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The PDF Association celebrates its members’ public statements
of support
for ISO-standardized PDF technology.

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Home of the worldwide PDF technical community

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Our mission Delivering a vendor-neutral platform for developing open specifications and standards for PDF technology.

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Our vision Driving the world’s digital document format into the 21st century and beyond.

Featured News

February 29, 2024 by PDF Association staff

Well-Tagged PDF (WTPDF), a common specification for both reuse and accessibility, is a massive leap forward for PDF technology.

More Featured News

February 2024 by Duff Johnson (PDF Association)

It’s time for AI integrators to help authors make semantically rich documents… and step up their game on PDF inputs.

January 2024 by PDF Association staff (PDF Association)

A major focus of the PDF Association’s work is to increase awareness and adoption of standards and best practices for accessibility.

Articles and PDF Association News

February 2024, PDF Association staff

PDF Week Online 2024 week 2 is coming up! Did you know that PDF 2.0 adds ARIA to PDF? How about a … Read more

February 2024, PDF Association staff

All PDF Association Full and Liaison Members who have joined Technical and/or Liaison Working Groups are welcome for two weeks of extended-length … Read more

January 2024, PDF Association staff

LibreOffice now supports PDF/UA! AI LLMs’ support for PDF is substandard, and is retarding innovation. Yet more misinformation about malware. PDFacademicBot for … Read more

January 2024, PDF Association staff

The PDF, ICC, NITF and video datasets used in SafeDocs’ performer hackathons and evaluations are now available for download from digitalcorpora.org.

January 2024, PDF Association staff

Adobe’s Standards Support Endowment, now in its sixth year, facilities administration of ISO TC 171 SC 2 and sustains the continuing development … Read more

January 2024, Matthias Wagner

The PDF Association has updated its website to make content and resources easier to find. We hope you like it!

What's happening on pdfa.org

What's happening on pdfa.org

Resource February 29, 2024

Comprehensive requirements for software that seeks to create fully reusable and accessible PDF 2.0 files in an interoperable manner.

Article February 28, 2024

It’s time for AI integrators to help authors make semantically rich documents… and step up their game on PDF inputs.

Member News February 26, 2024

The pdfRest team announces the introduction of new Java code samples, offering comprehensive access to all 25+ API Tools. These … Read more

Member News February 15, 2024

Crawford Technologies announces a partnership with PossibleNOW to transform customer engagement through the implementation of a robust preference management system … Read more

Article February 12, 2024

PDF Week Online 2024 week 2 is coming up! Did you know that PDF 2.0 adds ARIA to PDF? How … Read more

Member News January 29, 2024

pdfRest announces a major update to PDF Forms Pro Self-Hosted API with an automated setup process via CloudFormation Template.

Member News January 29, 2024

We are excited to announce that PDFix Desktop Pro 1.5.0 has been released featuring a host of customer-demanded features. Put … Read more

Article January 26, 2024

LibreOffice now supports PDF/UA! AI LLMs’ support for PDF is substandard, and is retarding innovation. Yet more misinformation about malware. … Read more

Member News January 26, 2024

PDFix SDK 7.3.0 has been released, featuring a host of customer-demanded features. A new level of functionality has been added … Read more

Member News January 26, 2024

Crawford Technologies announces the strongest financial year in the company’s 27-year history resulting from product innovation, ongoing advancements to existing … Read more

Member News January 23, 2024

A new method for identifying, tagging or replacing outlined or converted text offers a breakthrough for brand owners who want … Read more

Article January 19, 2024

A major focus of the PDF Association’s work is to increase awareness and adoption of standards and best practices for … Read more

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