
Tuesday, September 16, 2003

They can dish it out, but they sure can't take it 

The Rovelicans, that is. Hil Anderson of UPI writes:

Conservative Bill Simon, who lost to Davis in 2000, spoke for many recall supporters when he called the ruling "an outrageous interference with the rights of California voters and a transparent attempt to thwart the will of the people."

A fine whine! Then again:

"Plaintiffs' claim presents almost precisely the same issue as the court considered in (the Bush decision), that is, whether unequal methods of counting votes among counties constitutes a violation of the Equal Protection Clause," the judges wrote. "In Bush, the Supreme Court held that using different standards for counting votes in different counties across Florida violated the Equal Protection Clause. The plaintiffs' theory is the same, that using error-prone voting equipment in some counties, but not in others, will result in votes being counted differently among the counties."

Hoist with their own petard. (The word of the moment is schadenfreude.)

OTOH, I'd rather beat the Rovelicans now, rather than later, and it looked like the tide was turning in favor of the small-d democratic forces. Sigh ....

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