Massachusetts GOP Candidate Is A Neo-Nazi Who Wants To ‘Expel’ Jews And ‘Overthrow The Government’

On March 5, 2024, voters in Massachusetts’ First Suffolk District will choose two candidates — a man and a woman — for the Republican State Committee. One candidate, Lori Kauffman, is an unabashed Neo-Nazi. A convert from Judaism to Christianity, Kauffman has vowed to “exile” Jews and, on a white supremacist podcast, said “we need to overthrow the government.”

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Charles Haywood: ‘What We Need, Politically, Is The World Of 1880 Or 1680’

In a recent YouTube livestream for Chronicles, far-right wannabe “warlord” Charles Haywood declared that Europe is “doomed” because it took in “far too many migrants.” During this same livestream, Haywood revealed that while some want to return to the politics of a decade ago, he wants to go back much further — to “the world of 1880 or 1680.”

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Stew Peters: Jon Stewart Is A ‘Subversive Jew’

During a recent trip to Russia, Tucker Carlson made a series of propaganda videos — including an interview with Vladimir Putin — designed to paint the country’s leadership in a positive light. While Carlson’s efforts were widely panned by people across the ideological spectrum, far-right figures like white nationalist Stew Peters defended him.

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Charles Haywood: ‘Europe Is Doomed’ Because They ‘Admitted Far Too Many Migrants’

On a Feb. 23, 2024 livestream, far-right blogger Charles Haywood claimed that “Europe is doomed” because they’ve “admitted far too many migrants” and aren’t having enough children. Haywood, who has connections to anti-civil rights activist Chris Rufo, made the comments on a YouTube show associated with Chronicles — a magazine with Neo-Confederate ties.

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Chaya Raichik: Frivolous Defamation Suits Against Her Critics ‘Might Be Worth It’

On Feb. 20, 2024, anti-LGBTQ extremist Chaya Raichik appeared on an X Space hosted by Josie Glabach (a.k.a. “The Redheaded Libertarian”). Raichik, who uses her Libs of TikTok account on X to smear LGBTQ people as pedophiles, responded to accusations that her rhetoric was connected to the death of a nonbinary Oklahoma student who was reportedly attacked in a school bathroom.

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Stew Peters: Non-Citizens In U.S. Military Are ‘Animals’ Who Will ‘March On Americans’

On his Rumble show, Stew Peters fearmongered about the Courage to Serve Act — a bipartisan bill that would offer an expedited path to citizenship for qualifying immigrants who serve in the U.S. military. Peters falsely claimed that the bill would allow “illegal immigrants” to join, and that they would “march on Americans” and seize their guns.

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Harrison Smith: AI Has An ‘Anti-White Bias’ And Will Lead To ‘White Erasure’

On his Infowars show, The American Journal, Harrison Smith found a new existential threat to the white race: AI art. Smith claimed that AI programs, particularly Google Gemini, have an “anti-white bias.” And he said this bias, along with the removal of statues and portraits of white people, will eventually lead to what he referred to as “white erasure.”

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Tucker Carlson Offers A Sympathetic Ear To White Nationalist Hate Group Leader

On the latest episode of Tucker Carlson Uncensored, disgraced former Fox News host Tucker Carlson gave a platform to Lydia Brimelow. Along with her husband Peter, Lydia Brimelow runs VDARE — a white nationalist hate group that has been subpoenaed by New York Attorney General Letitia James in connection to its $1.4 million purchase of a historic West Virginia castle.

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Dave Reilly: Opponents Of Idaho’s Death Penalty Bill Might Be Pedophiles

The Idaho House recently passed HB 515, a bill which would allow for people who commit sex crimes against children under the age of 12 to be sentenced to death. The bill is flagrantly unconstitutional, as a co-sponsor acknowledges, but is being championed by the far-right, including white nationalist Dave Reilly.

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Stew Peters: Border Wall Should Be Armed With ‘AI-Powered’ Guns So That Migrants ‘Get Shot In The Brain’

On the Feb. 16, 2024 episode of his Rumble show, white nationalist broadcaster Stew Peters once again called for violence at the southern border. While speaking to Michael Yon and Ann Vandersteel, Peters called for an “electrified” border wall armed with “AI-powered and guided guns” to shoot migrants.

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