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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again another Nazi proves how bat-shit crazy they are!

5 September 2011 at 11:29

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My sister has a friend who is a sovereign citizen and he is a pretty cool guy over all, my sister herself has even considered it, or at least found the idea interesting. The thing is, yeah if you aren't going to use the roads nor the schools nor the hospitals nor anything government funded then yeah sure, don't pay taxes I don't care, if you aren't using anything that taxes are going toward then you aren't cheating me or any other citizen (however I met my sister's friend in a bar which he had no other method of getting to besides public roads, I'd really like to meet a sovereign that has actually managed to truly become sovereign and not just some deadbeat avoiding taxes). My main issue with the sovereign movement is just this, where they think that just because they feel they have separated from the state they have no law. Laws are there for a reason, some are rather dumb, sure, but just because you want to opt out of being Canadian doesn't mean you can neglect your kids or rob your neighbour, etc. You don't want to participate in society? Fine, whatever. You don't want to follow completely logical and reasonable laws? Move your ass to Somalia.

5 September 2011 at 11:45

Anonymous Anonymous said...

More news about Nazi mom......
A alcoholic thief.Degenerate parent.Kids are better off without her.Maybe her and bill noble can make some babies that look like Gollem.

7 September 2011 at 15:56

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys should really start covering her by her name when it doesn't involve her kids. I'm sure there are plenty who wouldn't mind finding out who Bill's future P.I.C is.

17 September 2011 at 20:27

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