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Anonymous AuntieFa said...

But I thought white nationalists were the epitome of family values!?

The Manson family values perhaps, I certainly hope CFS in Manitoba is able to secure TGO status for both kids. From the sounds of it there are concerned relatives that dotn think swastikas on kids are de riguer...

26 June 2009 at 13:36

Anonymous Anonymous said...

[Nazi Mom] cooked herself. White Nationalist or National Socialist.
She is a poor parent. How does one rip off your mother for 22 grand?
Sad.I hope the kids have a good place.

27 June 2009 at 22:25

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"How does one rip off your mother for 22 grand?"

Family is always first to put the knife in your back... unless you're [Nazi Mom], in which case it's cool?

22K can buy a lot of meth..err... "mothers little helpers", or whatever you call them.

28 June 2009 at 00:51

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I ripped somebody off for 20G, I would be flying back for court to get my kids back, and not saying 'I cant afford it'. Just saying.......>_<

8 July 2009 at 19:54

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