Showing posts with label ATB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ATB. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

White Nationalists Are Hurting in Canada

So, question for our dedicated readers.

Have you noticed how little activity there has been online when it comes to Canadian boneheads?

The Internet was a boon to "White Nationalists" in Canada and around the world. Up until the mid 1990s, boneheads were relatively isolated in places outside big cities, and even there you really had to know someone if you wanted to be a part of the Movement. However, when sites like Stormfront was started by Don Black (and Freedom-Site by Marc Lemire in Canada), these isolated misfits found a community of like-minded racists, anti-Semites, and bigots. The Internet became a potent tool to recruit boneheads and was used to organize in ways not possible before.

Our membership has watched this develop since the early days of the Internet (don't think for a moment we've only been around since 2007 when this blog went online). We watched hate groups proliferate online to the point where they began marching on the street. We watched as hate groups grew increasingly bolder and more brazen.

We watched. We learned.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

B&H;/Combat 18 Member: "We send bombs and take action...."

Our readers who might swing by the Stormfront forums once in a while will all be able to relate to this story. You find a thread that was obviously edited clumsily by a Stormfront moderator. There are statements which, devoid of context, make no sense. There are quoted sections appearing in other messages that are still there, but the original has disappeared. There are comments telling people to chill out and referring to posters who, again, are no longer present in the discussion as class acts and warriors for the cause. And, without a doubt, you will find at least once poster who has had his posting privileges removed for some unknown infraction.

Sort of like this discussion here which is a disjointed mess.

And, if you're like us, you wish that you had been able to read those posts which have been removed because you just know something juicy was written that might be really embarrassing to some people. You kick yourself thinking, "if only I had gotten there sooner...."

So, should we stop teasing you?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Six Degrees of Patrick Swayze: Bonehead Niece Marries Violent Bonehead

We were wondering why a single post of ours concerning the online squabble between Mike Gaio and the "president" of the Aryan Terror Brigade's Josh "Hatchet" Steever managed to amass close to 450 hits in a single day. The mystery (such as it was) was solved when we figured out that people were coming to our page based on their searching of images such as this.

Why were people looking up pictures of Josh Steever? Might have something to do with this:

Monday, July 18, 2011

Paul Fromm and Bill Noble Losing their White Nationalist Mojo

Our readers may notice that Paulie hasn't been talking much about Michelle Erstikaitis lately. Perhaps it's because it appears they have had a significant falling out:

We aren't certain of the nature of the falling out (though we are sure that it is the real Erstikaitis who wrote that message and note the fake that Paulie once added as a Facebook friend instead of the real one) but it does look like Paulie might not be saying much more about Michelle Erstikaitis.

This seems to fit a bit of a pattern. Those who get to know Paulie better often walk away with a rather poor impression of the man. We wrote an article some time ago regarding the Moncton, NB boneheads' opinion of Paulie some months ago:

But this isn't all of course. There's also John Beattie's less than favorable views of the man. And we've heard that the "Nazi Mom" really, really loathes him too. As well, some of our biggest fans, the boneheads themselves, have recently sent us their takes on Paulie. From a longer, as yet unpublished, comment left on the blog:

Monday, July 04, 2011

Puddles and Hatchet Pissing Contest

So, what happens when Mike "Puddles" Gaio (left) posts a message on Josh "Can-Only-Get-Work-as-a-Carnival-Freak" Steever's  Facebook profile?

Further proof that boneheads hate each other perhaps even more than the groups they say that they hate:

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Kitchener News Article on Kyle McKee Published Today

Ex-Kitchener resident at forefront of white nationalist movement  

By Josh Brown, Record staff
Fri May 20 2011 

Kyle McKee caused an uproar in Kitchener when he hung a Nazi flag outside his rented Kitchener home.

Six years later, and now based in Calgary, the 25-year-old skinhead has become one of Canada’s most active white supremacists, leading a group dubbed Blood and Honour.

“Kyle has become quite successful for becoming the main spokesperson, the leading light and the one leader,” said Jason Devine, a spokesperson for Anti-Racist Action Calgary.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Racist Movement in Calgary Put in Perspective

We've been covering the growth of organized racism in Canada, with special attention being paid to Calgary, since November 2007. Actually, we've been following the movement in Canada for years, but we were prompted to start our public work not long after the Aryan Guard entered upon the scene. So we thought we would briefly discuss the state of organized racism in Calgary today.

If you are an anti-racist, there is reason for optimism, though we have to be careful not to become complacent.

If you're a member of organized racism, the outlook is looking pretty bleak.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Paulie's New Election Strategy: Deny Obvious Links to Violent Racist Gangs and Annoy the Hell Out of Potential Voters

We mentioned already the disconnect of a political party who's chief aim is the separation of the Western provinces from the rest of Canada, especially from those effete, red wine-drinking residents in Ontario, asking a life-long and current resident of Ontario, who as recently as this past October was running for mayor of Mississauga (fyi, he did really badly), to stand as a candidate for said separatist party in Calgary, a city that is not and will not be the candidate's residence before, during or after the election takes place.

Hmmm, try to say that with one breath. It's not easy.

Did we also mention said candidate's message, in part, is about keeping Alberta jobs in Alberta for Albertans?

It looks like a few others in the bonehead universe are also troubled by the contradictions:

Monday, April 18, 2011

Paulie Hits Election Roadbloack; Still #Winning

And we mean winning in the Charliest and Sheeniest way possible.

Paulie has been campaigning in Calgary for around a week now, though given he fell out of the airplane when it arrived in the city, the beginning of his efforts were not exactly auspicious. He received more bad news today:

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Paul Fromm Goes to Bat For.... Michelle Erstikaitis???: Part VI

It looks as if the strange saga that is Paulie's bizarre infatuation with Michelle Erstikaitis may soon be drawing to a close, at least the part of it that involved Paulie insisting that she is a, " political prisoner" when she wrote a letter to Timothy McVeigh more than a decade ago:

Paulie continues to minimize the record of a clearly disturbed young woman who is in desperate need of long-term psychiatric help. The list of her crimes include harassment of the mother of one of the children raped and murdered by Paul Bernardo. Numerous cases of assault. Arson. Hell, while she was in custody she assaulted a prison guard.

But of course Paulie has cracked the case. It wasn't because she is a habitual offender that Erstikaitis ended up in jail. No, it's that letter she wrote McVeigh. That's got to be it.

Fun fact is that Erstikaitis actually wanted to be declared a dangerous offender. While you wouldn't know it from Paulie's account, it looks like she got her wish:

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Chris Waters Hearts Mo Gulett. No, Not Really

You know, we frequently make fun of the many name changes that the Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour/C19/ATB/ANC/CTV/ESP have had over the past 4 years, but WEB really isn't a hell of a lot better:

What Reitmeier is specifically writing about here is that many of the members of WEB are also members of a group known as the Aryan Nations Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (so in their brief history, they have been known as the Aryan Guard Renegades, Western European Brotherhood and/or Bloodlines, and now the ANK). The ANK seems to be some weird synthesis of Aryan Nations nougat and Klan chocolate rolled up into one nasty ass candy bar of hatred and are connected to the United Knights of Tennessee, Order of the Ku Klux Klan. The ANK does have a Canadian presence, albeit fairly minimal, with the HQ in Regina, Saskatchewan:

Saturday, April 02, 2011

McKee Sentenced to Three Months and Prohibited From Driving Upon Release

Hot on the heels of our announcement (confirmed by a friend in the know) that McKee was now in custody in Regina, we learn in the msm more details, including the sentence:

REGINA — An alleged member of a white-supremicist group in Alberta — once accused of planting a homemade bomb outside a Calgary residence — received a jail sentence in Regina Friday for fleeing from police in 2009.

Kyle Robert McKee, 25, pleaded guilty to the flight charge while appearing at Regina Provincial Court Friday via closed-circuit television from the Regina Correctional Centre.

Friday, April 01, 2011

McKee and Beattie Update

It looks like Kyle McKee was released after serving close to two months for uttering threats towards Jason Devine. The is the bad news.

The good news is that he may now be in jail in Regina.

Realizing that this is April 1, we'll update this when we receive information that confirms this news.

UPDATE 1: Confirmation that McKee is in custody in Regina.

UPDATE 2: McKee was never released. He was actually transported to Regina to face charges while still in custody.

Also, it looks as if the good people of Minden needn't worry about John Beattie bringing his friends to the community on July 1:

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Paulie Comments on Calgary March Which He Characterizes as, "Very Successful"

We're about to bring our exclusive coverage of the events of March 19 to a close soon, but we certainly can't conclude the discussion without some input from the grand old man of the bonehead movement, Paulie Fromm.

This past Tuesday, Paulie (pictured here drinking more red wine paid for by his poor followers) spent the first part of his new radio show commenting on the "White Pride" march that took place last Saturday. Now normally we don't like to link to bonehead websites, but we decided to link to this one because it is really, really funny.

Let's just say that while Paulie might have a face for radio, he really doesn't have a voice (click on the link to see what we mean; it really does become quite painful after a while).

Friday, March 25, 2011

Are We Childish? Yes. And Your Point?

Since it's been almost a week since the, "big" event, we thought we would have a little fun with the help of a dear reader/contributor who loves playing with Photoshop.

In a post in which we see the Blood & Honour crowd crying that they aren't able to go to city hall, one can't help but notice Mike Gaio's efforts to rally the troops. One of our readers made the following observation:

I can't stop laughing at puddles in this video!!!! He [Gaio] seriously has some little man syndrome going on... hahahaha "OK guys lets go! I'm the head honcho here now, all you big guys follow under my tiny command." I'd like to rename him Napoleon. 

Well don't we have a treat for you! Ladies and gentlemen, may we introduce you to Michael "Napoleon Puddles" Gaio:

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Some Thoughts on Racist Gang's Use of City Transit

We were aware of the efforts to convince private bus companies in the city of Calgary to deny boneheads planning on marching this past weekend. It appears that the efforts may have been successful:

However, the flip side of this is that they may have ended up getting free transportation.

There has been a lot of concern, justifiably so, about the boneheads being provided with transportation from the location of the march on Saturday on a city bus:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Distortionism? What Does that Even Mean?

So we continue to watch the boneheads fall all over themselves to explain why their super successful march on Saturday could have been even more supper successful had everything gone right. You know, except for the multiple arrests that took place before the march. And the fact not a single American came even though many said they would. And that only 16 boneheads participated and the brave, Spartan warriors were held up by some bike cops who eventually called in a bus to take them home where we assume milk and cookies awaited them.

What we didn't speak about in a lot of detail was the lead up to the big event. We did post a note by Mike Gaio who warned the reds that they were, "coming hard." Our friend "Keaton" (William Brant) offered that hopefully the anti-racist would "attack first" which would allow the boneheads to then act in "self-defence":

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hey Natalie. You Claimed There Were 30 of You.....

Well, if that's the case, where are the other 14?

"But we want to to city haalllll...... and those big meanies won't let us!"

UPDATE: Despite the whining that they were prevented from reaching their destination, Bill Noble says that the march was a success.

Countdown to delusional rambling in 10....


Monday, March 21, 2011

Calgarians Comment on "White Pride" Rally. Consensus? Fail.

We've been enjoying some of the YouTube video uploads regarding the "White Pride" march that took place on Saturday. If the marchers were intent on making themselves into public laughing stocks, mission accomplished:

The completely lovely... er... CompletelyLovely also managed to gain herself an audience of bonehead who exhibited their racial pride by, in at least one case, suggesting she should be hung for daring to mock them (such thin skin folks!):

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Aftermath: Identifying Boneheads

So we've been looking at the photos that have been sent to us and that have been published by the media. So far we have been able to identify a few of the 16 (not 30m Natalie) boneheads who were present. They are, in no particular order:
  • Natalie S.
  • Michael "Puddles" Gaio
  • Curtis Erickson
  • Jonathan Besler