Showing posts with label Winnicki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Winnicki. Show all posts

Friday, July 27, 2018

The Far-Right, Neo-Nazis, and Racists Running For Municipal Office.... So Let's Have Some Fun With This

By this point in the evening a lot of people who monitor the far-right in Canada have noticed that Faith Goldy has submitted forms and is running for mayor of Toronto:

Ms. Goldy joins the long list of far-right, neo-Nazis, and run of the mill racists who have decided to throw their hat into the political ring....

.... and she is most likely doing it for the exact reasons that others of her ilk have as well:

Already the following have announced their respective, and ultimately futile, runs for public office:
Now Faith Goldy joins this august group by running for mayor of Toronto.

These people are running not because they believe they have a chance of winning, though I suppose some might have been able to delude themselves. In general they run so that they get publicity and support, albeit from the fringes, and thus more people who might be able to make donations. And of course many of them are narcissists who just want others to pay attention to them and to take them seriously.

I would prefer not to pay attention any of them, but I also can't help but think that this offers and opportunity for us as well:

ARC has run contests in the past in which our readers have either taken an existing political poster and modified it or have created an entirely new one. All of these have focused on making fun of Paul Fromm's efforts, such as the one from his 2014 campaign for major of Mississauga.

As I was pondering Ms. Goldy's entry into municipal politics, I thought that maybe we might hold the contest once again, though expand the reach somewhat.

What I am proposing is a two part contest in which the winner will be awarded $100 for creating the most informative AND political poster mocking any one of the following candidates:
  • Faith Goldy, Toronto mayor
  • James Sears, Toronto mayor
  • Kevin "Poodle" Johnston, Mississauga mayor
  • Paul Fromm, Hamilton mayor
When you have created your poster, send it to the following email address:


From those that have been sent, I and a jury will pick the best example of each far-right candidate. I will then inform those who have made the short list. These short listed posters will be published to the blog. The deadline for this part of the contest will be September 3 to September 14.

Now this is where the contestant and ARC readers will help to determine the winner.

Each poster posted somewhere within the city or ward the candidate running in will be considered as a vote for that poster. A photo of the poster sent to the above address will constitute evidence and will be counted as a vote. The designer of the short listed poster may put up as many as he or she like and any reader can do the same. Part 2 of the contest will go from October 8 to October 19.

Rules that I expect to be followed:
  • Provide facts AND funny
  • Nothing illegal or promoting anything illegal
  • No encouragement of violence
  • Nothing sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or racist
In short, feel free to be an asshole, but use some common sense and don't be a dick. Make fun of these clowns because they deserve it and because they hate being laughed at.

Because I'm spit-balling this all as I write it I reserve the right to change dates as needed to to include other information that I didn't think of initially when setting out the rules and conditions. I might also have to speak to a lawyer to make sure that this contest is legal since part of it involves some public postering.

Stay tuned for more details.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Far Right Continues to Embrace Anti-Democratic Ethnic Nationalism and Authoritarianism (With Northern Alliance Cameo)

It has been an interesting week in the news. Donald Trump attacks traditional allies including Canada (specifically the Canadian prime minister) and his supporters in this country eat it up. Some of them have openly advocated for the invasion of the country to remove the Liberal government by force. Others "merely" want him to impose punitive tariffs on the country so that Canadians are made to suffer for the folly of electing the Liberals. Most of those self-described "patriots" ARC keeps an eye on unironically continue to refer to Justin Trudeau as a traitor. In the meantime these same "patriots" celebrate when Trump refers to a man who inherited his dictatorship from his father and grandfather and who's government is responsible mass execution of dissidents and the imprisonment of anyone who is believed to oppose the regime as being "tough" but who still "loves his people."

Really though, none of this is at all surprising as these elements of the far right in Canada, the United States, and many other countries have openly embraced ethnic nationalism and authoritarianism despite still claiming to favor democratic freedoms.... so long as those democratic freedoms are only afforded to people who look and think like they do.

I recently read a very interesting article that discussed the phenomenon in the United States. Research indicates that intolerance of minorities cause much of the majority population (white) to reject the principles of democracy when it is seen as benefiting otherwise marginalized peoples and results in a willingness to embrace authoritarian forms of control that will maintain their dominance even in the face of demographic changes:
A new study, however, suggests that the main threat to our democracy may not be the hardening of political ideology, but rather the hardening of one particular political ideology. Political scientists Steven V. Miller of Clemson and Nicholas T. Davis of Texas A&M have released a working paper titled "White Outgroup Intolerance and Declining Support for American Democracy." Their study finds a correlation between white American's intolerance, and support for authoritarian rule. In other words, when intolerant white people fear democracy may benefit marginalized people, they abandon their commitment to democracy. 
Miller and Davis used information from the World Values Survey, a research project organized by a worldwide network of social scientists which polls individuals in numerous countries on a wide range of beliefs and values. Based on surveys from the United States, the authors found that white people who did not want to have immigrants or people of different races living next door to them were more likely to be supportive of authoritarianism. For instance, people who said they did not want to live next door to immigrants or to people of another race were more supportive of the idea of military rule, or of a strongman-type leader who could ignore legislatures and election results. 
The World Values Survey data used is from the period 1995 to 2011 — well before Donald Trump's 2016 run for president. It suggests, though, that Trump's bigotry and his authoritarianism are not separate problems, but are intertwined. When Trump calls Mexicans "rapists," and when he praises authoritarian leaders, he is appealing to the same voters.
Given demographic changes, the far right find themselves in a bit of a bottle-neck so they have had to be much more creative in maintaining control, and this often means subverting the most basic of democratic practices, the vote:
White people continue to decrease as a percentage of the U.S. population; at some point, it's going to be impossible to win a national, democratic American election with a platform that alienates people of color. The GOP, seeing their coming demographic apocalypse, has pushed voter ID laws and other barriers to voting to try to prevent black and other minority voters from getting to the polls. In Wisconsin, Republican Governor Scott Walker even attempted to delay elections for state seats that he believed Democrats would win.
There are, of course, even more extreme positions:
Miller and Davis' paper quotes alt right, neo-fascist leader Richard Spencer, who in a 2013 speech declared: "We need an ethno-state so that our people can ‘come home again’… We must give up the false dreams of equality and democracy." Ethnic cleansing is impossible as long as marginalized people have enough votes to stop it. But this roadblock disappears if you get rid of democracy. Spencer understands that white rule in the current era essentially requires totalitarianism. That's the logic of fascism.
We've been hearing more and more about the desire to create an "ethno-state" here in Canada from a number of groups and individuals including Faith Goldy and Ronny Cameron. The patently undemocratic attitudes that would deny certain Canadians their democratic rights and create a tiered system of citizenship was also proposed by Steven Myatt recently:

Yeah, I know the last few articles have been a bit Myatt-centric. Just hear me out on this one. 

We can laugh (and I did) about the clumsiness of Myatt talking about running "in politics" as well as the fact that this is a position that is so patently unconstitutional the courts would strike such a law down immediately (this assuming that Myatt would ever find himself in a position to enact such a law which seems less likely than me beating Justify in a footrace). It would also ironically disallow the first two prime ministers of the country from being involved in politics as well as numerous other Canadians who have emigrated from somewhere else.

But let's be honest here. Myatt is NOT talking about someone who looks like this:

Conservative MP Tom Kmiec, July 31, 1981 in Gdańsk, Poland
Myatt IS talking about someone who looks like this:

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh, born January 2, 1979 in Scarborough, ON
The truth of this can be seen in one of Myatt's responses:

Well, when it comes to the House of Commons and the Senate federally, there were a total of 56 who are citizens of Canada through naturalization. However it is more clear that Myatt thinks that some people "look" Canadian and others don't. Considering he had 46 people seemingly agreeing with him, it seems that there are others who feel the same way.

One of those people is someone we haven't seen in a long, long, time:

That would be Tyler Chilcott, formerly of the now defunct neo-Nazi Northern Alliance based out of London, ON:

Tomas SZYMANSKI at Zundel demo in front of Metro West
On the archived website, Chitcott had published articles with titles such as "Wholistic Racialism", "Please Rise and Sing", and "The Native Conflict" as well as some really horrible poetry.

Congratulations Steven. Tyler Chilcott likes the cut of your jib.

The first person who posted "Blood and Earth" hearkens to the "Blood and Soil" ethnic nationalism heard at the Charlottesville rally last summer and, even more prescient,  was a slogan used by the Nazis (Blut und Boden).

Friday, January 26, 2018

Mark and Connie Fournier of Free Dominion Declare Bankruptcy

It has been a while since ARC last wrote about Mark and Connie Fournier of the (not so) dearly departed Free Dominion. While ARC certainly had a rather contentious relationship with the denizens of Free Dominion (they even inspired ARC's "History of Violence" article), their defamation of Mr. Richard Warman is what ultimately led to their precipitous downfall as the Fourniers and co-defendants lost a defamation suit to Mr. Warman.

The Fourniers decided to appeal the decision and attempted to crowdfund their effort which resulted in some rather interesting support:
Though the writing was on the wall as others who had defamed Mr. Warman settled and apologized, the Fourniers stubbornly soldiered on. 

Since then it seems that Mr. Warman has spent at least some time trying to get Mark and Connie to pay the damage and costs, but they seem to be rather recalcitrant. 

And as of yesterday....

Mr. Warman posted the following regarding the declaration of bankruptcy:
26 January 2018 
Connie Fournier is bankrupt. Mark Fournier is bankrupt. 
I suppose that as between honouring the payment plan they agreed to or bankruptcy, it had to come to this. 
As readers may recall, Connie Fournier and Mark Fournier published defamatory attacks against me through their website forum Freedominion (RIP). I asked them to remove the material and while they initially did so, they then refused to remove further defamatory material that was posted by their users or themselves. 
I sued them for libel. The Fourniers demanded a jury trial and their day in court. After a three-week trial, the jury found the Fourniers and their fellow defendants had defamed me and awarded me $42,000 in general, aggravated, and punitive damages. The judge also ordered the defendants to pay me $85,000 in legal costs. 
The Fourniers appealed to the Ontario Court of Appeal and lost spectacularly there too. The Court of Appeal ordered them to pay me a further $23,000 in costs. 
The Fourniers agreed to pay me the jury’s award of damages and costs at a rate of $500/month. They made 2 payments but then there were always reasons why they couldn’t pay the next month and then they just went silent. It wasn’t like they weren’t earning income – at the first judgment debtor exam, they estimated that Mark’s income from truck driving earned them $30,000-$50,000 per year. For her part, Connie had been voluntarily or otherwise unemployed or underemployed for years despite advertising herself as a computer programmer. 
Tired of waiting for the Fourniers or Godot to show up with the money they said they’d pay me, I recently arranged for them to attend a new judgment debtor examination where my lawyer would ask them why they hadn’t honoured the payment plan they agreed to and they would produce all of their financial records showing their ability to pay the judgment.
Now if Mark and Connie thought that this would means to avoid any legal obligations, there is some very bad news for them:
Instead of attending the examination they agreed to they decided to go bankrupt instead. They have the legal ability to do that, but the Courts have said repeatedly that people who try to take advantage of bankruptcy protection to avoid paying civil judgments against them shouldn’t emerge from bankruptcy until they’ve paid at least 1/2 of their outstanding debts. Given they owe in excess of $100,000, Connie Fournier and Mark Fournier have likely condemned themselves to a lifetime status as bankrupts. 
Sad but true…
However, Mr. Warman does include a postscript that may, if the Fourniers take up the offer, might help them to get out of the hole they have dug for themselves:
NB – The Fourniers were always successful at crowdfunding money to support their defence. I’d be happy to endorse or run a similar campaign now in their hour of need to pay off their debt and would donate all the money raised to charities or non-profits. I would also deduct an equivalent amount from the 50% of their outstanding debt to me before I would no longer object to them emerging from bankruptcy. The Fourniers and charities/non-profits would benefit – sounds like a win-win. Ball is in their court.
So we'll see what happens.

What I do know is that I have better taste in music than Mr. Warman:

Wednesday, January 03, 2018

"Alt-Right" and Overt Racist Misogynists Focus Attention On Lauren Southern

Something that has become clear during my 10 years of running ARC as well as the decade of work preceding the blog is that most of the racists I've come across hate women as much as they hate any non-white ethnic group, Jew, or Muslim as per the following rather disgusting example:

This shouldn't be a surprise. The racist movement has historically been dominated by men who view women even of the same ethnicity not as their equals but at best as baby factories. Relatively few women seem to enter into this world which further supports the jaded view of these men that "white women" are morally weak and easily led astray by cultural trends. Of those few women who do enter this world, many if not most soon become disillusioned by the hypocrisy, rampant sexual violence, and toxic social environment fostered by the movement. The mindset of many men, frustrated by their inability to find sexual partners, might be understood in the context of the novel KD Rebel written by convicted murderer and terrorist David Lane. The novel is for all intents and purposes an extended rape fantasy in which the heroes kidnap women from urban centers, divide them among themselves, and sexually assault them until they accept their fate as wives and incubators of the new order while their "husbands" engage in a campaign of genocidal terror.

ARC has written about this many times in the past including one article that examined the phenomena from both an historical and contemporary perspective  (we also had a guest author who came at the issue from a sociological point-of-view). A frequent example of the "white nationalist" mind regarding women found on ARC has been VNN mainstay and London, Ontario resident Tomasz Winnicki:

In recent years the racist movement has made an effort to rebrand itself as "alt-right." Those alt-right supporters linked to.... let's say 4Chan are also notoriously misogynistic as well (see Gamergate controversy as an example), however some members of this subgroup of bigots are often more adept at using social media and cultural touchstones. They couch their hatred in appeals to nationalism and tradition. The movement is also notoriously anti-feminist. Still, that anti-feminism has counter-intuitively attracted some women who have become quite prominent figures in the alt-right:

Lauren Southern, formerly of Ezra Levant's "Rebel Media," has been a bit of a darling of the alt-right due to youth and attractiveness, her attacks on feminism, and her support of ultra-conservative traditionalism; she has amassed a considerable following. Her appeal has crossed over into the more overt racists on Stormfront and even the even more racist VNN:

However she and other female alt-right personalities have come to shockingly learn that their male alt-right anti-feminist admirers are misogynistic assholes who thought it was all cute that these women were speaking out in support of their retrogressive values, but now it is time for them to shut up, marry good white men, and start pumping out the babies:

One of those "alt-right" men attacking their female alt-right counterparts is rape advocate Daryush "Roosh V" Valizadeh who's trip to Canada went rather poorly, though Ezra (as it turns out ironically) engaged in a softball interview with him.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

December 2016 Bits and Bites

We begin with a very brief update on Paulie who is so tickled pink (well, more pink than he usually is) about Trump's election that he isn't bothering to try to conceal his views in more "respectable" terms anymore:

We're sure that Paulie will be leading the charge.... so long as others foot the bill so that he can maintain the lifestyle that he has become accustomed to.

And as long as others actually take on any potential risks. That of course goes without saying.

Out in British Columbia, some members of the Soldiers of Odin tried to crash an anti-racism rally in Richmond. Suffice it to say that it didn't go especially well for them:
However, it was marred slightly by the appearance of a small group from the Soldiers of Odin, a citizen-based “street patrol” organization, closely connected to anti-immigration movements in Finland.
On Sunday, although claiming not to be racist, pledging support for everyone, irrespective of race and carrying signs stating “Stand And Fight Against Hate,” — the three men representing the Soldiers of Odin were told their presence wasn’t welcome and, after a few words were exchanged, moved further down No. 3 Road.
Despite repeated attempts to contact the Soldiers of Odin’s B.C. chapter through its Facebook page, the News was not able to reach the group or its local leaders for comment.  
At the event, Soldiers of Odin representative Kris Erickson told the News’ photographer that everyone had got their message wrong and claimed that they were there to express solidarity with the protestors.
SOO, which has chapters across Canada, denies, on its public Facebook page, any accusations of being racist or anti-immigrant and claims to exist to primarily protect women and children by keeping the streets safe.
However, it’s been alleged the group’s private Facebook page is filled with racist and xenophobic comments, mainly directed towards Muslims.
In other interesting news, we found the following rather enigmatic post on Quebec SoO chapter president David Tregget's Facebook page:

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Nine Years

Yep, we've been plugging along for nearly a decade, though as recent article we posted noted we had planned on this being the last post we would make on the blog. Instead, we decided to continue in wake of the events of the past month, a decision that the remaining members are increasingly comfortable with.

And besides, how could we leave our biggest fan and most loyal reader without his fix?

Oh, Tommy.

How could you think we would ever leave you? How much more empty would your already empty existence be without our presence in what you consider to be your life as a 41 year old living in his mother's basement?

We know you can't quit us.

Besides, we have so much more that we want to share with you and all of our dear readers.

We have a few articles in the planning stages, but in the meantime this writer is going out for beer and chicken wings.

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Paulie Denied Access to Parliament

Today was an historic occasion as Prime Minister Trudeau formally apologized in the House to Canadian Sikhs for the Komagata Maru "incident." Former Prime Minister Harper had apologized in 2008, however that apology occurred during an event in Surrey, BC, which was a disappointment to the Sikh community who wanted the apology made on the floor of the House of Commons. We should also note that Trudeau's apology on behalf of the Canadian government was supported by the Conservative Party, NDP, Bloc Quebecois, and Green Party.

Someone who wasn't pleased with the apology?

Of course it was Paulie!

Now Paulie wrote up a long-winded missive that we aren't about to publish in full that he intended to deliver in a speech at the press gallery at Parliament Hill.

We put emphasis on, "intended":

Controversial speaker denied access to Parliament for a second time

Just over an hour before Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was to rise in the House of Commons Wednesday and deliver an apology to Canada’s Sikh population for the 1914 Komagata Maru incident, Paul Fromm — anti-immigration activist previously banned from entering Parliament — was scheduled to hold a press conference opposing it.

Though his press conference was ultimately cancelled and Fromm was denied access to the Parliamentary precinct late Wednesday morning, that only came after some eleventh hour scrambling.
Fromm was previously connected to Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel and has been criticized by human rights groups for his racist views.
The office of the speaker of the house of commons confirmed to iPolitics that, “further to a recommendation from the Deputy Sergeant at Arms, and based on past practice”, Fromm had been denied access to the precinct.

That past practice referred to a motion brought by Conservative MP Jason Kenney in 2007, which ordered Paul Fromm and an individual named Alexan Kulbashian “be denied admittance to the precincts of the House of Commons during the present session to preserve the dignity and integrity of the House.”

In response to Jason Kenney's motion in 2007, Fromm later ran against him in Calgary in 2011 under the umbrella of a western separatist party, which was somewhat curious given Fromm's life-long residence in Ontario. And for his efforts, Fromm was stomped into a mud hole; had he run in an adjacent riding, he also would have lost to Communist Party candidate (and friend of the blog despite this writer's firm champagne socialism) Jason Devine. The subsequent spin on his shellacking was something to behold.

We wonder who Paulie will decide to humiliate himself against this time? We mean, besides this humiliation.

UPDATE 1: We so enjoy reading Paulie speak to himself in the third person.

UPDATE 2: And now, Tommy Winnicki, has offered his $0.02 on Stormfront....

.... and VNN

Cut and paste.

And Winnicki claims the "White Race" is uniquely gifted and creative.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

March 2016 Bits and Bites: PEGIDA/JDL Protest Bust, Your Ward News in Warman's Cross-hairs, and Free Dominion News

We'll be posting an article detailing Canadians United 4 Canada's links to racist boneheads and an article to be published soon, but in the meantime we thought we would provide our readers a little bit of irony today:

But we do digress.

When we reported that the JDL was holding an event featuring PEGIDA UK speaker Paul Weston, we noted that there were plans to protest outside the location where the presentation was taking place.

Ron Banerjee, noticing that we had provided details about the counterprotest, claimed that his one man organization Canadian Hindu Advocacy and his mostly one man organization Rise Canada would discuss providing security for the event.

The JDL's Meir Weinstein, a man who has helped to promote Banerjee in the past and who has also both justified and refused to condemn Banerjee's racist, misogynistic, anti-Sikh, Islamophobic, and now Christophobic rhetoric.... well.... he seemed rather unamused:

The event did take place though and Banerjee did attend, as did it seems at least a few members of PEGIDA Canada:

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Students For Western Civilization: Trolls, But Still Interesting (Part I)

This past week a number of articles were published in the United States and Canada regarding the emergence of a group calling itself Students For Western Civilization that has been attempting to form a White Students' Union at a number of universities and colleges. The group has been known to have existed since September 2015 when they began placing signs across university campuses, including York, Ryerson, and others, an example of which could be found on the group's Facebook page:

Monday, November 02, 2015

Topham Trial: Paulie's Summary

Not long after we summarized (as best we could) the Topham hate crimes trial, Paulie also posted his take. We won't include the entire missive; a few selected entries should suffice.

Though it appears to have been written on October 31, Paulie's piece wasn't uploaded until late Sunday. And it starts both with the general entitled whining that we've come to expect....

.... as well as the creepy, "ew" factor that we've come to know and squirm uncomfortably in response to:

Again, ew....

What Paulie does confirm is that the defence appear to be trying to argue the "truth" of the antisemitic blood libels reprinted and editorialized on Topham's website, focusing especially on the work of Elizabeth Dilling and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion which Paulie writes, "is a blueprint for establishing Jewish world dominance and world government," not even bothering with the pretense of including the word "allegedly."

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Fromm and McKee: Interesting Fallout From "National Post" Article

We had expected that the Stewart Bell article which focused on a young, autistic, Jewish man who had embraced white supremacy would result in radio silence from most of the usual suspects mainly because Paulie was portrayed in a particularly negative light. We did expect there might be a few who would comment; Tommy Winnicki here and on VNN for example:

FYI, Tommy isn't very original. He appears to routinely save messages, repeatedly posting the exact same ones in the desperate hope that we will publish at least one of them.

One might suggest he find a more productive hobby, but then there are those who would say that's a matter of the pot calling the kettle black.

I digress.

We did find a single thread on Stormfront that commented on the revelation that Paulie appears to be using an autistic gentleman to smuggle hate literature and for money, and the source was not at all expected:

I suppose it isn't a surprise that McKee decided focus on this article. At first it seems he is is critical of Max Hynes' Southern Ontario Skinheads out of London, an understandable position given the two groups.... such as they are.... hate each other (and McKee has already gone out of his way to criticize Hynes and the SOS on Stormfront). The tenor of the posts initially seemed be progressing in that direction:

But then we see that the criticism isn't so much directed at the SOS (though to be sure that perspective exists) but towards Paulie himself:

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Canadian Bonehead Response to Charleston Church Murders

When the "National Post" published the article focusing on Paulie's involvement with the Council of Conservative Citizens (CoCC), the hate group that inspired the murder of 9 men and women at Mother Emanel, his friend and fellow CoCC supporter Jared Taylor noted that the story wasn't so bad:

This led to one of the more "out there" exchanges on Facebook that we've experienced in a while:

While it is pretty funny to witness just how disconnected with reality that boneheads can be, the murders in Charleston really did bring out the worst in a lot of those who we cover here on the blog.