[Cross-posted at Firedoglake.]
As bad as it has been looking for John McCain’s prospects attracting Latino votes, fear not: He can always do even worse. For instance, the latest polling:
This was even before his two-faced appearance at a closed-door town-hall session in Chicago. And as a sign they intend to make immigration — and McCain’s phony strategy of trying to play both sides of the aisle — a campaign issue, the Obama campaign jumped all over it:A new national survey of Latino voters shows Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama with a nearly 3-to-1 advantage over his rival, Republican John McCain.
The survey found that 60 percent of Latinos planned to vote for Obama, compared to 23 percent for McCain, while 16 percent were undecided. Latino Decisions, a collaboration between Pacific Market Research and University of Washington political scientists Matt Barreto and Gary Segura, conducted the poll by telephone June 1–12.
As Dana Goldstein at Tapped observes:
Actually, they’re not entirely indiscernible. John McCain’s one enduring principle, across a whole range of issues, is Whatever Benefits John McCain. If that’s his political compass, well, no wonder he talks out both sides of his head.If McCain has any enduring principles on immigration at this juncture, they’re impossible to discern.