Showing posts with label CoCC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CoCC. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Paul Fromm to Speak Before Ontario MPPs

On Thursday, a committee studying Bill 163 (An Act to enact the Safe Access to Abortion Services Act, 2017 and to amend the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act in relation to abortion services) will be meeting. A number of stakeholders will be appearing before committee members, including one familiar to the folks who read this blog:

Neo-Nazi would be an accurate description even based on what he finds funny:

Yeah, hilarious.

More importantly though are the people and ideologies whom he associates with:

Wednesday, March 01, 2017

So, What Was in the News Today?

Here are a few stories that we came across.

See if you could spot the theme.

The last one is interesting in that the name echos that of the Council of Conservative Citizens, an infamous racist organization who's message inspired the murderer of nine men and women in Charleston, NC.

Our friend Paulie is leader in the hate group, making him the most northern Southerner in a movement that really wishes the Confederacy won the war.

On that note though, it doesn't seem that the Council of Conservative Canadian Citizens of Canada has any links to the CoCC in the United States, and we're uncertain if such a group actually exists in this country. This sentiment is echoed by the Southern Poverty Law Center:
Group threatening Concordia Muslim students has no ties to U.S. supremacist group, experts say 
Council of Conservative Citizens in U.S. says it’s never heard of Council of Conservative Citizens of Canada
CBC News Posted: Mar 01, 2017 8:01 PM ET Last Updated: Mar 01, 2017 8:01 PM ET 
The Council of Conservative Citizens of Canada (C4), the group that purportedly wrote a threatening letter against Muslim students at Concordia University in Montreal, has no links to an American white supremacist group with a similar name, according to experts
CBC also reached out to an expert from the Southern Poverty Law Centre in the U.S., a civil rights organization that tracks hate groups. 
Mark Potok, senior fellow at the group, has been writing about the Council of Conservative Citizens for years. 
Potok said he's virtually certain the group has no links to the American group. 
"I have never heard of the Council of Conservative Citizens of Canada. It basically doesn't exist on the internet. You do a site search of the Council of Conservative Citizens [U.S.] website and there is no mention of it. So I think this is some kind of freelance operation," he said.
Paulie was also interviewed:
"That's not us. That type of behaviour is utterly counterproductive," said Paul Fromm, a Canadian spokesperson for the Council of Conservative Citizens. 
The group describes itself as wanting to "preserve North America for the European founding settler people," and is "strongly opposed to massive Third World immigration." 
"We don't support violence or threats of violence, which is what this sounds to be."
Wait. What? Let's rewind here a bit:
"We don't support violence or threats of violence, which is what this sounds to be."

In any case, Paulie has his own theory concerning the threat:


Yeah, me neither.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Charleston Killer Convicted on All Charges

While the victims and their families may have received justice, there are people who continue to celebrate the actions of the murderer just as they did when it occurred. That fact remains disquieting to say the least.

While this horrible event occurred in the United States, we will remind our readers of the Canadian connection:

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Paulie Still Not Allowed into the United States

Last August we reported that Paulie had been denied entry into the United States, likely due to his leadership role in the Council of Conservative Citizens who's rhetoric inspired the murder who targeted members of an historic Black church in Charleston, SC.

Suffice it to say, Paulie feels aggrieved.

So rather than trying to fly into the United States, Paulie decided to try his luck driving down south.

Guess how that turned out?

Poor Paulie! When he urged countries to keep "undesirables" out of their respective (white) countries, he didn't mean himself. He meant people with a duskier skin color than he.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Canadians United 4 Canada Founder and Paul Fromm Meet

Hot on the heels of our last story detailing Canadians United 4 Canada and their ties to Canadian neo-Nazis, we see have a related update further cementing the group in the "White Nationalist" camp.

Yesterday Ms. O'Farrell, founder of Canadians United 4 Canada, alluded to some meetings that were taking place soon:

And now thanks to Paulie, we know a little bit more about one of those meetings:

Monday, September 07, 2015

Paul Fromm's Annus Horribilis

The year 2015 has not been very good for Paulie. In fact, it seems to have been an especially bad year.

Paulie's annus horribilis can actually be said to have begun in October 2014 when we, and evidently a lot of others, received an email contained two photos which featured Fromm and his girlfriend (he was still married at the time) in what we will charitably refer to as clothing which left very little to the imagination. We didn't post those images here (though if you wish to view them here be warned they are definitely NSFW) Paulie's French girlfriend did paint a self portrait of herself and Paulie which appears to have used one of the photos as source material:

When it first came out, Paulie's ideological allies appear to have circled the wagons in order to protect him, but it seems that in 2015 there has been some talk behind the scenes, at least in some circles:

But this sort of only represents a relatively insignificant reason why 2015 will go down as a year Paulie will very much like to forget.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Paulie Denied Entry Into United States

Well, when you are known to associate and promote neo-Nazi and Klan groups, many of which are known for engaging in violence, you can hardly be surprised when it catches up with you after more than 40 years of involvement in the racist right. Right?

Or, if you are Paul Fromm, you explain that you were denied entry into the United States because the Americans are biased against Germans and those who are of German descent:

It is interesting that all this seemed to occur in June but that Paulie only decided to let his followers know about it in the video below in late July.

Hmmm.... wonder how his inability to travel to the United States will affect his income?

We could note the irony in his whining about not being permitted to enter the United States, but we think the irony would be as obvious to our readers as it would be over the heads of Paulie and boneheads.

Here's the deal Paulie. Your name is known now internationally as a director of the Council of Conservative Citizens, a hate group in the news because the Charleston killer was inspired by the rhetoric of the organization.

You think maybe that might be a reason why you were not permitted to enter the country?

Just a thought. 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Canadian Bonehead Response to Charleston Church Murders

When the "National Post" published the article focusing on Paulie's involvement with the Council of Conservative Citizens (CoCC), the hate group that inspired the murder of 9 men and women at Mother Emanel, his friend and fellow CoCC supporter Jared Taylor noted that the story wasn't so bad:

This led to one of the more "out there" exchanges on Facebook that we've experienced in a while:

While it is pretty funny to witness just how disconnected with reality that boneheads can be, the murders in Charleston really did bring out the worst in a lot of those who we cover here on the blog.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Paul Fromm and the Council of Conservative Citizens: Canadian MSM Makes Connection

In the early hours of June 22, we published a story that reminded our readers that Canada's own Paul Fromm is closely associated with the Council of Conservative Citizens (CoCC) as both a board member and as the international director. The CoCC is in the news as a result of their connection to the Charleston killer and, falling from that, the financial contributions made by the CoCC president to a number of high profile Republican politicians. At the end of our article, we made the following comment:

At the end of the article we posed the following question:

Well, it looks like Paulie has had just that opportunity:

Monday, June 22, 2015

Paul Fromm: Council of Conservative Citizens Link to Charleston Killer

In the "manifesto" published on his website before he murdered nine men and women, the Charleston killer was clear who first inspired his hatred of African-Americans:

The event that truly awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case. I kept hearing and seeing his name, and eventually I decided to look him up. I read the Wikipedia article and right away I was unable to understand what the big deal was. It was obvious that Zimmerman was in the right. But more importantly this prompted me to type in the words “black on White crime” into Google, and I have never been the same since that day. The first website I came to was the Council of Conservative Citizens. There were pages upon pages of these brutal black on White murders. I was in disbelief. At this moment I realized that something was very wrong....

The MSM has begun to focus on this connection and the nasty rhetoric of the Council of Conservative Citizens (CoCC) that appears to have contributed to the Charleston killer's actions:

Extremist group cited in Charleston killer’s alleged manifesto is active in S.C., expert says

CHARLESTON The writer of what could turn out to be Dylann Roof’s manifesto cited the Council of Conservative Citizens as something that influenced his thoughts on race and racial separation.
Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups, told The Los Angeles Times that much of the language in the manifesto was material lifted from the CCC, which he called a “modern reincarnation” of the old White Citizens’ Councils that in the 1950s and ’60s resisted school desegregation in the South.

“The CCC is very active in Roof’s home state of South Carolina,” Cohen told the paper. “It seems the CCC media strategy was successful in recruiting Roof into the radical right

He identified the CCC’s webmaster as white nationalist Kyle Rogers, who lives in Summerville, a Charleston suburb. According to a report on the website, the Internet-savvy Rogers trained as a computer engineer and moved to South Carolina in 2004.

The CCC’s website also rails against immigrants in the country illegally, defends the Confederate battle flag flying on the South Carolina capitol grounds and in 2011 pushed for a boycott of the movie “Thor” because it cast Idris Elba, a black actor, as a Norse god. 

It might interest our readers, including members of the msm who read these pages, that Canada's own Paul Fromm is a member of the CoCC. Here he is in October 11, 2007 discussing a sanitized version of the CoCC, a hate group on which he sits as a board member and is described as the organization's international director:

Monday, June 24, 2013

Paulie Continues To Display White Supremacist Views in Public

Our readers (will not be at all surprised by the above headline) are well aware of Paulie's involvement with the virulently racist Council of Conservative Citizens in the United States. For those who are unfamiliar, here's a brief synopsis:

The Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC) is the modern reincarnation of the old White Citizens Councils, which were formed in the 1950s and 1960s to battle school desegregation in the South. Created in 1985 from the mailing lists of its predecessor organization, the CCC, which initially tried to project a "mainstream" image, has evolved into a crudely white supremacist group whose website has run pictures comparing pop singer Michael Jackson to an ape and referred to blacks as "a retrograde species of humanity." The group's newspaper, Citizens Informer, regularly publishes articles condemning "race mixing," decrying the evils of illegal immigration, and lamenting the decline of white, European civilization.

In Its Own Words

"God is the author of racism. God is the One who divided mankind into different types. ... Mixing the races is rebelliousness against God."
— Council of Conservative Citizens website, 2001

"We believe the United States is a European country and that Americans are part of the European people. … We therefore oppose the massive immigration of non-European and non-Western peoples into the United States that threatens to transform our nation into a non-European majority in our lifetime. We believe that illegal immigration must be stopped, if necessary by military force and placing troops on our national borders; that illegal aliens must be returned to their own countries; and that legal immigration must be severely restricted or halted through appropriate changes in our laws and policies. We also oppose all efforts to mix the races of mankind, to promote non-white races over the European-American people through so-called ‘affirmative action' and similar measures, to destroy or denigrate the European-American heritage, including the heritage of the Southern people, and to force the integration of the races."
—Statement of Principles,
Citizens Informer, 2007 

"Controlling immigration is about the security of this republic [terrorists illegally crossing the borders] and making sure countries like Mexico stop dumping their murderers, rapists, those carrying AIDS and other communicable diseases and gang members on America's door step."
—Devvy Kidd,
Citizens Informer, 2006

Paulie, one of the hate groups' board members, was photographed at one of their June 7 - 8 meeting. To say much of the unreconstructed segregationist leadership is a little long in the tooth might be an understatement:

But not all of the leadership are dinosaurs, at least regarding their age. Here's a strapping young lad who also spoke at the meeting. His topic? The need for an ethnically homogenous nation-state that excludes pluralistic values. Or, in other words, a country for white folk that keeps "dem coluredz" out:

Friday, June 07, 2013

Paulie Won't Be Eating Cheerios For a While

We would like to present to you, our dear readers, a cereal commercial that has become infamous in certain circles.

That's right. We wrote "infamous" and "cereal commercial" in the same sentence.

Did you see it! Pure propaganda!

Well, not really. Aside from the fact that this writer finds Cheerios unpalatable unless covered with sugar, thus sort of making any health benefits (dubious though the claims may be) moot, it's a innocuous advertisement featuring actors portraying an attractive, happy, family. The little girl is adorable. The man and woman look like they can be your neighbour. Really, only a diseased mind can find this commercially offensive.

Ladies and gentlemen, let us introduce you to one of those diseased minds:

There are no, "protests." Just a bunch of trolls online and a few
people calling for a boycott of Cheerios for the apparent slight.

Yeah, we don't know if the oddity he's talking about is the couple or the child (or more than likely both), but wow, talk about an ego. Paulie really, truly, believes that this is a cog in the conspiracy to allow "da ethnics" to take over North America.

Paulie isn't the only one trumpeting this non-issue issue. The Council of Conservative Citizens, of whom Paulie is a board member, have also chimed in:

Saturday, October 23, 2010

"I'm High on Hate": The Mayoral Campaigns of Paulie and Winnicki Winding Down

We haven't written about the sec. 13 case for a while, but the "National Post" ran an article today which stated that the government has withdrawn from the case. Later in the article, mention is made of Paulie and his mayoral campaign in Mississauga:

Paul Fromm, an anti-immigration campaigner who is running for mayor of Mississauga, Ont., indicated his Canadian Association for Free Expression will comment on "the issue of fundamental and unfettered freedom of expression afforded to all individuals in Canada, and in particular, its focus will be narrowed to the right of an individual to free discourse on the Internet."

The day after this week's hearing, Mr. Fromm gave a public lecture to two dozen people about his mayoral campaign, filled with racist and homophobic slurs. He said he has found the local train stations to be "like flippin' Calcutta" and Mississauga itself has been "paved over with ticky tacky houses that are mostly filled with East Indians."

His campaign slogan, borrowed with no apparent irony from the Barbra Streisand-Robert Redford movie, is "The Way We Were," meaning white, he said. He said his primary goal is to move public opinion against immigration.

"I wake up in the morning and I feel great. I'm high on hate," he said, in a conference room at a hotel near Toronto's airport, with white supremacist and Holocaust denial literature on display.

We're not surprised Paulie would be caught with his pants down (so to speak; please try not to picture him with his pants actually down). Paulie has continued to speak at a variety of racist functions, including a recent speech to the Blood & Honour crew in the United States as well as the Council of Conservative Citizens:

All this isn't sitting well with people who oppose sec. 13, but are growing increasingly concerned that Paulie's shameless self-promotion is hurting their efforts:

Over in London, Ontario, Tomasz Winnicki continues his efforts, though in some ways he appears slightly more realistic about his chances of winning based on a note to his potential supporters on his website:

Do not worry about not winning or the temporary disappointment of voting for a candidate you know will not win. What is important are the tasks and work we undertake after the election in order to stop the civilization wreckers, the so-called 'liberals' and 'conservatives' who were wrecking our economy and social structure for decades.

Right. Because a balding, single man living with his parents is just the person who will turn the whole system around.

Recently, Winnicki was pictured standing proudly in front of one of his campaign signs:

Our first thought, somewhat snarky, is whether Winnicki has ever actually talked to a girl before. Our second thought was that we find it amusing that a man with such a low opinion of women would feature one on his campaign sign. Good enough to be eye candy, not good enough as a conversationalist, we guess.

Well, sadly, someone may have taken it upon him or herself to remove the signs or knock them over:

Winnicki posted an email he received from someone purporting to have committed that dastardly deed:

Okay, so it looks like "Caylen" has Winnicki pretty much pegged.

We COULD do what the boneheads do whenever White Supremacist and Nazi graffiti finds its way onto synagogues, community centers, and graveyards; claim that it was actually done by themselves to garner greater publicity and sympathy. But we'll give Winnicki the benefit of the doubt here.

We in ARC don't endorse the damaging and theft of campaign signs. In fact, especially in Winnicki's case, we really, really want those signs all over the place.

What better reminder of the kind of person Winnicki is and why people should not take him seriously than seeing this on your way to work in the morning:

We mean, who could really take Winnicki seriously after seeing this?

On Monday, the elections in Missisuagua, London and Toronto (we haven't forgotten about you, Don Andrews) will take place. We're currently taking bets within ARC on how many votes each candidate receives:

Fromm: The high number is currently at around 650 votes, while the low is 120.
Winnicki: We're looking at between 35 and 110 votes.
Andrews: Since Toronto is a wee bit larger than Mississauga and London, the high number in our pool is 3,500. The low is 330. Most of us think the high number will be way, way off.

It'll be interesting to see the results.