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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Marleau, if you can read this, read careful. Next time I'll walk my dog and see you shy away like a little sissy girl I won't hold it back.

Nothing will be more satisfying than pulling out my cell and filming how you whine and flinch because you are afraid of a little pup.

I will provide it here and even register on Stormfront and post the video there so all your bonehead friends can see what a 'brave fighter' you are.

Nothing will be more satisfying then seeing you suffer and then say how it's all 'fake' and 'made up', but the pictures and video won't lie.

Racists deserve no sympathy!

PS: I've printed out your statement and will show it to your dad, prepare for a spanking, you naughty silly boy.

26 August 2011 at 12:59

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