September 17, 2003

They Wouldn't Say It About A Republican

Last night, to close a report on John Edwards' announcement of his candidacy, Rudi Bakhtiar read out approximately the following on CNN Headline News:

The millionaire trial lawyer promised to [fight for the working class.]

Why didn't they say something like 'the successful son of a mill worker promised to fight for the working class'? I've heard people make fun of Edwards for saying that over and over, but there's something nice about the idea that a person from the lower rungs of society can make good and run for president. Yet it mucks up the clever juxtaposition, and we can't have that.

So again the media follows the political storyline they're most comfortable with. Democrats get to be out of touch college professors, vapid actors, hippies, poor single mothers, atheists, and hypocritical rich people. Republicans can always be assumed to be honest, salt-of-the-earth types, because even the screaming rich ones never believably promise to do a blasted thing to help the working class.

So, here are some one-liners we never heard about the Bush-Cheney ticket during the 2000 election:

  • The two former energy company executives promise to respect the environment.
  • The ticket, with three drunk driving arrests between them, promises to encourage a culture of personal responsibility.
  • The veteran of several failed companies promises to bring the best traditions of the business world into the Oval Office.
  • The man who called a reporter an ***hole on mic promises to end the climate of bipartisan rancor in our nation's capital.
  • The former governor who mocked a woman on her way to be executed promises to serve as a compassionate conservative.
  • This wealthy son of a wealthy family claims direct knowledge of the concerns of those who have a hard time feeding their children.

I could probably continue, but I'd be here all day. None of that fit the script, but would have been far more telling than the casually dismissive line against Edwards. A trite continuation of the 'hypocritical, lying Democrats' theme which manages to ignore the most blatant contradictions of the other side.

It must be obvious that Edwards isn't my horse in the race, but if they'll do it to one of us, they'll do it to all of us.

Posted by natasha at September 17, 2003 01:35 PM | TrackBack

Cool site! Check out my new blog, Mousepads, Shoe Leather, and Hope - The Great Grassroots Campaign. Also, check out my Dean stores, The Great Grassroots Campaign and You Have The Power. The proceeds from the shop will be given to the new Generation Dean chapter on campus. If you feel like linking to any of the sites I gave you, I'd be happy to add a link to your site on my blog. Keep up the good work with your site.

Posted by: Laura in DC on September 17, 2003 03:13 PM

Excellent post Natasha. No, you will not be hearing any of those descriptions of Bush or Cheney. More is the pity.

How about "to further his goal of being a uniter and not a dvider, President Bush questioned the patriotism of a triple amputee Viet Nam veteran?"

Or "in order to abide by the rule of law, Candidate Bush paid thugs to harrass the vote counters in Florida?"

Yes, we could be here all day.

Posted by: dwight meredith on September 17, 2003 08:22 PM

Wow, that post is right on. You certainly could go on and on.

Bush, who never completed his NG service as a young man, today landed on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier, dressed in a flight suit and declared "Mission Accomplished" despite the fact that the war continued to rage on.

Posted by: RJ on September 17, 2003 09:37 PM

You were here all day. I checked. That's why we host with Hurricane Electric.

Posted by: James R MacLean on September 17, 2003 10:12 PM

What a cool post, Natasha. I agree with Dwight about the possibilities going on and on...not that you have to do it...with so many clever readers...Thanks for a terrific blog, I'm one of those loyal but silent readers, but this one was just too true, and too much fun not to speak up and say great job.

Posted by: Leah A on September 17, 2003 11:12 PM

I don't have much to add to that except this: Leah A, please speak up more often. It's always great to hear from my visitors.

Posted by: natasha on September 18, 2003 02:34 AM

Bush, the AWOL chickenhawk, alarmed serving members of the military by demanding "bring 'em on".

Posted by: flory on September 18, 2003 02:00 PM

nice site, you know

Posted by: Lolita! on October 14, 2003 04:55 PM