Showing posts with label Weiche. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weiche. Show all posts

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Keegstra's Death: Relic of the Past Responds

That James Keegstra did not die on June 12 when the news became public, but in fact died 10 days earlier, is telling. The name Keegstra was still mentioned occasionally by the likes of Fromm when he rambled on about Sec. 319 and about free speech in an abstract way, but the man himself had been largely forgotten, drifting into obscurity soon after his final sentencing hearing in 1996. Even his contemporaries appear to have forgotten about him and it seems that few even attempted to remain in touch with the man they, at the time, lionized and rallied around.

Of his contemporaries, many like John Ross Taylor, Doug Christie, Wolfgang Droege, and Martin Wiche have died. Others like John Beattie, Don Andrews, and Ernst Zundel have yet to acknowledge Keegstra's passing, in part because they have shied away from their more colorful past (Like Beattie, who is running for Deputy Reeve in Minden, Ontario) or couldn't be bothered to care.

Such is the nature of the White Nationalist movement.

But at least one of those infamous old relics from the past has decided to make a rare appearance. Terry Long, like Keegstra, disappeared not long after of the Canadian branch of the Aryan Nations' he lead collapsed. Last we heard he was living in Ontario, but he does periodically pop up from time to time. He ran for office under the Doug Christie-led Western Canadian Concept Party. We know that it was Long whom Todd Conroy (former BC Volksfront leader) had been visiting when he got into a near fatal motorcycle accident. And we know that he still keeps up on the state of the movement, as we copies of emails sent by Long to some of the more contemporary members of the movement dating to the 2000s. So while he might not be active anymore, he certainly hasn't changed his views. And when Keegstra died Long (eventually) decided to break his silence as well.

Actually, Western historians generally agreed that the number of Jews who died in Auschwitz numbered between 800,000 and 1.35 million since at least 1961 and the Soviet numbers had been long discarded, but why should we expect revisionists like Long to be accurate?

Paul Fromm also got around to posting a eulogy of sorts, but we aren't sure that yet another one of Paulie's  self-promoting missives is really all that necessary here.

While Keegstra's obscurity is telling, it is also fitting. And so is the fact that his remaining contemporaries will eventually follow him, some likely sooner than others. Ernst Zundel is 75, Long has to be at least in his 70s,  and Don Andrews is around 72. John Beattie, someone who sounds to be in the early stages of dementia, is in his early 70s (UPDATE: Beattie is 72) and Paul Fromm in his mid 60s. Another 10, 15 years....

There will come a point when these men too will shuffle off their mortal coil and their names forgotten. We find this fact to be a comforting one.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

January 2014 Bits and Bites

This past Friday the "Toronto Star" published a story about the discovery of Klan documents dating to the 1920s that were found in an old barn. The journalist who wrote the story had contacted us before publication and we provided some information concerning the history of the movement, though we're sure he likely already had that covered. That said, the story reminded us that we had something to contribute as well. One of our friends had found an Ontario Klan handbook dating to 1927 (the dying days of the Ontario Klan as it turned out) at a used book store. He sent us some scanned shots of the publication, though unfortunately the images turned out to be really too small to read. Here are a few pages of the publication:

A story published on the same day in the "Toronto Sun" provided details in a family feud over the estate of former Canadian Nazi leader Martin Weiche:

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Martin Weiche of the Canadian Nazi Party Dead

Well, another of the old guard of the Canadian racist movement has died. Martin K. Weiche, member of the John Beattie led Canadian Nazi Party (Weiche would later go on to lead what must have been the tiny Canadian National Socialist Part) died on September 2.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Part II: And How Does the Extreme Right React to Jack Layton's Passing? Exactly How You Would Expect

In our last article, we discussed briefly the reaction of those one might consider to be "mainstream" conservatives to the news of Jack Layton's death. Those reactions seem to range from sincere admiration for a respected adversary to general douchebaggery. However we didn't discuss the reaction of those we cover on this blog.

Yep, the boneheads have something to say too.

There is a belief that one can measure the worth of a person by the respect that his or her ideological opponents has for that person. In all likelihood, this was intended to apply to ideological opponents who are mainstream and here Jack fares very well. However, we at ARC believe that one can measure the worth of a person by how hated that person is by the most vile, loathsome elements of our society.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

What's Old is New Again: John Beattie Planning, "White Pride" Event in Minden, ON

We've mentioned William John Beattie a few times on these pages as he occasionally posts on Stormfront. To give our readers a bit of an idea about Beattie, here is one of his more recent posts:

His other posts are more or less as coherent most of the time

Beattie's main claim to fame is that, in the 1960s, he was the leader of the Canadian Nazi Party, though he now is the, "leader" of a group by the name of the British People's League, of which he appears to be one of the few members. So, why should we cover this relic of the 60s now?

Perhaps inspired by other recent marches and in an attempt to relive the, "good old days" Beattie is organizing a "White Pride" celebration in Minden, Ontario:

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Paul Fromm: Traveling Man

Paulie has been a busy, busy boy lately, traveling all over Canada to talk about the Lemire case and to raise money for Terry Tremaine.

There has been some speculation in the Canadian anti-racist movement concerning where Paulie, a disgraced former teacher who after having been fired from his teaching position was later stripped of his teaching certification, gets the money to go gallivanting all over North America. In the past, it seems that at least some of that funding may have come from Martin Weiche, however Weiche seems to have soured on Paulie. And we're sure that the nickles and dimes that his supporters from Canada and the United States send CAFE have enabled Paulie to continue to indulge in the red wine he seems to appreciate so much while the same supporters wallow in poverty (his description of his supporters which we've paraphrased). But lately, Paulie has become quite the jet setter.

Why is that?

Could it be the result of a substantial inheritance left to Paulie as a result of papa Fromm's demise?

FREDERICK WILLIAM FROMM, C.A. October 11, 1918 - May 29, 2009 Died suddenly, May 29th in his 91st year, returning from an Elderhostel, having pursued his lifelong love of learning. He did it 'his way'. Survived by his loving son Paul (Diane) of Port Credit and daughter Mary Theresa of Timmins, and beloved grandsons Travis and Logan and granddaughter Emily. Proud Veteran of the Royal Canadian Navy. Chartered Accountant, retired from the Ministry of Highways, Government of Ontario. Doting husband of Marguerite (Michaud), died, 1998 'the love of his life'. Devout Catholic, 'Fred' was a founding member (1959) of Transfiguration of Our Lord Parish (Etobicoke). He was also a founding member (1967), past president and staunch supporter of the Serra Club (Toronto, West). These were his pals: the organization his passion. A world traveller, Fred returned again and again to his beloved Ireland. Fred loved Canada and had travelled in his retirement years to every province. He had a special soft spot for Les Iles-de-la-Madeleine. His son and grandsons remember an 'awesome' boys' vacation when he was 86 to the Hawaiian Islands. Mr. Fromm will be resting at NEWEDIUK FUNERAL HOME, KIPLING CHAPEL, 2058 Kipling Ave. (north of Rexdale Blvd.) on Thursday, June 4 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Funeral Mass will be celebrated from Transfiguration of Our Lord Church, 45 Ludstone Dr., Etobicoke on Friday, June 5, at 10:30 a.m. Cremation to follow. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Serra Foundation of Canada (Suite 1006, 2010 Islington Ave., Toronto, ON, M9P 3S8) are welcomed.

We've been led to believe that the late Mr. Fromm's house, in the Toronto real estate market, could have been sold for at least half a million.

So, as Paulie travels across Canada begging his, "impoverished" supporters to donate to the Terry Tremaine legal fund, we would ask our readers the following questions:

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Bandidos Murder Trial: The "White Nationalist" Connection.

Today, three men were convicted in the Bandido murder trial. Wayne Kellestine, Michael Sandham, and Dwight Mushey were all found guilty on eight counts of first degree murder. Two other men, Frank Mather and Marcelo Aravena were found guilty of one count each of manslaughter and seven counts of first-degree murder each. The final suspect, Brett Gardiner, was found guilty of two counts of manslaughter and six counts of first-degree murder.

The 2006 massacre is considered to be the largest mass murder in Ontario history.

We at the ARC Collective have been following this case since before there was an ARC Collective because of the links to the Canadian, "White Nationalist" movement. The first link became apparent to us when the father of one Bandito associate was interviewed in April 2006 by the media ("Winnipeg Sun") soon after the murders took place:

LONDON, Ont. -- A local Bandidos associate who recently moved to Winnipeg should "disappear" for a while following last week's massacre, his worried, white-supremacist father says.

David Weiche, described by one London biker as "the right-hand man" of Bandidos massacre murder suspect Wayne Kellestine, should keep a low profile, his father Martin Weiche, a well-known London neo-Nazi, warned.

"If I was David ... I'd go and hide," Martin Weiche told Sun Media, adding his son moved to Winnipeg about three months ago.

"I would quickly disappear for a few weeks. The murderers are still out there."

Martin Weiche's history in the Canadian racist movement goes back for decades. Born in Germany, Martin Weiche was a member of the Hitler Youth and fought for Germany during World War II. In 1968, he ran for for Parliament as a "National Socialist." He was an early associate of John Beattie, the founder of the Canadian Nazi Party. In 1981, Weiche was implicated in a failed coup called, "Operation Red Dog" which included Stormfront owner Don Black and the founder of the Heritage Front, the late Wolfgang Droege. Weiche is also believed to have been an early funder of Paul Fromm before some sort of falling out occurred between the two men.

Another more direct, and very interesting, link to the Canadian, "White Nationalist" movement occurred on July 10, 2005. On that day, the Canadian hate group the Northern Alliance was protesting, as they had done in the past and would do so in the future, the Gay Pride Parade in London, Ontario. Many of the regulars, including Fromm, participated in the protest:

Jason Ouwendyk, the then leader of the Northern Alliance (along with Tara Dribnenki in the white shorts).

Tomasz Winnicki.

Nathan Touchette, a former roommate of Kyle McKee of the Aryan Guard.

And David Ruud ("For Honour" on Stormfront).

There was also another group that showed up:

Dave Ruud was the first over to welcome the bikers, and ran quickly to them to shake hands as they were giving sieg heil (nazi) salutes.

Included among the bikers was Wayne Kellestine (right photo) who would later go on to face eight charges of first-degree murder in the shooting deaths of eight men on April 8, 2006. Kellestine, also known as "Wiener," once served as the leader of both the Annihilators and St. Thomas Loners, two biker gangs that are now defunct.

According to the Toronto Star, Kellestine loved to pose for photographs in front of his collection of Nazi memorabilia at his London-area farmhouse.

And, of course today Kellestine and six others were convicted of several counts of murder and manslaughter.

At the time of the gay pride parade protest, the bikers were viewed differently: