a Europe of fear of unemployment, disability, old-age and poverty; in the place of the current Europe that redistributes income to the rich and fear to the poor; in place of a Europe in the service of bankers’ needs, we want a Europe in the service of human needs.”

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Greece: PM Tsipras Banishing Ministers Opposing Sellout to Creditors, Syriza Sharply Divided By Stephen Lendman

16 July 2015 — Global Research


Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis resigned after being pushed out – replaced by Euclid Tsakalotos.

After leaving, he said he’s no longer under “incredible pressure to negotiate for a position I find difficult to defend…”

He cited the “complete lack of any democratic scruples (displayed by) the supposed defenders of Europe’s democracy. (V)ery powerful figures look you in the eye and say ‘(y)ou’re right in what you’re saying, but we’re going to crunch you anyway.”

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Blaming the Victim: Greece is a Nation Under Occupation By Andrew Gavin Marshall

16 July 2015 — Andrew Gavin Marshall

Blaming the Victim: Greece is a Nation Under Occupation

By: Andrew Gavin Marshall

Angela-MerkelIn the early hours of Thursday morning, July 16, the Greek Parliament passed a host of austerity measures in order to begin talks on a potential third bailout of 86 billion euros. The austerity measures were pushed onto the Parliament by Greece’s six-month-old leftist government of Syriza, elected in late January with a single mandate to oppose austerity. So what exactly happened over the past six months that the first anti-austerity government elected in Europe has now passed a law implementing further austerity measures?

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Greek Guilt and Syriza Perfidy By F. William Engdahl

16 July 2015 — New Eastern Outlook

alexis-tsipras-angela-merkel-1-770x469At this sad and very dangerous juncture of the unfolding events surrounding Greece and the crushing demands of the Troika, it becomes clear that all this would never have come to pass had the Greek people not felt guilty over their country’s debt situation. As a consequence of their feeling guilty since the crisis began in October 2009, the situation is rapidly turning into a human tragedy where an entire people are now faced with likely destruction.

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The Hard Way By S. Artesian

16 July 2015 — The Wolf Report: Nonconfidential analysis for the anti-investor

The Hellenic Parliament has voted to approve, and will presumably implement, the demands of the Troika accepted on July 12 by the prime minister, who now states he doesn’t support the agreement although he will implement it, and urges its approval.  This comes five days after the prime minister promised “the bigger the ‘No’ vote [on the referendum regarding the Troikas final, but expired and off the table offer], the better the deal.”   It takes a lot of processing power, and storage capacity to keep up with the prime minister’s different positions.

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