The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada on December 10, 1975 · Page 23
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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada · Page 23

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Wednesday, December 10, 1975
Page 23
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"'..- Wedne?doy-, Dec. 10, 1975 The Ottawa Journal 23 Union smash ballot MONTREAL (CP) - A m e e t i n g of Montreal-area clothing workers ended in contusion Tuesday when workers became angry at their union leaders and smashed ballot boxes following a vote on a management wage offer. Laurent Gaudreau, an official . of the 8,000-member Quebec branch of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, said the ' trouble started after about 6,000 union members had completed bal- toting at the Montreal Forums Ballots from rural areas vrerd-thea-broughtr-in to-rbe. counted. "The union members from Montreal wouldn't accept it when they brought in the ballot boxes from the rural -centres,'! Mr. Gaudreau said. - "They just revolted and smashed all the boxes." The Montreal police riot squad was called to the scene and stood by. There were no arrests. - Mr. Gaudreau said Montreal members apparently Controllers will still use French at Dorval MONTREAL (CP) Two M o n t real air traffic controllers Decently' suspended from their jobs for one day for communicating in French at work said Tuesday they will continue to press for the use of their native language on the job. Speaking for his two suspended colleagues, Noel Salomon, a third air traffic controller at Montreal's Dorval Airport, said they intend to lodge a complaint with the federal ministry of transport Mr. Salomon said he was threatened with a one-day suspension himself if he continued using French. But he added this will not deter French-speaking controllers. "We'll follow the rules as I closely as possible, but if it's necessary, we'll speak French," he said. In Ottawa, Transport Minister Otto Lang said the two French-speaking air traffic controllers were suspended for using French "contrary to the rules," but said an English-speaking controller i n Quebec City has also been disciplined for refusing to use the French language as part of an experimental bilingual traffic control program in the province. Sunday law: Now it may be illegal TORONTO (CP) - The Ontario government's bill to limit Sunday retail operations was approved by a select committee Tuesday with several amendments, including one that the solicitor-general said casts some doubts on the . legislation's constitutionality. The doubtful amendment, proposed by the New Democratic Party members of the committee, changed an amendment proposed by Solicitor-General John MacBeth, the bill's sponsor. Mr.' MacBeth proposed a change to allow some leeway for merchants whose religious sabbaths are Saturday. His measure would have excluded from the bill small stores that have been closed for 32 hours preceding Sunday. They would have to close from 4 p.m. on Friday. The traditional Jewish sabbath is observed from sundown Friday. However, the NDP amend- ment inserted the words "for j religious reasons" as a condi-j tion of closing. Mr. MacBeth said he feels t the words might form the 1 basis for a challenge of the measure on a constitutional basis. He said religious matters traditionally have come under the Jurisdiction of the federal government, a tradition upheld by the Supreme Court of Cicada. rebels up boxes thought the rural voting was "crooked." - He denied the charge, saying the rural ballots had been collected and sealed by members themselves, not by union staff. Since no ballots were counted, there will have to be another vote, he said. Kenmore Includes all Maximum drying speed - Maximum airflcw for styling control The ultimate In heatspeed options Giin went off accidentally. ex-KKK ." - CALGARY (CP) - The former imperial wizard of the Alberta Ku Klux Kkn told police after his arrest that he was showing Ellas Aguilar Ramirez, : a Mexican immigrant, a revolver when the gun went off, killing Ramirez. Two statements by me accused, Tearlach Mac A Phedrsoin, 26, of Calgary, were ruled admis sable Tuesday in Alberta Supreme Court by Mr. Justice W. K. Moore that, he bought a .22-calibre revolver in 1972. - Mac A Phearsoin, charged with criminal negligence, said he bought a .22-calibre re- . I . II IVU I IVAV- .iseartLeeGalerlesoHolI - - -- " " - 1000 watt dryer. The big power dryer everyone wants. At Sears for 3 days only' the most need features for n n n oesi vaiue wizard Reg. 26" Shop by phone Call 728-261 1 (Vying hair. Extra wide nozzle airflow; three heats, two speeds: Concentrator to direct airflow. Table stand to free hands for styling. Hang-up ring for easy storage. Instructions included. 125 volt police volver in 1972, had never used it, but showed it to Ramirez at the tatter's request Court was told at the opening day of the trial that Mac-A Phearsoin brought Ramirez, 23, from Mexico to look after his 80-year-old stepfather. Mac A Phearsoin resigned his KKK post following the incident The first policeman to. arrive at Mac 'A Phearsoln's bouse, where Ramirez lived in a basement room, told court, that Mae .A Phearsoin told him: "Help, mister. Dear God, I've shot him." . '"He was crying and visibly shaken," Detective Lome Shiels said. ShopTonight till Simpsons-Sears EDMONTON (CP) Add so acidic from sulphur diox-rains crlglnaung fronvAIber- 'de produced in factories in ta oil sands plants could dam- age Saskatchewan lakes and forests hundreds of miles away,' says Dr. Peter Summers, chairman of the Alberta oil sands environmental research program (OSERP). Dr. Summers said Tuesday studies carried out in Norway indicate pollutants from factory chimneys combine with moisture in the air to form a weak acid. Over a 50-year period, lakes in southern Norway became at Sears Carlingwood and St. Laurent Table stanc: '' . V;S Blow drystyle- tXv. 8 Bity and NmWi Aide 2444 our T!(hop 728-C111 Avallabi from coaat 10 coatt m Canada through as Swnpaon S Moras, tfnt very special jrlef i the tmcarest aftort Smpaon-Seara can make 10 brtno you marctiandiM that combines (me quaMy wtth na '.owasi poasWe Of lea Ltd. rains feared roiana anaiier- many, that several lakes would do longer support fish, The meteorologist said there is potential 'for long-term acid build-ups in the sou" and water of the oil sands area and in northern Saskatchewan. The fallout level in the Fort lie Murray area isn't yet known, but in future it could amount to S00O tons of sulphur dioxide a day, Dr. Summers said. 900 P,Mr 1 y r- I. - 1111 I tera Air concentrator spot dries PrtoM. Wlm RaOucad in affaot till etoa4na tMm. i 8t. D. 13 who cuantlCaa last. OSERP, a 10-year project .runuea oy toe Alberta and federa I government! spend $1.1 million annually to predict the effects of sulphur dioxide emissions in the area. The program now' tablishlng weather stations in the oil sands area and in Saskatchewan. Dr. Summers said present sulphur dioxide emission standards are aimed at preventing short-term biological damage but no one knows what is a safe level to prevent acidification of soil and water. ' Ki

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