Brute Force vs Dictionary Attacks: How Do They Differ?

Brute force and dictionary attacks are two frequently used techniques that cybercriminals use to compromise passwords and gain unauthorized access to websites. While they share a common goal, their approaches and countermeasures vary significantly. This guide will explain the differences between both password attacks and offer guidance on preventing them.

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Jetpack in Taipei: WordCamp Asia 2024 Recap

Hey everyone! Last week, we had the awesome opportunity to join the WordPress community at WordCamp Asia 2024, right in the heart of Taipei. The event took place at the Taipei International Convention Center, which is just a stone’s throw away from the stunning Taipei 101. As Jade Mountain Sponsor this year, we couldn’t have been more excited to dive into the bustling world of the WordPress community and share what’s new with Jetpack.

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What Is a WordPress Malware Scanner? Is It Worth It?

Whether your WordPress website is a multi-million dollar ecommerce store or a personal blog, the negative effects of malware can be devastating. No matter how many preventative measures you take, you never know when someone might find and exploit a new security vulnerability.

Many types of malware don’t disturb the day-to-day functioning of your website, so you might not even know you’ve been compromised. While the malware is hidden away, it’s quietly stealing sensitive data, inserting spam links to harmful websites, adding malicious redirects, sending scam emails to your visitors, or using your server to mine cryptocurrency. It may take you weeks or months to discover that something is awry and, by then, you’ve been blocklisted from search engines, lost user trust, and started an arduous scramble to recover data.

The first step in preventing malware infections is to implement stringent security measures. The next step is to install a malware scanner like Jetpack Scan to catch some of the more common types of malware and remove them before there’s any extensive damage. 

In this article, we’ll talk about how malware scanners work and why they’re important to the security of your website. We’ll also debunk some common myths about malware scanners, discuss factors to consider when choosing a solution, and show you how to install a malware scanner on your WordPress site.

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On-Demand Backups at Your Fingertips

As part of our ongoing dedication to enhancing the security and management capabilities of your site, we are thrilled to introduce the latest addition to Jetpack VaultPress Backup: the on-demand backups feature. Initiate a backup any moment you need it, through a straightforward “Back up now” button.

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The Future of WordPress Hosting is Here

Infrastructure is everything when it comes to building and managing websites — especially on WordPress. You need a safe, secure, fast, and reliable foundation to build on. That’s where WP Cloud comes in. 

Created by Automattic, the team behind, WP Cloud was built with a singular vision in mind: to build a cloud platform exclusively tailored for WordPress. Drawing from 20+ years of WordPress experience and millions of websites hosted, there’s no one more qualified to make this dream a reality.

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11 Best WordPress Firewall Plugins To Safeguard Your Site

WordPress firewall plugins are one of the best lines of defense for your website. They’re capable of blocking many attacks by preventing malicious traffic from reaching your website. The question you should be asking is not whether it’s worthwhile to use a firewall plugin, but which one you should pick.

There are dozens of firewall and security plugins you can choose from. Typically, firewall features come as a part of all-in-one WordPress security solutions that also include other options for protecting your site. That means the right plugin won’t only help you block malicious traffic — it will also harden your website against other types of attacks.

In this article, we’ll introduce you to the eleven best WordPress firewall plugins you can use to safeguard your site. We’ll talk about what makes each of them unique, and help you choose the right option for your needs. Let’s get to it!

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Jetpack 13.2: Secure Sign On Improvements, New Blocks, and More

Jetpack 13.2 is here and has improved secure sign on when it comes to adding new team members and new blocks ranging from Top Posts and Pages to Blog Stats, replacing the previous widgets and allowing more flexibility and integration with the block editor.

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How to Clean a Hacked WordPress Site & Fortify Its Security

Despite the latest technologies and best security practices, it’s still possible that your WordPress site gets hacked. This can quickly spiral if you don’t know how to recover your website.

The good news is that all hope isn’t lost after an attack. If you take the right steps — like contacting your hosting provider, identifying the cause of the hack, and restoring a clean backup — you can avoid a lot of pain and frustration. 

In this post, we’ll take a look at the most common types of hacks that affect WordPress sites. Then, we’ll show you how to clean your hacked WordPress site and share some key methods to tighten security. 

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The Top 5 AI Video Generators to Try in 2024

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has dominated the conversation over the past year. Everyone’s talking about using AI tools to produce text, images, and pretty much any type of content you can imagine. Incredibly, that even includes videos. There are a lot of amazing AI video generators you can use right now to create publish-worthy content.

Using these relatively new technologies, however, can be incredibly complex. So, you’ll want to be careful about which software you choose and test different options before committing to one to help you create video content. That’s where this guide comes in.

In this article, we’ll introduce you to the top five AI video generators you should try in 2024. We’ll also go over tips to maximize your AI-powered video strategy and discuss how to choose the right tool for your needs. Let’s get to it!

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What is a Rainbow Table & How to Prevent These Attacks

The more that businesses and individuals rely on digital platforms, the greater the implications of a cyberattack. One of the more commonly known methods of gaining access to a password-protected system is a rainbow table attack. 

Thankfully, for most, rainbow table attacks are just a part of cybersecurity history. 

WordPress, for example, issued a way to thwart rainbow table attacks as early as 2008 when WordPress core implemented salted hashes

The developers who contribute to WordPress are always aiming to stay a step ahead of threats, so when new hazards or vulnerabilities are discovered, they’re usually patched quite quickly. 

That said, WordPress isn’t immune to all cybersecurity issues and a reliable WordPress security plugin like Jetpack is a must-have to harden your defenses against other, still-prevalent threats. 

If you’re using a system that might be vulnerable to rainbow table attacks, or if you just like learning about important parts of cybersecurity history, keep reading to understand more about them and the defenses that work best. 

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