Showing posts with label Brosky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brosky. Show all posts

Monday, October 22, 2018

Ontario 2018 Civic Election

I've been watching "Murdoch Mysteries".

Anything interesting happening? ;)

Okay, okay!


Let's start with Faith Goldy. She is currently a very distant third place with 24,852 or 3.39% of the vote. On the one hand it is disappointing that many people voted for her, she doesn't seem likely to break 4% and given her name recognition when associated with "Sun News" and later "Rebel Media" perhaps this shouldn't be a surprise. It also is likely to be the high point in her political career, such that it ever was.

I'm a glass half full sort of person

Other fascists have performed much worse. Chris Brosky running under Don Andrew's Nationalist Party of Canada banner is currently sitting at 2,694 (0.37%) while James Sears of the neo-Nazi rag "Your Ward News" has an emasculating 657 (0.09%) of the vote.


Oh, Paulie.... why do you continue to subject yourself to this humiliation. Oh, I know there must be some sort of financial angle, but still, 298 (0.59%) has got to hurt.


In terms of the percentage of the vote, Kevin "the Poodle" Johnston is doing the best. As of this writing he has 2,201, or 13.3% of the vote with 309 polling stations out of 692 reporting. It doesn't look however as if there was much of a serious challenge to Bonnie Crombie who is running away with the election and will win a second term so perhaps given his self-promotion Johnston was able to get people to park their vote with him?

UPDATE: Since Brosky, Sears, and Fromm are non-entities, I'll just look at Goldy and Johnston.

With 465 polls out of 692 (67.2%) reporting, Johnston has 12,877 votes, or 13.4% of the total. He had been as high at 13.6%. Given he totaled a little over 700 votes total in 2014, I admit this is a bit of a surprise. I can think of some reasons to explain some of this (name recognition, the only person other than Crombie who ran in 2014, etc) but this is still a significant number for a man who is facing hate crime charges, at least one lawsuit for (I believe) defamation, and who isn't known to be particularly truthful. Still, this might be the high point of the man's life as he faces a criminal trial in a short time.

In Toronto, Goldy 25,576 votes or 3.4% with 1794 of 1800 polling stations reporting. I had spoken with friends and suggested she had an outside chance of between 3% to 5%, though I could have seen her getting less. Given the size of Toronto even that small percentage looks like a bigger number than anyone would like to see.

Still, rather than celebrating, her allies are actually quite upset including the man who coined the term "alt-right":

You see, her former alt-right supporters aren't happy that she began aligning herself with the JDL and Meir Weinstein or with non-white ethnic groups in order to broaden her base. Given her views it was a rather cynical and ultimately fruitless effort, but it did result in the rupturing of her previous relationships as evidenced by Richard Spencer's current tweet storm:

Which isn't to say that there aren't those who dispute Spencer's perspective:

What I am interested in though is what Canadian alt-right figures such as "Cracker Jack" (aka "Jack Tyler"), other members of ID Canada, and her supporters have to say about Ms. Goldy. I'll be posting an article on that soon, but if this tweet is to be believed there is already dissension in the ranks of Goldy's campaign:

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Wildrose Party Leader Brian Jean Photographed with Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour Associate

Okay, the title of this article could rightfully be accused of being click bait and of being  unfair to Brian Jean, but it is also an accurate title.

Much like the late Rob Ford was photographed a an event with an individual well known to those familiar with the racist movement in Canada, so too was Brian Jean, leader of the Wildrose Party of Alberta who posed for this photo with Jonathan Besler we presume at the Calgary Stampede:

Given Besler's attitude toward the current NDP government in Alberta, perhaps we shouldn't be too surprised that he would gravitate towards the Wildrose Part as an alternative....

Saturday, September 19, 2015

PEGIDA Canada Rally Meets With Opposition: Banerjee Demands Opposition Be Shot

Well, it looks like the PEGIDA Canada rally and counter-protest was a rather boisterous affair.

Back on September 13, we posted a message announcing a protest by anti-fascists to take place in Toronto opposing PEGIDA Canada who's organizers announced their rally would take place on September 19. Perhaps ironically, ol' walrus whiskers Sebastian Ronin also released a "press release" to announce his displeasure with PEGIDA Canada for not being fascist enough for his taste and, bizarrely, copyright infringement:

The PEGIDA Canada rally wasn't all that well attended. Perhaps two dozen members/supporters at best. By PEGIDA Canada's own estimates, there were outnumbered by roughly 200 anti-fascists vigorously opposing them.

Not surprisingly though, among the PEGIDA crowd was a familiar face:

Yep, Ron Banerjee. Hey, the dude is drawn to anti-Islam like a moth to a flame. He was attending in his guise of a Rise Canada member and though he seems to have been the only member in attendance whom we could see, Banerjee tries to co-opt the rally in suggesting Rise Canada was an equal partner:

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Your Ward News Being Investigated

When you publish articles on a blog such as this and cover the content that we do, you walk a fine line. You try to expose violent racist and make the public aware of the potential dangers of organized racist groups. You have a little fun pointing out how ridiculous the individuals are who exist in this subculture, and we've been pretty good at ridicule. However, you try not to give them more publicity than they warrant since many of them thrive on the attention.

If truth be told, we've often failed to be as conscientious as we probably should have been and knowing our tendency, we'll likely continue to fall short.

That being noted, we had been following "Your Ward News" out of Toronto ever since Michelle Erstikaitis began her involvement with the publication. Prior to Erstikaitis, "Your Ward News" seems to have been primarily a vehicle for attacking Toronto City Council members as well as being a big supporter of Rob Ford. It was, and still is, distributed freely to homes in the Beaches area of Toronto and claims a circulation of 50,000.

Things started to change somewhat with the arrival of Erstikaitis who continues to write for the publication despite her current involuntary stay in one of Canada's finer federal women's institutions. During the last municipal election, Erstikaitis and "Your Ward News" endorsed the following candidates in both Toronto and Mississauga:
  1. Paul Fromm. Not a surprise as she has a weird relationship going back with him a number of years now that even boneheads don't seem to get.
  2. Christopher Brosky. Convicted murderer who spent close to two decades in a Texas prison and who was later deported to Canada. Erstikaitis once suggested she and Brosky had dated.
  3. James Sears

The last name was one were not familiar with, though it seems that "Dimitri the Lover" was a fringe personality of minor notoriety in Toronto.

Yeah, creepy. And if you believe this guy, he actually had at least one "student" though we can't imagine "Pavel" was any more successful than "Dimitri" would have been.

Since the municipal election, Sears has decided to go full fascist and antisemitic. He's created an unregistered political party (the New Constitution Party) which consists mainly of himself and perhaps a few of other misanthropes.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Election Night in Ontario...

Or, perhaps better put, yet another night of futility and frustration.

Now while the rest of the country will be focused on the mayoral race in Toronto and specifically who among the big three with take the top job (our money is on Tory, though we still hold out hope for Chow), we here at the Collective have a much more modest mandate.

We're going to look at a few races where some of the boneheads we cover here are running.

We begin with former Canadian Nazi leader John Beattie who is running for the position of Deputy Reeve in Minden. We aren't very familiar with voting practices in rural Ontario, but we are going to suggest that Beattie will receive less than 40 votes total.

Moving on to Toronto there are a few candidates running. 

Don Andrews is again running for mayor. Based on his previous total and because of the high profile for this election, we are going to guess he takes about 1300 votes.

At the ward level, we are making the following predictions:

Neo-nazi and convicted murderer Christopher Brosky in Ward 28: 150 - 200 
Long-time Andrews supporter and Nationalist Party member Bob Smith in Ward 31: 200 - 250
James Sears aka "Dimitri the Lover" (lost medical licence for sexual misconduct, misogynist, and anti-Semite) in Ward 32: 450 - 500 (mostly because of name recognition)

The big one though from our point of view is Paulie running for money.... er.... I mean mayor in Mississauga. He ran in 2010 and took 917 votes (or 0.65%). We're going to predict that he will score around the same, though given the long time incumbent isn't running this year, there may be more of an interest driving up the number of voters. We'll say he breaks a thousand and finishes at 1050.

Time will tell, though we will have fun watching the results. We generally suck at making these kinds of predictions so take what is written with a healthy grain of salt.

UPDATE 1: Don't underestimate the power of name recognition. James Sears is currently at 538 after 27 of 33 polls.

Chris Brosky is also doing better than our estimate sitting at 248 after 56 of 65 polls.

Others seem to be under performing at this point though and there are no results yet for Minden. 

UPDATE 2: Sears is currently at 686 with 2 of 33 polls remaining. Brosky has managed 316 with 3 of 65 polls outstanding. It looks like Smith might end around 250 as he is currently at 24 with a single poll remaining. Andrews is at 953 and doesn't look like he'll reach 1300 at this point.

Fromm is currently at 511 with 346 of 416 polls reporting. Doesn't look like he's going to hit 1000 and his percentage of the total vote is 0.5%, lower than 2010.

Nothing on Beattie, though I'm guessing that once there is a result, the final outcome will be quick.

UPDATE 3: Sears finishes with 797 votes, more than we had guessed, though given he claimed to be ahead in the polls, scoring 3.08% to the winner's 60.916% doesn't even count as a moral victory. Smith finishes with 256 votes, so we did a decent job of predicting at least one election (we did sort of imply that we sucked at this). Brosky 325 votes (or 1.383% of the total in Ward 28).

Fromm doesn't look like he'll be breaking 1000 and is not, as he had claimed, competitive in the race (shocking, we know). Andrews might also struggle to break 1000 votes. Still waiting on Minden, though that looks to be any time this hour now.

UPDATE 4: Looks like Don Andrews might not even reach the vote tally from 2010. With 1 polling station remaining, he has 1012 votes. And Fromm also looks like he might only barely break 800(correction: he might not break 800).

Finally a result in the Minden race. The incumbent has been re-elected. Nothing about Beattie's vote tally, but we suspect the word minuscule might be appropriate. 

UPDATE 5: Last update. Results in Minden has Beattie taking 214 out of 4564 total votes. We were not certain how many people would vote in the election (we thought perhaps 1000 or 2000) but were off significantly there. In total, Beattie received 4.6% of the vote, not quite the win he had anticipated.

In the Toronto and Mississauga mayoral election, we over-estimated what Andrews and Fromm would receive. Andrews tallied 1012 votes and Fromm 775, both less than what they received in 2010 despite a higher voter turn out.

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Beattie and Brosky Endorsed by Andrews and Bob Smith

Ugh. We should have known that Bob Smith, another of Don Andrews' Android followers and a perennial candidate himself, would be running in the Toronto municipal election. Smith is running on Ward 31 on an explicitly racist platform which, no doubt, will be wildly successful in a multiethnic and relatively progressive city like Toronto. But being the selfless fella that he is, he also gives a shout-out to his fellow racist candidates:


Normally, one would think such a characterization as a "racist candidate" would be a label that said candidate would vigorously reject. It's sort of the kiss of death in electoral politics.

But then there's John Beattie who apparently believes that any publicity (including that provided by us) is good publicity:

Come this September, he might not feel the same way.

We leave our readers to ponder this last statement while looking at photos of John Beattie leading members of the Canadian Nazi Party in a march in Allen Gardens, an organization he now claims never existed.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Neo-Nazi and Convicted Murderer Running For Toronto Council

The Toronto civic election, already a three ring circus, needs some clowns. And for that you can always rely on Don Andrews and his Androids:

Seated around Andrews' table with him at the weekly gathering were five people who had jobs. The rest of those present stood around the table; numbering about 10 people, Andrews called them his "Androids": unemployed persons who lived in Andrews' rooming houses. We were told that Andrews took the cheques they received, subtracted the rent and other expenses, and gave them the rest of their money, making a big production

Last time we heard the name Christopher Brosky was when Michelle Erstikaitis was name dropping him in an effort to bolster her neo-Nazi street cred:

I first came into the movement at fourteen years old, dating my first Skinhead, and then I continued dating skinheads for most of my life. The most recent high profile guy that I went out with is Chris Brosky, a Northern Hammerskin.(Yes, the same Chris from Texas who killed a black man)

However, as Erstikaitis alludes to and which we detail in "The History of Violence," Brosky was well known to us before for another far more serious reason: