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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The link to 'League for Human Rights of B’nai Birth Canada' is broken.

19 July 2012 at 23:48

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you guys really do your research, unlike those morons on Free Dominion who rant and rave.

21 July 2012 at 11:52

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Though I am not familiar with all the other links, the B'nai Birth link is an interesting one to include. While I have no doubt that they do some good work in combatting anit-semitism in other areas, they have a very dangerous tendency to equate criticism of Israel as automatically being anti-semitism. Given the major human rights abuses that Israel is responsible for (whatever your take on labelling the country as an apartheid state), I think many of us could agree that such a tendency is problematic and concerning.

21 July 2012 at 15:57

Anonymous Anonymous said...

read this
its brilliant
and cuts to the heart of what 'white supremacy' is all about


23 July 2012 at 14:56

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont even think the white supremacists on FreeDominion truly like the Jews. They are waiting for the rapture, or something. This is the only reason they support Israel!

23 July 2012 at 14:59

Blogger Nosferatu200 said...

Anonymous 3: I can only speak to our relationship with members of B'nai Brith, but they have always treated us fairly knowing that ARC has been and is critical of Israeli government policies regarding the Palestinians. That fair-mindedness is something that we at ARC will reciprocate.

Despite the disagreements that we might have, we do consider them to be good people who do good work.

23 July 2012 at 17:06

Blogger Nosferatu200 said...

Anonymous 5: I'm not sure it's fair to label most of the people at Free Dominion as white supremacists. To be sure there are those there who easily warrant the label of racist (Ed Kennedy, in some of his earlier posts, is quite proud of such a designation) and many of them hold views that we think are racist, though I'm sure they themselves wouldn't recognize those views as such. Perhaps a better designation would be misanthropes. They don't seem to like people very much. Hell, it seems that a lot of them can barely tolerate each other.

Mark and Connie are dupes who are being used by racists, but I don't think they are necessarily racist themselves.

23 July 2012 at 17:14

Anonymous Anonymous said...


they don't 'hate' the blacks per se, or anyone else

but many do hold the view that 'whites are responsible for everything good in the world'

and 'where would we be without all of the scientific advancements made by white people'

so they don't actively dislike or hate non-whites, they just believe that whites are naturally superior!

24 July 2012 at 12:10

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