News / GTA

Russian émigré's store vandalized, painted with swastika

When Alexander Shapurko moved into a cheerful red house on Oakwood Ave. at Vaughan Rd. four years ago, he believed it would be his home for a long time.

Alexander Shapurko's store was targeted three times in two weeks.


Alexander Shapurko's store was targeted three times in two weeks.

When Alexander Shapurko moved into a cheerful red house on Oakwood Ave. at Vaughan Rd. four years ago, he believed it would be his home for a long time.

But Shapurko, who sells Russian memorabilia from his store in the front and lives in the back, isn't sure any longer. "I'm scared now – I don't know what will happen next," he said Friday.

The 49-year-old Russian immigrant's store-cum-home has been vandalized three times in two weeks, and the last two episodes – when a swastika was spray-painted and a window smashed – have left him shaken and traumatized.

The first incident happened two weeks ago, said Shapurko, who lives alone. He woke up to find that a Russian flag, which had been hanging outside the store, had been burned.

"I was upset but I thought it was some kids being stupid at night," said Shapurko. "I didn't think it was serious."

But it turned serious Thursday morning when a swastika, the number 88 and the letters "WP" were spray-painted on the front windows of the store. He called Toronto police, who took photos, asked him questions and left, he said.

"They asked me to install a camera," said Shapurko, who wasn't sure what WP and 88 meant. He said a friend told him number 88 "is used as code among neo-Nazis to identify each other."

H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, so 88 is generally taken to stand for HH, for Heil Hitler, he said. And the friend said WP stood for White Power.

Shapurko said it shook him up and he scrubbed off the paint "because I have lots of Jewish customers and I didn't want them offended."

Shapurko bought a camera and installed it that evening. But hours later, at about 4 a.m. Friday, he woke up to a loud crash. He rushed out and saw one of the big windows of his store had been smashed.

"I don't know what's happening," he said later that day while cleaning up the mess in the tiny shop.

A friend, who identified herself as Liubou, was helping him. Some collectibles in the store were also destroyed, she said, pointing to the debris and the clutter. Books, gifts, flasks, Russian-style hats and other things were piled haphazardly on the floor and on tables.

"It's going to take a long time to clean up," she said.

Shapurko, who emigrated from Russia five years ago, estimated the damage at about $600 to $700 but "it's my safety I am bothered about. I've never had any problem with anyone; I don't know what to expect next. Who thought these things would happen in Canada?"

Toronto police are investigating.