More Bogus MRC Media 'Studies'

The Media Research Center keeps imposing its right-wing ideology to create shoddy and dishonest "studies" that advance its political narratives -- yet it thinks it can attack studies that reach different conclusions.

Related: The MRC's Very Trumpy -- And Bogus -- Media 'Studies'

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WND Tries To Rebrand Conversion Therapy

Right-wing efforts to whitewash anti-LGBT efforts to change sexual orientation are getting whitewashed at WorldNetDaily -- it's now "Christian teaching" or "non-coercive prayer" or even just "conversations."

The MRC's DeSantis Defense Brigade: Before (And During) The Fall

The Media Research Center continued to defend everything about Ron DeSantis, including that dubious debate with Gavin Newsom -- and it provided an in-kind contribution to his campaign in the form of a gushy softball interview with him.

The MRC's Comedy Cop

Alex Christy is the Media Research Center's point man in complaining that late-night TV hosts are too political (read: too liberal) to be funny -- but he won't apply the same scrutiny to Greg Gutfeld's right-wing jokes.

Michael Brown Religiously Indulges In Politics

The WorldNetDaily columnist has continued to waver on Donald Trump, but he's more than happy to weigh in on right-wing culture war agenda items beyond his usual hatred of LGBTQ people.

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