Showing posts with label Pegida. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pegida. Show all posts

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Nazi Flag and Claims of "False Flags": Brendan Miller's Accusations Amplified By Extremists and Conspiracy Promoters

I've been holding off on this but I thought I would provide some commentary on an incident that occurred during the Emergency Act inquiry (POEC) early this past week.

First though, I'm going to talk about Ray Epps and why Canadian right-wing extremists and conspiracy believers are talking about him now:

Ray Epps is an American conservative and Trump supporter who was at the Capitol on January 6 during the insurrection and attempted overturning of the presidential election results. In a video he was seen urging people to enter the Capitol. Since then the conspiracy theorists have claimed with no proof that Epps was in fact a "deep state" agitator who wanted to discredit the efforts of the Trump supporters on that day and not, as is true, an elderly Trump supporter whose life is now in turmoil as a result of the accusation against him (including by Trump himself). 

It doesn't matter how ridiculous the claim is; Epps was a single person in a sea of humanity and if you're going to suggest that crowd had to be convinced by one old man to storm the Capitol then there are many bridges in many Brooklyns I would like to sell you. This story fits a narrative and no amount of proof will convince the true believers otherwise.

So with that, let's get to the story, shall we?

Prior to the incident I will be writing about, the big news emerging from the inquiry was that CSIS had advised that the Prime Minister invoke the Emergency Act in response to the occupation in Ottawa and the border blockades in BC, Alberta, Manitoba, and Ontario. 

I wrote as a bit of an aside I wrote extensively about the occupation and border blockades at the time:

However soon a lawyer representing the "Freedom Convoy" made a bombshell claim in which he implicated an executive with Enterprise Canada in an incident that occurred in the early days of the occupation. Brendan Miller suggested this executive, who he accused of carrying a Nazi flag, was a "Liberal plant" who was sent by the government in an effort to discredit the soon-to-be occupiers of the city of Ottawa.
Miller's demand to order the executive as well as two others was ultimately dismissed as a fishing expedition, but the one witness that Miller wanted whom he claimed to have identified the executive in Ottawa is of some interest:
Shawn Folkes was one of the attendees of the "Freedom Convoy" occupation on Ottawa and early on claimed to have spoken to the person carrying the flag:

It would appear that Brendan Miller put in all his eggs into the basket that is Shawn Folkes, a person who posted things like this during the occupation:

But is worse than even just that:
So this appears to be the evidence that Brendan Miller went with to help prove the Liberal government set up otherwise peaceful protesters, he word of a man who not only threatened violence against those who opposed the occupation but also who happened to "remember" the person the same day Miller would subsequently claim the executive was the one with the Nazi flag.

But it was all enough to convince the many right-wing extremists, conspiracy theory promoters, and hard-core anti-government folks as it confirmed their particular biases. Among those who accepted the truth of Miller's accusations with absolutely no question were mayor Jay Riedel (yeah, he is an actual mayor) who at one time worked with Pat King on the United We Roll convoy to Ottawa that was tied to the Yellow Vest movement and Wayne Peters, a conspiracy promoter associated with the Yellow Vests, Pegida Canada, and the Canadian Nationalist Party among other right-wing extremist groups who claims that all the people who received the Covid vaccine will be dead within 5 years:

But it wasn't just these folks who ran with Miller's claim as gospel truth.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

November 2019 Bits and Bites: Defamation Suits, Vanderweide, CNP, and Endangering Lives

Our research into Canadian members of Iron March based on the leaked forum information is ongoing. Suffice it to say we've been finding some especially interesting individuals who will be profiled here on the blog in time. However November has been an especially eventful month so I thought I'd do a quick write-up on some of the smaller bits of far-right news that we haven't discussed (this will not be a comprehensive overview and we plan on an article on the events at York University as well)

Perhaps one of the more significant stories is the defamation suit filed by Richard Warman and Evan Balgord of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network against Barbara Kay, Jonathan Kay, and Faith Goldy:

This isn't the first time that Jonathan Kay has been a subject in a Warman defamation suit. And based on what I've seen over the years prior to and during my time writing on the ARC blog, Mr. Warman doesn't file these kinds of suits unless he knows he has an especially strong case.

The responses from mama and baby Kay have been somewhat muted thus far:

Surprisingly, Faith Goldy has been absolutely silent on this matter so far which given her character might be a bit surprising.

Rather than commenting on being the subject of a defamation suit, Goldy has been promoting her latest project, a series for the white nationalist VDare:

Real life Avengers, eh?

Yeah, when I think Tucker Carlson, Nick Fuentes, and Vincent James Foxx, I definitely think Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor. /sarc

As a bit of background, there's a small group of white nationalists who don't think the current Republican Party (they who put children in cages, btw), is far-right enough and they are attempting to move it even further to the right. Goldy's new series appears to be an effort on their behalf. She's also promoting the characters she's planning on profiling on her Telegram channel and including comments that are becoming more overtly anti-semitic:

For those unfamiliar with these individuals might I draw your attention to the following links?

Nick Fuentes:
So yeah.... talk about the company one keeps.

Goldy did get a bit salty as to why she was focusing her efforts on the United States when challenged:

Goldy certainly has her admirers in Canada though including one Chris Vanderweide whom our members have gotten to know quite well since this past summer when he achieved fame (which has absolutely gone to his head) for using a helmet as a weapon and sucker punching a person counter-protesting anti-LGBTQ fanatics:

So yeah, I sort of trolled him on Twitter. I find that one learns a lot of interesting things when engaged in an online discussion with a person who thinks himself brilliant but who in fact might have the intellectual capacity of a protozoa.

For example, here he suggests that he is no longer living with his surety as was a requirement for his release:

And here he is claiming that the charges against him were dropped:

Well, for someone who likes to accuse people of being liars online, Chris doesn't have an especially firm grasp of the truth himself:
Now if he isn't living with his surety that would mean he is violating the terms of his release, however as he lied about the charges being dropped it calls into question his surety claim. Also, he's not especially consistent in maintaining his lie about charges being dropped:

Chris also has a rather toxic understanding of what it mean to be "a man":

As I mentioned later on this thread, people who are truly strong don't need to brag about their strength or try to convince others they are strong. That simply comes across as desperate, sad, and very weak.

In the meantime, Chris continued to give his lawyer a headache:

I should also briefly mention the other person in this thread appears to have participated in the Toronto Pegida rally that culminated in an assault at the Eaton's Centre. I don't think he's helping Chris' cause much:

Moving on to the Canadian Nationalist Party, it appears party founder, leader, and suspect in violent assault of two women in Regina that resulted in their transport to a hospital Travis Patron has soured on electoral politics:

I mean, it couldn't possibly be because he and the two other CNP candidates finished with less than 1% and last place in the three riddings they were contesting, right?

Given that we learned on the CNP form that Patron had claimed to have purchased property in a rural location in anticipation for a societal break-down, this other bit of information should also be unsurprising:

Interesting. A two of the people posting replies include an individual using the leader of the American Nazi Party George Lincoln Rockwell and Dara Graham known on this blog as "Nazi Mom."

Again, the company one keeps.

Turning now to the inevitability of the far-right eating itself, we see more infighting between Ronny Cameron and his supporters and Alex Van Hamme and his supporters:

Ronny can't stop himself from the airing of grievances:

In the meantime Ron Banerjee has decided to push the narrative that Ronny is an "antifa" plant because of course Banerjee would do that. However Canadian Combat Coalition vice-president Roger Rowen thinks Banerjee is full of it:

Joey Deluca of the Worldwide Coalition Against Islam also jumped into the fray again:

Back on Ronny's profile he continues the beefing:

This comment though was interesting:

Dan Dubois, president of the Canadian Combat Coalition, is certainly takes a very different view of Cameron than does Rog Rowen, the vice-president of the CCC.

Trouble in paradise perhaps?

Finally, and more seriously, we see that our detractors are making lists and not checking them at all:

The speculation concerning the creator of this list didn't remain speculation for long:

Now while we can certainly laugh at how ridiculous these people are, it does become far more serious when they start erroneously identifying people on the list:

But here's the kicker. They are editing the screen shots of the young woman so that she appears to be their target:

And because this has been shared extensively, there are a lot of unhinged people who have it including this guy:

Finally our friends and fellow ARC members Yellow Vests Canada Exposed provides us with yet another example of the dangers of the far-right. I offer this thread without comment:

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Initial Reaction of Far-Right to Election: Meltdown

Since 2015, the far-right in Canada focused on a few key issues including opposing immigration, embracing Islamophobia, perpetuating anti-Globalist conspiracy theories that were both subtlety and overtly anti-Semitic, and promoting racist canards about their fellow Canadians. At the core of many of these groups' and individuals' rage -- Nouns of Odin, Pegida Canada, Canadian Combat Coalition, Northern  Guard, III% militia members, Yellow Vesters, and others -- was an almost manic hatred of the Liberal Party of Canada generally and Justin Trudeau specifically upon whom they placed all of their grievances real and imagined.... and they were mostly imagined.

I remember the day after the election in 2015 some of the people who would be associated with these groups demanding that the election be voided and the former Conservative Prime Minister be installed as the head of government once again. Since that day these groups and individuals have invested a great deal of time and effort to defeat who they believed was the cause of their perceived misery. And they were genuinely confident that on October 22, 2019, the Liberals would not only be defeated but that the party itself would be destroyed, Trudeau would be arrested, tried, and executed for treason (though the reasons they provide for said "treason" were always nebulous and usually amounted to "I hate him so much!!!), and the "old stock" Canadians would then drive the swarthy hordes of immigrants and Muslims into the sea ushering in a new conservative dawn.

Didn't quite happen that way.

I spent time watching these groups this past Monday as the results came in and the members were genuinely shocked that what they expected didn't happen. Despite polling that suggested a Liberal minority government, they refused to believe the "fake news." They had lived in an echo chamber for so long that they simply couldn't conceive that the political party and the man they so despised wasn't hated by others. They really, truly, believed that their views were mainstream and that those who disagreed were fringe "antifa" controlled by George Soros, the UN, and the Muslim Brotherhood.... I'm sure the Bilderbergers fit in there somewhere as well.

I've said to friends that people like the far-right extremists ARC has covered for almost 12 years don't really want leaders who will tell them the truth. They want leaders who will tell them the lies that they want to believe.

And so now some of those "patriot" leaders have decided to further stoke the unreasonable rage, promote new conspiracies to explain their failure to understand the Canadian electorate, and encourage acts of violence:

The following are some examples of the posts that were made that evening and the following day. I'm not bothering with posts from Yellow Vests Canada at this point simply because (a) there is so much and (b) it is a rehash of what you're going to see here. And what you're going to see are:
  • Claims the election was rigged
  • Claims that illegal immigrants voted (specifically those "shipped in" by the Liberal government)
  • Attacks against those who voted PPC
  • Threats of violence and general insurrection
  • Despondency
  • Condemnation of other Canadians from Ontario, Quebec, and the Atlantic provinces for voting for "the dictator" again.
  • And one other issue emanating primarily from Western Canadian "patriots" which I'll go into more detail about.
Posts from the "Canadian Combat Coalition":

Members of the III% militia:

Ronny Cameron posting in a Worldwide Coalition Against Islam group:

Northern Guard:

Charlene O'Farrell who runs Canadians United 4 Canada on Facebook and who was associated with the Soldiers of Odin:

A group I only recently became acquainted with, "The Canadian Revolution":

UPDATE: The folks with YVCE caught this in "The Canadian Revolution" thread posted here.

And finally Steven Myatt's project (and there will be an article about him in the near future) "Trudeau 4 Treason":

Readers will of course know that this is a tiny fraction of what is being written online.

But there is one other issue which was alluded to in some of the articles above.

The groups ARC cover style themselves as "patriots" defending what they claim are Canadian values. Those who don't support their extremist views are often labeled as "traitors". It probably shouldn't be too surprising that these "patriots" primarily in Alberta (and to some degree Saskatchewan) when faced with a legal and democratic election that didn't go their way are now demanding that their province separate from the country.

For example, we have the "patriotic" leader of the Alberta chapter of the Northern Guard Kyle Puchalski who when he was disappointed by the election results....

.... immediately advocates separation because, you know, patriotism!

Or the great "patriots" with WCAI including Chris Hayes (who was convicted of uttering threats towards the prime minister a couple years back):

Seems his patriotism is a mile wide and an inch deep as well:

Ah, #wexit.

The folks from YVCE will be publish and extended article on this newish movement and the people who are leading it and who are attracted to it. One such individual is this fella:

Newer readers might not remember William Miettinen, but long time readers will be very familiar with Aryan Guard associate "Willis" the shirtless Nazi:

Stay tuned. Much more to come.