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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Two Assaults Perhaps Linked to Boneheads in Edmonton

First, there is a rumour going around that, if true, is going to make a lot of people very happy. We won't publish more on that though until and unless we get some confirmations.

Two separate assaults on Whyte Avenue in Edmonton are suspected of being linked to neo-Nazis in the city this past weekend. Int he first case, a woman was punched in the face near the corner of 104 St. and Whyte Ave. She had come to the aid of a friend who was being harassed by a group of males. The Edmonton Hate Crimes Unit have described the men as, "possible skinheads" though the term isn't really accurate (we won't go into the details, but the our readers might want to look into S.H.A.R.P. or trad skins to understand what we mean). This is likely based on appearance, but also because of the racial language being used during the harassment and subsequent assault. A 30 year old male was arrested and charged with assault using a weapon in this incident. The second assault occurred near the Strathcona Hotel. There are two other persons of interest being sought by the police.

We know that a small group calling itself the White Nationalist Legion (WNL) existed in the city (though it seemed to be little more than an Internet group), however they have recently joined up with the kids from Calgary to form an Edmonton branch of Blood & Honour. This is interesting to us, as before they began calling themselves the WNL, they were on their way to becoming the Edmonton wing of the Aryan Guard, however they opted not to continue with that effort as Kyle McKee was in a bit of hot water over an attempted murder charge and the general embarrassment over the conduct of the Aryan Guard. Seems they've gotten over that embarrassment if all it took was a name change.

We don't know if this group was involved in the assault, but after pretty much ignoring the scene in Edmonton for a while, it seems that we will need to start paying attention again.


Anonymous said...

Off-topic but may be of interest... one less bonehead wasting space.

Anonymous said...

here is proof that it was racist boneheads who did the assault
although i already know it was them

here is a newer story:

Anonymous said...

Maybe if Calgary had a hate crimes unit they'd investigate hate crimes here, too.

bent said...