Showing posts with label JDL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JDL. Show all posts

Saturday, August 08, 2020

The Jewish Defence League Targets the Canadian Nationalist Party

Travis Patron, the failed federal candidate who currently faces charges of assault against two women, and leader of the Canadian Nationalist Party, has continued to escalate his party's rhetoric on social media, and confirm for everyone watching, that they are, in fact, a neo-Nazi party. In recent months Patron has photographed himself giving a Roman Salute, called for the recruitment of "Roman Salute people," released a video implying he is continuing on the work of the fascist 1933 Canadian Nationalist Party led by William Whittaker, and posted about Oswald Mosley, of the British Union of Fascists. 

As such, they have been distributing a print version of their antisemitic video from 2019 referencing the "parasitic tribe" throughout Canada. In addition to the language of the video in written format, it includes an image of Patron giving a Roman Salute. 

Back in the summer of 2019 when he first released the video, Patron gained the attention of the RCMP, who subsequently began investigating him for hate crimes. Patron told CBC that the "parasitic tribe" referred to "globalists":
Patron told CBC News his statements are directed at "globalists." "They go by many different names," he said. "We refer to them simply as the globalists because they conduct their business everywhere while simultaneously calling no place in particular home. We would remove [them] from our country. We have no use for them."

Patron also tweeted his denial that he means any ethnic group, instead choosing to double down on the "globalist" explanation (which doesn't hold any water anyway, given the antisemitic origin of the term.) 

Except it turns out he really does mean Jews: 

The closing language on the flyer distributed by the CNP. Quite the defense against hate allegations to argue that it's not antisemitic because they're "not Jews."

This has caused Meir Weinstein and his far-right and anti-Muslim Jewish Defence League to set their sights on the Canadian Nationalist Party. On one hand, we say "finally," while on the other we say "at least they're leaving Muslims alone." 

On August 6, 2020 Weinstein and company visited the Mississauga home of another failed CNP federal candidate, Gus Stefanis. Weinstein posted a short livestream in front of the house. Claiming this was "phase 1," Weinstein spoke about the flyer campaign, and advised his audience that the JDL will not stand for this hatred of Jews. Regardless of one's thoughts of protesting at someone's actual home, the sentiment behind it is of merit - until you are reminded that it's one hate group going after another hate group. Their only difference is who they hate the most. It's also interesting that they're targeting Patron when they've befriended other white supremacists and neo-Nazis in the past. Perhaps their judgment is getting better, or perhaps Meir just sees an opportunity. 

Video has been cropped to hide the house number.

This isn't the first time the JDL has confronted neo-Nazis (although, again, they're known for taking on strange bedfellows.) While Weinstein claims credit in the above video for taking down Terry Long's Aryan Nations in Alberta, it didn't quite happen that way. While Weinstein and the JDL visited Long's compound in Caroline, AB in the 1986, it was actually the assault on retired journalist Keith Rutherford in 1990, by Long's followers, that caused Long to flee to BC in the mid-90's, ultimately resulting in the Aryan Nations collapse.

It's also interesting that Weinstein frames this as a protection of sorts for the overall patriot movement, who has largely accepted Patron, Stefanis, and the Canadian Nationalist Party. Weinstein doesn't want them making "inroads" into the movement, except they've already parked their car, gone in, and made themselves at home, while being wholly welcomed. It's almost like the "patriot movement" is actually part of the problem. 

While Patron is the leader of the CNP, Stefanis himself has only himself to blame. After joining a particularly vile neo-Nazi Telegram chat on July 17, Stefanis, posting as "Gus Smith," confirmed he is a member of and promoted the CNP.  He also promoted neo-Nazi Kevin Goudreau's Canadian Nationalist Front, and admitted that it was antisemitism which brought him to that channel:

Stefanis' introduction post, confirming it was an antisemitic poster that an
antifascist account tweeted about that brought him there

The antisemitic poster uses the archaic antisemitic trope that Jews are responsible for debt
and shows a Star of David being broken in half, proclaiming "break debt slavery"

Have you tried not being a neo-Nazi? I hear prospective employers really go for that. 

Both the CNP and Stefanis have been quiet about the incident, at least publicly. Weinstein, on the other hand, has assured his following this is just the beginning. 

Folks may remember Never Again Canada as a 235,000 member strong pro-Israel and anti-Palestine/anti-Muslim Facebook page. It ran a recruitment campaign for the JDL, and NAC and Weinstein/JDL were/are close allies. It was unpublished by Facebook in March, 2020 only to seemingly return on April 14, 2020. Except this time it exists to spread virulent hatred against Jews by weaponizing the Palestinian plight for liberation. The content is less about Palestinian liberation, an entirely and wholly righteous position, and moreso about how evil Jews are. It currently has only 144 followers. 

(A private, real Never Again Canada group still exists, although with a fraction of the followers of the original page.Their Twitter is also still active.) 

It seems like a classic case of name-swiping, made more interesting by support of the CNP and Patron. If one didn't know better, they might even think Patron and the CNP could be involved. 

Page transparency from Facebook showing the new page's creation date 

Back in July, Weinstein was taunted by the new "Never Again Canada" page, challenging him to target Patron:
So that's what Meir plans to do. The JDL plans to travel to Patron's hometown of Redvers, SK, and confront him. 

Looking forward to it, Meir!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Goudreau Claims To Not Have Written Post Encouraging Murder Laughable; We Have Videos Dude!

This past Monday Kevin "No Show" Goudreau posted the following messages on his personal Facebook profile:

The last two are the most relevant as the appear to be advocating and encouraging the murder of individuals and members of groups Goudreau opposes. The posts were up for at least 5 hours before he removed them, but ARC was only one of several groups and individuals who grabbed screen shots.

There has been significant media coverage and Goudreau might actually be finding himself in trouble after years of similar threats (more on that later) but in true Goudreau fashion, he is (a) denying he wrote and posted the comments (b) claiming they are the work of "antifa" who either hacked his profile to write the comments or created a dummy account to write them and then deleted the profile and (c) suggests he will soon be suing those who posted the screen shots:

Hmmmm, I wonder why "Dane Adam" seems concerned about his name being known in association with white supremacist Kevin Goudreau?

Ah, well yes, that might do it.

Back to Goudreau, aside from those credulously commenting and cheering on what will be a non-existent lawsuit, his claim not to have written the posts are laughable for two reasons. First, he also posted the exact same message in his closed Facebook group promoting the formerly White Nationalist Front (now going by the name the Canadian Nationalist Front):

Second, we do have actual video evidence of Goudreau making threats. Like.... a LOT of videos!

Let's start with those from 2010 shall we?

I would point out here that Goudreau's Aryan Polish princess actually didn't exist and he was caught in the lie.

We then move on to 2013:

Sunday, March 17, 2019

"I Disagree With Violence But....": The Justification and Celebration of the Christchurch Mosque Murders By Paul Fromm and Robert Jones

It didn't take long for the likes of Paulie to try and justify the murder of 50 adults and children worshiping at two Christchurch mosques. In a post on his blog, Fromm posted the entirety of the murderer's "manifesto" along with his own forward justifying the attack while couching that justification if claims to oppose violence:

The most relevant section of the forward his here:

Of course long time readers of ARC and those who know the long history of Fromm's support for violent hate groups who do the dirty work that he tacitly promotes know just how hollow Fromm's claim to "disagree with... violence." He has supported groups such as the Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour, Volksfront, the KKK, and a multitude of groups who have engaged in violence and he has rationalized every single instance:

In fact he has his own links to Christchurch, New Zealand where another violent hate group had been founded:

Here Fromm is shaking hands with Kyle Chapman while on a speaking tour of New Zealand in December 2010. Chapman was leader and founder of the neo-Nazi hate group Right Wing Resistance that formed targeting Maori and other Polynesian peoples, other New Zealand peoples of colour, Jews, and Muslims:
Right Wing Resistance also had a number of chapters around the world. Many were quite small including a Canadian chapter whose sole active member was profiled on the blog in late 2015:

Fromm isn't the only prominent disseminator of hate propaganda who has helped to poison the well and creating the conditions that contribute to events such as the Christchurch tragedy. Like others regarded as leaders or (to use a more resent term) influencers in the white nationalist movement internationally, Fromm toes right up to the line where he doesn't overtly advocate for violence, but justifies it when it occurs as the inevitable consequences of an ethnically diverse society and that the remedy is to make society not ethnically diverse.... however that task would be accomplished is left up to the imagination. These dog whistles are heard by those who ARE potentially inclined to commit such reprehensible acts, but those who have helped to foster this noxious environment have their plausible deniability. 

A figure on the far right whom I have written about due to his active involvement in protests and groups that are increasingly more extreme, Robert Jones, represents the kind of person people like Paulie are dog whistling too:

We usually find the sort of radicalization Robert Jones is undergoing in teens, however like the children who find their way into hate groups, Jones is someone who seems desperate to belong to something. He has been a member of the Soldiers of Odin, the Proud Boys, and the JDL as an affiliate. He has eventually been booted from all three of the groups mentioned and now he's on his forth, the hate group known as the Northern Guard. He has also embraced overt fascism and worships Donald Trump as a sort of living god (note that he has more than one Facebook account two of which I will be sourcing in the article without bothering to make the distinction):

When the Christchurch murders took place, Jones was immediately drawn to the manifesto which he has spent a great deal of time sharing online:

Jones seems aware that posting links to the manifesto, as well as the video of the murders, violate Facebook's terms of service regarding dissemination of hate propaganda and violence, but he seems determined to share these with a wide audience:

Jones' reaction to the murders has been equally crass:

Duarate seems to be under the impression that Fraser Anning, the Australian senator
who blamed the Muslim community for the the murder of their members for
the audacity of living in New Zealand, is a leftist because he likely didn't
read the article.... because he seems to be an idiot.

The term "retribution attack" used by Jones is telling as he very quickly begins to justify the murders and dehumanize non-white peoples: