Showing posts with label Klatt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Klatt. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Don't @#$% With Richard Warman: Part VII (UPDATED)

At least we think we're on to Part VII. Really, after a few years one does lose track.

In any case, a few years back a number of bloggers and others accused Richard Warman of posting incredibly racist comments about Caribbean-Canadian senator Anne Cools. It seems the accusation may have originated as a result of Warman's Se. 13 case against Marc Lemire. It was suggested that Warman had posted the statements on Lemire's Freedom-Site based on what was then alleged to have been an ip address Lemire and Klatt had linked to Warman. Warman denied this and there was absolutely no evidence to support the claim, but conservative Internet personalities like Kathy Shaidle and her husband Arnie, Kate McMillan of "Small Dead Animals", the good folks at Free Dominion, Ezra Levant, and a few others ran with the claim.

Mr. Warman insisted that they remove the defamatory claims from their respective websites. They doubled down. He sued.

At first they were all pretty confident that they would be able to prove that Warman had written the incredibly vile comments in question. They were especially smug when Levant was able to convince the courts to have Warman's hard drive subjected to a forensic examination:

Long story short, the forensic examination found absolutely nothing that would link Warman to the racist comments made about Ms. Cools. The other "evidence" also turned out to be a heaping load of nothing as "Bouquets of Gray" pointed out:

  1. the IP address used by the author of the Cools post (which had later been used by Warman) was a load-balancing proxy usable by any of Rogers' close to a million customers;
  2. the browser and setup used by author of the Cools Post was different from Warman's in several key ways (here and here);
  3. the 'expert' opinion presented by Bernard Klatt arguing that Warman was the author of the Cools post was deeply substandard in several ways (here)

Ya, that's got to sting.

The first shoe to drop was Arnie of "BlazingCatFur" back in January 2013. Today, Kate "Small Dead Animals" McMillan and Kathy "Five Feet of Fury"Shaidle joined Arnie in apologizing to Warman for the unfounded and defamatory allegations made against him:

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Hi Folks. Miss Me?

I know a few people did. Hell, even Jeff Goodall sent his warm regards.

Long story short, extended hospital stays suck. The food is flavorless. The beds are too narrow. The boredom is mind-numbing.

On the other hand, the drug cocktail in the IV drip had it's moments. There were moments where I felt at one with the universe, like the time I thought I was in a deep, meaningful, conversation with a ground squirrel spirit guide, though it turns out I was just yelling at a vase filled with daisies and daffodils. The nurses reduced the amount of morphine soon after.

It does look like one of the other Collective members tried to hold down the fort while this writer was on her unexpected sabbatical, at least for a time. However more important things like life often get in the way and no one can be faulted for that.

We will however try to get back to more regular updating. It's not as if things haven't been happening. The folks on Stormfront are becoming increasingly frisky. Your Ward News, an misanthropic little rag at best of times, has gone full fascist right down the the armbands (Kinsella and BCL have been covering that file here, here, and here). Some Southern Ontario Skinhead members and former members have been acting stupid.... again.

But first, a thank you is in order.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Continuing our Documentation Project (And An Examination of Marc Lemire: Part XII)

Hey, trivia question for our readers.

What do these guys....

1. Nick Griffin 2. Dennis Mahon 3.Richard Girnt Butler, Aryan Nations founder
4. Eugène Terre'Blanche, founder of the Afrikaner Resistance Movement
5. Ewald Althans (no longer a part of the neo-Nazi movement)
6. Bernard Klatt 7. Tom Metzger of W.A.R. 8. Wolfgang Droege
and Marc Lemire, the first and second leaders of the Heritage Front
9. Chris Newhook, violent member of the Heritage Front currently in
prison as as a dangerous offender 10. Siegfried Verbeke, Holocaust
revisionist 11. National Alliance founder William Pierce 12. Terry Long,
leader of the Aryan Nations in Alberta
.... have in common with this guy?