Showing posts with label Canadian Hindu Advocacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canadian Hindu Advocacy. Show all posts

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Far Right Infighting Part ∞: Ron Banerjee vs. Goldy Supporters

So one of the bigger stories in the world of Canadian far-right personalities was that Faith Goldy willingly gave up on Twitter to spend more time in thoughtful contemplation. However this might be more meaningful if (a) I was convinced she will stay off Twitter and (b) didn't have nearly half a dozen other social media avenues through which she can continue to be an awful human being:

Goldy has become polarizing even for members of the far right. There are those out there who venerate her as a sort of virgin "Madonna of the Rocks" figure and those who came to loathe her for"selling out by trying to appeal to "the ethnics" during her Toronto mayoral campaign; her alleged relationship with Richard Spencer might have answered the virgin part.

I'm here all week folks! Try the veal and make sure you tip your server!

In any case, we have an instance now where people have taken a firm side on the argument.

Despite his recent humiliation and groveling apology, Rob Banerjee still has to Ron Banerjee. He's still active in anti-Muslim protests and his Hindu nationalism has perhaps become even more overt of late.

He also continues to style himself as Canada's #1 Trump fan and defender:

When Faith Goldy was critical of Indian and Chinese immigrants in some of her last Twitter posts, well, Banerjee went on the attack using Trump as a hustification. This resulted in an extended argument by a few others but especially one Ryan Walker who I've seen posting on numerous extremist Facebook groups

Now this thread was quite mild compared to what came later as Walker posted this on Banerjee's wall:

Yep, 220 comments.

I'm not about to re-post ALL of them, however the ones I will post are instructive. To summarize Banerjee continues to troll, write about the superiority of Hindus and Hindu culture, attack Muslims, and claim that women find him desirable. Ryan Walker and his supporters continue to state that non-Europeans need to "go home", quote white supremacists such as William Pierce, echo Trump's language ("go back where you come from" and "shithole countries"), hint at a violent "purge" of non-European Canadians as being imminent, and then threaten to find and harm Banerjee who bravely provides them with an obviously false address claiming that he's not afraid of them.

It really is quite the show:

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Eric Brazau: Islamophobe, Racist, and Liar

On June 21, the following flyer was found on the notice board of a Toronto public library:

The person who posted the flyer did not have permission from the library staff to do so. The flyer itself was also a bald-faced lie:

Edited to protect identity of the individual who
posted this and the group where it was posted.

The person responsible was Eric Brazau:

Eric Brazau has been discussed a number of times on this blog as well as in the MSM with regard to what can be described as blood libels directed towards Muslim-Canadians and Islam in general:

He is also an associated of other hate-mongers including Ron Banerjee, Kevin "Poodle" Johnston, Lynn Redden, and formerly Sandra Solomon before their falling out:

Brazau tried to justify his lie when challenged by James Sears' associate Lawrence McCurry:

First, when Lawrence McCurry appears to be the rational person in the discussion, that says a great deal about the character of the other person. Second, what?!?! 

I could go on and on about Brazau's Islamophobic antics, but it should suffice it to post only a few recent examples for those who aren't familiar with him. First regarding the attack in Toronto that left 10 dead and 16 injured, Brazau posted the following:

When challenged....

.... Brazau didn't respond.

Probably because the attack was perpetrated by someone more in line with Brazau's ideological viewpoints.

He also posted the following criticism of the British and Canadian governments regarding their respective immigration ministers:

What is clear is that Brazau is anti-Muslim and that he views every Muslim as an extremist.

But don't for a moment think that he rejects religion playing a primary role in government decisions so long as it is the religion that he subscribes to. 

As Brazau writes above, he was a candidate in the most recent Ontario election running as a candidate for the fringe Cultural Action Party:

Brazau wrote the following (and repeats himself, incidentally) regarding his plans should he be elected to office:

Suffice it to say, he performed poorly:

However his post on June 4 also hints that Brazau has embraced racial animus. Other posts seem to confirm this:

Saga is a white nationalist singer from Sweden.
This is her cover of a RaHoWa song.
Lana Lokteff is a white supremacist who is found on YouTube. 

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Kevin Johnston and Ron Banerjee: "Hallmarks of Hate"

Back in August 2017, Kevin "Poodle" Johnston and Ron Banerjee (Islamophobic, misogynistic, and racist bigots who have been featured on these pages several times already) were sued by Mohamad Fakih, the owner of Paramount Fine Foods, falsely claiming that Mr. Fakih had ties to extremism. Since then Johnston has continued his vendetta posting more videos attacking the integrity of Mr. Fakih and Banerjee hasn't let up either.

Yesterday, we learned that their efforts have been rewarded.... at least if your name is Mohamad Fakih:
Fakih sued for defamation; Johnston and Banerjee wrote in their defence statements that they were exercising their freedom of expression and raising issues of public interest — namely, their objection to the federal government’s $10.5 million settlement paid to Guantanamo Bay detainee Omar Khadr. 
But before the case has even gone to trial, a Superior Court of Justice judge has already delivered a preliminary victory for Fakih, ruling Banerjee’s videotaped comments “involve hallmarks of hate” and do not relate to a matter of public interest. 
This also means his statements are unprotected by a 2015 Ontario law designed to stop nuisance lawsuits aimed at silencing free expression over matters of public interest. Banerjee invoked the law to try to quash the suit but the judge ruled that allowing him to justify his comments by claiming public interest would be “trivializing” the law’s objectives.
My personal favourite part of this is when Benerjee and Johnston claim that they have never promoted hatred and that Banerjee appears to have thrown Johnston under the bus to try and save his own ass:
Both Banerjee and Johnston have denied the allegations against them in their statements of defence. Banerjee said he has never promoted hatred against any group or people; Johnston — who is also currently facing hate crime charges — said any allegation that he “ever promoted hate is a fabrication.” With respect to his statements that Paramount Fine Foods only served people who are “jihadist” or raped their wives, Banerjee said the comments were “satirical”and published by Johnston, not him.
The ruling can be found here in its entirety.

Truth be told, things haven't been going especially well for Kevin "Poodle" Johnston of later. We already know about the hate crime charges which are of course quite serious (and for which this current legal ruling may very play a role). His claim to have been assaulted at a June 3, 2017 Islamophobic rally were dismissed because he proved to be an unreliable and uncooperative witness. Later he had a hissy fit when Twitter deleted several of his accounts when he was reported by a number of people (yours truly included) for violating the terms and services; back in May he sent a letter suggesting he would be suing Twitter and some of those who reported him for denying him his right to free speech which further indicates he has no idea what is meant by this concept:

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Dan Dubois of Canadian Combat Coalition (An Objectively Stupid Name) Unloads on "White Nationalist" Ronny Cameron

Last Saturday ARC published an article featuring Ronny Cameron chatting it up with convicted domestic abuse jackass Ryan Dean and the antisemitic vice-president of the Worldwide Coalition Against Islam (which isn't so much worldwide as it is in Joey Deluca's apartment) Jesse Wielenga (see here, here, here, here, and here).

Suffice it to say, a lot of people were not at all pleased.

In the third video in which featured Wielenga which in and of itself drew the ire of the JDL's Meir Weinstein, Cameron spent the first half of the video complaining about infighting. He then goes on to attack Dan Dubois and the Canadian Combat Coalition specifically.

Despite being banned from Facebook for violating the terms of service, Dubois was able to get a video out using his girlfriend's phone and vice-president's Facebook account. The following is that video which has been edited for length (holy hell is Duke Willis long winded!) and contains som editorializing. Among those who Dubois calls to be on his video are Ron Banerjee (Rise Canada and Canadian Hindu Advocacy), Duke Willis who is the literal embodiment of "old man yells at cloud", Steven Alexander Schettino Avranas Ismay McCall Gregory Myatt who is associated with the Northern Guard, and a few others.

ARC even gets a number of shout outs.

It is a long video, but it is compelling in it's own car-wreck-that-you-can't-look-away sort of manner:

The comments made by those viewing the video were interesting as well in their own sort of way:

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Ron Banerjee: A Racist Walter Mitty

It is almost impressive how shameless Ron Banerjee is.

ARC has covered Banerjee, a supporter of Hinduvata, for a few years now. To suggest that he is anti-Muslim, anti-Sikh, and violently misogynistic would perhaps be a bit of an understatement:

His most recent appearance was at last week's anti-racism Town Hall where he and others disrupted the proceedings. However he has also unsurprisingly insinuated himself into the case of the 11 year-old child who made a false claim about a man cutting her hijab. In what is beginning to look like a bit of an AstroTurf campaign, a group of conservative Chinese-Canadians have been protesting since late January demanding Justin Trudeau apologize for his then condemnation of the attack while carrying professionally-made signs that imply that Muslims are a threat; their largest rally was in Ottawa and was joined by members of La Meute, Proud Boys, Canadian Combat Coalition, Northern Guard, and other similar groups.

When this group first began protesting, Banerjee showed up with his megaphone....

.... and implied that HE had organized the protest and that the Chinese-Canadian group were members and supporters of Rise Canada:

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Town Hall Discussing Systemic Racism Disrupted By Bigot and Racists

This past Thursday an Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination Town Hall took place at the Grant African Methodist Episcopal Church in Toronto. The panelists included Lisa Kinsella who spoke about her efforts concerning prosecuting "Your Ward News" and James Sears for hate crimes, MP Iqra Khalid who authored M103 condemning Islamophobia as well as other forms of racism and discrimination directed at religious and ethnic groups, Ontario Minister Responsible for Anti-Racism Michael Coteau, Beaches-East York MPP Arthur Potts, and Beaches-East York MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith.

It also attracted the haters:

There are a few first hand accounts of what occurred when the Islamophobes and racists, who were in the minority but did not govern themselves in a manner that the majority did, disrupted the event. 

Those present who are known to ARC include Meir Weinstein of the Jewish Defence League,

Long-time white supremacist Paul Fromm (Weinstein and Paulie, eh?), 

Misogynistic Hindu-ultranationalist Ron Banerjee of the one-man show Canadian Hindu Advocacy and the slightly larger Rise Canada,

Lynn Redden who leads the unintentionally ironic Suffragettes Against Silence and who has attended a host of anti-Muslim events including the recent Ottawa protest and who made headlines heckling Trudeau at a town hall in London

Eric Brazau who has a very long history of anti-Muslim agitation and who's criminal record includes assault, 

And Lawrence who is associated with the Proud Boys and JDL; he is also seen frequently at anti-Muslim protests and has made threats directed towards a number of female anti-fascists:


Saturday, September 09, 2017

Woman Who Verbally Attacked Jagmeet Singh Tied to Rise Canada

ARC's readers are already well aware of the incident in which a woman verbally attacked NDP leadership candidate Jagmeet Singh at an event in Brampton, ON. Of course the woman isn't named, but activists were able to figure out who she was pretty quick:

Jennifer Bush has been a frequent attendee at a number of anti-Muslim events including those held in Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto and is suspected of being involved in the anti-Muslim protests of the Peel school board. Ms. Bush also looked familiar and while I initially couldn't place her, a journalist was able to make the connection.

Bush, along the dude who tore apart a Quran at a Peel Region District School Board meeting in March, and Ron Banerjee, participated in an event hosting then Conservative leadership candidate Kellie Leitch who was at the time stoking fears of Muslims for fun and profit.

UPDATE 2: She also appeared at a protest at a Mississauga where she and the Rise Canada crew harangued children:

Monday, May 01, 2017

Infighting Amongst Canadian Islamophobes: Part 1

This past Saturday ARC reported that the Canadian chapter of the Soldiers of Odin had broken away from the Finnish parent organization because after basically two years of being presented with evidence that the founder of the Finnish chapter was a neo-Nazi and that much of the membership were neo-Nazis, the new Canadian leadership who had previously denied this reality had come to realize that the Finnish founder of the Soldiers of Odin was, indeed, a neo-Nazi.

Also, a lot of Canadian members didn't want to pay membership dues to Finland, so money was an issue.... probably the real issue.

As Stewart Bell observed in Monday's edition of the National Post however, this break has resulted in a schism within the Canadian movement:
TORONTO — The far-right group Soldiers of Odin has splintered in Canada after the two main factions turned against each other in a dispute over whether to remain aligned with their racist namesake in northern Europe.....The Finnish leaders of the anti-immigrant group responded by expelling Daniels and banning him from using the name Soldiers of Odin. The Quebec branch then said it was also splitting away from the Daniels wing. 
“There is indeed a disconnect between SOO Quebec and SOO Canada,” said the Quebec chapter president, Katy Latulippe. “As the provincial president, and with a unanimous vote, we decided that Quebec would dissociate Canada.” 
The Daniels faction “will no longer be allowed to wear the colors of the Soldiers of Odin,” she said. “It is important to know that more than 50% of the divisions in Canada do not agree with Bill Daniels and also wishes to continue their activities under the banner of the SOO.”
One wonders what the Canadian Finnish loyalists would do should they come across anyone associated with Daniels' SoO wearing the colours of the SoO in defiance of the Finnish order?

That this is all happening isn't all that much of a surprise. ARC has witnessed the rise and fall of numerous hate groups which have broken apart due to personality conflicts within the group itself. And the SoO isn't the only anti-Muslim hate group to find itself in this position in Canada either.

For example, Stewart Bell has also observed that Ron Banerjee's vanity project Rise Canada has broken with Sandra Soloman who has become the most visible personality in the Canadian Islamophobic movement:
Banerjee alluded to the breaking off of ties with Soloman, though he didn't refer to her by name:

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Ron Banerjee and Rise Canada Hate Group Meets With Kellie Leitch

I'm just going to cut to the chase here and show the video. Leitch appears at the 6:43 mark:

UPDATE: Also noticed that the man who tore apart the quran at the Peel School Board meeting was also present.

Our readers are already well familiar with Canadian Hindu Advocacy, Rise Canada, and Ron Banerjee who founded and leads both hate groups, but we understand that those coming to this blog for the first time likely have no idea who Banerjee or these groups are. For those people, here are a few relevant links:
Banerjee also operates Twitter accounts for both Canadian Hindu Advocacy and Rise Canada in which he celebrates the deaths of Muslims and Sikhs, post misogynistic diatribes against women, and attacks the LBTGQ community. While it looks like Banerjee was not the organizer of the event, he was certainly a prominent figure who was speaking at the podium when Ms. Leitch arrived.

Kellie Leitch has become infamous during her campaign for the Conservative Party leadership for advocating immigrants be tested to determine if they conform to acceptable, "Canadian values." Below are some of the twitter posts from Banerjee on both the Canadian Hindu Advocacy and Rise Canada Twitter accounts that provide some insight into the, "Canadian values" of these two groups and Banerjee himself:

And more....