US-Chief Prosecutor Telford Taylor
US-Chief Prosecutor
Telford Taylor

In 1946 the Nuremberg War Tribunal concluded that without the IG-Farben Chemical Cartel the second world war would not have been possible. The War Tribunal dismantled the IG Farben Cartel into Bayer, BASF and Hoechst (now Aventis).

US-Chief Prosecutor Telford Taylor concluded: "These companies, not the lunatic Nazi fanatics, are the main war criminals. If the guilt of these criminals is not brought to daylight and if they are not punished, they will pose a much greater threat to the future peace of the world than Hitler if he were still alive."

History of
IG Farben:
Bayer and Hoechst

Slave labourers for
IG Farben:
Their way through Auschwitz