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DRAPAC Series: Voices From Exile, The Safety Needs of Myanmar Women Journalists

Join the conversation on March 13, 3PM Bangkok time, UTC+7

In this DRAPAC Series session, Exile Hub presents highlights from their research "Voices from Exile: The Safety Needs of Myanmar Women Journalists.” The research aims to gather evidence on the experiences of exiled Myanmar women journalists, with a focus on non-dominant perspectives about their working and living conditions in the post-2021 coup landscape.

Cinemata, a video platform for social issue films about the Asia-Pacific region, has released a helpful new feature for emerging filmmakers and video activists: password protection for content.
Goethe-Institut Indonesia presents "Digital Rights Cinema" on February 24, which will feature the screening of eight short films addressing digital rights issues from the Tech Tales Youth film collection produced by EngageMedia.
EngageMedia is publishing English translations of the Myanmar Digital Coup Quarterly by the Myanmar Internet Project. Internet shutdowns and arrests stifling freedom of expression were among the digital rights violations during this period.
The international community must urgently stand with the people of Myanmar, offering not only solidarity, but also concrete resources to help topple the military junta and consign this troubled chapter to the history books.
How can universities prioritize the freedoms of their students? One youth writer seeks to raise awareness of these rights violations from the perspective of the students – who have resorted to anonymity for their own protection.
Timor-Leste’s youth have an important role in the digital era, especially on social media, as digital rights advocates for all generations. One advocate for digital literacy educations calls on their fellow youth to play their part.
In Myanmar, checkpoints are physical symbols of authoritarianism, subjecting Burmese civilians to gadget searches and interrogations around online and on the ground acts of resistance. A young contributor shares their and their peers' experiences.
In Thailand, the online slang "ค." (F.) is being used to criticize the government and circumvent censorship. To evade legal repercussions, Thai netizens have turned to unique linguistic alternatives to freely expressing themselves on the internet.
Indonesia's new Criminal Code is counterproductive to the development ushered in by the internet. Instead of guaranteeing freedoms online, controversial clauses will make the digital sphere unsafe for expressing criticisms towards the government.

Featured Projects

  1. Introducing the DRAPAC series and our upcoming talk on AI adoption and governance
  2. Spotlight on digital rights in Myanmar
  3. New GIF reports and Tech Tales Youth Screening
  4. Highlights from the DRAPAC23 Assembly, PGP Live, and more