Showing posts with label Golden Dawn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Golden Dawn. Show all posts

Friday, January 04, 2019

Faith Goldy Burning ALL The Bridges

Since Ms. Goldy has some hefty legal fees that she needs to pay off in a relatively short amount of time, she has taken to the Internet to beg ask her incel, beta, almost exclusively male supporters in a groveling dignified manner to make a contribution to her efforts. As she has been booted from Patreon for violating their terms of service and bitcoins aren't what they used to be, this has been a bit of a challenge. To that end, Faith has decided to take the entrepreneurial route:

Aside from not being especially original in that she didn't exactly design the Canadian Coat of Arms, it also appears that Faith Goldy is breaking the law:

Sort of puts this in a bit of perspective:

In truth, things haven't been going all that well for Faith since the Toronto municipal election. And she is very, very, angry:

In addition to her rather crushing legal fees, she has been engaged in an ongoing (and generally one sided) feud with Jordan "Lobster" Peterson which hearkens to 2017 when she was uninvited to a "free speech" event Peterson was involved in due to her rather unsavory reputation. She posted this most recent missive at the end of 2018:

The go-to insult of these folks is to call those they are angry at either communists, liberals (or "libtards" for those who wish to think themselves more creative in their insults), or antifa, so this is simply par for the course. The reaction she received was rather telling though:

In fact, her posts on this subject appear to have alienated more supporters. When the choice is the woman they not so secretly want to have sex with or the sexist male guru they worship as they would a cult leader, the incel brigade have thrown their lot in with the he-man woman hater:


Less significantly, she has lost the folks ow "Your Ward News" too:


Realizing she's been disavowed by alt-right and alt-right adjacent personalities, she appears to be trying to create a new narrative:

Monday, September 10, 2018

Faith Goldy's Book Club: "The Turner Diaries" and Julius Evola

ARC has been paying a little more attention to Faith Goldy these days given what will likely be her futile, though certainly self-serving, mayoral candidacy that Doug Ford in a fit of pique seems determined to continue to disrupt ("law and order for thee, unless I'm the one who violates the law in which case screw you law!"). Ms. Goldy's recent efforts to both deny her past association with overt neo-Nazis and her own xenophobic and ultra-ethnic nationalist statements while at the same time dog whistling to these same groups that she's still one of them reminded me of a tweet she made almost exactly a years ago.

But before I get to that, some context.

Back in April, PressProgress published a story detailing Goldy making a book recommendation to her supporters:

One of Goldy’s recommended books – “For My Legionaries,” by Corneliu Codreanu – is described by the Southern Poverty Law Centre as one of “the canonical works of global fascism,” a text published in 1937 by the anti-Semitic leader of a murderous Romanian fascist group that advocated “the elimination of Jews.” 
“This one is a little bit edgier,” Goldy concedes.
Indeed it is:

Goldy claimed in the video that she hadn't read the entire book at the time she made the recommendation, but I imagine she could have read the table of contents and perhaps at least up to pg. 62:

When eventually confronted with the fact the author of the book she described as being "very, very, very, very spot on given a lot of what the movement is talking about right now” was the founder of Romanian fascism, she "disavowed" it claiming she had no idea it promoted fascism and antisemitism:

Well then, that certainly clears things up.... or something.

Goldy went on to write that it isn't illegal to read or recommend books and then seems to double-down on her support of the "themes" found in "My Legionaries":

"Their people" presumably doesn't include Jews....

Now no one suggested that it wasn't legal for her to "read" or "recommend" and book and in and of itself reading and recommending such a book might be perfectly reasonable. I for one have read and own books such as Hitler's "Mein Kampf" (I own two copies including a pre-WWII English translation), David Duke's "My Awakening", and much of the work of William Pierce (more on this in a moment). Hell, I even once subjected myself to David Lane's noxious "KD Rebel". I read these and other books to help me understand the psychology of the groups and individuals I've kept an eye on for now over 20 years and I would recommend that others interested in anti-racist activism to do the same. However given Ms. Goldy's association with the ideology and members of the far-right, I'm not necessarily willing to give her the benefit of the doubt:

Which finally (because I'm long winded as hell) brings me to the point. 

On September 8, 2018 and prior to her recommendation of "My Legionaries" Ms. Goldy made another book recommendation:

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Is Paulie Even Bothering Anymore?

Occasionally, we like to check in on the Goudreau.

The Goudreau is the one on the right.... we think.
Our readers are all quite aware of the Goudreau from his attempted mating habits to his inability to adapt to his chosen habitat. Truly, the Goudreau is an endangered, though unlamented, species.

Yep. Still a lonely beast baying at the moon hoping someone will pay it some attention.

More to the point though, we see that Paulie is still a friend of the Goudreau even after the Goudreau's repeated deletions from Facebook (and despite the not very kind things Paulie has said about the Goudreau in private). In fact he's been the Goudreau's Facebook friend in all of the Goudreau's Facebook efforts. Here's another post from a few Facebook profile's back:

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Golden Dawn Petitition

Our friends with Toronto SHARP are commenting on the Golden Dawn problem now as well so we invite our readers to take a look at their most recent post concerning the matter.

In the meantime, we received a note requesting our support:

Dear Sirs,

We ask for your support in our efforts against Golden Dawn (Greek Nazi Political party / Neo nazi Organization) establishing itself In Canada, specifically Montreal. Would you like us to work together to let Canadians and Montrealers know the truth regarding Golden Dawn?

Someone has to do something but no Canadian or Montreal authorities have shown interest in this issue! Can you look in to this? Who will do something about this Neo Nazi Organization that is growing in Montreal? It is unacceptable!

They already have begun their propaganda with "charity" fund-raising events this September in Montreal.
We, as Greek-Canadians have begun a petition, pls find it at the link below. We ask that you also help us in getting the truth out and collecting as many signatures as possible.

We are hoping to hear from you soon, this is a matter that concerns everyone!

Thank you

We invite our readers to consider signing the petition.

Thursday, October 04, 2012

The More Things Change....

UPDATE (October 7): Our friends in Quebec have done a hell of a lot of legwork on this file already. For those you you who, like us, are sadly uniligual, here is the translated link.

We've all been rather busy here in ARC land with real life issues, but we certainly couldn't allow this to pass without comment:

Anti-immigrant Greek political party accused of being racist opens Canadian chapter

Justin Ling, National Post Staff | Sep 28, 2012 6:20 PM ET | Last Updated: Sep 28, 2012 6:21 PM ET
More from National Post Staff

MONTREAL – The Greek political party Golden Dawn has been called a neo-nazi organization. But Canadian supporters who opened a Montreal chapter this month say that couldn’t be further from the truth.

The Montreal chapter is one of only two outside Greece. It launched in early September and began to collect food, medicine and clothing to send to Golden Dawn headquarters in Athens for the needy. Organizers say they have sent about a ton of aid to Greece.