

We are an independent non-profit dedicated to advancing progressive causes in Canada.

Beigetreten Oktober 2017


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    11. Dez. 2018

    Thank you to the over 3,000 ordinary Canadians who chipped in to North99 this year — not a single donation over $500! We are powered by people, not corporations. More on our year in review:

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  2. vor 1 Stunde

    Ford cuts public sector wages while handing out pay raises to his friends and PC Party insiders. RETWEET if you oppose this

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  3. vor 3 Stunden

    This is Christopher Vanderweide. He smashed Pride participants in the face with a helmet. Everyone needs to know he is a far-right violent religious extremist

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  4. vor 4 Stunden

    We fixed the headline: "Ford's ‘nepotism continues to contaminate the Ford government’"

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  5. vor 4 Stunden

    Andrew Scheer was interviewed by white nationalist Faith Goldy on Rebel Media. Scheer's campaign manager was a director at Rebel Media. 25% of Conservative MPs made guest appearances on Rebel Media. That doesn't sound like a leader or a party committed to fighting extremism.

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  6. vor 5 Stunden

    Uber's sole purpose is to driving down worker's wages and use that money enrich Silicon Valley CEOs. Unionizing Uber drivers is first step to fixing this

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  7. vor 6 Stunden

    That money would be better spent on teachers, health and autism support workers your government laid off

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  8. vor 6 Stunden

    Former Progressive Conservative Prime Minister Kim Campbell says Andrew Scheer is weak and "pussyfooting" around climate change. Damn right he is!

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  9. vor 20 Stunden

    Doug Ford's environmental "plan": give $400 million in public money to big corporations

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  10. vor 21 Stunden

    How about both?

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  11. vor 23 Stunden

    Over 25,000 North99 community members wrote to the government demanding they add violent right-wing groups to the Terror List. Today they acted

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  12. vor 24 Stunden

    A new study shows poor students pay more under Doug Ford's education changes. Meanwhile those from rich households pay less

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  13. 26. Juni

    Doug Ford giving $60 million per week to corporations while cutting wages for one-million+ workers

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  14. 26. Juni

    We have an important fundraising deadline this month, Please consider chipping-in to help support and grow our community. We're funded by Canadians, not corporations:

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  15. 26. Juni

    The government announced they're adding certain neo-Nazi groups to the terrorist entities list. Thank you to the 25,000 North99 community members who sent letters to the government on this issue ✊ This is an important victory in the fight against hate

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  16. 26. Juni

    Here are the top 5 most disgusting moments in Sun News’ history

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  17. 26. Juni

    People in richest 1% make more doing nothing than the average Canadian makes working for two years.

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  18. 26. Juni

    Andrew Scheer s copying Donald Trump to win the election. Here's the proof:

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  19. 26. Juni

    The results are in - and the data overwhelmingly shows that a basic income works

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  20. 25. Juni

    This mother's story shows how Doug Ford's cuts will put ordinary people's lives at risk.

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  21. 25. Juni

    Scheer refuses to say if he’d cut funding to CBC. During his leadership race he promised to end CBC News....

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