Showing posts with label CNP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CNP. Show all posts

Sunday, December 18, 2022

A Deep Dive into WLM Toronto Member Andrew Benson

This past July I was doxxed.

Well, not really.

You see I had actually been doxxed in January 2020, but WLM Toronto appeared to have believed they got a "W" on this.

You have probably seen WLM flyers posted in a number of cities in Canada and the United States at this point. The movement wants people to believe they are a significant group but the reality, with a few exceptions, is that most cells are composed of no more than half a dozen to a dozen members who bravely hide their faces because, you know, they are really proud of what they do.

WLM Toronto is perhaps one of the more pathetic cells in North America as illustrated what they believe to be successful events:

This is just sad!

Saturday, August 08, 2020

The Jewish Defence League Targets the Canadian Nationalist Party

Travis Patron, the failed federal candidate who currently faces charges of assault against two women, and leader of the Canadian Nationalist Party, has continued to escalate his party's rhetoric on social media, and confirm for everyone watching, that they are, in fact, a neo-Nazi party. In recent months Patron has photographed himself giving a Roman Salute, called for the recruitment of "Roman Salute people," released a video implying he is continuing on the work of the fascist 1933 Canadian Nationalist Party led by William Whittaker, and posted about Oswald Mosley, of the British Union of Fascists. 

As such, they have been distributing a print version of their antisemitic video from 2019 referencing the "parasitic tribe" throughout Canada. In addition to the language of the video in written format, it includes an image of Patron giving a Roman Salute. 

Back in the summer of 2019 when he first released the video, Patron gained the attention of the RCMP, who subsequently began investigating him for hate crimes. Patron told CBC that the "parasitic tribe" referred to "globalists":
Patron told CBC News his statements are directed at "globalists." "They go by many different names," he said. "We refer to them simply as the globalists because they conduct their business everywhere while simultaneously calling no place in particular home. We would remove [them] from our country. We have no use for them."

Patron also tweeted his denial that he means any ethnic group, instead choosing to double down on the "globalist" explanation (which doesn't hold any water anyway, given the antisemitic origin of the term.) 

Except it turns out he really does mean Jews: 

The closing language on the flyer distributed by the CNP. Quite the defense against hate allegations to argue that it's not antisemitic because they're "not Jews."

This has caused Meir Weinstein and his far-right and anti-Muslim Jewish Defence League to set their sights on the Canadian Nationalist Party. On one hand, we say "finally," while on the other we say "at least they're leaving Muslims alone." 

On August 6, 2020 Weinstein and company visited the Mississauga home of another failed CNP federal candidate, Gus Stefanis. Weinstein posted a short livestream in front of the house. Claiming this was "phase 1," Weinstein spoke about the flyer campaign, and advised his audience that the JDL will not stand for this hatred of Jews. Regardless of one's thoughts of protesting at someone's actual home, the sentiment behind it is of merit - until you are reminded that it's one hate group going after another hate group. Their only difference is who they hate the most. It's also interesting that they're targeting Patron when they've befriended other white supremacists and neo-Nazis in the past. Perhaps their judgment is getting better, or perhaps Meir just sees an opportunity. 

Video has been cropped to hide the house number.

This isn't the first time the JDL has confronted neo-Nazis (although, again, they're known for taking on strange bedfellows.) While Weinstein claims credit in the above video for taking down Terry Long's Aryan Nations in Alberta, it didn't quite happen that way. While Weinstein and the JDL visited Long's compound in Caroline, AB in the 1986, it was actually the assault on retired journalist Keith Rutherford in 1990, by Long's followers, that caused Long to flee to BC in the mid-90's, ultimately resulting in the Aryan Nations collapse.

It's also interesting that Weinstein frames this as a protection of sorts for the overall patriot movement, who has largely accepted Patron, Stefanis, and the Canadian Nationalist Party. Weinstein doesn't want them making "inroads" into the movement, except they've already parked their car, gone in, and made themselves at home, while being wholly welcomed. It's almost like the "patriot movement" is actually part of the problem. 

While Patron is the leader of the CNP, Stefanis himself has only himself to blame. After joining a particularly vile neo-Nazi Telegram chat on July 17, Stefanis, posting as "Gus Smith," confirmed he is a member of and promoted the CNP.  He also promoted neo-Nazi Kevin Goudreau's Canadian Nationalist Front, and admitted that it was antisemitism which brought him to that channel:

Stefanis' introduction post, confirming it was an antisemitic poster that an
antifascist account tweeted about that brought him there

The antisemitic poster uses the archaic antisemitic trope that Jews are responsible for debt
and shows a Star of David being broken in half, proclaiming "break debt slavery"

Have you tried not being a neo-Nazi? I hear prospective employers really go for that. 

Both the CNP and Stefanis have been quiet about the incident, at least publicly. Weinstein, on the other hand, has assured his following this is just the beginning. 

Folks may remember Never Again Canada as a 235,000 member strong pro-Israel and anti-Palestine/anti-Muslim Facebook page. It ran a recruitment campaign for the JDL, and NAC and Weinstein/JDL were/are close allies. It was unpublished by Facebook in March, 2020 only to seemingly return on April 14, 2020. Except this time it exists to spread virulent hatred against Jews by weaponizing the Palestinian plight for liberation. The content is less about Palestinian liberation, an entirely and wholly righteous position, and moreso about how evil Jews are. It currently has only 144 followers. 

(A private, real Never Again Canada group still exists, although with a fraction of the followers of the original page.Their Twitter is also still active.) 

It seems like a classic case of name-swiping, made more interesting by support of the CNP and Patron. If one didn't know better, they might even think Patron and the CNP could be involved. 

Page transparency from Facebook showing the new page's creation date 

Back in July, Weinstein was taunted by the new "Never Again Canada" page, challenging him to target Patron:
So that's what Meir plans to do. The JDL plans to travel to Patron's hometown of Redvers, SK, and confront him. 

Looking forward to it, Meir!

Friday, May 01, 2020

Tarek Fatah and The Toronto Sun Ramp Up the Islamophobia

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and social distancing health measures, the Mississauga City Council recently approved a temporary relaxation of noise by-law restrictions, allowing mosques in the city to broadcast the Islamic call to prayer during Ramadan. The motion was passed unanimously and also made clear that services were not to resume.

This decision by the city of Mississauga has sent the Canadian far-right into a frenzy, with a few people staking out mosques in a bizarre attempt to stoke outrage and get some clicks.

Muslims in general are being targeted for harassment. One of the more high-profile instances is William (Damien) Majeau, who released 3 videos of himself staking out mosques.The first, on April 24th at Al Rashid in Edmonton, where he talked about the "Ramadan Bombathon" and tried to catch worshippers at the mosque. He was disappointed, and said so.

The second video, taken that day, focused on a Muslim mother and her two very young children, scoffing that they aren't socially distancing. It's unclear whether Majeau doesn't know the social distancing requirements (you are not required to distance from members of the same household,) or whether he thinks different requirements should apply to Muslims.

A third video, posted April 25th, shows him driving around the Edmonton Islamic Academy, remarking on the number of vehicles in the area, and presuming they were attending a service. They were actually participating in a socially distanced Ramadan parade.
Despite the Edmonton Police Service claiming this was under investigation, nothing has been done, prompting the National Council of Canadian Muslims to release a statement admonishing the Edmonton police for their lack of action. 
To make this even more egregious, Majeau is a Clann associate and friend of white supremacist fail-son and hate group hopper Ryan Dean, who last year stalked and entered Al-Rashid Mosque with Tyson Hunt. Additionally, Dean and friends are responsible for the closure of Queerflex. 

To date, Dean and his friends have faced virtually no consequences for their brutal and persistent harassment of Indigenous peoples, the LGBTQ+ community, Muslims, and others.

Moving on, Brad Salzberg's C(r)ap for Canada is a little upset. 

As is Faith Goldy, and others.

Which brings us to the point. In light of all the in-person stalking and harassment of mosques, the Toronto Sun published an incredibly irresponsible and dangerous op-ed by Tarek Fatah. The article is deeply rooted in anti-Muslim rhetoric, which only serves to stoke this outrage more and embolden and encourage the Majeaus and the Stefanises and others in their harassment.

He begins the article by needlessly mentioning the Danforth shooter. Other than the street name, the only thing that ties these two stories together is that the shooter happened to be Muslim. Fatah's lazy writing aside, the shooter also suffered from serious mental health issues, and was obsessed with incel ideology. That was his ideological motivation. His crimes had nothing to do with his religion. It was a loud dog-whistle to his base, who would arguably throw him away as fast as they'd look at him if he didn't walk their line.
He presumes to know the religious beliefs of council member, Paula Fletcher. He cites her supposed lack of religious belief as a reason why Muslims would want her dead.
Fatah claims that one uncited from a supposed Iranian refugee is evidence that Canadian Muslims are afraid to oppose the call to prayer played on loud speakers.
Fatah concludes his op-ed by citing the fable of the Arab and the camel, a short story in which a man allows his camel in to his tent on a cold night, a little at a time to eventually be pushed out himself.

Not even subtle.

Also, if you research "Sharia-Bolsheviks," his name is pretty much the only thing that comes up. 

Fatah even went so far as to sign and share a petition to have the loudspeakers stopped.

Inclusive for all, except Muslims 

A petition which actually used this statement as a part of it's justification.
The petition, added by "Mike Gab," was moved from to, with the same description on May 2

His article was shared in many far-right Facebook groups. It was shared in the main Yellow Vest group, and the comments were what should be expected at this point.
The Sun also published an article by Joe Warmington, and it was better, and more objective, however trust the hatriots to twist it to suit their narratives. The article was also posted in the main yellow vest group. The response was the same.

The Fatah article was shared in the less popular yellow vests groups as well.

Yellow Vests Rebellion:
Yellow Vests Canada!!:
We The People - #UniteAndAct:
The only reason to get so upset about this issue is if you hate Muslims. Mississauga made a minor concession to the Muslim community, during a very difficult time. The by-law restriction is only temporary, and the call to prayer will only last 5 minutes per day. There is no reason to be so upset about something that likely won't affect most of the people complaining. But, as we all know, the people who accuse everyone else of being "snowflakes" are the most likely to have major meltdowns. After all, you know what they didn't collectively wring their hands over? Montreal ringing church bells every day at noon to let the city know they aren't alone.